Power Play (24 page)

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Authors: L. Anne Carrington

BOOK: Power Play
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“Oh, right; I forgot about his great-aunt’s funeral and then helping out his parents in London. Baby Finn looks up to Al and Reggie doesn’t have a date far as I know. Why couldn’t she go with one of them?”


“Baby Finn still underage. Reggie bring sister.”


“Then what possessed her to pick Ivanka of all damn people?”


“She no pick. He ask.”


Troy barely held his temper. “Where did you hear that?”


“Marty say Jax ask Alex and she accept.”


“The thought of Al mingling with that bastard and his buddies all afternoon makes my skin crawl. Now she’s going with him to Center Ice? I guess that explains the smug look he shot me when I arrived.”


“Everything good. You go with pretty model and me with my Lulu.”


“Kelly helped me land the Sport Shop ad in Montreal and I owed her a return favor. We’re professional associates, nothing more.”




“She okay but I like Alex better.” Boris poked Troy’s chest. “You mess up, Troy. She now with Jax.”


“Al’s only going to the benefit dinner with him.”


“Lenny think she get real close to Jax. He and Vince see them kiss.”


“Usually I’d take anything either say with a grain of salt, but now I wonder if Al’s trying to irritate me by messing with Ivanka.”


“Ahhh, you jealous!”


“Not in the least,” Troy adamantly replied.


“You sound like jealous.”


“Al can do better than some old son of a bitch going through a mid-life crisis!”


“You really like Alex. You no want her with Jax.”


“Don’t start, Boris.”


“I only think. You talk?”





“Not yet. I’m not in the mood.”


Boris poked Troy’s chest. “You talk with Alex at intermissions after coach meet with team, okay?”


“Fine, but we have a rough game ahead and I need to focus much as possible.”






Alex sat in her dressing room staring in a nearby mirror and smiled.
I never needed men to validate myself, but being Jax’s date for an important social event speaks volumes. Alex, you’re broken quite a few barriers in the last several months. Well played, girl…well played.


A knock interrupted her thoughts. “Yes?”


“It’s Brian. Are you dressed?”


“Hey, come on in! What’s up?”


“Troy’s pissed.”


pissed. Tell me something I don’t already know.”




“He heard about your little afternoon dalliance and tonsil tickling with Ivanka.”


“My ‘dalliance’ consisted of using his tennis court and playing cards with three other guys from the team. Jax and I only had a couple quick friendly kisses and they meant nothing either time. Did Troy send you?”


“No, I came as a friend. Don’t you think you’re borrowing trouble by fooling around with Ivanka?”


“We’ve gotten to know one another better since I raised hell about his sexist views. Jax gives good pointers and respects my game. He’s nice, funny, and probably the most knowledgeable person on hockey I’ve met since Troy.”


“Why go to Center Ice with him when Reggie or Johann would make better choices? I can see why you’d pass on Marty and Vince, but–”


“Jax asked me first. Reggie’s bringing his sister and the total sweetheart Johann is, not only can he not attend because he’s still a minor, but also having a teenager as my escort would look creepy.”




“Yet a forty-year-old man


“Jax aged well. Why all the concern about him being my date for one night? You have Hannah and Troy a gorgeous blonde more his class than I am.”


“Never again think you’re not on Troy’s level, Alex. Do you really want to know why he asked Kelly? He did it as a thank-you gesture because she vouched for him to do the Montreal ad job.”


She shrugged. “Okay.”


“You don’t believe me.”


“Brian, Troy drags me to his favorite hangouts done many nice things, took me to the Pittsburgh
Vancouver Venus
premiere, and we’ll watch movies at his place, but have yet to attend
Rebels event together.”


“Maybe he feels awkward asking someone with whom he’s so close.”


Alex crossed her arms. “He had no problem bringing his sister to team formals and award shows before we met. If that isn’t an example of closeness, I don’t know what else to say.”







“I don’t live in the man’s head. Maybe you can find more concrete answers by opening a line of communication instead of running to Ivanka every time you have a disagreement with Troy.”


“Our beloved captain needs to get over himself.”


“May I tell you something else, Alex?”


“Sure. Coach Barry isn’t due for another ten minutes.”


“Troy’s usually a bit introverted and prefers chilling out at home instead of partying on the town. He’s always talking about how much of a homebody he is. The guy’s well-schooled on presenting a favorable public persona so not to stir any potential misinterpretations, but just because he escorts the occasional model or another public figure to events doesn’t make you a lesser person. The Troy Talmadge I know is above such behavior.”


“Seriously?” she asked, still unconvinced.


“He’s really a bit shy with strong protective instincts. You haven’t had much experience handling the public on your own and that concerns him. Troy wants to shield you from anything that could turn dangerous or ruin your credibility.”




“Isn’t that why the Rebels have a PR department? I’m not some delicate flower that needs nurturing.”


“I think Troy’s in love with you, Alex.”


“Now you’re delusional.”


“There’s only one way to find out for sure.”




“Make some time to have a talk with him and share some feelings. Meanwhile, I suggest you cool a little with Ivanka.”


“Let me think over things, Brian. I may have some different perspectives after the game.”













Chapter 49



The Washington Wildings game unfolded as the Rebels’ toughest to date. They still remained scoreless against the Wildings at the conclusion of second period.


Frustrations ran high; Troy’s constant sniping at his teammates and screaming at referees during the entire period put Alex in a foul mood. Her attitude toward him didn’t change when approached during second intermission.


“You and Brian kept racking up penalties both fucking periods! I don’t know which ones were more stupid, his fights or your slashes and cross checks. We’d be further ahead by now if some people scored as many goals as they did penalties.”


She put up a hand with no intention of speaking to him. “I am not even trying to deal with you tonight, so save the bullshit.”




“I expected better from you.”


“Maybe some of us are having an off night. Not everyone is an award-winning icon like you, Mr. High and Mighty.”


“You tell him, sweetheart!” Jax barked.


“Stay out of this, Ivanka,” Troy snapped. “You haven’t done much better.”


“Hey jerk off, I racked up over five hundred goals while you were still shitting your diapers. How about doing more playing and less running your mouth?”


“I’ll get back to you later, Old Man. Al, come on. We need to talk.”


She slammed her dressing room door in his face. “Fuck off, Troy! I’m done with you.”


Byron expressed concern about their angry exchange. “Is everything okay, Captain?”


“I wish I could say different, but obviously not.”


Byron patted an empty spot on the bench. “Want to talk?”






“I’m glad someone does. What’s wrong with everyone tonight, Preacher?”


“I agree we should’ve come better prepared, but your constant yelling isn’t helping anyone.”


“Is it wrong to not want a repeat of last season?”


“No, but you’ve been especially tough on Alexandra. A lot of us made mistakes during our rookie years. I’m not telling you how to do your job, but be a little easier on her.”


“What’s Donahue’s excuse for either starting or getting involved in fights? He’s played in the AHC almost eight years!”


“I don’t have a clear-cut explanation why Brian acts like he does. My closest guess is frustration; notice he doesn’t pick fights when things are going well. He’s still upset about getting ejected for game misconduct, so now isn’t a good time to bother him.”


“No one seems approachable. Greise keeps swearing at me in German. Reggie and Baby Finn almost bit off my head, and they’re all usually pleasant no matter how things are going. Boris let loose a bunch of Russian cuss words, at least that’s what I thought he was saying. You and Stover are the only ones talking to me and doing anything productive on the ice.”




“Yes, but remember Scranton loaned us Hank until Davy comes back on Sunday.”


“We could use the little guy now to be honest. Al and the others are playing like they don’t give a shit about anything except getting this game in the books and a head start on the next few off days.”


“Not everyone lives and breathes hockey, Troy. Alexandra and the others are probably exhausted. Our games against the Wildings are always intense. ”


Troy stared longingly at Alex’s closed door. “I should try to talk some sense into her.”


“No, let the girl calm down and give her some space. You’ll only make things worse by ambushing her.”


“I can’t stand when Al’s in these kinds of moods, Preacher, especially when it’s my fault.”


“I doubt what she’s feeling has anything to do with you.”


“Excuse my language, but Al’s been bitchy ever since I told her about taking Kelly Stafford to Center Ice.”




“Why would that upset her? Isn’t she going with Jax?”


“Yeah, but only doing so to get back at me.”


“Surely you don’t believe that, Troy. You’re clearly unavailable; Davy’s in England, most of the other guys have wives or girlfriends, and Johann’s underage. Jax would be the logical choice.”


“She’d been better off alone or having Reggie take her instead of his sister.”


“Women aren’t big on attending formal events unescorted and Reggie’s sister will be visiting for a few months. Why don’t you try taking Alexandra out for a quiet dinner after the game, clear the air, and find out once and for all where both of you stand?”


“I think I’ll try that. Thanks for the chat, Preacher.”


“Always a pleasure, Captain. I’ll pray for both of you.”


Coach Barry entered the room. “All right, gentleman and lady, gather round! We’re headed into third period soon and need to think of effective strategies. There’s still time to put tonight on the win column, but in event of a worst case scenario, let’s concentrate on avoiding a shut out.”


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