,” he muttered as his hands curled into fists he wished he could plant into Drew’s face. After everything Kendall had done for him, the bastard had screwed her over. Ten years of her life wasted on a piece-of-shit guy who hadn’t appreciated any of the sacrifices she’d made on his behalf. Selfish prick.
She shrugged, trying to act as though she was over her ex’s betrayal, but the pain in her eyes was unmistakable. “To add insult to injury, I was stupid enough to ask why he’d had an affair, and what I’d done wrong. He told me he was bored, that I just didn’t excite him sexually and he couldn’t imagine spending the rest of his life with me.”
A vein in Jase’s temple throbbed, and now her words to him made perfect sense—the huge age difference between them, and her fear that he’d get tired of her and move on to someone younger and more in line with his age. Jase wasn’t wired like that—he was one hundred percent monogamous when it came to his relationships, and he’d always been far more attracted to older women because of their overall maturity. But proving any of that to Kendall would obviously take time and a helluva lot of patience considering how her ex had damaged her self-confidence and self-worth.
But there was one thing he could refute right here, right now. He reached out and slid his hand around her legs, caressed his palms up the backs of her calves, and skimmed his fingers along that sensitive patch of skin behind her knee. Her eyes darkened with desire, and her skin flushed beautifully with renewed awareness.
“Your ex was a selfish asshole who obviously didn’t try very hard to please
sexually, because you are far from boring,” he stated firmly, truthfully. “If he would have given you what
needed and taken the time to learn your hottest fantasies like I did, he would have reaped the benefits of just how passionate and responsive you are.”
She shook her head, wearing those doubts and insecurities right on her sleeve. “It doesn’t matter.”
“The hell it doesn’t.” Hating that one man had caused her so much pain and heartache, that Drew the dickwad had blamed Kendall for his own shortcomings, Jase did the only thing he knew that would erase all those doubts in her mind.
He moved so quickly, so unexpectedly, it took her a few extra seconds to realize what he was doing, but by then he already had her dress pushed up to her waist, her panties pulled off, and he was kneeling on the floor in front of her.
Her eyes were wide and startled, confused even, as she stared down at him. “Jase, what are you doing?”
“I’m showing you how Goddamn passionate you are,” he said on a low, heated growl. With his hands hooked around the backs of her knees, he yanked her ass to the edge of the bed and lifted her legs over his shoulders, the abrupt, sudden movement causing her hips, her entire body actually, to tip backwards.
She gasped in shock, both of her arms shooting out behind her to steady herself just as he pressed his mouth to her gorgeous cunt and slid his tongue through those soft, swollen lips—licking, sucking, and consuming her completely. There was nothing sweet, tender, or romantic about the relentless way he went down on her, the ravenous, demanding way he ate her pussy and fucked her with his tongue. It was rough and crude and exceedingly, deliciously dirty.
He sucked hard on her clit, and she cried out, one of her hands reaching out to grip his hair in an attempt to pull his head away. She could yank out every strand and he wasn’t leaving her or this luscious pussy, not until she gave him the orgasm he wanted. After a few more torturous licks and the surprising scrape of his teeth, she moaned, and those fingers changed direction, easing around the back of his head to bring him closer, to press his face harder between her thighs.
She fell back against the bed, giving herself over to the rising pleasure as she rocked her hips in rhythm to his stroking tongue and shamelessly rode his mouth. He pushed two fingers deep inside her and felt the immediate clench of her body, the internal contractions that rippled through her right before her orgasm peaked.
A hoarse scream tore from her throat. Her thighs shook and quivered, her back arched, and the hands in his hair twisted even tighter as she came so beautifully for him, so exquisitely, that there was no denying just how sensual and desirable she was.
With that issue proven, he turned his attention to obliterating her ex’s other stupid-ass claims. He moved up and over Kendall’s slack body, settled his hips between her spread thighs, and positioned the thick length of his rock-hard cock against the pussy he’d just thoroughly pleasured. If he hadn’t been still wearing his slacks, he would have been balls deep inside her by now.
She stared up at him, her hands splayed on his chest, her gaze hazy but cautious after what he’d just done. He could feel the wet heat of her soaking into the front of his slacks and bit back a deep groan. This wasn’t about him getting off. It was about showing Kendall exactly what kind of effect she had on him, how much he wanted her, and to make her forget that her ex had ever existed on the face of the planet.
“Does that fucking feel like I’m
, Kendall?” he demanded, moving against her so she felt every steel inch of his throbbing dick. “Like you don’t excite me?”
She made a startled noise in the back of her throat, her expression suddenly apprehensive, her body once again tense.
When she tried to look away, he pushed his fingers through her hair, turned her face back up to him, and held her gaze because he wasn’t done getting everything out in the open. Wasn’t done telling her the truth of what she did to him on all levels.
“You make me want to conquer and claim and possess you in the most primal way possible so there’s no doubt in your mind that you belong to me,” he said gruffly. “At the same time, you tempt me, entice me, and you make me so crazy with lust and the need to touch you, kiss you, and be so deep inside you that you’re the only thing that matters. And
what you deserve from a man. To feel nothing less than sexy and seductive, and to know that you have the power to bring him to his knees, just like you brought me to mine only minutes ago.”
By the time he was finished, moisture and regret shimmered in her eyes. “Jase…” Her voice was an aching whisper. “I can’t do this with you.”
“Yes, you can.
She shook her head and bit her bottom lip before speaking again. “I’m…I’m seeing someone,” she blurted out.
A chill coursed through Jase’s veins, as if he’d just been doused with ice water. Swearing beneath his breath, he stood up as his brain tried to process what she’d just said. She slowly sat up on the bed, eyeing him hesitantly after dropping that bombshell.
I’m seeing someone
. He shoved his hand through his hair as his stomach churned.
She was seeing someone
. Another man. What the hell was there to fucking process?
He jammed his hands on his hips and narrowed his gaze. “If you’re
seeing someone
, then why the hell are you here, at The Players Club?” Anger sharpened his tone.
She flinched at his harsh voice as she pushed the hem of her dress back down her legs. “Grant and I aren’t exclusive,” she said, mollifying him somewhat with her reply. “We met on an online dating site, and we’ve only been out together twice, but he’s a good match.” She sounded as though she was trying to convince herself of that fact.
A good match
sounded so impersonal, so analytical. “If he was that great of a match, you wouldn’t be here with me,” he pointed out.
“I wasn’t
to be here with you,” she said quietly as she stood and put her panties back on again. “It was supposed to be a stranger. Someone who I didn’t know, who I could have an anonymous fling with before things got serious with Grant.”
things got serious, which meant that Jase still had a chance with her. “Stop seeing him.”
He caught a flicker of anguish in her gaze before she looked away. “This—you and I—it’s not going to work.”
She attempted to walk around him to leave, and, feeling an odd sense of panic, he caught her arm to stop her. “You don’t know that.”
She looked up at him, her expression direct. “Are you at a point in your life where you’re ready to get married?” she asked bluntly. “To settle down and have a family?”
Her unexpected questions took him aback, forcing him to switch mental gears so he could think about his answers. He definitely intended to get married someday and have kids, always had, but he’d only been out of the Air Force for a short time and was just starting to build his career with Noble and Associates as a security analyst.
He’d been an “accident” baby to his much-older parents, an unplanned child who they didn’t know what to do with since they’d believed they were done raising kids. At the time, his two older sisters had been in their twenties, already graduated college, out on their own, and building their adult lives. Jase’s parents had downsized to a much smaller house and had been enjoying the freedom to travel when they wanted, to do things spontaneously, and not be tied to any set schedule. His mother, who’d always been a full-time housewife, had just graduated from culinary school as a pastry chef, which had always been a dream of hers.
And then
happened, and his parents’ lives had been turned upside down by the unexpected pregnancy. Their newfound freedom hadn’t accounted for the responsibilities and burdens of another child, and he’d felt the painful effects of that resentment growing up. Most of the time, he’d felt like a nuisance, an inconvenience, and was, essentially, an afterthought in his parents’ lives and plans.
Knowing what it felt like to be an outcast as a child, he’d always had a certain vision for his future, a plan and strategy for his own life, including when and how children would fit in. He’d joined the military at the age of eighteen, intending to use his high-level computer skills in the Air Force to advance as a security systems specialist. Once he was done with his eight-year term, he’d focus on building his career with a strong, reputable security company and pad his savings for a few years. He wanted to be firmly established in every aspect of his life before he settled down and started a family, because he intended to be a hands-on dad and devote time and attention to raising his kids. He wanted his own children to have everything he’d grown up without.
So to answer Kendall’s question, no, he wasn’t near ready to get married and have babies. That was still a few years away and wasn’t even on his personal radar yet. Which was exactly the point she was trying to make.
. Feeling like he’d just been kicked hard in the stomach, and knowing he couldn’t make those promises right now, he released his hold on her.
She rubbed her arms, and the small smile she gave him was sad, understanding even. “It’s okay,” she said softly. “You’re young and you’re not ready for that kind of life and responsibilities. But I am, and so is Grant. He’s a nice guy, and we have a lot in common, which we already knew based on the online profile we both had to fill out. We’re both established in our careers, we’re the same age, and we have the same future goals. I’m not getting any younger, and I really want a family and kids. It’s all I’ve wanted for years.”
And her rat bastard ex had stolen that from her in the worst way possible. What Kendall wanted, what she
, was a man who would give her all those things. Even though he couldn’t make that kind of commitment to her, he didn’t want to let her go, either. And the thought of another man touching her in any way made him resentful as hell.
How selfish of an asshole did that make
He had no reply that didn’t make him sound like said asshole, so he kept his jaw clenched tight and his mouth shut, even though it nearly killed him to do so.
She reached up and laid her palm against his cheek, then gave him a smile so sweet that it made the heart in his chest constrict so tight it hurt to breathe. “You gave me the most erotic night of my life tonight,” she said huskily, her face still flushed from that last orgasm he’d given her. “Thank you for that.”
He didn’t want Kendall’s fucking gratitude. He wanted
. So badly that, when she walked out the door, he felt as though she’d taken a part of him with her that he’d never be able to get back.
endall glanced at
the handsome chiropractor sitting across the small table from her, his gaze quite serious as he perused the bar’s wine list through his reading glasses. “They really don’t have a very big selection of good wine here,” Grant said, sounding disappointed even as he glanced up at her and asked, “Which would you prefer? Red Zinfandel or the Chardonnay?”
“Neither,” she said, which earned her a startled look from Grant. “I’m not much of a wine drinker,” she quickly explained. To her, all wines, expensive or cheap, seemed to taste the same—tart and tangy. It just wasn’t her thing. “I think I’m going to have a lemon drop martini.”
He frowned at her over the black rim of his glasses. “It’s a shame you don’t care for wine. I have a small cellar at home with bottles of great wine, and I belong to the Wine of the Month Club.”