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Authors: Taylor Branch

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introduce his niece: Carey to Hoover, June 11, 1959, FAC-58.

grand-niece Liberty: Carey to Hoover, June 29, 1959, FAC-61.

“the Director was considerably embarrassed”: DeLoach to Mohr, June 2, 1960, FAC-82.

fn “I cannot tell you how pleased”: Carey to Hoover, Sept. 1, 1960, FAC-83.

“any time the Bureau or I”: Hoover to Tolson et al., March 21, 1961, FAC-85.

Hoover put his own: Carey to Hoover, Nov. 19, 1959, FAC-70.

accommodation to power: Int. Andrew Young, Oct. 26, 1991.

lack of Negro agents: DeLoach to Mohr, June 2, 1960, FAC-82.

translated King's Hoover troubles: Carey wrote King a balanced letter of congratulations after he received the Nobel Prize: “It is my own opinion that Hoover has done some fine things in the civil rights field…. However, I thought his statement was in very poor taste and your statement was just magnificent. I stay proud of you. The Lord bless you.” Carey to MLK, Dec. 11, 1964, A/KP5f13.

“I interrupted Dr. Young again”: DeLoach to Mohr, Dec. 1, 1964, FK-570.

nervous but mannerly chat: Garrow,
FBI and Martin
, pp. 129-30; Garrow,
Bearing the Cross
, pp. 362-64; DeLoach,
Hoover's FBI
, pp. 208-11; Young,
Easy Burden
, pp. 318-19; Lewis,
, pp. 256-57; int. Andrew Young, Oct. 26, 1991; int. Cartha DeLoach, June 1, 1984.

King flinched: Drew Pearson, “Meeting with Hoover Amazes King,” WP, Dec. 5, 1964.

negotiating intensely: Rosen to Belmont, Dec. 1, 1964, FMB-1413; Rosen to Belmont, Dec. 2, 1964, FMB-1414.

ten legal impediments: SAC, Jackson, to Director, Dec. 3, 1964, FMB-1420.

did not trust local officials: William H.Johnson, Jr., to Erle Johnson, Jr., Dec. 4, 1967, MSSC.

Sullivan pressed: Int. Joseph Sullivan, Feb. 3, 1991.

“indicated that King was calling the shots”: SAC, Jackson, to Director, Dec. 3, 1964, FMB-1420.

command decision to proceed: Rosen to Belmont, Dec. 4, 1964, FMB-1427; Whitehead,
Attack on Terror
, pp. 197-202.

“In a small town like this”: WP, Dec. 5, 1964, pp. 1, 17.

“the whole country is taking orders”: Cagin and Dray,
We Are Not Afraid
, p. 436.

traveling party to grow: Oates,
Let the Trumpet
, p. 320; Young,
Easy Burden
, p. 321; Coretta King,
My Life
, pp. 18-19.

“I must commend”: Whitehead,
Attack on Terror
, p. 202.

“a very dangerous organization”: Robert Kennedy Oral History by John Bartlow Martin, March 1, 1964, pp. 195-97, JFK.

“Negroes' brains are twenty percent smaller”: Robert Kennedy (with Burke Marshall) Oral History by Anthony Lewis, Dec. 4, 1964, p. 669.

“general criticism”: Ibid., pp. 665-68.

“what I understand from Hoover's”: Ibid., pp. 670-73.

fn “I said, ‘Mr. King'”:
, Dec. 14, 1970, p. 16.
had published the tough-guy version as an inside news scoop on Aug. 17, 1970.

“I never really had any”: Robert Kennedy (with Burke Marshall) Oral History by Anthony Lewis, Dec. 4, 1964, p. 682.

38: N

packed for a summer trip: Goldman,
Death and Life
, p. 222.

stepped off a flight from Paris: New York LHM dated Nov. 25, 1964, FMX-183.

“felt foolish coming back”: Malcolm X speech of Feb. 15, 1965, in Perry,
Last Speeches
, p. 116.

“coming back loaded”: New York LHM dated Oct. 15, 1964, FMX-156, p. 4.

“Congolese Forced American Officials”: NYT, Nov. 25, 1964, p. 1.

“President Johnson is responsible”: New York LHM dated Nov. 25, 1964, FMX-183.

personal reunions: Perry,
, p. 331.

visited her in 1952: Ibid., p. 141.

Muhammad raged privately: Chicago LHM dated Nov. 18, 1964, FMX-181.

Captain Joseph to warn:
Chicago New Crusader
, Nov. 28, 1964; NYT, Nov. 8, 1964, p. 48.

beaten to death on the street: Clegg,
An Original Man
, p. 226; Perry,
, p. 341.

announcement to the Fruit: New York FBI report of Jan. 20, 1965, FMX-215, p. 69.

Hoover cabled: Director to Legat, London, Nov. 30, 1964, FMX-187.

To British audiences: Perry,
, p. 331.

“No matter how many bills pass”: Malcolm X address of Dec. 3, 1964, in HQLHM dated Jan. 11, 1965, FMX-209.

At Oxford University: “Cheers for Malcolm X at Oxford,”
London Daily Telegraph
, Dec. 4, 1964.

C. L. R. James: Lincoln,
Sounds of Struggle
, p. 161.

told a London radio audience:
New York Courier
, Dec. 19, 1964.

“never could accept”: PC, Dec. 5, 1964, p. 6.

first non-Anglican: Lewis,
, p. 259.

FBI surveillance agents: NY LHM dated Dec. 8, 1964, FMX-199.

“Mr. Malcolm, we hereby officially”: Sharrieff telegram of Dec. 7, 1964, as printed in the
Chicago Crusader
of Dec. 12, 1964, and circulated to FBI HQ by Chicago LHM dated Dec. 15, 1964, FMX-NR.

“That was Elijah”: Malcolm X speech of Feb. 15, 1965, in Perry,
Last Speeches
, p. 117.

Louis X of Boston called Malcolm: MS, Dec. 4, 1964, cited in Perry,
, p. 332, and Clegg,
An Original Man
, p. 226.

“Malcolm shall not escape”: Ibid. Also Goldman,
Death and Life
, p. 247.

“Top Stories of '64”: MS, Jan. 15, 1965, p. 15. That same issue also reprinted the March denunciation of Malcolm by his brother Philbert X.

acquittal in traffic court: Perry,
, p. 333.

“a friend of mine”: “HARYOU Panel to Hear Malcolm X,” NYAN, Dec. 17, 1964; news clip in FMX-NR.

“word is out”: Int. Livingston Wingate, July 8, 1992. Wingate, who was director of HARYOU-ACT and a political ally of Adam Clayton Powell, recalled getting a panicked phone call: “I was late getting in the office that morning, and they called me: ‘Wingate, get down here, get down here, get down here. Everybody's nervous. Malcolm's here, and they're thinking he may be shot at any moment.'”

to Oslo on December 8: “Schedule for Oslo Trip,” A/KP12f67.

audience at the Royal Palace: Coretta King,
My Life
, pp. 24-25.

considerable tension: Int. Harry Wachtel, Oct. 27, 1983; int. Marian Logan, April 24, 1984; Garrow,
Bearing the Cross
, p. 366; Young,
Easy Burden
, p. 320.

“At least five other men”: Porter cited in FBI HQ LHM dated Feb. 4, 1965, and Legat London to Director, Feb. 4, 1965, FR-NR.

drafting suggestions: Int. Harry Wachtel, Oct. 27, 1983.

own handwritten draft: Nobel Prize speech drafts, A/KP18f33 and A/KP12f67.

“I am mindful”: Text of Nobel Prize acceptance, NYT, Dec. 11, 1964, pp. 1, 33.

never again submit: Coretta King,
My Life
, p. 25.

against the Norwegian protocol chief: Int. Bernard Lee, June 19, 1985; int. Andrew Young, Oct. 26, 1991; int. Dora McDonald, Dec. 31, 1990.

receipt of the gold: NYT, Dec. 11, 1964, p. 1;
, Dec. 24, 1964, pp. 18-21.

hearing that day in Mississippi: Cagin and Dray,
We Are Not Afraid
, p. 437; Mars,
, p. 148; Whitehead,
Attack on Terror
, pp. 204-5.

“We had hoped”: Television transcript of King press conference, Dec. 10, 1964, A/KS.

spontaneous freedom songs: Young,
Easy Burden
, p. 321.

Juanita Abernathy swooned: NYT, Dec. 12, 1964, p. 18.

“some in King's inner circle”: Cf. FBI wiretap transcript of phone call between Bayard Rustin and Stanley Levison, July 21, 1968. Rustin: “He [Abernathy] wants her [Juanita Abernathy] there, you know, to get a little limelight.” Levison: “And what will happen is that she'll be ignored.” Rustin: “And then it's going to be like it was up in Oslo, when she had a heart attack.” FLNY-9-1738a, p. 5; int. Bernard Lee, June 19, 1985; int. Dora McDonald, Dec. 31, 1990.

fn “Will you help relieve”: Eskridge to Greenberg, Dec. 28, 1964, A/SC9f37.

complained to Harry Wachtel: Int. Harry Wachtel, Oct. 27, 1983.

“toast to God”: Coretta King,
My Life
, p. 27; Young,
Easy Burden
, p. 322; int. Bernard Lee, June 19, 1985; int. Harry Wachtel, Oct. 27, 1983.

carrying Viking torches: NYT, Dec. 12, 1964, p. 1.

“war is the most extreme”: “Outline for Nobel Prize Lecture,” Nobel Prize speech drafts, A/KP18f33 and A/KP12f67.

overran the Grand Hotel: Garrow,
Bearing the Cross
, pp. 366-67; Williams,
The King
, pp. 198-99; int. Harry Wachtel, Oct. 27, 1983.

danced in public: Coretta King,
My Life
, pp. 27-29.

“Only Martin's family”: Garrow,
Bearing the Cross
, p. 366.

“Ralph's estrangement”: Young,
Easy Burden
, p. 320. A brokenness between King and Abernathy persisted until Memphis in 1968, Bernard Lee would recall before his own death: “That's how serious it was.” Int. Bernard Lee, June 19, 1985.

McNamara drew President Johnson: Gravel, ed.,
Pentagon Papers
, Vol. 2, p. 422, Vol. 3, pp. 247-59.

Esquire Magazine
”: Moyers to LBJ, Dec. 10, 1964, Box 10, Moyers Papers, LBJ.

fn “I remember the conversation well”: Ibid.

nearly eight hundred students: NYT, Dec. 4, 1964, p. 1.

“We are told that the mob”: Heirich,
The Beginning
, p. 239.

“helped destroy freedom”: Ibid., p. 232.

faculty voted to support: Ibid., p. 241.

“Berkeley Protest Becomes a Ritual”: NYT, Nov. 15, 1964, p. 49.

“beards and long hair”: NYT, Dec. 3, 1964, p. 50.

Warner Brothers Studios agreed: Per agreement signed by DeLoach, Dec. 11, 1964, Section 3, FHOC.

stipulations for the show: ADIC, Los Angeles, to HQ, Feb. 1, 1973, Section 3, FHOC; int. Cartha DeLoach, June 1, 1984.

DeLoach himself grew weary: Ibid.

connect the undignified corpse: Wolff,
You Send Me
, pp. 1-6, 316-29.

gathered at the Chicago funeral: Ibid., pp. 331-32.

tragedy in the Negro press:
, Dec. 31, 1964, pp. 56-63;
, Jan. 31, 1965, p. 58; PC, Dec. 19, 1964, p. 1; A. S. “Doc” Young, “The Mysterious Death of Sam Cooke,” five-part series in CDD, Jan. 1-4, 1965.

claimed to possess: CDD, Jan. 11, 1965, p. 12.

Maxwell Taylor dressed down: Gravel, ed.,
Pentagon Papers
, Vol. 2, pp. 345-48.

“Generals acting greatly offended”: Ibid., pp. 349-50; Karnow,
, pp. 398-99; NYT, Jan. 11, 1965, pp. 1, 3.

“drop him off”: Baumgardner to Sullivan, Dec. 17, 1964, FR-NR.

told friends of the prostitute chases: Log of Rustin phone contact with Rachelle Horowitz and Tom Kahn, Dec. 16, 1964, in ibid. Also Garrow,
Bearing the Cross
, p. 366.

distress call on December 15: Report on Levison-Jones phone call in SAC, New York, to Director, Dec. 16, 1964, FK-633.

suddenly realized: Int. Clarence Jones, Jan. 16, 1984, and Aug. 18, 1986.

“I never want to see”: Ibid.; Branch,
, p. 860.

“14 motion picture”: NYT, Dec. 18, 1964, p. 37.

fn King recited the 1870: Ibid.

claimed a crowd of ten thousand: Int. Cleveland Robinson, Oct. 28, 1983. Robinson said he raised money for the rally from singer Sammy Davis, Jr., and that his biggest disappointment was that Lionel Hampton was not able to bring his band on short notice from Puerto Rico.

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