Power Play (17 page)

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Authors: L. Anne Carrington

BOOK: Power Play
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Troy crept inside and quietly sat next to Alex’s bed, gazing at her for several minutes. He leaned forward, brushed back several strands of hair that had fallen in her face, and thought how beautiful she looked asleep.


Alex stirred, but didn’t wake. Her movement caused him to jerk back his hand. Troy stared for a few more minutes and conjured up nerve to place a light kiss on her hair.


Sleep well, shorty. I’ll do almost anything to protect you from harm and always be here for you.


Whatever it takes…we’ll walk together.









Alex screeched as she walked through the hallway. “Where are you? Are we still finding a car today?”


He groaned and turned in bed. “Jesus, Al, it is seven-thirty Saturday morning. I don’t think any dealerships are open at this hour. Can a guy get some extra sleep?”


She peeked in the doorway with a concerned expression. “Did you have a bad night?”


“Not a complete loss, but a hard time drifting off for a couple hours. I slept quite well afterward until your thunder lungs woke me.”


“Good, evens the score for you barging in while I was using the bathroom last night.”


Troy sat up, not caring he was shirtless. “Are you still bitching about that? I swear, Al, I didn’t know you were home and saw nothing I haven’t seen before on other women.”




“So you
sneak a peek!”


“Enough to see I’m not the only one in the house who has a bubble butt.”


“You filthy goober.”


“Oh, but it is okay for you to make comments about


“Yours is hard to miss. While we’re on the subject, you know there’s a whole blog dedicated to your beautifully rounded glutes?”


“What? No way…and why are you again fucking with my phone? I told you to leave it alone.”


“Jennifer found the booty blog and gave me its link.” She handed him the phone. “Here.”


Troy was mortified. “Oh my God. You really need to cut down on time spent with the New York crowd, Al.”




“Why? Nobody in this stink town knows how to have fun except Davy and Reggie, and they have lives of their own.”


“The place to which you refer as a ‘stink town’ happens to be where you’ll earn respectable money playing this season, not to mention has some of the best hockey fans.”


“Get back to me when women players earn much as their male counterparts. Did you know the average Women’s Hockey League salary is under fifty thousand a year? The Ladies Hockey League of Canada pays their roster even less when converted to US dollars.”


Troy nodded. “One reason Glenn wanted you in the AHC. Sure, my original idea was to have you scouted for the WHL and thought his idea of you playing in a men’s league was bizarre, but once he explained how even the best women pro players get screwed salary wise, everything made sense.”


Alex was taken aback by his response. “You agree we should receive the same pay as men?”




“I think all women athletes should have salaries equal to ours. Do I look like a Jax Ivanka type to you?”


Alex wrinkled her nose. “Ugh, that sexist asshole.”


“Is he bothering you?”


“If you call his nonstop comments about me being on the team when I should be home ‘doing my proper duties’ in the kitchen and bedroom, then yeah.”


“He and I should have another talk.”


“I may need some input on a car, Troy, but you don’t have to fight my battles.”


“It’s part of my job as captain, Al. You always give me a hard time. Why take Ivanka’s shit just because he’s some big time legend?”


“Isn’t Jax like a hundred years old? That could explain his whole misogynistic attitude.”





“He’s forty, but an outstanding player if one overlooks him being a dick about certain things. Now, let’s get dressed and have some breakfast before finding you a nice car with doors that actually lock.”


Alex prepared to bolt from the room. “Last one downstairs cooks!”


“In that case, first person loads and runs the dishwasher, so don’t try anything funny.”














Chapter 37



“Remind me to never again take along women when buying a car,” Troy groaned over the phone later that day.


“Why, what happened?” Pierre asked. “I thought you wanted to replace the disaster on wheels Alex drives.”


“We must’ve gone to ten different dealerships but felt like two hundred because every trip ended with an argument.”


“Seems you two are always squabbling. My wife and I don’t fight much as you and Alex do.”


“Want to trade women?” Troy jokingly asked.


“I don’t think so, man. I love Alex like a sister, but wouldn’t give up Patti for the world. I guess you came home empty-handed?”




“No, we finally agreed on a white pre-owned Tesla Model S. She’s so thrilled with the car that I’m her biggest hero.”


“You influenced her to pick something environmentally friendly, eh?”


“She used mine while I was in Nova Scotia. I didn’t want Al driving her old beater following the packing peanuts incident. A new Tesla was impossible for her budget, so we settled on a used model. I still have a headache from all the back and forth bitching.”


“Oh yeah, the packing peanuts were Walton’s bright idea after he spied the broken passenger side door lock. His cronies Beaumont and O’Freel also participated.”


“I figured as much. Most locker room pranks usually have Lenny Walton written on them. I still have no idea why the hell Jon and Roy appointed him second alternate captain. Did he or anyone else pull more shit while I was gone?”




“Not to my knowledge, but Jax said some derogatory things to and about her.”


“Al told me earlier about him. I promised to have a talk on Monday.”


“You’ll waste your breath, Troy. Old timers can be stubborn.”


“Ivanka needs reminded that harassing females isn’t cool. He’s resided in the States more than long enough to know that American women are far different from Czechs.”


“Good luck convincing the ass clown. Are you still taking Alex to the
Vancouver Venus
premiere tonight?”


“Of course; you know I don’t make promises I can’t keep, Pierre.”


“You may see Reggie and Davy. They mentioned something about going since Alex told them about her part in the movie.”


“Nice, but I plan to spend quality time with her tonight, something I haven’t done since the draft.”




“Think you two can go without an argument the entire evening?” Pierre teased.


“I’ll make an effort, but Al’s rather strong willed.”


“You’re not much better.”


“Maybe that’s why she and I clash often; we’re too much alike.”


“Oh, I think your feelings go much deeper, my friend.”


“What are you indicating?”


“Don’t play dumb, Troy. I heard about you raising hell when Caldwell brought Alex home one night and how you kept giving guys the stink eye on Draft Day because they talked to her.”


“Yeah, because members of known rival teams shouldn’t fraternize with each other and almost every other fan has stalker potential. Al needs to exercise more caution.”


“Fess up; I’ve seen how you look at Alex when you think no one’s paying attention. You grin like a fool when her name’s mentioned and your voice cracks like a kid going through puberty when someone makes comments about her you don’t like. Should I say more?”




“All right, Pierre. I didn’t realize I’m committing a heinous crime by caring about her.”


“I haven’t seen you smile so much since Team Canada won its third gold medal at Internationals.”


“Hey, it warms me to see Al well-received by the media and fans.”


“She’s got mad skills and is probably your best discovery to date.”


“Troy!” Alex called from upstairs. “What time are we leaving for the premiere?”


“Six-thirty,” he answered.


“Who’s on the phone? I heard your goofy laugh.”




“Tell him I said hi!”


“I will, now go find something nice to wear.”


Alex giggled. “Oh I have a surprise waiting for you, big boy.”




“Let me say goodbye to Pierre and then I need a shower. Are you done in the washroom?”


“Yes, it’s all yours.”


He resumed talking to Pierre. “Al says hello. I don’t know what she has up her sleeve, but I’m betting it’s something good.”


“No better time to find out, man. Have fun at the premiere and I look forward to seeing both of you Monday morning.”














Chapter 38



Alex strode downstairs in a sleeveless, short gold-threaded black dress and coordinating black flats, carrying a small gold handbag. She spotted Troy sitting on the sofa wearing a dark suit and necktie with a white shirt.


“Hey goober!” she called. “Here’s your surprise.”


His mouth dropped open, astonished by her appearance.


Alex laughed at his reaction. “Stop staring like you’re seeing a woman for the first time.”


“I didn’t expect you to…”


“Put on a dress without your urging? I spent some time at Macy’s.” She turned. “Do you like?”


“Absolutely stunning, and wearing your hair down too.”




“Whose car are we taking?”


Troy pulled something from his pocket. “We can flip this quarter or try rock-paper-scissors.”


“Only Troy Talmadge would make a decision using old time games or loose change. Okay, let’s do the quarter.”


“Heads we use my car; tails, yours.” He tossed the quarter and both watched it land on the floor.


“Yes, tails!” Alex cried. “I’ll get my key fob.”


“I’m driving,” Troy firmly replied.


“Uh, uh, mister; it’s
car, remember?”


“On which
made the down payment and co-signed for the loan because your credit is shit. I’d like us to arrive in one piece; just because your Tesla’s a sports car doesn’t give an automatic excuse to drive like the hounds of hell are chasing you.”


She surrendered the key fob without debate. “Count your blessings I’m in no mood to spat tonight.”

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