Possess (25 page)

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Authors: J.A. Howell

BOOK: Possess
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I remained silent, stuffing the papers back into the envelope as tears threatened to overwhelm me.

“What's wrong Harley? I ruin the white knight for you?  I'm not the one that told him to fuck his best friend's girl and dump her body in the woods.”

“He wouldn't have killed her.” My voice grew weaker by the minute and Jackson knew exactly where to cut next.

“I'm willing to bet Mikael would say otherwise – if he could speak. He had to have his jaw wired shut thanks to your Irish prick.” 

“He did that after Mikael attacked me.”

“But what happens when
piss him off? Ask yourself that, Harley.” His voice grew smug, “Face it darling, whores like you swarm to men like that. You like being slapped around. You like playing the victim.” Before he could say one more thing, I threw the phone across the room. He was wrong.
Nolan couldn't have done something like this. Nolan couldn't have killed Claire.
My mind raced as I snatched the envelope from the counter and ran for the door. I had to talk to Nolan. He could set things straight. There was no way any of this could be true.

My heart threatened to burst through my chest as I ran out into the street, stumbling and falling in the snow. I looked around frantically. No cars or lurking figures stood out in the snowy ghost town. No one appeared to be following me, including Jackson. My eyes stung with tears as the falling snow caught in my eyelashes, obscuring my view. I ran with all I had, ignoring the agony and exhaustion of my muscles until Finley's came into view. As I reached for the door I fought for breath, my chest aching and my throat dry from the run.

“Harley, ya okay? Why'd ya run off like that?” Nolan started towards me as soon as I came through the door but I stopped him.

“Nolan, I need to talk to you.” I gasped, my voice weakened as I hunched over. My lungs struggled to take in enough air.

“Talk to me about what?”

“Why don't you talk about Brody?” I asked as I finally pulled myself up straight.

“What are ya talkin’ about? Is this because of the apartment?”

“It doesn't matter. I know he was your best friend and now he is dead and you won't talk about him.” I stared into his eyes, searching for something, anything to tell me the things Jackson had said were lies. Nolan's lips twisted into a scowl, his stare growing harsh.

“Why are ya bringing this up, Harley?  Ya have no idea what yer talking about.” I could see his jaw clenching, the anger beginning to surface, but I didn't care. He needed to answer me. I needed to know they were lies.

“Just answer me Nolan. What happened with Brody? What happened with Claire?” Nolan’s eyes widened at the sound of her name. He glared at me, shaking his head as I tossed the envelope onto the table next to him.  “Please tell me
isn’t true.”  Nolan pulled out the contents; his eyes scanning them before he crumpled them in his fists let them drop to the floor.

“Who the feck gave these ta ya?” His blue eyes smoldered at me, his voice unusually calm.

“It doesn’t matter right now. I just need you to tell me whether you killed Claire. Whether you killed Brody.”

“I don’t need to tell ya anything!” His voice exploded across the empty room. “I protected ya last night when that animal was trying ta have his way with ya! I risked my neck for ya and ya come in here accusin’ me of this? Do you even know what I went through because of it?” Nolan’s eyes were ablaze with anger as he stepped towards me, his fists shaking as he balled them at his sides.  Whatever nerve I had struck with my words, it wasn’t a good one.

“Nolan, you don’t understand what’s been –”

“Ya want ta know what happened with Brody and Claire, do ya?! I fecked up, that’s what happened. I thought I was in love with my best friend’s girlfriend, so I
her. That same god damn night that she went missing, I
her.  My stupid mistake almost got me locked up for her murder, I almost lost my family’s pub, and it cost me my best friend. That’s what feckin’ happened! Ya happy now, Harley? Is that what ye wanted ta hear from me!”

“No. I-I think I made a mistake.” I fell back against the door of the pub as I stared at Nolan in shock and fear. He didn’t say anything. He just shook his head at me and walked into the back of the pub.  I shoved the front door open and stumbled out onto the sidewalk before I let the tears escape.
What had I done? Why had I even listened to Jackson?
I had known everything he said was twisted to manipulate me, to make me feel like nothing, and I had let him do just that once again.  I’d done exactly what he hoped I would, and now Nolan hated me for it. I had brought up something he didn’t talk about for a reason. Something he was ashamed of. I couldn’t go back to my apartment but I couldn’t go back inside right now. With a defeated sigh I leaned against the side of Finley’s with my head down, a few more tears escaping as I stared down at my snow covered boots. I went to wipe my tears away but paused as I stared down at my hand.

Those hands. The arm Brody stabbed.
Jackson had a scar on his forearm in the same spot.

Holy hell! It was Jackson. It had been Jackson all along.

It all crashed down on me at once as the truth became clear. My only thought was I had to tell Nolan but I was so caught up in the realization of it all, I hadn’t noticed I was being watched. The thunderous revving and crunching snow yanked me from my thoughts as a black SUV plowed straight for me. I ran for the door, screaming for help until my head bashed against the glass.

I felt a pinch in my back.

Then nothing. 




As I watched Harley stumble away from me, I knew I’d gone too far. I shook my head, turning from her as she walked out the front door.
What had I done?

“Nolan Finley, you are a fucking arsehole.” Aggie was glaring at me as soon as I came into the kitchen, her arms crossed in front of her. I looked down, ashamed of myself for being such a prick.

“I know, I know. I lost my temper, Aggie.” I sighed, banging a fist against the counter. Aggie rolled her eyes at me, stepping closer.

“So, go apologize you jackarse!” She slapped the back of my head. “You have no idea what that girl has been going through since she moved here. She needs your help, not you yelling at her.”

“What the hell are ya talking about?” I stared at her as I rubbed the back of my head. Aggie frowned, her forehead wrinkling as she searched for the right words.

“It sounds crazy, but the person who killed Claire, also killed Brody and they’re coming after her.”

“Please tell me you’re joking.” I felt sick, but it seemed to make sense. Someone must have sent her that info. Someone wanted her to think I’d do something like that. She’d come to me to get the real answers and all I did was yell at her.

Just great, Nolan.

A scream and the sudden smashing of glass jarred us before Aggie could answer.  We both looked at each other, then ran for the front, pushing the front doors open as a black SUV sped around the corner. Harley was nowhere to be seen. I turned to Aggie, her eyes fixated on the broken glass that lay in the snow, sprinkled with blood.

“I need ta go after her.” I ran inside, grabbing my keys.

“Nolan, they’ll be long gone before you get that damn Honda dug out of the snow.” Aggie’s hand grabbed mine.

“Then what am I supposed ta feckin’ do?” I yelled, sending my fist slamming into the wall.

“I don’t know. Someone probably already called the cops after that scream. If you went after her, it would only make you look guilty again.”

“So what then? We just sit and wait? The feckin’ cops didn’t do shit last time!  The search party
organized found Claire, and by then it was too late!”  I couldn’t contain the ache rising in me. I threw a chair against the wall in release, two of the legs snapped off. Aggie stood there, silent, as tears rolled down her cheeks. There was nothing she could say. She knew as well as I did how things had played out last time. If the same person had Harley, she didn’t have much time.

“I’m sorry, Nolan. I should have told you sooner.” She whispered.

“How long have you known about this, Aggie?”

“A few days...” She burst into sobs as I narrowed my eyes at her.

“Are you feckin’ kidding me?!” I wanted to throw her against the wall too. Instead I gripped the wooden table, toppling it onto its side, the noise causing her to jump back.

“Nolan Finley? It’s the police! We need ta speak with ya!” An authoritative voice boomed from the front of the pub. Aggie’s green eyes widened at me.

“Just feckin’ great. They picked the perfect time to show up, didn’t they?” I attempted to calm myself as Aggie and I walked into the front. One cop had stooped down looking over the papers that I had thrown to the floor. The other, a large man with brown eyes, looked from the broken window to me as I walked toward them.

“We got complaints of a woman screaming for help. Care to explain this?” The cop nodded to the broken glass in the snow as the other stood up, shaking his head with a smug look.

“Check this out, Tommy.” He handed the papers to his partner, his eyes looking suspiciously from them to me.

“I didn’t do shit.” I snarled at them, keeping my fist balled at my sides.

“No? We’ll just see about that,” the larger cop said. “Keep an eye on these two, I’m going to search the place.”

“You’re wasting you’re feckin’ time. You need ta go look fer her!” Aggie’s arm grabbed mine as I went to lunge forward. Tommy turned toward me, narrowing his eyes with a grin, challenging me to touch him. I knew better. He was the same bastard that slammed me to the ground outside the pub when they’d arrested me for Claire’s murder.

“Don’t feckin’ move.” He barked before walking into the back of the pub. No doubt my office would end up completely overturned again.
Just like last time.

“You won’t find anything!” I shouted after him as turned to Aggie. She shook her head at me, a panicked look in her eyes. I tilted my head at her, but couldn’t say anything with the other cop watching us. Two minutes later, Tommy strolled back in, a gloved hand holding up the bloody pistol from last night.

“Won’t find anything? Cuff that son of a bitch. Her too.” He nodded to his partner.  I glared toward Aggie.
Why the hell had she put that in my office?
Her lips trembled as the man put her hands behind her and secured the cuffs around her wrists. Tommy, the douche bag, smiled at me, then roughly shoved me against the wall, yanking my arms back as he secured the cuffs around my wrists. 

Just. Feckin’. Great.


The Vision


“Wake up, sweetheart.” A voice whispered in my ear.

Nolan? Had I just had a bad dream? Was I still asleep next to him?

Knuckles smashed against my cheek and quickly knocked me from a drugged haze back into reality.

Nope, not  Nolan.

I opened my eyes to find I was staring into the cold gray soulless pits belonging to Jackson. I turned my head away from him, looking at my surroundings.
Fucking snow.
Jackson grabbed my face, forcing me to look him in the eyes as he straddled my chest.

“I should have known,” my voice was scratchy as I spoke. His lips stretched into a sadistic smirk as a finger stroked the side of my face, wiping at fresh droplets of blood.

“Mmm,” he licked his finger. “But you didn’t. Like I said, Harley, you’re a stupid bitch.” Jackson laughed as he climbed off of me. I tried to turn on my side, but couldn’t find the strength to move. “What’s the matter, baby? Feeling a little tired?”

My eyes rolled back in my head as I struggled to keep them open. Everything felt like it was spinning.

“Oh come on, Harley. Don’t go falling asleep on me, I want you wide awake for this.” My cheek stung as Jackson’s hand slapped me across the face. He laughed as he stood and walked back to the SUV. I tried to lift my head to get a better look, but it just fell back against the snow as my eyes closed again. “Wake up, baby!” His fist bashed against my other cheek and my eyes shot open.

“If you’re going to kill me, just kill me!” Blood sputtered from my lips as I yelled.

“Now, now, don’t be so hasty, Harley. I’m planning to, but why not have a little fun first, huh?” He winked at me as he grabbed my right hand and snapped back three of my fingers. Searing pain ran through my hand and the grogginess rapidly dissipated with my screams. 

“Mmm, now that’s what I like to hear! You should be nice and alert now.”  Jackson’s taunting laugh dug under my skin as he patted my cheek.

“Why are you doing this? Just because I left you?” Tears stung my eyes as I cradled my hand. He stood over me, shaking his head as another sinister laugh rolled past his lips.

“You tried to make a fool out of me! Just like those other bitches. And just like them, I couldn’t let you get away with that.” His foot kicked me in the side. “I say when I’m done with you! Not you, bitch!” I curled over, trying to cover my ribs. I felt one snap with a horrible crunch as another surge of pain shot through my body. I cried out and buried my face in the cold snow.

“So that’s it? A girl breaks up with you and you kill them? Can you be anymore pathetic?” It hurt to breathe, but I let out a laugh. Jackson jerked his head to the side as he narrowed his gaze at me and I waited for him to hit me again

Instead, he turned and walked back to the SUV.  I rolled onto my stomach, biting my lip to suppress the cries of pain that threatened to escape. I pulled myself up to my knees, leaning on my good hand before Jackson kicked me in the jaw, sending me flat on my back once more.

“Who’s pathetic now, bitch? Huh, Harley?” His hand gripped my jaw as he slammed my head back against the ground hard enough for me to see stars. I stared up into the darkening sky in a  stunned daze. It was a beautiful night. It reminded me of the night I sat at my window painting. The pinks and the grays. The belief that I had finally escaped. Everything felt so distant now.  I squeezed my eyes shut as the tears threatened.
I won’t give him that. Not again.

Another sharp kick sent a jolt of pain through my ribcage.

“Who’s fucking pathetic now, Harley?”

I grinned as blood dribbled from the side of me mouth. “Still you.”

“Fucking cunt!”

A second later I heard a horrific snap accompanied by excruciating pain as a sledgehammer came down on my thigh and bone ripped through my skin. I screamed, the sound foreign and wild as it left my throat. Jackson tossed the sledgehammer back towards the SUV and stood over me as I writhed in pain. A satisfied smirk crossed his face and he licked his lips. With every bit of strength I had, I pulled myself onto my elbows and tried to slide myself away from him. I knew it was in vain but I refused to give up. I slid my back against the snow as the bones in my thigh scraped against each other and sent shooting bolts of pain through my leg.

“Really sweetheart, where do you think you’re going? You can’t get away. Still, I do love watching you try. Just like the other girls.” I watched Jackson pull a knife from his pocket and flip the switchblade open as he came towards me. In one swift motion he sunk the blade deep in my side as he climbed on top of me. He twisted it, shivering in pleasure as he watched the pain wash over my face.

“God, I’m going to enjoy this.” He moaned in my ear as his tongue flicked over my neck, “I’m going to get so much pleasure out of watching the life drain from your eyes. Who knows? Maybe I’ll even give you one last go while you’re still warm.” Jackson pushed himself against me letting his hips press the knife deeper. My stomach twisted with sickness, but I stared back into his eyes defiantly and spit in his face. If I was about to die, then I might as well piss him off just one more time.

“God, you’re such a stupid bitch!” His hands were around my throat in seconds, squeezing tight as I gasped for air. I was no longer afraid to die, only sad that the happiness I had found would be so short-lived. Sad that I would never get to see what could have become of Nolan and me, or the friendship I had with Aggie. Thoughts of Nolan, Aggie, and my mother flickered in my mind and my heart wrenched painfully along with the erratic beating in my chest.

As my fists pounded against his chest, I could feel my body giving out. In desperation my hand reached back, grabbing for something, anything.
If I could just get one more breath, maybe I could still fight
. My fingers brushed against something solid and I gripped it tightly in my fist. 
I can’t let him win
.  I reached deep within as I fought hard to hold onto consciousness and swung my arm as hard as I could.

Jackson’s grip loosened slightly and his eyes widened in shock as the rock connected with his temple. I had no time to waste. I swung again, adrenaline taking over as I choked and sputtered for air. The next blow knocked him unconscious, his body slumping over mine.  That wasn’t enough. I swung again. And again. I didn’t stop until the rock - and my hand - were covered in his blood. Until I was sure he wouldn’t wake back up. I didn’t want Jackson to be able to hurt me or anyone else ever again. I struggled to push him off of me, his dead weight digging the knife deeper into my side. Somehow, I managed to roll his body from on top of me after several minutes, the snow giving way with a crunch beneath his lifeless form.

I reached down and my shaky fingers gripped the handle of the knife as the throbbing pain magnified. I yanked it from my side, garnering some relief before the blade fell from my hand. My eyes looked down at the wound to see my blood trickling into the snow beside me.

Just like Alannah told me. 

This had been how it always would end, but at least I was able to stop it from happening again. Jackson was dead. He couldn’t hurt anyone else.

My head sank back into the snow, as I fought to stay awake. Cold crept through me as my eyelids threatened to close but I tried to keep my mind clear. I thought of Nolan again, of hiding in bed with him all morning. I thought of Aggie too, our trip to the farmer’s market.
Ultimate breakfast.
My wonderfully crazy hippie mother and the sound of her laugh. I would miss them so much. Staring up into the darkening sky with snowflakes sprinkling over me, I knew I would never get to see them again. I took a deep breath, flinching at the pain in my ribs, and let my eyelids finally close as the numbing cold slowly wrapped around me.

“Harley.” Someone’s voice called to me, trying to pull me back. “Harley, please stay with me!” I opened my eyes to see a familiar bright green gaze staring down at me. The black-haired boy I’d become so familiar with since I’d moved here.

“Brody.” I smiled up at him as his hand cupped my cheek. His eyes were wide and glassy with tears.

“Ya got ta stay with me, Harley. Don’t let go.” His voice was pleading. I breathed in deeply, noting how calm and how painless I felt.

“It doesn’t hurt. Why doesn’t it hurt anymore?” I felt completely at peace, but my words only seemed to trouble him. His jaw clenched tightly and I could see the fear nestled deep in his eyes as he looked over me. I grabbed his hand and tried to comfort him but it only troubled him further as a few tears ran down his cheek.

“I’m so sorry, Harley. I didn’t want this ta happen.” He gathered me in his lap, cradling me as his fingertips stroked my cheek. He felt so solid, so real, and warm. How could this be?

“Am I dead, Brody?” Even such a morbid question from my own lips garnered nothing more than general curiosity within me.

“Not yet. But ya don’t have much time.”

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