Please Save Me (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (15 page)

BOOK: Please Save Me (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Throughout the lovely meal they talked about work and then inconsequential things, keeping the mood light. When they were done and the table was clear, she asked them to sit back down.

“I made dessert. You have a choice of pecan pie or sticky date pudding,” she told them, already knowing Gary would choose the pudding and Steve the pie. They didn’t disappoint her. She cut them each a slice and brought it to the table.

“Aren’t you having any, sugar?” Steve asked.

“No, thanks, I am just going to sit here between the two of you and watch you enjoy it,” she replied with a smile.

“Yum, you make the best desserts, baby,” Gary said on a sigh then stopped chewing with a funny look on his face.

She had to look away so she wouldn’t smile and shifted her gaze to Steve. He was just reaching to his mouth with his fingers. Taking a deep breath, Selina scooted her chair back, got onto her knees, and took hold of their hands as they held the gold rings they had plucked from their mouths in their free hands. Looking from one to the other, she began talking.

“I vowed that if I ever got out of Joe’s clutches, I wouldn’t let you get away from me. I love you both so much, and it would be a great honor if you would consent to marrying me.”

Steve and Gary both had tears in their eyes, and Selina held her breath, waiting for them to answer.

“Have you thought about who you’re going to marry on paper, honey?” Steve asked in a voice deeper than usual.

“Yes. I have, and I hope you’ll agree and both understand. Gary, I love you for your quirky humor and the way you keep everyone happy but most of all because you are who you are, and you are in my heart for eternity. Steve, I love you for your dominant personality and your controlling ways but most of all for who you are, and you are in my heart for eternity.

“Steve, will you consent to be my husband on paper?”

“Gary, are you okay with that?” Steve asked, and Selina saw the moisture gathered in his eyes.

“Yeah, man, it’s the way it should be. I don’t need a piece of paper to tell me that Selina and I are married.” He turned to Selina. “And yes, baby, I will marry you and be in your heart for eternity, just like you are in mine. I love you, Selina. You, too, Steve.”

“Ditto, man,” Steve replied in a deep, husky voice and turned to her. “Selina, God, you mean more than anything, sugar. Yes, I’ll marry you. I couldn’t do anything less after you saved us.”

“We saved each other, honey.”

And then she was in their arms, right where she was supposed to be.









My name is Becca Van. I live in Australia with my wonderful hubby of many years, as well as my two children.

I read my first romance, which I found in the school library, at the age of thirteen and haven’t stopped reading them since. It is so wonderful to know that love is still alive and strong when there seems to be so much conflict in the world.

I dreamed of writing my own book one day but, unfortunately, didn’t follow my dream for many years. But once I started I knew writing was what I wanted to continue doing.

I love to escape from the world and curl up with a good romance to see how the characters unfold and conflict is dealt with. I have read many books and love all facets of the romance genre, from historical to erotic romance. I am a sucker for a happy ending.

Also by Becca Van


Ménage Everlasting: Blood Exchange 1:
The Drierge Brothers

Ménage Everlasting: Elite Dragons 1:
One for Three

Ménage Everlasting: Terra-form 1:
Alpha Panthers

Ménage Everlasting: Terra-form 2:
Taming Olivia

Ménage Everlasting: Terra-form 3:
Keeley’s Opposition



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