Power Play (20 page)

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Authors: L. Anne Carrington

BOOK: Power Play
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“I think a few people underestimate how tough Al really is. Come on, boys; let’s finish getting ready.”


“We have a few idiots to set straight too,” Brian replied.


“Save that for intermission, Donahue.”


“Thanks, everyone,” Alex said. “Sorry for my dramatic outburst.”


“That’s what are mates are for, love,” Davy said with a smile. “You just go out on the ice and show them what a future superstar looks like.”















Chapter 41



Alex got off to a strong start with a power play goal against the Miami Sun Devils, further increasing her chances of landing a permanent spot on the Rebels’ main roster. From the initial puck drop, Number 33 captured and held fans’ attention, making the surrounding atmosphere more like a championship game than preseason.


Her earlier fright from the rubber snake prank turned to fury once she learned Jax Ivanka was an instigator. She’d imagined the puck as his head which may have accounted for her scoring prowess.


Alex spotted him nearby with two trainers engaged in laughter.
Some old Czech is about to get a few pieces of my mind.


“Ivanka!” she shrieked.


He turned and faced her. “What do you want, Galloway?”


She straightened to her full height of five feet. “We need to talk.”




“Can it wait until after the game?”


She grabbed the six foot three, 230-pound right winger’s ear and dragged him toward the locker room. “Oh hell no; you and I are talking


"Pusť, ty děvko!"
he boomed.


"Ne, já jsem unavená z vašeho kecy.”


“Shit, I forgot you understood Czech.”


“Yeah, now get your fat ass in here!”


Jax massaged his ear. “What is your problem?”


“You really want to know, Old Man?” She shoved him down on a bench. “Have a seat because we’ll be here a while.”


“Make it quick; intermission’s only fifteen minutes and I’ve already listened to your mouth for five.”


“Fuck you, Ivanka; I don’t give a shit how much precious time it takes, you’re going to listen to what I have to say.”







“God damn, woman, I’ve never known anyone like you.”


“You mean the easily frightened, dainty, submissive, and reserved types? Sorry, those aren’t me; I’m not taking any more of your sexist bullshit, sick pranks, and snide comments. If Troy, Coach Barry, and management treat me as their equals, my teammates should do likewise.”


“Here are two reasons why I never had relationships with American women. One, you don’t know how to act like ladies in this country; second, you’ve long forgotten your place in society.”


have no problem living in America, spending American dollars, and
sleeping with American women, though,” Alex shot back. “Cut the crap, Ivanka; it’s 2015 and a woman’s place is
I don’t take Troy’s mouthing off most of the time and sure as hell not tolerating yours any longer.”


Cowed by her reprimand, Jax emitted a resigned sigh. “Okay, I apologize for being an asshole since you arrived. I don’t know how hard Talmadge is working you, but anyone who pulls off a hat trick in one period – particularly a woman – can’t be all bad.”







“Someone’s become modest for a twenty-two year veteran.”


“You’re one sharp player for a rookie.” He offered an enormous paw. “Truce?”


She stared at his hand for a moment before shaking it. “Truce!”


The locker room door opened and Coach Barry walked in with several other players. Troy and Davy immediately shot Jax death stares.


Brian placed a brotherly hand on Alex’s shoulder while glaring at Jax. “Is this jerk still bothering you?”


“Everything’s fine,” she replied. “He and I just finished our little discussion. We’re confident there will be no additional problems.”


Brian gave Jax a stern warning. “You may now be on solid ground with Alex, Ivanka, but far as Troy, Davy and I are concerned, your ass is still on notice. One wrong move and we’ll make sure you regret it…if any of us let you live that long.”
















Chapter 42



“I heard Ivanka got owned by Alex during first intermission!” Johann “Baby Finn” Jokela whispered to Greise on the sidelines during second period.


Greise looked puzzled. “What?”


“A couple of trainers were laughing about how she dragged Ivanka into the locker room by his ear and gave him hell loud enough to be heard outside.”


“Shit, I always miss the good stuff. Galla’s barely five feet tall and Ivanka’s enormous. She must’ve been pissed big time.”


“Yeah, the trainers said we should’ve been there to see it. Have you noticed how nice Ivanka’s been to her since?”






“Huh, Pierre and I wondered why he’s acted strange since start of second period. That explains everything.”


“Alex sure is tough,” Johann said in admiration. “She can really handle a puck too!”


“I presume you don’t mind having her as a teammate?” Greise asked.


Johann shrugged. “Whatever; long as someone has mad ice skills, what difference does it make if they’re guys or girls?”


Greise patted his shoulder. “I like your way of thinking, Baby Finn.”


“Hey, did you hear Ivanka retired from the Czech national team after the Internationals’ bronze medal game?”


“Yeah, that’s pretty much a given considering his age and wanting to focus on the Rebels for at least two more years.”


“Jokela!” Coach Barry beckoned him. “We need you!”





Johann jumped from the bench. “Wish me luck. I’m going to need it this season.”


“Go get them, Baby Finn. The only way for you to go is up.”


Greise smiled as Johann hit the ice.
What a kid; he’s a strong worker with an amazing attitude for seventeen years old. Combine his skills with Galla’s and we could have a decent season yet.






“I think it’s safe to say you’ve earned a place on the roster,” Byron said to Alex as they made their way to the bench.


“Don’t get ahead of yourself,” she replied. “Today may only be a fluke.”


“I don’t think so, Alexandra. Word has it practically everyone from the owners to arena custodians are high on you. Your on-ice work is phenomenal for someone with no prior professional experience.”




“I appreciate the kind words, but it would be nice if people stopped comparing and linking me to Troy.”


“You should be flattered. Fans and the media already have Johann pegged as Talmadge’s successor for the next generation and he’s basking in the reference.”


“Of course most seventeen-year-olds would. I’d prefer to be remembered more for contributions to this team than connected to the man who made everything possible for me.”


“You need to give things time. Look how long it took for Troy to carve his own fame after a few years under Halloran’s guidance.”


“I only hope
time happens before age forty.”


“Don’t worry; I think your success will be recognized soon enough. So what’s going on with Jax? I couldn’t help but notice he changed for the better before second period started and now acting more respectful towards you.”


“Let’s just say he and I worked out our differences.”


“From what I heard, you literally and figuratively bent his ear.”




“I was not only pissed about the rubber snake joke he and his buddies pulled, but also tired of his sexist comments at every turn.”


“Almost every guy in the locker room kisses up to Jax Ivanka and tolerates his behavior because of his legendary status and still playing at forty years old,” Byron said. “You’re the first one with enough guts to speak their mind and stand up to him.”


“He didn’t want me here in the first place.”


“Some guys from other countries playing for years tend to hold onto antiquated beliefs and have alpha male traits, Alexandra.”


“His holier-than-thou attitude may explain why he never married.”


married…to hockey. He’s possibly one of the most disciplined guys I know besides Troy. I can guarantee Jax will hit our gym for at least a couple hours after the game. Sometimes he’ll work out late hours when other guys are either asleep or partying.”




“Wow, and I thought Troy was a taskmaster. I gained four pounds last week and he never let me forget it. He has me eating rabbit food and running on the treadmill.”


“Trust me, Alexandra, Jax makes him look lazy in some aspects and both are top notch in their games.”


“Hmmm…maybe I should start following Jax’s regimen even if it means still drinking coffee on the sly.”


“I’ll let you in on a secret. He has caffeine fixes of his own.”


Alex brightened a little. “No kidding!”


“He also loves junk food much as the next guy. Boris told me about Jax raiding the hotel kitchen and eating strange things at Internationals, few of them healthy.”


“How do you manage communicating with Boris? He makes me nervous.”


Byron chuckled. “Don’t let his size fool you. He’s a great guy who tells lots of corny jokes. Some people are intimidated by his combination of language issues, size, and on-ice skills. Boris tends to revert to Russian if he can’t find proper English terms to describe something. I think he warmed up to me and Troy because we’re patient with him and I understand some Russian.”




“I guess that’s a reason why I couldn’t decipher what he was trying to tell me earlier. He probably thinks I’m a dumb American.”


“Not in the least; Boris likes you. The two of you should chat sometime. He admired your initiative for teaching Brian sign language and had a huge laugh over you taking down Jax a few notches.”


“You know so much about everyone. I’ll never catch up!”


“All you have to do is observe your surroundings and talk with many of the other guys as possible,” Byron advised. “Pay no mind to Lenny, Marty, and Vince. They haze rookies each season. Everyone else enjoys having you on the team.”


“I know Troy does,” Alex joked.


“He should. You’re his best discovery since Davy.”


“Now you’re only flattering me.”


“No, just speaking the truth as a man of God.”


“Why did you leave the ministry to play hockey?”


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