Pillar of Fire (134 page)

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Authors: Taylor Branch

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1.2 million: WP, April 6, 1992, pp. 1, 20.

frostbitten crowd: Reeves,
Profile of Power
, p. 35.

“the first Inauguration”:
, Feb. 4, 1965, pp. 6-10.

Turnbow, who declared: Mary King,
Freedom Song
, pp. 352-53.

Johnson's telegram: LBJ telegram to MLK, Jan. 18, 1965, A/KP26f8.

“wrestles with all the time”: Bromley Smith minutes, LBJ meeting with congressional leaders, Jan. 22, 1965, Box 18-19, McGeorge Bundy Office Files, LBJ.

fn “We are faced here”: Taylor to LBJ, Jan. 6, 1965, quoted in McNamara,
In Retrospect
, pp. 165-66.

procession of teachers: Webb and Nelson,
, pp. 34-37; Fager,
1965, pp. 36-40; Chestnut,
Black in Selma
, pp. 199-200; Young,
Easy Burden
, p. 349; Raines,
My Soul
, pp. 242-43; Hampton and Fayer,
, pp. 218-19; int. Amelia Boynton Robinson, Aug. 9, 1990; int. Marie Foster, Aug. 8, 1990.

Friday: Mobile LHM dated Jan. 29, 1965, FDCA-276, p. 1.

“three hundred Negro children”: SAC, Mobile, to Director, Jan. 22, 1965, FDCA-267.

Reese declared: F. D. Reese Oral History of March 13, 1978, by Larry D. Vasser, Alabama Historical Commission, BIR. Twenty years later, Bernard Lee said the teachers' march “helped a heck of a lot more than people realized, because it settled the question of the legitimacy of the movement.” Int. Bernard Lee, June 19, 1985.

speaking trip to Canada: Breitman, ed.,
Malcolm X Speaks
, p. 216.

fought off a Friday night ambush: Goldman,
Death and Life
, p. 250.

“I saw the man knock him”: Malcolm X, lecture of Jan. 24, 1965, in
Afro-American History
, p. 44.

“A very bad situation has set in”: Ibid., p. 47; also Tape C-190, SCRBC.

issued a court order: TRO of Jan. 23, 1965, in
Amelia P. Boynton, James Gildersleeve, John Lewis, Hosea Williams, Louis Lloyd Anderson et al. v. James G. Clark, Jr., Sheriff of Dallas County, Alabama, et al.
, Civil Action No. 3559-65, text sent to FBI headquarters with SAC, Mobile, to Director, Jan. 23, 1965, FDCA-263. Judge Thomas wrote that the Boynton case covered issues “substantially similar” to the Justice Department's complaint filed the previous summer,
United States v. James G. Clark, Jr., Sheriff of Dallas County, et al.
, Civil Action No. 3438-64, which was still pending.

“segregationist judge”: Bevel address of Jan. 24, 1965, cited in Mobile LHM dated Jan. 29, 1965, FDCA-276, p. 4.

authorities felt betrayed: Fager,
1965, pp. 41-43.

specific tribes in Africa: Chestnut,
Black in Selma
, pp. 172-86.

“Y'all don't treat”: Ibid., p. 186.

Baker ordered one dragged: SAC, Mobile, to Director, Jan. 25, 1965, FDCA-265.

one of the two women fired: Amelia Boynton to MLK, Nov. 30, 1963, A/KP21f10; Fager,
Selma 1965
, p. 45, Branch,
, pp. 921-22.

“I probably hit”:
, Feb. 11, 1965, pp. 6-9.

mass meeting at Tabernacle: Mobile LHM dated Jan. 29, 1965, FDCA-276, p. 7.

“They are not just running”: Bevel and Anderson remarks at mass meeting of Jan. 25, 1965, Selma surveillance tape No. 5, BIR.

“I have a psychological theory”: King remarks at mass meeting of Jan. 25, 1965, Selma surveillance tapes Nos. 1-3, BIR.

“Is there no balm”: Jeremiah 8:22.

“I don't believe in half”: Abernathy remarks at mass meeting of Jan. 25, 1965, Selma surveillance tapes Nos. 4-5, BIR.

“People held their sides”: Fager,
Selma 1965
, p. 46.

Baker ordered the arrest: SAC, Mobile, to Director, Jan. 26, 1965, FDCA-271; Garrow,
Protest at Selma
, p. 45.

Nobel Prize dinner: NYT, Jan. 28, 1965, p. 15;
, Feb. 11, 1965, pp. 26-28; Raines,
My Soul
, pp. 454-62; Allen,
, pp. 95-99; Int. Eugene Patterson, April 6, 1991; Pomerantz,
Where Peachtree
, pp. 334-40; Allen,
Secret Formula
, pp. 337-39; Greene,
Temple Bombing
, pp. 414-25.

Sullivan made another clandestine plea: Garrow,
FBI and Martin
, pp. 135-36.

dispatch to the White House: Hoover to Moyers, Jan. 22, 1965, FK-756.

“We could get shot”: Pomerantz,
Where Peachtree
, p. 338.

“You know how when”: Raines,
My Soul
, p. 461.

McGill saluted King: Recorded tributes, Jan. 28 (sic), 1965, A/KS.

“To think that this”: Greene,
Temple Bombing
, p. 422.

Rabbi Rothschild presented: Remarks of Jan. 27, 1965, Box 15, Item 16; 1965 recollections, “One Man's Meat,” Box 15, Item 28; MLK to Rothschild, March 8, 1965, Box 6, Item 13; Hallinan to Rothschild, Feb. 5, 1965, Box 6, Item 14. All in Jacob Rothschild Papers, EU.

variations on his Nobel: MLK address of Jan. 27, 1965, A/KS. The benediction by Ralph Abernathy is preserved in A/SC59f12.

“Dear Boss”: Pomerantz,
Where Peachtree
, p. 340.

next night's staff review: Garrow,
Protest at Selma
, p. 47.

fifty-seven Negro applicants:
, Feb. 11, 1965, p. 8.

to go to jail Monday: Garrow,
Bearing the Cross
, p. 382.

40: S
, A

Huynh Thi Yen Phi: NYT, Jan. 27, 1964, p. 3.

“We are losing the war”: Ibid., p. 1.

“sweated down two or three pair”: Johnson,
White House Diary
, p. 232.

“a short but explosive”: McNamara,
In Retrospect
, pp. 166-68. See also the related John T. McNaughton memo, Jan. 4, 1965, Doc. No. 247, in Gravel, ed.,
Pentagon Papers
, Vol. 3, pp. 683-84.

Rusk narrowly disagreed: Rusk,
As I Saw It
, p. 447.

Taylor explored ways to overthrow: Karnow,
, pp. 399-400.

“still the best hope”: Ibid.

“The current situation”: McNamara,
In Retrospect
, p. 170.

make him the scapegoat: Taylor,
Swords and Plowshares
, pp. 332-35.

“No good general”: Taylor to RFK, Feb. 11, 1965, Box 12, Corr: Personal 64-68, T65, RFK Senate Papers, JFK.

Malcolm X flew to Los Angeles: Perry,
, pp. 342-43; Goldman,
Death and Life
, pp. 250-51.

“If these cases aren't hurried”:
Chicago Tribune
, Feb. 25, 1965, in File No. 589, RS, CHS; Los Angeles LHM dated Sept. 2, 1965, FMX-417.

meet him at the Statler Hilton: Los Angeles LHM dated Feb. 4, 1965, FMXNY-5526.

secretaries slipped out: LAT, Feb. 23, 1965, p. 1.

Malcolm X called his ally Wallace Muhammad: LAPD Intelligence Division to Chicago PD Intelligence Unit, Feb. 4, 1965, File No. 589, RS, CHS.

Wallace opposed the idea: Int. Ronald Shaheed, Sept. 24, 1997; int. Agieb Bilal, Nov. 18, 1994.

“They had gotten so insane”: Malcolm X speech of Feb. 15, 1965, in Clark, ed.,
Final Speeches
, p. 113.

through the basement baggage room: Los Angeles LHM dated Feb. 4, 1965, FMXNY-5526, p. 2.

Malcolm declared that the teaching: Ibid., pp. 3-4.

At Chicago's O'Hare Airport: Int. Thomas Decker, Nov. 27, 1991; SAC, Los Angeles, to Director, Feb. 4, 1965, FMXNY-5527.

Malcolm arranged a clandestine meeting: Perry,
, pp. 343-44; Chicago's
, Feb. 1965, in File No. 589, RS, CHS.

ten hours over three days: SAC, Chicago, to Director, Feb. 15, 1965, FMX-239; Director to SAC, New York, Feb. 17, 1965, FMX-228, p. 2.

Wallace said Malcolm's purpose: Int. Ronald Shaheed, Sept. 24, 1997; int. Agieb Bilal, Nov. 18, 1994.

forbidding him to receive Islamic material: WP, Nov. 8, 1963, p. 3.

proved that the Nation: Int. Thomas Decker, Nov. 27, 1991.

Kup's Show
: Goldman,
Death and Life
, p. 251.

“I've gotten older”: SAC, Chicago, to Director, Feb. 4, 1965, FMX-230.

departed the studios of WBKB-TV: SAC, Chicago, to Director, Jan. 31, 1965, FMX-216;
Chicago Sun-Times
, April 5, 1965.

astonished that the attackers: Int. Thomas Decker, Nov. 27, 1991.

Cooper v. Pate: Chicago Tribune
, June 8, 1965; int. Thomas Decker, Nov. 26, 1991.

“nine or ten members”: New York LHM dated Feb. 4, 1965, FMXNY-5528.

Newspapers reported his destination: The
Alabama Journal
of Jan. 28, 1965, said Malcolm was to visit Montgomery or Selma, and the
Tuskegee Grams
reported on Jan. 22, 1965, that he would visit Tuskegee on Feb. 3. SAC, Mobile, to Director, Jan. 29, 1965, FMX-NR.

He sent Eskridge secretly: Wiretap intercepts of Feb. 1, 6, and 8, 1965, in SAC, Phoenix, to Director, Feb. 11, 1965, FEM-NR.

King rallied volunteers: Mobile LHM dated Feb. 5, 1965, FDCA-324, pp. 1-3.

“I think this is most”: King ABC news statement of Feb. 1, 1965 (misdated as Feb. 2), A/KS.

“At approximately 10:42”: SAC, Mobile, to Director, Feb. 1, 1965, FDCA-288.

tactic designed to ensure: Fager,
1965, p. 49.

“And he said”: STJ, Feb. 1, 1965, p. 1.

Cheers erupted: Fager,
Selma 1965
, pp. 52-53.

Baker appealed to King: Int. Frank Soracco, Sept. 12-14, 1990, Oct. 21, 1997; int. Sheriff Robert “Cotton” Nichols, May 28, 1990.

“Dr. King and 770”: NYT, Feb. 2, 1965, p. 1.

“520 More Seized”: NYT, Feb. 3, 1965, p. 1.

“Sing one more freedom song”: NYT, Feb. 4, 1965, p. 1.

“three hundred more in Selma”: Ibid. Also, SAC, Mobile, to Director, Feb. 3, 1965, FDCA-290; SAC, Mobile, to Director, Feb. 3, 1965, FDCA-295.

King was settled with Abernathy: STJ, Feb. 3, 1965, p. 2.

Waldorf-Astoria stationery: MLK notes, “Do following…,” A/KP22f6; Garrow,
Bearing the Cross
, pp. 383-85.

Young called Clarence Jones: SAC, New York, to Director, Feb. 3, 1965, FK-790.

White advised President Johnson: White to LBJ, “Message from Dr. Martin Luther King,” Feb. 3, 1965, EX HU2/ST1, LBJ.

“An alternative which King”: Ibid.

Prathia Hall arrived: Notes of Feb. 4, 1965, headed “Miss Prathia Hall made this report last night,” A/SN94.

“number 3 tubs”: Ibid.

Disputes broke out: Fay Bellamy's minutes of the Thursday staff meeting, which she took just after escorting Malcolm X to Selma, reflect that some staff members blamed lazy or ideologically conservative NAACP staff lawyers from New York for job firings and jail conditions in Perry County. “I, Fay Bellamy, personally think the above idea is sort of ridiculous,” she added to her minutes. “I must say that NAACP lawyers have been working their butts off with no play time in between.” Staff meeting notes, Feb. 4, 1965, A/SN7.

three thousand students squeezed: Mobile LHM dated Feb. 8, 1965, FMX-237.

“some of its time getting peace”:
The Campus Digest
(Tuskegee student newspaper), Feb. 13, 1965, p. 1; Clark, ed.,
Final Speeches
, pp. 20-22.

“How is Viola?”: Int. Fay Bellamy, Oct. 29, 1991.

arrive in Selma at 9:47: SAC, Mobile, to Director, Feb. 4, 1965, FDCA-306.

“Why are you here today?”: Malcolm X press conference of Feb. 4, 1965, Selma surveillance tape No. 10, BIR.

a spokesman followed: STJ, Feb. 4, 1965, p. 1.

protracted staff debate: Int. Fay Bellamy, Oct. 29, 1991; int. Charles Fager, Sept. 27, 1983; int. Bernard Lafayette, May 28, 1990; int. Frank Soracco, Sept. 12-14, 1990; int. C. T. Vivian, May 26, 1990;
, March 11, 1965, pp. 28-30.

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