Political Order and Political Decay (107 page)

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I am extremely grateful to my editor at Farrar, Straus and Giroux, Eric Chinski, who (as in the case of Volume 1) provided invaluable guidance and judgment on how to refine and present my arguments. I would also like to extend special thanks to Andrew Franklin of Profile Books, Paulo Rocco at Editora Rocco, and Mizzi van der Pluijm at Contact, who over the years have published every single book I've written. In addition, Cynthia Merman did a heroic job copyediting and fact-checking the manuscript. This book would not be possible without my terrific literary agents, Esther Newberg, Sophie Baker, and Betsy Robbins.



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Abe, Shinz

Abernethy, David

accountability; of Chinese state; clientelism and; procedural; rule of law and; sanction-based; substantive

Acemoglu, Daron

Adams, Henry Carter

Adams, John

Adams, John Quincy

Addams, Jane

Admati, Anat

Administrative Procedure Act

adversarial legalism

Affordable Care Act


Africa; agriculture in; Britain and; clientelism in; colonialism in; democracy in; East Asia compared with; economic growth in; French and; geography in; native law and custom in; neopatrimonial rule in; population densities in; states in; taxes in; tribalism and ethnic groups in

African Americans;
Brown v. Board of Education
and; franchise and

agrarian societies; shift to industrial societies from

Aitken, James

Akita, George

Alamieyeseigha, Diepreye

Allen, William

Allende, Salvador


reciprocal altruism

American Economic Association

American exceptionalism

American Revolution

American Social Science Association


Anderson, Benedict

Andreotti, Giulio

Andrews, Matt

Anglo-Burmese War



Arab Spring

Arab world; democracy in

Árbenz, Jacobo

Argentina; car industry in; coup of 1930 in; economy of; exports of; industrialization in; infamous decade in; land ownership in; leadership style and institutions in; middle class in; military in; Radical Party in; reversals of fortune in; settlement of; slavery in; Supreme Court in; voting in



Arthur, Chester A.


see also
East Asia; South Asia





authoritarian regimes; in China; Christianity and

automobile workers

autonomy; of Chinese state

Aztec Empire

Bagehot, Walter



Ballinger, Richard

band-level societies

Banfield, Edward


Barkan, Joel

Batu Khan


Belgian Congo


Belknap, William

Ben Ali, Zine El Abidine


Benso, Camillo (Count of Cavour)

Bentham, Jeremy

Beria, Lavrenty

Berlusconi, Silvio

Berry, Sara


Bienen, Henry


Bin Laden, Osama

Bismarck, Otto von

Biya, Paul

Blackwood, Cecilia

Blagojevich, Rod

Blair, Tony

Bodin, Jean

Boko Haram

Bolívar, Simón


Bolshevik Revolution

Borsellino, Paolo

Boserup, Ester


Bossi, Umberto


Bouazizi, Mohamed


Bo Xilai

Brandeis, Dietrich

Brazil; middle class in; protests in



Britain; Africa and; Argentina and; civil service in; Conservative Party in; democracy in; and globalization and technological change; India and; Labour Party in; middle classes in; Nigeria and; Northcote-Trevelyan reforms in; patronage in; railroads in; voting in; Westminster system in;
see also

British colonialism; in Africa; in India

Brownlow Commission

Brown v. Board of Education


Bryan, William Jennings

Bryce, Lord

Buchanan, James



bureaucracies; autonomy of; in China; in France; in Germany; in Japan; in Prussia

Burke, Edmund


Burton, Richard

Bush, George H. W.

Byron, George Gordon, Lord

Cain, Bruce

Calderón, Rafael Ángel




Campbell, John


Cannon, Joe

capitalism; in Greece; in United States


Carmer, J. H. von

Carneiro, Robert

Carpenter, Daniel

Carter, Jimmy

Casper, Gerhard

Castro, Fidel

Catholics, Catholic church

Centeno, Miguel

Central African Republic

Central America

Césaire, Aimé


Chaco War

Chadwick, Edwin

Chang Tso-lin

Chapman, Richard

Charles I, King

Charles III, King

Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor

Chávez, Hugo

Chiang Kai-shek

Chiesa, Mario


China; accountability of state in; agriculture in; assimilation in; authoritarianism in; autonomy of state in; bad emperor problem in; bureaucracy in; century of humiliation in; citizenship in; civil service in; Communists in; Confucianism in,
Confucians; constitution of; constitutional revisions in; corruption in; cost of labor in; Cultural Revolution in; democracy in; Deng's rule in; duplicate agencies in; eunuchs in; General Principles of Civil Law in; Great Leap Forward in; Han Dynasty in; Han people in; income inequality in; interest groups in; Japan and; KMT in; labor costs in; land conflicts in; language in; law in; Mao's rule in; middle class in; migrations in; Ming Dynasty in; National People's Congress in; People's Liberation Army in; policy variations across regions of; political development and political decay in; property rights in; provinces in; public protests in; public works projects in; Qin Dynasty in; Qing Code in; Qing Dynasty in; Qin state in; railroads in; real estate in; reinvention of state in; retreat of Maoist state in; Shang Dynasty in; size of bureaucracy in; social mobilization in; Soviet period in; states in; state-owned enterprises in; Sui Dynasty in; Tang Dynasty in; taxes in; term limits in; Tiananmen Square protest in; township and village enterprises in; trade and; village elections in; Western businesses in; women's rights in; Zhou Dynasty in

Chinnici, Rocco

Christianity; Catholicism; Protestantism

Chubb, Judith

Civil Code (Code Napoléon)

civil codes

Civil Rights Act

civil service; in Britain; in China; in India; in Japan; in United States

civil society; in Japan

Civil War

Clay, Henry

Cleveland, Grover

clientelism; in Africa; corruption and; in Greece; in Italy; middle class and; patronage as distinguished from; as form of democracy; as form of reciprocal altruism; in Latin America; in Nigeria; in United States;
see also

climate; slavery-plantation complex and

Clinton, Bill

Clinton, Hillary

Cocceji, Samuel von

Code Napoléon (Civil Code)

cold war

Coleman Report

collective action problems

colleges, land-grant

Collier, Paul

Collier, Ruth


colonialism; in Africa British,
British colonialism; first wave of; in Latin America; second wave of; third wave of

Columbus, Christopher

Common Law

Communism; in China; in Italy; in Central America

Communist Manifesto, The
(Marx and Engels)

community-driven development (CDD)

Confucians; Legalists vs.

Congress, U.S.; Administrative Procedure Act; budget and; and federal procurement of goods and services; Forest Service and; interest groups and; TARP and

Conkling, Roscoe

Conrad, Joseph

Constitution, U.S.; Commerce Clause of; Fourteenth Amendment of

Controlling Corruption

Cook, Philip


Correa, Rafael

corruption; bribery and; in China; clientelism evolving into; definitions of; economic growth and; in India; middle class and; moral obligations and; municipal machines and; in Nigeria; prebendalism; reforms of;
see also
clientelism; patronage

Cortés, Hernando

Costa, Gaetano

Costa Rica


Cowen, Tyler

Craig, Gordon

Craxi, Bettino



Crimean War

Cromwell, Oliver


Cunliffe-Jones, Peter

Cunningham, Randy “Duke”

Curtin, Philip

customs agencies


Daley, Richard J.

Dalla Chiesa, Alberto

Damas, Léon

Dangote, Aliko


Darwin, Charles


Declaration of Independence

democracy; advance of; in Africa; alternatives to; in Arab world; arguments against; in Britain; in China; clientelism as form of; decision-making in; economic development and; electronic technologies and; elite capture and; First Wave of; franchise in,
franchise; future of; in Germany; in Greece; ideas and; in Indonesia; in Italy; market economy and; middle class and; in Nigeria; political decay arising from; political parties and; social groups in; social mobilization and; spread of; state building and; in Tanzania; Third Wave of; in United States

Democracy in America

democratic accountability,

Democratic Republic of Congo

Deng Xiaoping

Denmark; as model for development

Depression, Great

Diamond, Jared

Diamond, Larry


Díaz, Porfirio

DiIulio, John

Discourses on the First Ten Books of Livy


Disraeli, Benjamin

division of labor

Dodd-Frank Act

Dodge, Phelps

Dolliver, Jonathan

Dos Santos, Eduardo

Douglas, Stephen

Drèze, Jean

Dual Mandate in British Tropical Africa, The

Durkheim, Émile

Duus, Peter

East Asia; Africa compared with; economic growth in; Latin America compared with; state in

Easterly, William

East India Company

East Timor

Eaton, Dorman

economic growth; in Africa; clientelism and; democracy and in East Asia; end-of-life care and; geography and; institutions and; in Japan; in Latin America; in United States


education; in England; in Greece; in India; in Prussia; for special needs children

Egypt; Mamluk regime in


Eldon, Lord

Elf affair

elite capture

elites; in Nigeria

Elkins Act

El Salvador

end-of-life care

Engels, Friedrich

Engerman, Stanley

England; agriculture in; Civil War in; Common Law in; education in; Glorious Revolution in; industrialization of; Parliament in; taxes in; Tudor;
see also

English Constitution, The


Equatorial Guinea

an, Tayyip

Esch-Cummins Act

Essay on the Principle of Population, An


ethnic cleansing


Europe; colonization by,
colonialism; contemporary Middle East compared with; courts in; debt crisis in; geography in; king vs. estates in; law in; railroads in; Revolutions of 1848 in; social mobilization in; states in; wars in

European Union (EU)

Evans, Peter

Evans-Pritchard, E. E.

evolution, biological


extractive institutions

Eyadéma, Gnassingbé

Faidherbe, Louis

Falcone, Giovanni

Fanfani, Amintore

Farhang, Sean


Fearon, James


Federalist Papers

Ferdinand II of Aragon

Ferdinand VII of Spain

Fernow, Bernhard


Fichte, Johann Gottlieb

Fieldhouse, David

Fields, Karen

Figueres, José

financial crisis of 2008–2009

Fini, Gianfranco


Fiorina, Morris

Fischer, David Hackett

Ford, Henry

Forest Ranger, The

Forest Service, U.S.,
U.S. Forest Service

Fox, Vicente

France; administrative system in; Africa and; bureaucracy in; Code Napoléon in; educational system in; estates in; labor relations and; languages in; law in; Old Regime in; state in; taxes and; venal officeholders in; Vietnam and

franchise; African Americans and;
see also

Franco-Prussian War

Frank, Robert

Franz Ferdinand, Archduke

Frederick II (Frederick the Great)

Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor

Frederick William, Elector of Brandenberg

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