Poison (11 page)

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Authors: Leanne Davis

Tags: #Suspense, #Contemporary

BOOK: Poison
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“You are nothing but a—”

“Stop it,” John interrupted. “Cassie and Tim are staying. Cassie doesn’t need you to be her self-proclaimed hero Luke. Leave Sarah out of it, it’s not her fault she’s even involved with this.”

“Yeah I’m only in this because I love John. And you’re jealous because you don’t want your brother to move on or away from you.”

“You what?” John’s mouth opened, and his eyes bugged out.

Sarah placed her hand on John’s arm. “I love you. Come on, you know I do.”

“How dare you suggest I’d want to hold my brother back in his life.” Luke balled his fists at his sides.

Sarah turned to Luke. Her lips pulled back in a sneer. “Bullshit. What are you doing already? Your wife died and John’s stuck here—”

“Damn, John’s girlfriend, did you just proclaim your love for John in front of all of us? And I gather by John’s face that’s the first he’s heard of it. You all are going to make for some interesting roommates,” Kelly said, interrupting what was fast becoming an explosive fight. Cassie turned to Kelly as she came sauntering down the stairs.

“Oh no way are you going to be living in this house too,” Sarah exclaimed.

“Oh yeah I am. This is my sister and where she is, I’m going to be from now on. Why? You’re not jealous, are you?”

“Of what?”

“Me. You’ve been shooting daggers at me since I walked in. Don’t worry I’m not into John, he’s like my brother or something.”

“I don’t care what he is, he’s not living with another woman.”

“Hate to break it to you, but he already has been,” Kelly answered. They were now nose to nose glaring as heatedly as Luke and Sarah had been. They were within inches of each other, dwarfing Cassie.

“Cassie? Like she could be a threat to me.”

Kelly laughed softly. “You don’t know much about my sister do you Sarah?”

“Kelly! Shut up.” Cassie gritted her teeth, her cheeks suddenly hot.

Kelly glanced back and winced. “Oh shit, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that. I just meant you’re not some harmless kitten like Sarah thinks.”

“Yeah, well I really don’t think we need to discuss that now do we?”

“No of course not. As long as she stays out of my face,” Kelly said, turning her back on Sarah.

“Ditto that,” Sarah said, facing John.

Cassie sighed, rolling her eyes. This was the last thing she needed on top of everything else.

“Kelly, why don’t you go check on Tim? Luke, get Kelly’s luggage. Sarah, go get dressed, and then maybe we can all discuss the situation like adults. This has been ridiculous, and it’s not happening again,” John said directing the disgruntled group.

“I’ll make breakfast,” Cassie said after a long silence where no one moved. “Pancakes.”

Sarah rolled her eyes. “God Cassie some of us can’t just eat pancakes, must be nice to not have to worry so much about your figure.” And with that, Sarah turned and started up the stairs.

“Oh that’s it,” Kelly muttered, as she took the stairs two at a time, after Sarah.

Luke shook his head and headed out the front door.

John and Cassie were left alone. He stared down at her. She quickly turned and exited to the kitchen.

Cassie pulled out a bowl and grabbed pancake mix and milk from the fridge. John came in and stood in middle of the kitchen, right in her way, his arms crossed over his chest, his face in a dark scowl. She shrugged when he didn’t speak to her. She had to walk around him to get to the counter, where she began making pancakes

“You need to be careful,” John said after a long moment.

Cassie started mixing up batter before she stopped and met his eye. “No kidding. Isn’t that why I live with you?”

“I mean about Luke.”

“Luke? What are you talking about?”

“Back there. You told Luke he was too good to you.”

Cassie eyed John, stunned. Of all that had been said in the entryway, that’s what John Tyler decided to focus on? A nice banal compliment she’d given Luke?

“Yeah well not many people turn their lives upside down for a woman and kid they were hardly even friends with. So yeah, I’m grateful to Luke.”

“Luke is different than he used to be. He’s vulnerable. You make him feel needed, like he has a purpose again. And he’s getting too attached to Tim. I know he says he’s okay, but he hasn’t been the same since Shelly died.”

Cassie went still as she considered the implications of what John was saying.

“You think Luke has feelings other than friendship toward me? Get real. We’re friends. And as for Luke and Tim’s relationship? Of course Luke is attached to Tim. There are a lot worse things for Luke than liking my son.”

“Yeah? And what if Luke falls for you in some misguided attempt to save you? Or to become Tim’s new daddy?”

Cassie shook her head. “No way. Luke and I are like; well it’s like hanging out with Kelly.”

“On your end. I know my brother. He’s not like he used to be. He’s vulnerable toward anything that could give him back that sense of family and belonging he lost when Shelly died. I’ve been worried all along about this mission he seems to have to save you. Doesn’t it strike you as a little strong for the friendship you two had in high school?”

“Yes it does. But not for the friendship we share now. You’re not here. You don’t know what Luke, me, and Tim are like. We’re friends, nothing more. So please don’t imply what you are. I told you that I’m not like I used to be. And I especially am not when my six-year-old son is around. I don’t sleep around anymore, and you can bet your life I wouldn’t sleep with your brother. Even I have never sunk that low,” she said, her voice intense, her gaze sizzling. “And besides, look at me, I don’t inspire those feelings any more, nor do I give off those signals. Your own girlfriend thinks I’m as threatening as a flea. So just stop it.”

“I wasn’t implying you were doing anything to seduce Luke because of your past. I’m worried my brother thinks he could fall in love with you and Tim. I don’t want to see Luke hurt.”

“You are. You are implying I’m doing something to seduce Luke. Just like I seduced you last night right?”

“That’s not what I said. There isn’t anything between us.”

“You think there is nothing between us?

“No. Nothing.”

“Really? What about last night?”

“Last night was a—”

“Mistake, fluke, accident, whatever you call it, it’s my fault right?”

“Calm down Cassie. Lower your voice before the whole household hears what they nearly witnessed last night.”

“Don’t you tell me to calm down. What I don’t need to hear right now is your theories about why I came onto you last night.”

“Last night was a mistake, and only happened because of circumstances.”

“Circumstances? What circumstances? Your hands just happened to fall up my shirt?”

John pulled at his shirt collar. He shook his head. “Point taken. I wasn’t blaming you for what happened. I meant it was just a reaction to what’s going on around us.”

“What? Like a stress releaser?”

John clenched his jaw. “Why are you trying to make this difficult? You want an apology from me? Fine I let it get out of line.”

“You didn’t tell Sarah?”

“No I haven’t told her.”

“Don’t. It was a stupid one time mistake.”

“Exactly, it was circumstances.”

“Yeah circumstances,” Cassie echoed, her tone half-hearted. She wondered why on her end it felt like far more than just circumstances.

They were interrupted when Kelly and Tim came into the kitchen oblivious to John and Cassie’s heated discussion and the tension that still radiated as they glared at each other.

Cassie turned toward her son and sister and finally a real smile lighted up her face. Having Kelly in the house, the one adult in the world who was on her side, no matter what, had instantly shored up her confidence. She was sick of being a victim. She was sick of her life being out of her control as she sat here doing nothing about it.

Kelly met Cassie’s gaze. Cassie grinned and finished making breakfast to the sounds of Tim and Kelly talking and laughing. John didn’t budge. She could feel his eyes on her.

Luke came in and joined in the conversation. John’s claim that Luke felt anything more for her was ridiculous. No way. Sarah finally came into the kitchen looking her best. She must have dolled herself up more than usual in honor of Kelly’s visit. Sarah then went over to where John leaned against the counter and made a production of hugging him for all to see. Cassie rolled her eyes.

Luke helped set the table as Cassie brought the food and coffee. Then the strange collection of roommates sat down together and started serving and talking.

“So Kelly what are you doing here?” John asked.

“I thought it wasn’t safe for you to come here,” Luke added, his tone annoyed.

“I was careful coming here, and no one knows even what state I was headed toward. Not even my assistant.”

“You have an assistant?” Sarah interrupted, a note of jealously in her voice.

“Sure. Anyways I had to take the chance.”

“Why?” Cassie asked.

“Maybe we could talk in private.”

Cassie shrugged. “Everyone here knows what’s going on Kelly.”

“Okay, then, thank God you called me yesterday and told me what was going on. It wasn’t until later I realized this news was important to you. I was planning on waiting and telling you in person because I thought it wasn’t time sensitive information. But as it turns out, it is.”

“What news?”

“Mom called me; she does every so often, usually when she’s low on money.”

“Which I tell you not to send.”

“Yeah, well, I’m not you. I can’t seem to say no to her. Anyways, she mentioned her trailer had been broken into and some personal papers had been taken, nothing else. That struck me as weird because she keeps the cash I give her in a drawer, easily available.”

“Why would anyone want her personal stuff?”

“She told me something that was in those papers and that’s what brought me to you. She doesn’t even know she told me anything that could really affect you. The thing is Cassie; I’d stake my career that it was Marcus who broke into her trailer looking for anything that could lead him to you.”

Cassie froze as she was about to take a bite. Kelly looked grim, which was so unlike her that Cassie knew there was more. “What could Heather have that would lead Marcus here? I haven’t seen her in fifteen years. She doesn’t know I’m hiding, let alone anything about the Tylers, or this town.”

Kelly set down her orange juice and looked into Cassie’s eyes. “Whoever stole those papers found out who your father is.”

“Heather doesn’t even know.”

“Yes she does. Heather’s been extorting money out of him for years. Your biological father is married and will do just about anything to make sure his wife doesn’t find out about you or Heather. And mom has used you all these years to blackmail him. She didn’t want you to know for fear you’d ruin her scheme.”

Cassie shifted in her seat. She took a deep breath. “Who is he?”

Kelly licked her lips and took Cassie’s hand across the table, squeezing it as she said softly, “Harry Everhart.”

Chapter Eleven

Cassie sat for several moments in tense silence. She finally set down her fork, threw her napkin on her plate, and slowly rose from the table, her chair scraping softly as she pushed it out of her way. She wordlessly turned and walked out of the kitchen.

“What’s she doing?” Sarah finally asked, breaking the silence.

“I’m not sure. She’s had so much happen to her lately, I was scared to tell her this, but she had to know. There is a real danger and possibility Marcus will find Harry, and it’s not too far a stretch from him to Cassie.”

“She’s always wanted to know who her father is,” John said quietly. “I can’t believe it’s Harry.”

Kelly look at him sharply, her narrowed gaze conveying the question of how did he know that? “Yes she has wanted to know. Far more than I ever cared. I always assumed if the prick who fathered me wanted nothing to do with me then his loss.”

“You don’t have the same father?” Sarah asked.


The front door slammed. Everyone looked around for a moment. Cassie had left? John jumped up and was the first down the hall and through the door.

He caught her just as she was reaching for the door handle on her car. He grabbed her arm. She whirled around at his touch, glaring at him. Tears streaked her face.

“Where are you going?”

“That bastard has looked me in the eye for weeks now, knowing my life and my son’s is in danger, and he still doesn’t tell me? He doesn’t want anything to do with me or his own grandson? He paid my mother to keep quiet about me.” She paused as anger made her tears escalate and her voice crack. “Don’t even pretend to know what I’m feeling. You came from the nicest family I have ever known. And even when I needed help the most, when I was clueless enough to end up on my own father’s doorstep, all he does is set me up with a job. One Christmas card a year and I always thought of Harry as some kind of nice old uncle. Well screw him. I’m going to tell him just that.”

“I’m going with you.”

“You’re what?”

“I’m coming with you. That bastard misled me too. He should have done something for you, and instead, he left it to me.”

Cassie closed her eyes and let out a breath. She climbed into the passenger side of the car, sparing a glance at the front of the house where everyone was watching them. John had the sense to go up the front steps and say something to the group about where they were going. What else would he be doing before Cassie left his life once and for all?


Harry Everhart was her father. The knowledge spun around and around Cassie’s head. She wasn’t sure how that sat with her. She had wanted to know who had fathered her ever since she was first able to understand what was so different about her family than everyone else’s. She could remember making up fake dads and fake dad stories all through elementary school. And all that time her father was a kindly doctor sending her yearly Christmas cards.

And Heather’s betrayal? That was hardly a blip on her radar. Heather had disappointed and hurt her so much in her life that she had ceased to matter to her. Her mother’s faults had quit surprising Cassie long ago. Blackmailing Harry? Not telling Cassie about her father, even though she had asked on and off for years, well that too, was something she would expect of Heather. Maybe this time Heather had done her a favor, at least Harry had to pay for his lack of acknowledgment of her.

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