Please Save Me (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (8 page)

BOOK: Please Save Me (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Snapping her eyes open, she looked up to see Gary sheathing his cock with a condom and Steve watching them both with unrequited desire in his gaze. Her breath panted heavily through her lips as her body shivered at what she knew was to come.

Gary moved closer to her, wrapped his arms around her thighs, and placed her legs over his shoulders. He held his dick in his hand and rubbed the head of his penis up and down her slit, gathering the moisture her body produced to slick over his cock. Then he pinned her with his eyes and thrust into her cunt with one powerful surge.

Selina’s scream of pleasure turned to a moan as Gary pumped his hips a few times, his cock sliding in and out of her pussy, massaging her sensitive internal flesh with heated friction. She grasped the cheeks of his ass when he stopped moving, and she shoved her hips up at him.

“If you keep trying to control us in the bedroom, sugar, I’m gonna hafta spank your ass,” Steve said in her ear, and by the bark of laughter which erupted from Gary’s mouth, he had heard, too.

“Oh, I think our baby likes that idea, Steve. Her pussy just clenched around me and bathed my cock with her juices,” Gary panted out as he moved until he was half sitting, half crouching between her now-splayed thighs. He removed her legs from over his shoulders, placing her feet flat on the bed, and wedged his hips between her limbs.

Steve sheathed his cock with a condom and then covered it with lubrication. Then he got off the bed, tube of lube still in hand, and crawled back on behind Gary. Watching Gary’s face avidly, she saw it contort with pleasure and knew Steve was lubing his ass. She moaned with delight when Gary’s cock flexed inside her, setting off a similar response in her pussy.

“Don’t move, either of you,” Steve commanded through clenched teeth as he moved in closer to Gary.

Gary gasped but held still, and her eyes connected with his with a fierceness she had never seen before. His jaw clenched tight, and she heard him swallow loudly. Then he moaned and closed his eyes. She looked up over his shoulder and her gaze met Steve’s. She could see so much emotion there in his blue depths, and she knew he didn’t realize what he was portraying to her.

“I’m in,” Steve growled, pinning her with a heated stare. “You are not to move, sugar. I want you to let Gary and I do all the work. Is that understood?”

“Yes,” she moaned out with excited frustration.

“Good, make sure you heed me, Selina. If you try to take control, I will put you over my knee and spank that pretty little ass.” He punctuated his statement by withdrawing his cock from Gary’s ass and surging back in. When Steve’s hips slammed into Gary’s ass, the jolt sent Gary’s cock deep into her pussy, and she mewled with excited desire. As Steve retreated once more, Gary pulled back slightly with him. Selina wrapped her hands around Gary’s bulging biceps to hang on for a wild ride.

She cried out when Steve advanced with more power than the previous stroke and Gary’s hips slammed into her pussy, butting his dick against her cervix. The pleasure-pain was unbelievable, and she couldn’t help closing her eyes when Gary twisted his hips slightly, mashing his pubic bone into her clit.

“Oh my God. Oh my God. Yes! Fuck me!” she panted.

“Don’t you dare come until I tell you, sugar.” Steve’s gasping breaths punctuated his statement as he rocked his hips hard, shuttling his penis in and out of Gary’s ass.

“Bite me if you have to, baby,” Gary rasped in a deep, gravelly cadence.

“Open your eyes, Selina. Look at me. I want you to know who it is that is giving you and Gary pleasure,” Steve demanded.

She opened her eyes and fell into Steve’s deep blue pools. His pupils were dilated and his breathing was heavy, but once she was looking at him, she couldn’t drag her gaze away. Sweat beaded on his brow, and the muscles in his face were drawn in tight with control and desire. He was looking at her with a fierce possessiveness, and she knew, even though he might never say the words she longed to hear, that he was in love with her.

“I love you, Steve,” she gasped as Gary’s cock hit her womb once more. “I love you, too, Gary.”

“I love you, baby,” Gary replied and leaned down to kiss her. She started to close her eyes and lose herself in that kiss and the exquisite sensations running through her body as she tangled her tongue with his, but Steve’s voice made her halt the action.

“No! Keep your eyes open, honey. That’s it. Good girl,” he praised when her eyes locked onto his once more. “Do you like the way we are both fucking you, sugar?”

“Yes! More. Please? I need more.”

“Gary, tilt her hips up.”

Gary slid his hands beneath her ass and lifted her hips up to a better angle and pulled his hips back when Steve did. Then Steve began to move hard and fast. He pounded into Gary’s ass, which then made Gary’s cock advance and retreat at a furious pace. Both she and Gary moaned as Steve panted heavily, doing all the work to give them so much pleasure. Her pussy rippled around Gary’s cock, and cream began leaking out of her with constant frequency. Liquid lava travelled through her body, sending tingling warmth permeating throughout her. Arching her breasts up toward Gary, the sensation of her nipples brushing against his chest sent her that much closer to climax.

“Please, Steve,” she sobbed.

“Please what, honey?” he managed to ask through heavy breaths.

“I want to come. I need to come,” she screamed desperately when her pussy clenched down with a light flutter around Gary’s penis.

“She’s right on the edge, man. And so am I,” Gary rasped.

“Then you’d better let go.” He slammed against Gary again and again.

Selina keened in the back of her throat as Gary’s cock slammed over her G-spot and his flesh connected with her clit, but she didn’t dare close her eyes. Her vision blurred and her breathing stuttered as one of the most powerful climaxes she had ever experienced swept over her entire body. Black pinpricks formed before her eyes, and she yelled with rapturous bliss, her body shaking, her pussy muscles contracting around Gary’s cock, and her cunt gushing out her liquid emission. The pleasure was so far off the scale, she was only vaguely aware of Gary’s shout when he reached climax and, moments later, Steve’s hoarse cry as he, too, attained orgasm.

Aftershocks continued to wrack her body and cunt, but she was so satiated, her limbs felt heavy and she didn’t know if her brain was ready to take control once more. Gary groaned, and she nibbled on her lip when she noticed her eyes were closed. She snapped them open and saw the smile of satisfaction on Steve’s face as he moved off the bed. Gary didn’t immediately pull away from her. Instead he wrapped his arms around her and rolled them both to their sides, still intimately connected.

“Are you okay, baby?” he asked in a whisper against her ear.

“Yeah,” she replied and snuggled her cheek against his shoulder.

“That was pretty intense, wasn’t it?”


“Did you like what Steve did to us?” He moved back slightly so he could see her face. She tilted her head back and looked into his green eyes and couldn’t prevent a smile from forming on her lips.

“Hell yeah,” she whispered.

“I love you, baby,” Gary declared and kissed her sweetly on the lips.

“I love you, too.” She snuggled back down until she was comfortable and let her heavy eyelids drift closed. Moments later she squealed when a slap landed on her ass. Turning her head to look over her shoulder, she saw Steve looking at them with a shit-eating grin on his face.

“Come on, you two. Up and at ’em. The day’s wastin’ away,” he grumbled. “Why don’t you two get in the shower, and I’ll get breakfast ready.”

“I don’t think I can move,” Selina replied with a pout and then smiled when Steve’s eyes drifted down to her lips.

“Don’t worry, baby. I’ll carry you.” Gary moved off to the side of the bed. His semiflaccid cock slid out of her body at the movement, and then she was lifted up into his arms. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she rested her head on his shoulder and let him cart her to the bathroom.

Chapter Eight


Steve looked up as Gary and Selina entered the kitchen. They were smiling at each other, and he felt a pang of jealousy over the close intimacy the two of them seemed to share. But then she looked at him, and the envy stabbing through his gut and chest diminished when she bestowed the same intimate smile on him. He turned back to the stove when he felt another chink in the armor around his heart form. Placing the last of the cooked food onto plates, he carried two of them over to the dining table and set them down. He returned with his own plate and a pot of fresh coffee.

“This looks and smells wonderful. Thanks, Steve, I’m hungry,” she praised and gave him another smile.

“I’m starving,” Gary piped up with a grin. “Great sex will do that to a man.”

Selina giggled and quickly lowered her eyelashes. She was so damn sexy, his eyes were drawn to her again and again.

Already Gary’s demeanor had changed from the lighthearted personality he wore around Steve to the more serious person he knew he kept hidden beneath the surface. That made him think that maybe he wasn’t good enough to be Gary’s lover. His gut churned at the thought he might be holding back Gary from what he was meant to and could be, and he looked down at the untouched food on his plate. He pushed his plate away and picked up his mug of coffee instead and sipped the dark, bitter brew. It was just the way he liked it, and he let the hot liquid travel down to his stomach, hoping it would heat the inside of his frozen body.

“Why aren’t you eating, Steve?” Selina asked with a concerned frown.

“I’m just not hungry, I guess.”

“Why won’t you talk to me? I promise whatever you have to say won’t ever be repeated.”

“Leave it be, Selina.”

“What are you so scared of? Do you really think that what you are keeping hidden from me will make me run screaming from the house? Don’t you get that the love I feel for you is unconditional? That means no matter what you’ve been through or done, I will keep right on loving you, warts and all. I’ve opened my heart up to you. Why can’t you do the same?”

“Fuck, Selina. You don’t know what you’re asking of me,” Steve replied in a roar.

“No, I don’t, because you won’t let me in,” she yelled back.

She didn’t flinch from her chair when he rose up and stalked toward her. He grabbed her upper arms and pulled her up until she was standing, too. She kept her gaze steady on his as he leaned close and spoke to her in a cold, harsh voice.

“You want to know what I’m hiding. Okay, sweetheart, but don’t say I didn’t warn you,” he told her fiercely. “My father died when I was little more than a baby. When my mom remarried it seemed she had chosen a pearl among men. Everyone loved to be near him. He made everyone laugh and happy. He loved to be around the entire family, and they liked to be around him, too. Even my own fucking mother.

“When I was eight years old, that ‘pearl,’” he spat, “raped me. He held me down and sodomized me. My mother walked into my bedroom and took one look and walked back out. Not once did she ever ask me if I was all right, and she didn’t call the authorities to have him arrested. Until the day I turned thirteen years old, that fucking bastard used me for his own sick pleasures. By my thirteenth birthday, I’d grown and developed a little muscle. So when he came for me that day, I fought him. I laid that motherfucker out, and then I lit out of the house so fast I didn’t even take the time to put on any shoes.

“I lived on the streets for a week, until the day I got caught stealing because I was hungry. The policeman who came to arrest me took one look at me, took me into his home, fed me, clothed me, and put a roof over my head. That day was the best day of my life. He took me to counseling, got me through school, and here I am. The man you think I am, the half man you claim to love standing before you.”

Steve eased his hold on Selina’s arms, breathing heavily as if he had just run a marathon, and cringed when he saw the red marks he had left on her skin. He looked deeply into her tear-filled eyes, expecting to see revulsion and for her to back away from him. She surprised the hell out of him when she wrapped her arms tightly around his neck and her legs around his waist and clung to him.

“I’m sorry,” she sobbed. “I’m so sorry you had to go through that, but I’m especially sorry the one woman you depended on to keep you safe failed you. Please, don’t ever think what was done to you alters the way I feel for you. You were a child, for God’s sake. There was nothing you could do to stop what he was doing to you. You have nothing to feel guilty or ashamed of, and if you want to place blame, put it where it belongs. On him and your mother.”

Steve didn’t know what to feel. He had expected verbal recriminations, revulsion, and pity. Never had he expected that she would lay the blame where it truly belonged, on the people who were supposed to love and protect him. The cold casing around his heart shattered in an explosion of acceptance, and he sunk to the floor with her still wrapped about him. Burying his face in her hair, he gave way to the bitterness which he had stored up and kept inside for so long. He cried for the loss of his innocence and the lack of control he’d had over his own life, and he cried for his deceased mother, who should have stepped in to protect him.

Another pair of arms wrapped around him from behind, and he felt the acrimony he had lived with so long wash away. The gaping hole in his heart began to fill with joy, excitement, and happiness as the two people in the world he held most dear comforted him.

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