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Authors: Taylor Branch

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Klansmen firebombed the Monson anyway: Ibid. Also
St. Augustine Record
, July 24, 1964, p. 1.

Pappy's Seafood Restaurant: SAC, Jacksonville, to Director, July 20, 1964, FSA-1515.

“We have gone too far”: Hartley, “A Long, Hot Summer,” pp. 70-71, in Garrow, ed.,
St. Augustine
. (From St. Augustine, Hosea Williams wrote a letter asking for an extension of unpaid leave from his job as a chemist for the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Williams to Dr. F. O. Marzke, July 15, 1964, A/KP35f16.)

“It was a great moment”: King statement of July 16, 1964, A/KS.

“profound and revolutionary changes”: King statement before the Platform Committee of the Republican National Convention, July 7, 1964, A/KS.

bugged King's hotel room: Garrow,
FBI and Martin
, p. 117; FBI microphone surveillance summary dated Oct. 28, 1976, FSC-107.

adding four new wiretaps: Baumgardner to Sullivan, July 7, 1964, Folder 24, FHOC.

He arrived on July 10: Whitehead,
Attack on Terror
, pp. 93-98; DeLoach,
Hoover's FBI
, pp. 181-86.

God and the Ladies: Von Hoffman,
Mississippi Notebook
, p. 38.

“Hoover would not criticize”:
Jackson Clarion-Ledger
, July 11, 1964, p. 1.

deployment merely fueled: Cagin and Dray,
We Are Not Afraid
, pp. 370-71.

“With so many FBI agents sleuthing”: Tucker,
Mississippi from Within
, p. 49.

“Money is no object!”: Int. Roy Moore, June 22, 1992.

empty files and dummy walls: Ibid. Also DeLoach,
Hoover's FBI
, p. 181; Ungar,
, p. 413.

Sullivan then delivered: Int. Joseph Sullivan, Feb. 3, 1991.

callers promised to shoot: Whitehead,
Attack on Terror
, p. 97; int. Cartha DeLoach, June 1, 1984.

“Hoover Leaves State”:
Jackson Clarion-Ledger
, July 12, 1964, p. 1.

ninth church loss: Pleasant Plains Missionary Baptist Church in Browning, Mississippi, near Greenwood, was burned to the ground early on the morning of July 11,
, Oct. 7, 1964, p. 20; ADW, July 12, 1964, p. 1; “Mississippi Bombings, Burnings Since June 16,” A/SN36f6.

calls from Walter Jenkins: DeLoach to Mohr, July 11, 1964, FLP-57.

bushwhacking in Georgia: Five memos from McGowan to Rosen, July 11, 1964, FLP-3, FLP-5, FLP-9, FLP-11, and FLP-12; Whitehead,
Attack on Terror
, pp. 310-11;
, July 30, 1964, p. 8.

two .12-gauge shotgun blasts: SAC, Atlanta, to Director, July 12, 1964, FLP-22.

Casper from vacation: Evans to Belmont, July 11, 1964, FLP-15.

reinforcements from Newark: Hyde to Mohr, July 13, 1964, FLP-33.

report for the White House: Hoover to Walter Jenkins “(BY COURIER SERVICE),” July 12, 1964, FLP-19.

“a substantial payment”: McGowan to Rosen, July 12, 1964, FLP-10.

“Press vigorously”: Note on Rosen to Belmont, July 13, 1964, FLP-16. Hoover wrote a similar instruction on Evans to Belmont, July 11, 1964, FLP-15.

Hoover called President Johnson: Hoover note on DeLoach to Mohr, July 11, 1964, FLP-57.

fisherman James Bowles: ANP release dated July 13, 1964, Box 107f5, Claude Barnett Papers, CHS.

badly decomposed lower body: Mars,
, p. 100; Cagin and Dray,
We Are Not Afraid
, pp. 371-72; McAdam,
Freedom Summer
, p. 103; Holt,
The Summer
, p. 216.

“FIND HEADLESS BODY”: CDD, July 14, 1964, p. 1.

“That was a dastardly thing”: LBJ phone call with RFK, 3:22
, July 13, 1964, Cit. 4220, Audiotape WH6407.07, LBJ.

“No, that's not correct”: LBJ phone call with J. Edgar Hoover, 3:34
, July 13, 1964, Cit. 4221, Audiotape WH6407.07, LBJ.

disappearance seven weeks earlier: ADW, July 14, 1964, p. 1.

agents eventually arrested: Whitehead,
Attack on Terror
, pp. 98-100.

jostling across two states: Int. Joseph Sullivan, Feb. 3, 1991.

an exchange of letters: Hoover to Walter Jenkins and LBJ to Hoover, both July 13, 1964, Ex HU, Box 26, LBJ. (Cartha DeLoach, the White House liaison for the FBI, says he drafted both Hoover's report and Johnson's reply in this instance and many others. Int. Cartha DeLoach, June 1, 1984.)

29. T

“dime store New Deal”: NYT, July 16, 1964, p. 17.

“begin to count on”: Ambrose,
Eisenhower: The President
, p. 652.

Eisenhower himself stirred the passions: White,
The Making
, p. 199.

“Ike Struck Lowest Blow”: NYAN, July 19, 1964, p. 4.

“well-dressed and well-mannered”: White,
The Making
, p. 199.

“Hell, I don't want to talk”: Edwards,
, p. 266.

“ugly tone”:
, July 24, 1964, pp. 15-18.

“reduce a once great party”: NYT, July 16, 1964, p. 30.

Goldwater sought an audience: Edwards,
, pp. 276-78.

“By golly, that makes real sense”: Ibid.

“stunningly total”:
, July 27, 1964, p. 18.

“GOP Convention Spurns Negroes”:
Cleveland Call and Post
, July 18, 1964, p. 1.

“Negro Delegates to GOP”: Associated Negro Press release dated July 22, 1964, Box 107f6, Claude Barnett Papers, CHS.

“The Great Purge of Negroes”:
, July 9, 1964, p. 10.

“GOP Negroes Washed Away”: CD, July 16, 1964, p. 3.

George W. Lee of Memphis: Associated Negro Press release dated July 13, 1964, Box 107f5, Claude Barnett Papers, CHS;
Cleveland Call and Post
, July 18, 1964, p. 2.

“for the first time”: PC, July 23, 1964, p. 4.

375 convention delegates: Carter,
Politics of Rage
, p. 219.

fn “The Georgia delegation”:
Cleveland Call and Post
, July 18, 1964, p. 3.

“Cal. GOP/White Man's Party”:
California Eagle
, June 11, 1964, p. 4.

fourteen of 1,308:
Cleveland Call and Post
, July 18, 1964, p. 1. The
Chicago Daily Defender
counted thirteen and later fifteen Negro delegates, while
reported “less than 10.”
, July 16, 1964, p. 4.

“had been shoved”:
Cleveland Call and Post
, July 18, 1964, p. 3. Also
, July 27, 1964, p. 21; ADW, July 23, 1964, p. 4.

setting his suit jacket on fire: Associated Negro Press release dated July 22, 1964, Box 107f6, Claude Barnett Papers, CHS; CDD, July 15, 1964, p. 12; PC, July 23, 1964, p. 3.

“I now believe I know”: PC, July 23, 1964, p. 1.

“GOP Convention, 1964 Recalls Germany, 1933”: CD, July 18, 1964, p. 1.
published a similar story: “Senator's Rise Is Compared to the Upshoot of Adolf Hitler.”
, July 30, 1964, pp. 22-27.

“The Grand Old Party”: CD, July 16, 1964, p. 4.

“Scranton on the Move”: ADW, July 5, 1964, p. 1.

“stands to reason”: ADW, July 16, 1964, p. 4.

“may have a stimulating effect”: ADW, July 17, 1964, p. 4.

“useless for a Negro today”: ADW, July 22, 1964, p. 4.

“I think we just gave the South”: Lemann,
The Promised Land
, p. 183.

One alarmist feared: Henry Wilson, Jr., to Lawrence O'Brien, July 8, 1964, Box 4, Henry Wilson, Jr., Papers, LBJ.

“for your lifetime and mine”: Califano,
Triumph and Tragedy
, p. 55.

fully 80 percent: On final passage in the House, Republicans voted 136 yes and 35 no, Democrats 153 yes and 91 no. In the Senate, Republicans voted 27 yes and 6 (including Barry Goldwater) no, Democrats 46 yes and 21 no.

with Senator Goldwater on the roof:
, July 27, 1964, p. 19; Carter,
Politics of Rage
, pp. 220-22; Edwards,
, p. 242.

“Bobby Kennedy tearing around”:
The Reporter
, Oct. 8, 1964, p. 27.

“Today we hear”: Lesher,
George Wallace
, pp. 308-9.

30. K

contentious staff debates: Int. Andrew Young, Oct. 26, 1991; int. Hosea Williams, Oct. 29, 1991; int. James Bevel, Feb. 20, 1985.

new organizational chart: SCLC organizational chart, A/KP32f8.

Clark's scolding reminders: Clark to Young, July 12, 1964, A/SC154f4.

“There were many days”: Young to Clark, July 20, 1964, A/SC154f4.

invitation from Bob Moses: COFO Executive Committee minutes of July 10, 1964, A/SC41f13; Annell Ponder to MLK, July 14, 1964, A/KP7f24; SCLC draft press release, nd, A/SC16f11; Forman, Moses, and Dennis to Ella Baker et al., July 13, 1964, A/MFDP23f3.

“a normal life”: Garrow,
Bearing the Cross
, p. 341.

“It's a ticklish problem”: LBJ phone call with RFK, 12:25
, July 21, 1964, Cit. 4288, Audiotape WH6407.11, LBJ.

“Maybe you can put a quietus”: LBJ phone call with J. Edgar Hoover, 1:06
, July 21, 1964, Cit. 4295, Audiotape WH6407.11, LBJ.

“I understand someone there's threatening”: LBJ phone call with J. Edgar Hoover, 12:40
, July 21, 1964, Cit. 4291-2, Audiotape WH6407.11, LBJ.

“in front and in back of him”: Ibid. Also Hoover memorandum for Tolson et al., 12:42
, July 21, 1964, FK-NR.

suspicion in headquarters: Rosen to Belmont, July 21, 1964, FK-401.

Louisiana agents: Rosen to Belmont, July 23, 1964, FK-NR.

Wilmer Jones looked through holes: Mars,
, pp. 124-26; Whitehead,
Attack on Terror
, pp. 111-24; Cagin and Dray,
We Are Not Afraid
, pp. 391-93; int. Joseph Sullivan, Feb. 3, 1991.

“I happen to be a Christian”: Calvin Trillin, “Letter from Jackson,”
The New Yorker
, Aug. 29, 1964, pp. 86-91.

“I'm here on a twofold visit”: Item 0130, Reel D21, WLBT Newsfilm Collection, MDAH.

“for Negroes there hardly seemed”: Belfrage,
Freedom Summer
, p. 174.

“Gentlemen, I will be brief”: NYT, July 22, 1964, p. 20.

Klan hate leaflets:
McComb Enterprise-Journal
, July 22, 1964, p. 1.

“the price of a good fifth of Scotch”: Tucker,
Mississippi from Within
, p. 47.

“searing love”: Belfrage,
Freedom Summer
, p. 177.

“De Lawd!”: Clark,
Echo in My Soul
, p. 42.

harvesting attention: Int. Betty Garman Robinson, Jan. 29, 1991.

Moore posted agents: Rosen to Belmont, July 22, 1964, FK-415.

Eastland interrupted Senate debate:
Congressional Record
, July 22, 1964, pp. S16593-97.

“about as many Communists”: UPI newswire, July 22, 1964, FK-Sub1.

Roy Moore was best known: Whitehead,
Attack on Terror
, p. 89.

broadcast by Walter Cronkite: McGowan to Rosen, July 22, 1964, FK-405.

stayed up past midnight: Rosen to Belmont, July 24, 1964, FK-416.

warning Coretta King: Sizoo to Sullivan, July 23, 1964, FK-406.

“all of those leaders”: MLK speech of July 22, 1964, at the Jackson, Mississippi, Masonic Temple, A/KS.

a tepid response: Belfrage,
Freedom Summer
, pp. 175-77.

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