Power of Attorney (18 page)

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Authors: N.M. Silber

Tags: #lawyers, #romantic comedy, #humorous

BOOK: Power of Attorney
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“Oh God, Sarah,” he said thickly, and then his cock slid into me and he got the most incredible look of pleasure on his face as he bit out one word, “Fuuuuck!”

“Yes, so good!” I moaned, writhing under him. He was so big and hard and he satisfied the empty ache. He began rolling his hips in a steady rhythm, groaning and swearing. I liked that he was a noisy lover. I could hear how good I was making him feel. He was looking totally out of it, staring in fascination at my breasts bouncing up and down as he pumped into me again and again. Craving release, I reached down and began rubbing my clit. That got his attention.

“Oh yeah, Sarah. So sexy.” He changed his angle and deepened his thrusts, making me moan louder.

“Yes, please! Matt! Oh God I’m going to come!”

“Yes, come on baby. I’m right there with you,” he ground out, thrusting harder and faster, his face flushed and beautiful.

I was aware of everything, our damp skin sliding together, the sounds of our breathing and our groans, the smell of sweat and sex, and most of all, the pressure building between my legs. I let myself get lost in it as he pushed me closer to the edge with every stroke. And then I was there, and there was that second, the one just before you lose control, delicious. Suddenly, I went over the edge; my stomach dropped, my pussy clenched and my body went rigid. At that moment, Matt thrust deeply one last time and held himself still against me.

“Oh God! Sarah!” he called out and shook, letting go deep inside me as my muscles continued to contract around him. Then he collapsed on top of me and we held each other still groaning and panting together.


n hour, and another round in the shower later, I sat dressed in an NYU t-shirt that almost reached my knees. Matt sat in a Philadelphia Eagles t-shirt and sweats, doling out the Chinese food we were having for either a late lunch or an early dinner.

“So, we’re dating, exclusively, wow,” he said, looking thoughtful but happy.

“You’re sure that...”

“Yeah!” he broke in. “Even though we don’t know each other well yet, it feels, okay. More than okay. It feels right.”

“I do know a little about you. From court, I know that you’re smart, and professional, and fair.”

“Thanks, and I know the same things about you. Plus, I know that you’re very passionate, in the courtroom and in the bedroom.” He smiled.

“Ditto. I know that you have dubious taste in friends, though,” I teased.

“So do you; at least Kevin doesn’t dress like a hotdog or jump out of cakes.”

“Touché.” I smiled. “I know who your mom is, and that she’s amazing.”

“Yeah, she is,” he said with a proud-looking smile. “My dad’s okay too.” He laughed. “He’s a cardiologist. What do your parents do?”

“My mom is an English teacher ... and my dad is the District Attorney of Venango County,” I admitted with a smile.

“No way!” He laughed again. “So my mom is the Federal PD out in Pittsburgh, and your dad is the DA in Venango. There’s something almost poetic about that.”

We talked for a while longer about our families and where we grew up and then conversation turned back to our friends.

“So, Mr. Nicholas ...”

“You’ll have to call him Kevin if we’re dating.”

“Kevin, and I have never exactly been besties. Is it going to be really weird for him? He seemed very conflicted about finding out I was the cake girl.”

“He’ll get over it. What’s the real Chelsea like? If he met someone too, he would be too distracted to care.”

“Sacrifice Chelsea to Mr. Ni ... Kevin. I don’t know.”

“He’s not that bad.” He laughed. “He’s just like you, tough in court, but nicer outside the courtroom. This may be hard for you to believe, but he treats women well.”


ell, if you’re serious, she’s not seeing anyone, and I would love to see her have a reason to not work all those wacky jobs. Her parents are always offering to pay her tuition, and she could get easily a job in the theater department at her school.”

“So why does she do it?”

“She says it’s acting experience, but I think she’s just bored.”

“Is she as beautiful and as smart as you are?” he asked giving me a flirty smile. I must confess, part of me melted.

“She’s very intelligent and very good looking. She has blonde hair and blue eyes, though. I’m sure he would find her attractive.”

“Well, let’s double date then on Friday, but let’s spend the rest of tonight alone together. I want more time to get to know you, and I want to sleep with you.” Okay, I’ll admit it, when he said that, the rest of me melted.

We talked for hours, learning more and more about each other as the night wore on. Eventually, we did sleep though, happily entwined. And the next day in court, while we still battled passionately, there was notably less edginess to it.

Chapter Five

t was much easier to talk Chelsea into a blind date with a handsome young lawyer than it was for her to get coverage for her multitude of jobs on Friday night. She sat having coffee with me Friday morning, going through the plan.

“Okay, Tara is going to work a double at the Penn Bavarian to cover me, and in exchange, I’m going to give her, and her roommate, Lisa, who’s working at Weiner World, a ride in. My friend Jerome is going to cover my cake gig.”

“Someone named Jerome is going to play Marilyn Monroe?”



“So, I’ll get all ready to go, and then just drop them off and come back here in time for the guys to arrive.” She gave me the same huge grin she had been giving me since Tuesday night. “I’m so happy for you. I knew from the moment he busted you it was meant to be.”

“That’s something you don’t hear everyday. Now, look, I know that I’ve said some things about Kevin in the past ...”

“Oh, I figured he probably wasn’t as bad as you thought. I mean I’ve watched you in court and you’re nasty, but you’re a sweetie pie otherwise.”


“Welcome.” She smiled. Of course, nothing went as planned.

Matt and Kevin were supposed to arrive at six, and at quarter of, Chelsea was herding Tara, dressed like a Beer Garden Girl, her roommate Lisa, dressed like a hotdog, and six foot two inch Jerome, dressed like Cher, and looking fabulous I might add, out the door. I hoped they had a bigger cake for him than the one I had.  Not knowing what to do with myself, I waited, fidgeting. Kevin and I had never interacted socially. And this was the first time I had been dressed up for a normal date with Matt.

I did feel great in this outfit, though. It was my favorite black knit dress and it hugged my curves, but in a much more sophisticated way than the red sequined number. Paired with my tall black boots ... and thigh highs, I felt sexy. A moment later there was a knock on the door and I went over to look through the peephole. Matt and Kevin stood there. They were a few minutes early, but they looked great. I swung the door open with a smile, invited them in, and took their coats. There was a moment of awkward silence, as Kevin and I stared at each other, until Matt elbowed him.

“Hi! Ms. uh, Sarah,” he said with an uncomfortable looking smile.

“Hello Mr. Kevin,” I said dryly and he actually laughed, which seemed to break the tension.  “Chelsea will be right back. She just had to run some people to work, but it’s close by.”

A moment later, there was another knock, and I assumed it was her, so I just opened the door without checking the peephole. It wasn’t Chelsea though. It was two guys I didn’t know. Before I could inform them that they must have the wrong apartment, they shoved their way in and one pulled out a gun! Matt immediately pulled me toward him, and he and Kevin stepped in front of me, but I squirmed out. It was
apartment these thugs were invading after all. I wanted to see what was going on.

“Where’s the cigar?” Thug One asked.

“What are you talking about?” I asked angrily, as Matt did his best to stand between the gun and me.

“Don’t play games,” Thug Two chimed in. “The cigar you were supposed to give Mr. DiLaurento.”

“That was a month ago,” I pointed it out. “It took you this long?”

“It was the holidays!” Thug One said defensively. Just then the door flew open and Chelsea came barreling in.

“I left my purse here! I need my driver’s license,” she explained, pausing to look up. Seeing Matt with his arm around me, and Kevin next to him, she smiled.  “Hi. I’m Chelsea.”

“Hi, I’m Kevin,” Kevin said with a flirtatious smile.

“Hey! We’re trying to conduct business here,” Thug Two complained. Chelsea looked to her left and saw our two new friends for the first time.

“Is that a real gun?” she asked.

“You wanna find out?” Thug One sneered.

“I’ll protect you,” Kevin offered. “I mean, I’m not protecting anyone at the moment.”

“Okay,” Chelsea said with a nod and went over to stand next to Kevin who promptly put his arms around her. Chelsea had been in too many plays.

“Now, the cigar,” Thug One said, getting back to business. The door flew open again, and Tara, the Beer Garden Girl came racing in.

“Chelsea! What are you doing? I’m going to be late!”

“Who in the hell is that?” Thug One asked.

“AAAH! Holy shit! Is that a gun?!” Tara cried, freaking out. (There was always one who freaked out.)

“Shut up and go stand over there by them, Heidi!” Thug Two demanded. Tara quickly obeyed. Unfortunately, we were out of gentlemen to protect her.

“Now, as I was saying,” Thug One began again. The door flew open, and Lisa the Wiener came running in.

“You guys! I’m going to get fired!”

in the hell is that?” Thug Two asked.

“Oh my God! Is that a gun?”

“Enough of this shit. Get over here,” Thug One said to his buddy, on his way to stand in front of the door. “I don’t want any more visitors.”

“Now, about that cigar ...” The door flew open again, hitting them both in the backs of their heads, as Jerome came rushing in. The two thugs fell forward with a thud.

“I don’t have all night, baby!” Jerome complained. Lisa the Weiner, who was still fairly close to the door, saw her chance and made a break for it. Unfortunately, her costume was cumbersome and she wound up tripping. (There was always one who tried to run but fell down.)  Luckily, what she had tripped
was Thug Two, knocking the gun out of his hand. Matt went for it, but Jerome got there first, grabbing the weapon, and spinning around, he assumed a firing stance, gangsta style, aiming directly at Thug One and Thug Two.

“Is that Cher?” Thug Two asked sounding confused.

“Shut up, bitch!” Jerome demanded in a much more manly voice. “Or I’ll bust a cap in yo ass. Somebody call the cops before I get

“Well, this is an interesting date so far,” Kevin noted.


he rest of the date went really well. The guys had made reservations at a great restaurant, and afterward, Matt showed me that he could really dance. Kevin and I got along much better out of court than we did in, and he and Chelsea hit it off fabulously. I suspected that they would quickly become a very cute couple. I hoped he could, at least, entice her to give up Weiner World.

Matt called into his office to have someone track down the cigar he had confiscated from me. It turns out, that in addition to tobacco, Mr. DiLaurento would have also been getting several diamonds of questionable provenance as a birthday gift. That made more sense than Thug One and Thug Two committing numerous felonies just for a smoke, even a good one.

When we finally got back to my place, I surprised Matt with a gift of my own, a can of whipped cream and a jar of cherries. After a couple of hours of delicious fun, and a nice hot bath together, we snuggled up together in bed and talked.

“I met you jumping out of a cake dressed as Marilyn Monroe at a gangster’s birthday party, and our first real date included a Cher impersonator, a German Beer Garden Girl, two criminals and a five foot-tall hotdog. I can tell already that this will be a very interesting relationship,” he said stroking my hair.

“I would have to agree with that Counselor. Look at it this way, though, after all of that, what could possibly happen to us that would be any crazier?”

Ever heard the expression “famous last words?”


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