Pregnancy Plan (10 page)

Read Pregnancy Plan Online

Authors: Tina Gayle

Tags: #romance, #mother, #texas setting, #tina gayle, #contemoporary, #wants a baby

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Afternoon, Martin.”

The thunderstorm in his eyes stopped Jillian
dead in her tracks.

Where’s my son?” What little hair
Martin had stood straight up on his head as if he’d just run his
hands through it. His mouth formed a straight, grim line. Anger
radiated from his body making his small stature look
formidable—like a heavy-weight boxer ready to enter the

Is there a problem?” Not knowing the
source of his anger, she tried to calm him.

Standing with his feet wide apart, ready to
do battle, he barked, “My son?”

Not know what else to do, she pointed.
“Aisle four.”

Thank you.” He stalked off. His
attitude scared her because she’d never seen anyone look so
furious. What had John Paul done?

Listening carefully to the conversation, she
only heard muffled voices. The slapping sound of a palm meeting
skin sent her dashing down the aisle. Why would Martin hit his

Jillian rounded the corner.

John Paul stood, holding his face. Unable to
stand any form of violence, she rushed to the young man. “What’s
the meaning of this?”

Not bothering to answer, Martin turned and
stalked to the exit. “I’ll see you at home in ten minutes.”

With John Paul’s arm firmly in her grip, she
struggled to understand what had happened. “Are you all right?”

Yes, he’s just a little upset.” The
boy, shaken, refused to show his pain.

That’s the understatement of the
year. My God, what did you do to make him so mad?” She ushered him
down the aisle toward the back of the store.

Nothing.” John Paul appeared
unaffected by his father’s anger.

Knowing there had to be more to the story,
she pressed again. “Is he angry like this often?” She hustled him
into her office, and pointed at a chair. "Sit down. You look a
little pale." She opened the refrigerator, and pulled out an ice

Dad has a lot of responsibilities.”
Not taking the seat she'd offered, John Paul edged toward the door.
“I really should be going. Can you close up by

Sensing she wouldn’t get any more
information, and not wanting him to be late, she nodded. “Don’t
worry about me. I can close up by myself. But, wait let me get your
paycheck before you leave.” Tugging open a desk drawer, she handed
him his check.

Thanks. See you tomorrow.” He turned
and left. She still didn’t understand what had just happen, but
eventually she would. Nothing in this town stayed a secret for


Jillian walked into her house to find
Michael lounging on the sofa, watching television. Having come
directly from work, he was still wore his dark-blue business
clothing. A conservative tie hung loosely around the open collar of
a white dress shirt. The smile on his face lit the room. She hoped
he’d cooperate and not be a pain in the neck. But with Michael,
there was no way to tell. “How’s it going?”

Standing up and turning off the TV, he
strolled to her and gave her a huge hug. Claustrophobic with his
broad shoulders blocking out everything else, she enjoyed the
embrace for a brief moment before shrugging out of his arms.

I’m doing fine, how about you?” He
stepped back. “Were you able to get the loan?”

Yes, they say there shouldn’t be a
problem. Now all we need to do is settle on the price.” He returned
to the sofa, and she sat in the chair across from him. “Did you see
the information I left on the kitchen table?”

Yes.” He picked up the papers on the
coffee table, which indicated he’d been reviewing the reports. “Is
the amount you have circled the value of the house?”

She nodded. “Yes, after getting all the
different information together, I think that’s a fair price. The
amount underlined is the amount I’ll owe you.”

He considered the figure. “From everything
you show here, it seems to be a good figure. But...I still think we
should sell the place.”


Listen, Jill, a smaller place would
be so much easier for you to take care of. This place has too many
memories.” Michael scanned the room, and then frowned.

She wanted to understand his unease about
her living in their parents’ home. The beige carpet was worn, the
walls faded. The same pictures that had graced the walls for the
last twenty years hung in their normal spots. His football trophy
from seventh grade stood on the end table. Like old friends, they
greeted her. He viewed the house as outdated and old. She saw it
filled with loving memories of the happy times they’d spent with
their parents. It was the only home she had ever known.

Yes, it does. But that’s the reason I
want it. I like knowing the history. Remember when you were twelve,
and in hurry to make the championship game? You ran into the wall
by the front door and left that dent. All those things make this
house a part of my family, me. I can’t leave.”

He smiled sadly. “But I don’t want you to
become an old lady with only a bunch of old memories to keep you
company. You need to get out and make a new life for yourself. It
would be much better for you, if you got away from this place and
started all over.”

I love it here. This house, these
people, the store, they’re all a part of my life. I don’t want to
change it. Why go searching for something I already have?” After a
pause, she continued. “As far as becoming an old lady with only a
bunch of old memories, I think I can count on my older brother to
visit me every once in a while.” She leaned back in her

Okay.” He didn’t look pleased when he
set the papers back on the table. “The price you have underlined
here seems fair. Want to call it a deal and go out and

You’re forgetting a prior

What prior engagement?” Puzzled, he
stared at her.

I believe you promised Miss Karen Ann
Davis that you would take her out to dinner and a movie this
evening. Or have you forgotten?”

He laughed. “No, I just didn’t think she was
serious. Was she?”

Well, when I talked to her this
morning, she mentioned that she had a date tonight.” She watched
him closely. Was he excited about the idea?

All right, but why don’t you go with
us? I’m sure she won’t mind if you come along.” His eyes silently
pleaded with her to accompany him.

No. It’s been a long week, Michael. I
want to stay home, get something quick to eat, and have a nice long
bath. You go on and have a good time.” Rising from the chair, she
headed for the kitchen. Over her shoulder, she added. “Oh, and make
sure you park your car in the garage tonight. It’s supposed to

He followed her into the kitchen.

Are you sure? It would be good for
you to get out. Why not come along? We’ll make it an early
evening.” Taking her hand, he tugged her toward the back

She stopped and glanced at her watch then
she ushered him out. “No, but you better go. You’re supposed to
pick her up in ten minutes. Have fun and don’t stay out too

All right, but lock up behind me.”
Kissing her on the cheek, Michael hurried out the door.

Clicking the deadbolt into place, she
giggled. The way her brother was acting, you’d think he was scared
of Karen Ann. Could be an interesting evening. Jillian toyed with
the idea of going along to watch the action, but she didn’t want to
cramp his, or her friend’s, style.


The vast desert landscape outside the
high-rise windows didn’t warrant a glance as Derek slammed the door
of his office. He stalked instead to his desk.

His charge was driving him crazy. The man
hadn’t listened to a single word he’d said in the week they’d been
here. Even though his safety depended on Derek, Mark Evan had yet
to follow any of the guidelines that would keep him safe.

How were you supposed to protect someone who
wouldn’t follow the rules? An age-old problem he hated to deal

Yes, he had worked with temperamental people
before. Usually he just needed to let them know he was in charge
and they would straighten out, but the more he thought about this
assignment, the less he liked it. For some reason, something didn’t
feel right. At the beginning he had thought it was because of his
preoccupation with leaving Jillian, but it wasn’t getting better.
His restlessness increased.

Maybe he just wanted to be at home with her.
She never seemed very far from his thoughts and missing her had
become a major pastime. The few e-mails he’d received didn’t
satisfy his need for news about her. Seeing as he wasn’t one to
write either, he couldn’t blame her for the short notes.

Signing onto his email, he scanned the
list of messages. Noticing the familiar return address, Derek
clicked the message titled simply,
Memorial Day


I hope you find this answer as appealing as
I do.



What in the hell was she talking about? He
stared at the screen trying to comprehend her cryptic message.

It hit him in an instant. He pumped his hand
into the air and jumped from his chair.

She’s pregnant!
Excitement washed through him. Yet, he hadn’t expected to
feel this way about her carrying his baby.

Totally amazed by the news, he clicked on
the reply button and stared at the screen. No words could describe
the overwhelming joy that filled him.

Appealing doesn’t begin to describe my
feelings about the answer.

Amazed, thrilled, excited.

Hope all is going well.


One more reason to get out of this
hell-hole. For the millionth time, he wished he was there with her,
holding her, making love to her and expressing with his touch what
the silly words in an e-mail couldn’t.

This assignment had better not last too much
longer or he would have to resign. He needed to get back to the
States to take care of her. With the uneasy feeling plaguing him
about the current situation, maybe now was the time to get out.

He hit the send button and logged
Let’s see what Mr. Evan thinks about
no longer having a bodyguard to protect him. Maybe that will
straighten the jerk out.






Chapter Eight


Tears dripped down her checks. Jillian sat
on the floor with her head over the commode. For the past few
weeks, she’d paid homage to the shrine. Breakfast, lunch, and
dinner, no time of the day was safe.

Jillian? Where are you?” Karen Ann’s
voice thundered down the aisle of the store.

Pushing up from the floor, Jillian closed
the bathroom door, locked it, and flushed. After a splash of water
hit her face she heard the knock on the door.

I know you’re in there, now come

Uncertain how to face her friend, she slid
the door open and caught a glimpse of her friend’s face. “What’s

We need to talk. Let’s go to your

Jillian followed while warning bells
clamored in her head. She’d tried very hard to keep her pregnancy a
secret but the jig was up.

Sure. What’s up?” She hoped she was

What the hell is going

I’m not sure what you’re talking

How about the fact, that I’ve found
you throwing up twice this week?”

I’m not feeling well?” It sounded
like a feeble excuse, but she had to try.

Funny, I just had a client who
suggested a very interesting reason why Ms. Jillian Marie Wilson
might be sick.” Karen Ann’s hands were flapping with her

Apparently Cheryl is under the
impression that you’re pregnant and has the sources to back up her
story. Her sister, you see, works at Dr. Snider’s office in
Longview, and she, the sister that is, heard the nurses talking
about your pregnancy, something about you losing weight.” Her hands
landed on her hips, and with her legs spread wide, she looked ready
to fight. Her gaze burned with hurt and anger. “Cheryl was more
than willing to tell me all about it. So what do you have to say
for yourself?”

Jillian couldn’t lie. “She’s right.”

Karen Ann slumped against the door. “Why
didn’t you tell me?”


Do you even know who the father is?
Or was this just a one-night stand to further your grand scheme to
have a baby?”

No, I know the father and so do you.
Derek Harris, Jason’s brother. He's out of the country at the
moment. That’s the reason I didn’t tell you. He made me promise not
to tell anyone until he got back to the States.”

Right, you haven’t heard from him in
over a year and now, you’re telling me he’s the father of your
baby? The truth. Who is the baby’s father?”

Karen Ann, it’s not a lie. He's out
of the country. He and I have been e-mailing each other for the
past few months since he left the country. He wrote me yesterday
saying he’s hoping to come home soon. Honestly, I am not

Jillian, I know how important having
a baby is to you. You told me yourself, that you would gladly sleep
with any guy if he would disappear and let you raise the baby

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