Primal Passion (10 page)

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Authors: Mari Carr

Tags: #Suspense, #Contemporary, #erotic romance, #billionaire, #fbi, #Arranged marriage, #menage a trois, #graphic sex, #triad

BOOK: Primal Passion
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“How do you know I didn’t? Maybe all that
science-speak was nonsense and only Curtis is smart enough to
figure it out. I bet he’s on the phone with the police as we

Gunner laughed. “Police? Yeah. I’m not

“Finished eating?” Price asked, putting down
his fork.

She nodded, and it occurred to her she’d
eaten the entire meal in the nude while Gunner and Price were fully
dressed. Where had her shyness gone? Why did this suddenly not feel
so strange?

Price glanced at Gunner and then back at her.
“Good. I think it’s time we deal with your punishment.”

She frowned. “I thought losing my clothes was
the punishment.”

Gunner grinned. “Nope. That was just a perk
for us.”

She started to stand, wondering if she could
make it to her bedroom without being caught. Of course, considering
the fact Gunner had managed to unlock her locked door, she wasn’t
sure what good running would do.

Price rose and pressed her back into her
seat, his hands remaining firmly planted on her shoulders. “Don’t
move unless we tell you to.”

Deni bit her lip, aware of the arousal
Price’s command had provoked. Her nipples tightened, her pussy grew

Price dragged her chair away from the table,
twisting it until she was facing the rest of the room, completely

Gunner moved to stand in front of her. “Put
your feet around the legs of the chair.”

She complied without asking why. Something
told her the only answers she was going to get in the next hour or
four would be presented physically rather than verbally.

Gunner reached into his back pocket and Deni
gasped when he produced a pair of handcuffs. He handed them to
Price who pulled her wrists behind her back and snapped them into

Within seconds, they had her open and
restrained. Deni’s heart raced. Excitement tinged with the tiniest
bit of fear coursed through her. She couldn’t wait to see what
they’d do next.

Gunner knelt in front of her and softly
caressed her knees as he looked up at her. “Sore?”

She shook her head. He didn’t seem to buy her
answer, so she added, “Not really.”

He nodded. “Scared?”

She grinned, shaking her head again. “Of you?

She thought he’d laugh, but instead his face
grew more serious. “You should be.”

His words caught her unaware until she
recognized something in his face she’d never noticed before. Given
her previous inexperience, she wondered if it had always been
there, but she hadn’t known what it was.

Gunner was looking at her with a hunger that
took her breath away. “Oh.”

“I can’t always promise you easy, Deni. I
want you too much.”

She blinked rapidly and then realized Price’s
hands were still on her shoulders, his fingers tightening. Last
night this had all seemed so much simpler. They were kind, careful
with her.

Now, in the bright light of day, she could
see all too well what she’d signed on for. Life with two powerful,
dominant, physical men. Could she handle that?

She closed her eyes. The best way to find an
answer was to experiment. “Show me,” she whispered.

Her request unlocked the floodgates as four
large, strong hands took over. Gunner pushed her legs farther
apart, digging his fingers into the globes of her ass to drag her
closer to the chair’s edge. Then he bent his head and thrust his
tongue inside her sex.

Deni groaned, her head falling back. The
sensation of Gunner’s mouth on her pussy, nipping at her clit,
stroking her, would have been overwhelming enough, but he wasn’t
the only man in the room.

Price leaned over, kissing her upside down.
It would have felt whimsical, almost fun, if Price’s hands weren’t
upping the ante. He cupped her breasts, squeezing the flesh firmly
before moving in for the kill. He took her nipples between his
fingers, pinching lightly at first and then adding more

Deni tried to pull her face away from his,
tried to gasp in some much needed air, but Price growled, releasing
one of her breasts to grip her head, to hold her in place. He bit
her lower lip and then soothed the soreness with his tongue.

Gunner added his fingers to the game, roughly
pushing two inside her. She jerked and would have fallen off the
chair if her men weren’t holding her in place.

Pure physical hunger gave way to intelligent
thought. Deni gave up trying to understand, to catalog, to piece
this together. Some things couldn’t be reasoned out. It was
passionate, perfect.

Deni came as they continued to touch her.
Then one orgasm gave way to a second. Price released the handcuffs
and massaged her shoulders.

Gunner stood and took off his pants. “I want
your mouth on me.”

She licked her lips and moved forward,
starving for a taste.

Gunner gripped her upper arms. “Wait. Not

He led her to the loveseat. Sinking onto the
cushions, he tossed a pillow on the floor and directed Deni to
kneel on it between his outstretched legs. No sooner had she bent
her head closer, then Price joined her on the floor.

He tugged her hips back, nudging her sex with
the head of his cock. She was wet, so he slid in easily. After the
initial pain of their claiming last night, she’d come to realize
she was made for these men, their bodies fit.

She grasped Gunner’s cock, sucking the head
into her mouth as Price pushed in to the hilt. Gunner cupped her
head as he taught her what he liked. She tried to learn, but Price
was doing his best to distract her.

His thrusting started slow and deep, but as
the heat of the moment grew, so did his speed and strength. Deni
followed suit, taking more and more of Gunner into her mouth.

Gunner tightened his fingers in her hair as
Price gripped her hips, fighting for more leverage. It was all too
much. Too good.

Deni stiffened a mere second before Gunner
said, “Fuck, baby. I’m going to come.”

She refused to release him, dying to taste.
Gunner erupted and she swallowed as the last remnants of her climax
shuddered through her.

Price stilled. “God damn. That’s hot.
Watching you suck his cock. Listening to both of you as you come.
Fuck. A man could get addicted to this.”

Deni continued to suckle on Gunner’s cock
though it grew soft. Gunner pulled her away, running his fingers
along her cheek. “You’re beautiful.”

She smiled. She’d lived a lifetime without
hearing those words. Deni didn’t comprehend how much she’d longed
for them until that moment.

Price leaned forward and placed a kiss on her
back. It was then she realized he still hadn’t come.

“Want me to stop?”

She shook her head, pressing her hips more
firmly against him. “Never.”

He chuckled and began to thrust once more.
“Well, don’t worry. This isn’t going to take long.”

Price was true to his word. Within a dozen
strokes, he was there—jets of hot come filling her. Her eyes had
closed as drowsiness came to claim her.

She wasn’t sure which man carried her to the
bedroom. All she knew was she was between their hard bodies once

The research was complete. This was where she
was meant to be.



Chapter Five


Price splashed water into his face and ran
his hands along his cheeks and jaw, enjoying the feeling of being
clean-shaven. He’d spent three days holed up in the hotel with
Gunner and Denise, none of them anxious to return to the real world
after nearly sixty hours spent in a haze of sexual bliss.

Unfortunately, reality was a bitch and she
held all the cards. He had to attend a meeting with the Bennett
Securities stockholders today and he couldn’t miss it.

Gunner had received a call from his
supervisor at work earlier. He was needed back in D.C. the day
after tomorrow.

Gunner had convinced Denise to allow him to
accompany her to the lab today. He planned to set up his laptop and
catch up on some work while watching over her. They’d convinced her
to hand more duties over to her research assistant, Curtis, just in
case she was forced to go into hiding again. Price was uneasy
allowing her to return to work. Gunner’s friend in the Boston FBI
office, Jasper Young, had questioned Denise about the break-in at
her apartment. The bomb recovered was what Agent Young referred to
as a run-of-the-mill YouTube variety that didn’t have much more
power than a firecracker.

Denise took that news to mean she was in the
clear. She told Agent Young about her run-in with the Reverend.
Young knew of the man, claimed he was an amateur terrorist with
more followers than sense. He’d stressed that while the man’s past
offenses included arson, disturbing the peace and vandalism, it
didn’t mean he shouldn’t be considered a serious threat.

Of course, Denise had failed to hear that
part. She’d focused instead on the information that he wasn’t a
killer, using it to justify her belief there was no reason she
couldn’t return to the lab.

Price walked out of the bathroom, retrieved
his suitcase from the bed and carried it to the living room of the

Gunner and Denise were there, waiting. His
driver would drop them off at the lab before taking him on to his
office. They’d agreed to move from the hotel to his house today.
Price was excited about the prospect of moving Denise and Gunner
into his childhood home. He’d spent too many years alone in the
huge mansion he’d inherited following his parents’ deaths. It was
past time for the rambling place to become a home again, complete
with his partners and—God willing—children.

“Ready?” he asked.

Denise nodded as she lifted her hair,
securing it into a ponytail. She’d bought a pair of dress slacks
and a pretty blue blouse from the small boutique located in the
hotel lobby.

Price had sent his personal assistant with
two of his best security guards to sift through the remains of
Denise’s belongings and pack up whatever could be saved. He
intended to surprise her tonight with what they’d found. His
assistant assured him they’d recovered over half of Denise’s
wardrobe, quite a few undamaged books and a box full of pictures
and other knick-knacks that hadn’t been harmed. He hoped having
some of her own things would make the move to his place easier for

Gunner picked up his laptop and suitcase.
He’d stow his stuff in the trunk and the driver would deliver it to
Price’s house. “Sort of looking forward to seeing how the other
half lives, Price. It’s been a real hardship for me these past
thirty-two years, brushing my own teeth and wiping my own ass.
Looking forward to handing the task over to one of your umpteen
thousand servants. Not going to lie. I’ve harbored more than a few
French-maid fantasies.”

Price grinned while Denise slapped Gunner on
the arm. “Watch it, hotshot. The Grand Master said no

Gunner winked at her and grabbed her ass.
“Deni, with you in my bed, do you really think I’d have the energy
to cheat? Not to sound crass, but my cock is sore from three
straight days of fucking you. I’m going to have to go back to D.C.
just to recover.”

Price didn’t admit it, but he felt the same
way. They’d been insatiable.

Gunner tickled Denise, making her laugh. Only
three days in and Price suspected Gunner was well on his way to
becoming his best friend. Price didn’t usually trust others easily.
He could count on one hand the number of close friends he’d had in
his lifetime. Typically, money got in the way. Price had been born
with several silver spoons in his mouth. As a result, he’d met more
than his fair share of fortune-seekers, men—and women—who’d offered
friendship and then held out their hands for more.

Gunner didn’t seem impressed by Price’s
wealth. Instead, he’d actually begun to tease Price about it,
good-natured ribbing. Price realized Gunner was one of those rare
people who had a knack for looking straight into someone’s soul and
seeing them for who they really were. No doubt it made him a crack
FBI agent.

But it also made him a good person. Gunner
had dug beneath Denise’s eccentricities and offered her friendship
at a time when she didn’t have anyone. Now, he had done the same
for Price. He’d burrowed beneath the tough-guy exterior and
accepted Price’s need for control, his overzealous desire to run
the show. Gunner had been willing to follow his lead at first,
averting what could have turned into a nasty pissing contest.

However, time was proving Gunner had just as
many—if not more—alpha qualities as he did. Price suspected Gunner
had swallowed some of his own pride initially to make things easier
for Denise. For that, Gunner had earned Price’s unwavering respect
and admiration.

They may have come from different
backgrounds, but they had one definite commonality—to love and
protect Denise. That goal strengthened the bond between them.

“Come on.” They grabbed their stuff and left
the hotel room. Price squinted at the bright sunlight when they hit
the street and it occurred to him he hadn’t been outside since the
day of the introduction ceremony. Some honeymoon, he thought with a

Roman opened the door as they approached the
limo. Price gave his driver instructions and then he joined his
partners inside.

“One of these days we’re going to have to
initiate the limo,” Gunner said, running his hands along the cool
leather seat.

“Another fantasy?” Denise asked.

He nodded. “Hell, yeah. I’ve had a thousand
fantasies about you these past few years, Deni. Looking forward to
making them a reality.”

“Really? Fantasies about me?”

Price shook his head. Denise still struggled
to accept they were both unquestionably attracted to her. He
wondered how long it would take before she became self-confident
with her looks, her sex appeal. She may have come to their
relationship a virgin, but in three days she’d shed her inhibitions
in the bedroom, unleashing a wild side that took them all by

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