Playing with Power - Book 3: New Adult Office Romance (9 page)

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Authors: Adele Huxley

Tags: #New Adult Office Romance

BOOK: Playing with Power - Book 3: New Adult Office Romance
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Two shops down, the pair ducked into a dark Irish bar that was already filling with the after work crowd. Ali went straight to the bar and ordered two double shots of tequila.

“Here, this’ll help,” she said handing Lauren the drink. She didn’t need to tell her twice.

A couple minutes later, they entered a nondescript door, walked up a flight of stairs, and were sat in a tiny waiting room. The tequila had calmed her nerves but it remained to be seen if it’d dull the pain.

“Sandra is the best in the city, I swear it.”

“I didn’t know you did this kind of thing.”

“Of course! I’m warning you though, once you start you won’t want to stop. Plus, it hurts less the more times you get it done. Kind of a vicious circle like that.”

“Probably because they pull all your nerve endings out as well,” she said bitterly.

The receptionist called her name and she shot to her feet. Ali gave her a quick smile, wished her luck, and reached for a magazine.

“No, no, no. Nuh-uh. You’re coming with me. You’re coming in there with me, right?” Lauren didn’t care how panicked her voice sounded.

“Really? You think we’re ready to take are relationship to that level? You don’t mind spreadin’ wide with me in the room?”

“Sweetie, I’m about to spread wide for a complete stranger and pay her for the privilege. You’re coming with me.”

They were led to a tiny room with a flat table. Lauren was instructed to strip from the waist down and drape the paper cloth across her lap. Ali told her to take off her shirt as well or she’d likely sweat right through it.

“Sure, can’t get any more embarrassing.” At this point, she was resigned to whatever was going to happen.

Sandra was a sweet woman who vaguely reminded Lauren of her mother. Mid-50’s, foreign, with a great professional disposition. If it weren’t for the fact she was about to slather her lady parts with hot wax, Lauren might’ve actually liked her. On her back, legs spread wide, hand gripping Ali’s for dear life, Lauren braced herself. Sandra talked her through the whole process which was equal parts comforting and alarming. She screamed when the first strip came off, clamping her hand over her mouth.

“I’m sorry! I’m so, so sorry,” she said looking down at Sandra.

“It’s alright. First one always the worst.” Wasting no time, Sandra prepared the next section.

It felt like hours before Sandra finally seemed to finish up. Lauren opened her eyes and pried her hand from Ali’s awash with relief. Before she could find her voice to weakly thank her, Sandra told her to flip over and get on all fours.

“Wait, really?”

“Yeah, she does everything. Ev-ery-thing.”

Lauren shakily climbed to her knees. She thought blithely exposing her vagina to a stranger was embarrassing enough. She hadn’t mentally prepared for revealing this end as well. With tears in her eyes, she looked at her friend.

“You remind me of my cat when I give him a bath. He gives me that same betrayed look,” Ali chuckled.

“Bite me,” Lauren said grabbing Ali’s hand again. She dropped to her knees on the floor, looking up at Lauren.

“Rose, don’t you do that. You’re gonna get out of here. You’re gonna survive. You’re gonna die an old lady warm in her bed, you hear me? Promise me, Rose. Never let go.”

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Lauren said, flinching as Sandra got to work. This side was unexpectedly less painful than she first thought.

“How can you not recognize
!” she said returning to her seat.

“God, you and movie quotes. I thought you were talking about Rose, as in Nick’s Rose.”

“After tonight, all other women will be ruined for him.”

Sandra applied a soothing lotion and powder. Lauren was surprised how little she cared that a stranger was between her legs now. “All done,” she declared with a smile. “I’ll meet up front.”

After taking a few moments to recover, Lauren stood on shaky legs and started to get dressed.

“Wait! Hold on, I got you something.” She pulled out a tiny black bag with bright pink tissue paper sticking out the top. “It’s mostly for you, but I think Nick’ll enjoy it as well.”

“Okay...” Lauren gave her suspicious look, now wary of her idea of surprises. She pulled out a white lace pair of panties but they were different. She held them up, her fingers pulling the delicate fabric taut. It looked like a thong but the middle section of lace was replaced with two sets of white pearls. Lauren tilted her head as she examined them, the strings of pearls swinging. “How am I supposed to—”

“Look. Your legs through here and here, which means these pearls go...”

“Oh!” Lauren exclaimed as she caught on.

“Try it on!”

She slipped her legs through each opening and pulled the intricate lace up around her waist. The pearls naturally settled in the creases of her thighs. Admiring herself in the mirror, she thought it looked amazing.
I’ve never owned crotch-less panties before!
Between the waxing and the lingerie, she felt incredibly sexy.

“If you really want to enjoy your ride home, put the strings on the inside, next to your clit.” Lauren’s jaw dropped. “Hey, we’ve entered a new stage of our friendship. I’m allowed to talk about your clit now that I’ve seen it.”

With a little wiggle and a tug, the pearls lined up on the inside of her lips. Her exhibitionist levels running low, she quickly pulled on her jeans and shirt, no longer wanting to stand naked in front anyone for at least a few hours. It only took a few steps for her to understand the magic those little pearls could create. By the time they’d walked out of the office and down the stairs to the street, Lauren’s face was flushed and thighs wet.

“Ahh, I see my present is a hit,” Ali said with a smirk. “You get your cute little hairless butt home now. I’ve gotta hurry back uptown and get ready for a date.”

“Three guys on the side? Impressive! Who is he?”

“If things go well, it’ll only be one guy...but nope, not yet. Not gonna jinx it by talking about him. You’ll meet him when he’s been properly vetted. Have a good night my dear,” she said with a wink. They hugged goodbye and Lauren watched her long legs take her around the corner. Mentally steeling herself for the journey home, she took a deep breath.


Lauren leaned against her closed bedroom door, face flush and sweat dripping down her body. It had been the most arduous trip home of her life. Walking up and down the station stairs was difficult enough, but having to stand on the rocking train was worse, the sudden movements pulling the pearls this way and that across her delicate skin. The sheer concentration she needed to keep herself from crumpling in an orgasmic heap on the sidewalk had been exhausting. Pulling off her tight jeans, Lauren moved the pearls to the side and couldn’t believe how wet she was.

She walked over to the full length mirror to get a good look at the waxing job. At first, the sight was shocking but it only took a few minutes of posing this way and that for her to fall in love with the only tiny patch of hair that remained. She couldn’t stop touching her smooth skin.
The panties are sexy as hell, too,
she thought, bending over slightly and looking over her shoulder. She met her eyes in the reflection and felt confident Nick wasn’t going to have any trouble getting hard tonight.


“Hello?” Nick’s voice rang out as he stepped through the front door. Lauren’s heart fluttered in her chest as she smirked to herself. She’d arranged the whole night to be special but this last part, just before he walked in, took all her courage. She’d given Jessica money to go out to a movie for a couple hours and even arranged with Chrissy so that Nick was able to leave early from work, a rare treat on a Friday night. All her well-laid plans would be for naught if he didn’t find the trail of sticky notes leading him to the bedroom.

“What the...” she heard him mutter as he slowly walked down the hallway.
she mentally cheered. “Wren, what are you up to?” Lauren thought her heart was going to stop or leap right out her throat as the doorknob twisted.
Everything hinges on this. This has to go well.

He opened the door to a room bathed in candlelight, Lauren standing in a silky bathrobe with her hair pinned up. The collection of sticky notes fell from his hand as he gazed around the room, entering. Light music played faintly in the background and she nearly laughed at how taken aback he looked.

“What is all this?”

“I wanted to do something nice for you. Take off your clothes and come here.”

“This is for me, right? I mean, I got off work early and thought maybe I interrupted you and your lover or something,” he said with a sly grin.

“All for you baby. Get naked.” Nick immediately obliged which made her giggle, temporarily breaking the stern, sexy demeanor she wanted to portray. “Okay, settle down on your belly.”

“Don’t you mean my back,” he said giving his stiffening cock a squeeze. Lauren did her best to remain serious and sensual, but was inwardly relieved to see him already getting hard.

“Get on your stomach. I’m going to give you a massage. I’ll get to...that...eventually.”

Nick lay flat on the towels she’d set out on the floor. Grabbing a small bottle, she drizzled a line of baby oil from above. Nick sucked air through his teeth in shock. She tightened the belt on her bathrobe and knelt at his side, slowing working his muscles. Pressing her thumbs into the tight knots under his shoulder blades drew groans of painful pleasure from him. Using her forearms, elbows, and hands, she slowly worked her way down his back. She used her weight to make up for any lack of strength. She took the time to admire the roundness of his ass, the thickness of his legs, her desire growing. As her hands tired, she asked him to flip over.

Nick snatched a pillow from the bed and propped up his head, grinning at her sleepily. “That felt amazing. I can’t remember the last time you gave me a massage.”

“I’m not done yet,” she purred as she warmed more oil in her hands. She noticed his limp dick twitch and felt a swell of pride.

She rubbed her hands along his chest, running her fingers along the ridges of his muscles, down his abs. His skin soon gleamed in the candlelight. Tracing the side of his obliques down to the crevice of his Adonis belt, and yet she didn’t touch him where he wanted her to the most. Wiggling under her hands, he lifted hips and nearly brushed against her arm with his solid cock.

“Patience,” she chided. Lauren rocked back to her feet and stood. Locking eyes with him she said, “Watch.”

She was so nervous, she almost chickened out. She’d never danced for him, for anyone really, but today was a day of firsts. She sensually moved, undoing the belt at her waist and held it tight. Turning her back to him and stepping across his body, she planted a foot on either side so he was nearly able to see up the robe. She circled her hips down, down, down until she was hovering just above his groin. She flipped up the bottom of the robe as she stood, flashing her bare ass and revealing the strands of pearls disappearing to the front.

“Damn,” he whispered. His hands pawed at her legs but she stepped away.

Biting her lip, she let the robe fall open and drop to the floor. Wearing only her new panties and a pair of white platform heels, Lauren stood exposed, her brown eyes glittering in the light. She’d never felt so sexy and sure of herself. By the end of the night, Nick wasn’t going to be able to remember his own name let alone Rose’s.

“Holy shit, Wren...”

Warming more oil in her hands, she began coating her own skin. Starting with her breasts, down her stomach, and finally to the area that had already gotten so much attention that day. The skin below felt amazingly sensitive and soft, her fingers sliding across it with ease. Nick’s hand unconsciously went to his cock as he watched.

“No,” she snapped. Her sternness stopped him cold. She smiled coolly at him and continued, “That’s my job.”

She stepped over him once more, her feet on either side of his head this time. Swirling her hips down, down, until her pussy perfectly aligned with his mouth. Nick took the cue without a word and dove in, his tongue lapping up the slick wetness. She tossed back her head and moaned as he plunged a finger inside. Lauren was originally afraid she wouldn’t be able to balance in this position for long but with the help of the heels, she could’ve stayed there all night. With the things Nick was doing to her, she wanted just that.

The pearls became an integral part of his performance. With two fingers buried deep inside, Nick reached around her thigh to tug on the front of the strands, the pearls rolling and sliding against that magic spot. Combined with his tongue, Nick was able to do things to her she’d never felt before. Knowing they were alone in the apartment, Lauren moaned as loudly as she liked, knowing the sounds drove him crazy. She tugged at his shaggy hair as his hand crept up her stomach to her breast, rolling her hard nipple between his fingers.

Nick pulled away gasping. “Stand up. Get on your back.” Any semblance of her dominatrix alter-ego had crumbled away, so she was happy to take commands. As he scooted to his knees, she laid back.

Without another word, he grabbed her hip with one hand and guided his cock inside with the other. Lauren tossed her arms above her head and groaned, her nerve endings igniting as he thrust inside. Their oil-slicked bodies slipped and glided against each other. Nick slammed into her, his eyes closed and lips slightly parted. She grabbed his arm, ran her hand along his chest, trying to coax him down for a kiss. His eyes blinked open and with a grin, he grabbed her bouncing breast.

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