Please Save Me (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (13 page)

BOOK: Please Save Me (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Inching his way along the wall, he breathed shallowly and lightly so Joe wouldn’t hear him. He was so close and yet still too far away. He didn’t want to shoot him, because he was scared he would hurt Selina, worried that the bullet would pass through Joe and into her.

He heard Dorian or Darrick move, and Joe turned his back a little more. He was now totally out of Joe’s sight. Steve was within arm’s reach when a noise sounded behind him. Joe snapped his head around to look over his shoulder, and Steve knew he had to act now. With a karate yell, he leapt forward, grasped Joe’s arm, wrenched Selina from his grasp, shoved her in Dorian’s direction, twisted, and shoved Joe’s arm and hand which still held the knife up, trying to get him to drop the knife or stab himself. He stepped back quickly as the fucker squealed like a stuck pig. It didn’t seem to slow Joe down though. Cold rage burned in his eyes as he pulled the knife from his side and lunged, holding up a second knife Steve hadn’t known about.

Steve lifted his arm up, ready to block the strike, but Joe didn’t connect. Gary spun Joe around, twisting his arm. When Joe’s hand was directed toward his own body, Gary thrust. The knife in Joe’s hand entered his chest, and he died in the next moment, before he had even hit the floor. Gary had done what Steve had tried to do. He’d aimed for the fucker’s heart but must have missed. Gary’s aim had been true.

Steve spun around and ran to Selina. Taking her from Dorian, he held her close as she clung to him. Her whole body was shaking, and her deep, hysterical sobs tore out his heart. He went down to the floor on his knees, taking her with him, and he realized he, too, was shaking like a leaf. Gary came up behind her, hugging her from behind. He looked up to see Gary crying with relief and only then felt wetness on his own cheeks. Through her sobs, Selina was chanting something, but he couldn’t make it out. She was too distraught for her words to be comprehensible.

Finally her sobbing slowed, and he was able to hear what she was saying.

“You saved me. Oh God, you saved me.”

The police came, and so did the paramedics. He and Gary hovered over her while she was patched up, but when the medics said she needed to be in hospital, as she had a concussion, she refused. The medics made her promise to go to her own doctor and left with a shake of their heads. He was about to push her into going when Detectives Crispin Slater and Russ Lyons took in the scene and got to work.

They took Selina’s statement, and he felt rage boil up inside him again as he listened to what that sick fuck had put her through. Gary had her on his lap, and even though he wanted to feel her in his arms, too, he was too scared he would hurt her at the moment. His hands were clenched, and he ground his teeth together, inhaling deeply and releasing each breath slowly, trying to control his tumultuous emotions.

When Selina was finished, Steve gave his account, and then it was Gary’s turn. After they had finished, Detective Slater was called outside by one the other police officers. Grim faced, he was back moments later and informed them that Jose had been found with his throat slashed. Steve felt nothing for his employee. He wouldn’t have wished for the man’s life to end though.

When they were allowed to go, Steve lifted a sleeping Selina into his arms and carried her out to the truck, his ears still ringing with the dressing down the two detectives had given him and Gary for taking the law into their own hands. He was thankful that Detective Lyons had said it was an open-and-shut case of self-defense and no inquiry or testifying in court would be required.

He held her the whole way home in the front passenger seat with Gary at his side in the driver seat. But his lover had taken a hold of one of Selina’s hands, and he didn’t think he was about to let go anytime soon. Dorian had left with his friend Darrick, headed back to Darrick’s house, and would be by in a couple of days to pick up his truck and clothes. He wondered what their story was, but that thought left when Selina moaned and whimpered in her sleep.

It didn’t seem to take as long to get back home as it had to get to Selina, and before he knew it, Gary was pulling the truck to a stop outside their house. He carried her inside and gently laid her on the bed. Gary went into the bathroom and began to run a bath.

Steve removed the white dress from her body and gasped when he saw all her bruises and abrasions. His love was a total mess. She had bandages wrapped around her wrists, a lump near her temple, and nicks in her throat. Her nose was swollen, and she had bruises beneath her eyes and on her cheek, but she was still absolutely beautiful and perfect to him.

Gary returned to the bedroom and made a strangled sound of pain when he saw Selina.

“We have to make her comfortable, Gary. Help me clean her up and get her tucked into bed,” Steve rasped.

Gary gave him a nod, and they both stripped out of their clothes. Stepping into the large, sunken spa bath, he sat down and held her on his lap while Gary washed her from head to toes.

Steve was getting worried when she kept right on sleeping. Once they had her in one of his T-shirts and safely tucked up in bed, he decided to call the doctor in.

Half an hour later the doctor pronounced that even though Selina was battered and bruised and also suffering from a concussion, as long as she was watched and cared for there was no reason for her to be in the hospital. He told them that she would likely sleep on and off for the next twenty-four hours but if they had any concerns or if she deteriorated, they were to call him.

The sun was getting high in the sky when Steve and Gary finally slid into bed beside her. Steve smiled at Gary when Selina immediately snuggled up to him, throwing her leg over both of his and her arm over his chest and then resting her head on his shoulder. Gary moved up close to her back and wrapped an arm around her waist, his body spooning against hers.

Closing his eyes with a sigh of completion, of rightness, he let his exhaustion wash over him and drifted into sleep.


* * * *


Gary came awake with a jerk to the sound of screaming. He opened his eyes just in time to see the fist coming toward his face and ducked. Steve flicked on the bedside lamp, and Gary looked down to see Selina, her legs thrashing and her fists flailing. He held her hands in his so she wouldn’t hurt herself as Steve tried to wake her. The sounds of terror emitting from her throat made his chest ache with anxiety. Their woman had been through so much pain and terror, he knew it was going to take time for her to get over it.

“Shh, baby. You’re safe. It’s all right now. Wake up, Selina,” Gary said quietly.

Steve rubbed his hands up and down her arms as he, too, tried to wake her from her nightmare.

“Selina, you’re dreaming, sugar. Come on now. Wake up,” Steve demanded.

Gary sighed with relief when she stopped thrashing around, and he slowly released her hands. He cautiously placed a hand on her belly and caressed her with slow, soothing motions. Finally she gave a last sob and her eyelids flickered open.

“Oh God, I’m so sorry. Did I hurt you?” she asked.

“No, baby, you could never hurt us. We were worried you were going to hurt yourself,” Gary replied.

“Are you okay, sugar? How is your head?” inquired Steve.

“Better. I still have a bit of a headache, but other than that I just feel a bit sluggish. What time is it?”

“Two o’clock,” Steve replied.

“Are you hungry, baby?”


“Why don’t you help Selina in the shower, and I’ll get us a snack,” Gary suggested.

“Thank you, both of you. If it hadn’t been for you two, I don’t think I would be alive. He would have killed me before the police arrived,” she said with a sob.

“Shh, honey. It’s over now. Come on, let’s go shower.” Steve helped her up.

Chapter Fourteen


“Shit,” Selina muttered as strong arms wrapped around her waist. The mug she was watching nearly went crashing into the kitchen sink, but she caught it at the last moment.

“Sorry, baby, I didn’t mean to scare you,” Gary said as he nuzzled her neck.

It had been a week since Gary and Steve had rescued her, and even though she had slept in their bed, in between them, neither of them had tried to initiate any lovemaking. They had asked her to move in with them, and she had accepted without hesitation. Steve had organized for her things to be packed up and moved, and not once did he let her do a thing.

Even though one or the other of her men had been working, the other had stayed with her in their house and kept her entertained. They had watched movies, listened to music, played games, and done everything for her. As much as she loved them and accepted that they needed to take care of her, she was going crazy. She wanted her life to get back to normal. She would rather spend her days in the office, chasing things up and generally doing what she was supposed to be doing.

When she had said she wanted to return to work two days after her abduction, Steve had put his foot down, emphatically demanding she rest and recuperate. That had been fine for a couple of days, but now that she was well again, things had to get back to the way they were. Besides, she was damn horny and wanted them to make love with her. She needed to feel their hands and mouths on her body, wanted to touch them all over and reaffirm that they were all safe and well.

Turning in Gary’s arms, she leaned back against the kitchen counter, reached up, grabbed his hair, and pulled his head down to her. Licking over his lips with her tongue, she smiled when he groaned against her mouth. Opening up to him when he pushed his way into her mouth, she slid her hands beneath his T-shirt and caressed them over the hard muscles of his chest.

“You’re playing with fire, little girl,” he whispered against her lips.

“Ooh, I just love to get burned,” she replied.

Gary’s chuckle turned to a moan when she slid her tongue between his lips and her hand down over his belly until she cupped his hard cock.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Steve asked.

Selina removed her mouth from Gary’s and looked up into Steve’s heat-filled blue eyes.

“What does it look like I’m doing? Scrubbing the kitchen sink?” she asked saucily.

Steve moved farther into the room, pinning her with his hot gaze.

“Don’t you get sassy with me, little girl, or I’ll put you over my knee and spank your ass.”

“Is that a threat or a promise?”

“It’s whatever you want it to be, sugar.”

“What do you think, Gary? Do you think the big bad man will spank poor little ol’ me?”

Selina shrieked with laughter as her world turned upside down. Steve had her up over his shoulder before she could blink and carried her down the hall and up the stairs to the bedroom. He sat down on the side of the bed and pulled her over his lap, with her head hanging down and her ass in the air.

“You’ve just been begging for this, honey. You have tormented Gary and me over the last couple of days, until we both thought we’d go cross-eyed. Help me get her clothes off,” Steve commanded Gary.

Hands pushed, pulled, and yanked until Selina was naked. She moaned when Steve ran his hand over her ass.

“You are so fucking sexy, sugar,” Steve declared and then smacked her butt.

“And you are so hot,” she managed to get out between panting breaths and smacking sounds as Steve’s hand slapped her then rubbed her ass again.

“Do you like that, baby? Do you like the feel of Steve’s hand against your ass?” Gary asked from behind her.

“Yes,” she whimpered as another smack landed. That whimper turned into a keening sound when Gary spread her legs and began to lick her pussy.

“Oh God,” she cried.

“No, baby, it’s Gary,” he said with a chuckle against her cunt. “You taste so fucking good.”

Steve took that moment to lift her and place her on the bed. He helped her to roll over onto her back, and she watched as her men disrobed. They were so damned gorgeous, they made her cunt clench and leak, begging to be filled.

Steve finished undressing first and crawled up onto the bed. He nudged his way between her thighs, making room for his shoulders, and slipped his hands under her ass.

He lowered his head and licked from the top of her slit down to her anus. Selina moaned and closed her eyes, savoring the sensations of pleasure and desire running rampant through her body.

Arching her hips up, she mewled with delight when Steve moved back up through her wet folds and laved her clit. Flicking his tongue over her clit again and again, he had her on the brink of climax within moments. Just when she thought she was about to go hurtling over the edge, he stopped.

“What are you stopping for?” she gasped. “I was so close.”

“We’ll give you what you need, sugar,” Steve replied, sitting up between her thighs and moving until his hard cock touched her wet flesh. “Put your hands above your head, honey.”

Selina obeyed the demand and raised her arms up above her head, laying them flat on the mattress.

“Good girl,” Steve praised.

She screamed with shocked pleasure when he thrust his hard cock into her sheath until his balls touched her ass. She moved her arms, intending to hold on to him, but his voice stopped her.

“No! Keep your hands where they are. I need to be in control, honey,” Steve stated in a deep, gravelly cadence.

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