Planet Predators (3 page)

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Authors: Saxon Andrew

Tags: #Science Fiction

BOOK: Planet Predators
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“This was two million years ago and they didn’t stay. They came, they sought, and they killed. Now they’re coming back to remove any life form that has evolved intelligence since their last visit. Humans are an example of what they’re coming to destroy. We were barely walking upright two million years ago. I also suspect the Blue Giants came back during the last two million years, but we wouldn’t be able to see that because this planet was burned down to the bedrock and wasn’t resettled by the Moet.”

“You believe that because of the Moet’s current level of development?”

“Exactly. I think I’m also coming around to George’s way of thinking.”

“I’m not sure what you mean.”

Chris stood up and walked over to the view port and looked out at the stars glowing brightly in the Milky Way. He took a deep breath and looked at Jillian, “We’ve seen that Moet Planet destroyed eight times over the last forty five million years and every attack was by a different conqueror. Now the current Conqueror de jour is the Blue Giants. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if they weren’t the victim of an attack in their past as well. It appears that every civilization is a predator that kills every other civilization it encounters. They do it to prevent a future attack and make sure their safety is guaranteed. I was naive to think the Moet would keep their promise and communicate before they attacked us again. There is no honor with a predator, only a prey.”

“Then why haven’t they come back?”

Chris looked up at the display and rewound the recording. Jillian followed his gaze. She saw the ten huge ships above the Moet planet, “They’re evacuating.”

“Giving them that recording buys us more time. Now we just have to remain hidden from the Blue Giant Scouts.”

“We haven’t been gone long. Do you want to go take a look at one of the Moet’s planets and see if what we suspect is actually happening?”

“That’s a good idea. Pick one that we can view more than a light week away.”

Jillian opened the Alliance Map Book and began turning pages.

* * *

Arvolo and Kenny were in a bar in New York celebrating their success in the Fleet Competitions. Arvolo had his travel restrictions removed and he insisted they get out on the town to have a drink. “RV, you know you can’t get in trouble.”

“Hey, hey, I’m the picture of good behavior. I will not fight this night. Peace is my first name.”

Kenny saw him smile at his rhyme and had begrudgingly agreed to go. They arrived and to Kenny’s relief, everything appeared to be going well. Arvolo was nothing but smiles and had bought the whole bar a drink. He sat at the table and looked at Kenny, “I’ve been meaning to ask you what you were doing to your weapons console the day you arrived.”

“And I’ve been meaning to ask why you haven’t lost any weight.”

Arvolo sighed, “I’m lazy and weak. That’s a terrible combination, especially when it comes to food. Plantains are my undoing.”

Kenny started to respond but saw five Marines walk up behind Arvolo. Arvolo saw his expression and turned to see the five approaching, “Hey guys, I’m not able to play tonight. I’ve been put on notice that I’m no longer allowed to fight.”

A Marine Corporal tilted his head and said to the other four, “Oh, the fatty can’t play. We owe you for what you did to us last time. We hope you do get kicked out of the service.”

Arvolo was ready to go but restrained himself, “I’m not kidding. I’ve been punished for that encounter and Fleet does not approve of what we did.”

Kenny stood up and stepped away from the table and went and stood by the bar. Arvolo saw him move and knew he was on his own. He slowly shook his head and regretted what was about to happen but knew there was no escape as three more Marines joined the five.

Kenny said, “What, five aren’t enough?”

“You stay out of this flyboy. This is between the fat man and us.”

Arvolo said, “Now that hurts. I’m not fat; I’m husky.”

Kenny leaned back against the bar, shrugged, and ordered a beer.

The Corporal assumed a fighting stance and threw a kick at Arvolo. Kenny had wondered how it was possible for someone RV’s size to have fought six marines but he found out quickly that although he was big, he was faster than a cat.

Arvolo came out of his chair, grabbed the Corporal’s leg, and lifted it as he hit the Corporal with a fist between his legs. The Corporal hit the floor and stayed there. The other seven stormed in and bodies started flying. One of the Marines was thrown up against the bar next to Kenny and he handed the marine his glass of beer, “Hold this.”

The Marine took it before he could think and Kenny bent his arm and hit him on the forehead with the back of his hand. He took his drink out of the Marine’s hand as he fell to the floor and didn’t move.”

Another Marine was thrown on the floor next to the bar and Kenny looked around and hit him on top of his head with an elbow as he started to get up. Kenny looked around again and whistled as he moved further down the bar away from the two unconscious Marines. One of the Marines saw what Kenny did and came over and threw a punch at him. Kenny dodged the punch while taking a drink from his glass and threw a quick left handed punch to the Marine’s solar plexus and doubled him over. Kenny looked around and brought his knee up and flipped the puncher onto his back. Kenny saw the bartender staring at him and shrugged, “He slipped.”

That’s when the Fleet Patrol arrived and began stunning the participants in the fight. One of them approached Kenny and he took a card out and showed it to the officer. He spoke to the officer for a moment and the Officer saluted and turned away. Kenny saw the bartender staring at him again and he smiled, “I have a get out of jail free card. I’m a huge monopoly fan.”

Kenny looked around and saw that four of the other Marines didn’t need stunning. Arvolo had done quite well in the skirmish. He watched as the Patrol removed the stunned or unconscious fighters. Kenny turned and said, “How much damage?”

“Looks like two thousand.”

“If I pay you four will you not press charges?”


“Put it on this card.”

The bartender took the card and looked up at Kenny. He handed the card back and Kenny saw he was frightened, “I insist you take the payment. You have nothing to worry about, I promise.”

The bartender ran the card and watched as the slim officer left. He shook his head slowly and now had a story to tell the regulars they would not believe.

* * *

The night duty Office at the Military holding cell looked up and saw a fully armed and armored Alpha Agent enter. He saw the Agent was a Colonel and he snapped to attention, “Sir, how can I help you, Sir.”

The Agent had his full faceplate down and he said through his armor’s speaker, “You are holding a Fleet Captain with the last name Arvolo. I am taking him with me and you will remove any record of him ever being here. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Take me to him.”

The Marine Captain opened the door to the holding block and preceded the Alpha down the hall. He stopped in front of the cell where Arvolo was sitting on a stool rubbing his head where a bruise had swollen. “Open the door.”

RV looked around and worried that the Alpha had come to court marshal him out of the Navy. He slowly stood and took a deep breath. Then he heard the Alpha say to the Captain, “Leave us.” The Captain turned and went up the hall.

The Alpha went to the cell the eight Marines were being held and looked in at them. Arvolo saw they were frightened. “I have a recording of the fight you morons started tonight and you have placed a top secret mission in jeopardy with your outrageous behavior. This Sailor is involved in an exercise of critical importance and your stupidity at getting him arrested tonight should be enough to drum you out of the service. If you mention him to anyone, you will be in Leavenworth for the rest of your miserable lives. Nod if you understand.”

The Marines began nodding so hard Arvolo thought they were going to get neck injuries. The Alpha turned and took Arvolo by the arm and escorted him up the hall and out of the building.

Arvolo walked quickly trying to keep up with the Alpha and said, “I guess I’m out of the Service.”

The Alpha stopped and raised his armored face plate. Kenny said, “Not this time, this was not your fault.”

Arvolo was shocked, “Are you crazy!? Impersonating an Alpha Agent can get you executed.”

Kenny shook his head, “RV, you know an Agent’s Armor cannot be worn by anyone but the one imprinted on it.”

RV saw the Colonel’s Rank burned in the Armor and looked Kenny in the eyes, “Why are you a Weapons Officer? Who are you?”

“We’ll talk about this later. Let’s get back to the ship.”

* * *

Arvolo sat in his command chair and looked at Kenny. He remained silent and Kenny knew it was time to tell the truth. “I was offered an Admiral’s Position in Fleet development but I turned it down and requested a Weapon’s Officer’s position.”

“Why, for God’s sake, would you ever do that?”

“I’m not the desk type. The ones that are going to make the difference in humanity’s survival are those on the front lines facing off against those ships coming to kill us. I know my place is with them in the fight.”

“Why didn’t you just take command of a ship?”

“That is not where my talents lie. I’m a pretty good pilot but I’m not up to your ability. I’m considered one of the best at the use of weapons.”

“One of the best?”

“I’m ranked number one.”

“How did you manage to get them to allow you to take this position?”

“The Military Regulations allows any officer to take a rank three levels below their current one and Command must comply with their request. Admiral Garcia was not happy about my decision but he couldn’t prevent me from doing it.”

“Admiral Garcia?”

“I pulled him to safety in Tehran. He thinks highly of my ability.”

Arvolo stared at Kenny and said, “And the weapons console?”

“I have a Doctorate from MIT in advanced electronics. My specialty is in the switching of electrical currents. I rewired my console with a harness I’ve been working on for a year. I believe it will make a difference in our fighting capabilities, but I won’t know until we’re able to test it in combat.”

“That makes me nervous.”

Kenny smiled, “I am ranked number one.”

“I guess my original statement about kicking your butt was a bit premature.”

“I’m also ranked rather high in the Alpha’s self-defense standings.”

“I wondered where those other Marines went.”

“So do they.”

“So what’s our role on this ship?”

“You are the Commander and outrank me. I understand that and so should you. You can’t worry about me second guessing you or you’ll lose your edge in combat.”

“I thought Alphas had their rank for life?”

“They do but he made the mistake of promoting me to Admiral. I took the reduction from that rank. Jeff actually laughed at being tricked.”

“Rule number three; no more name dropping; Knowing the Fleet Admiral doesn’t get you anywhere with me.”

Kenny started laughing and nodded, “Sir, let’s go out and make history.”

“Are you sure you don’t have any Cuban in you?”

“I don’t think so. Why do you ask?”

“Anyone who has ever done anything important came from Cuba.”

“What about Christopher Columbus. He was Italian.”

“Yes but he landed on Cuba and was infected.”

“Thomas Jefferson?”

“Infected by a Cuban slave.”

“Abraham Lincoln?”

“Visited the island before he was President.”

“No he didn’t?”

“Prove it.”

“I can see where this is going.”

“You’ve been infected as well. We’ll just have to see how it happened.”

Kenny smiled but was not about to tell Arvolo that he had honey mooned on the island.

Chapter Three

olly looked around the table and missed George. She really needed his brilliance to help her make good decisions. She shook her head slightly and also knew that if the new ships were going to be built, he and Meisa were needed more on Dundee. Jeff said, “You miss George.”

She looked at him and wondered how he could see her mind so clearly. Jeff smiled, “It’s an acquired skill.” She laughed and turned back to the table. Chris and Jillian had just returned and shared their findings with the group.

Arnold Gordon said, “It appears George was right about the Predator/Prey relationship being the norm in this universe.”

“Yes it is. Planets have been destroyed multiple times by multiple conquerors. I think that the relationship has been reinforced over millions of years and cannot be easily changed.”

“Chris, I think you’re wrong in that assessment.”

“Why do you say that, Hemon?”

“You can force a change at gun point. You can threaten anyone who would even think about attacking another if you could kill the attacker.”

“That’s not much of a change.”

“No, but given enough time it would take hold.”

Chris shrugged and looked at Dolly, “What’s the plan?”

“We’re going to send a ship out to take on one of their scouts and see what happens.”

“Have you selected the ship?”

“It’s not yours if that’s what you’re leading up to.”

“Then who?”

“We’ve chosen the Havana. It won the recent Fleet Exercises and should be our first choice.”

Chris looked at his computer and said, “What is this about a ‘Crazy Cuban’?”

Jeff smiled, “I put that note in the system. It seems the Captain is Cuban and thinks that anyone who has ever done anything important in our history had to be connected to Cuba in some way.”

Dolly laughed out loud, “He sounds like my kind of people.”

“He’s been in the brig more times than I can count for fighting. It seems he likes to take on six or more Marines at a time.”

“Now I know he’s my kind of people.”

“His Weapons Officer is a personal friend and is a Colonel in the Alphas.”

“How did that happen, Jeff?”

“He tricked me. I promoted him to Admiral and he formally requested the reduction in rank to that position. Regulations forced me to honor his request, Arnold. He is also a wizard at weapon development which is where I wanted him.”

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