Primal Scream (Box Set #1, Taboo Sex + AFF) (41 page)

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Authors: Jess C Scott

Tags: #family, #literary, #family relations, #anthology, #literature, #erotic romance, #erotic literature, #contemporary fiction, #taboo, #taboo sex, #contemporary romance, #fiction, #sex, #contemporary, #stories, #cougar, #adult romance, #romance, #erotic fiction, #literary erotic fiction, #short stories

BOOK: Primal Scream (Box Set #1, Taboo Sex + AFF)
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At the table they were seated at McDonald’s, Chantal was going through her inbox, when she noticed an old blog post of Aisyah’s that she’d saved:


This is a really cheesy saying, But it’s true: The people that matter don’t mind, and the people that mind don’t matter.

Anyone out there who is scared to tell people (that you’re gay/lesbian/bi/whatever), I just want to say this.

Yeah it’s hard. It’s bloody hard. But if you just keep it bottled up, you’re going to be miserable for the rest of your life.

Stay strong,



* * *


The group sealed the deal, and decided they would next meet over the weekend. They weren’t in it to be promiscuous—the foursome was exclusively between the four of them.

Marc and Aisyah had taken a break from their permutations chart and homework, and gone for a walk around the shopping mall.

When did you first know you liked both genders?” Chantal took the chance to ask Brett.

They were seated at the far corner of the fast food restaurant, in a small semi-enclosed area with a few tables. It seemed like an area where deviant people would congregate at.

He had a faraway look and a knowing glint in his eye, as he recalled his early experiences.

I knew it from a very young age, before I knew what homosexuality or bisexuality was,” Brett explained. “I knew I was attracted to the opposite sex…but I knew I was attracted to the same sex too. And religious people would tell me I was sinning at this early age? That I somehow chose to be attracted to the same sex and ‘abandon God’ before I even knew what sin was? Nah. Bullshit.”

I once heard a pastor on TV say, ‘I didn’t say God hates gays…God did.” Chantal could still picture the blond-haired, bright-and-blue-eyed minister.

Well, I'll say this,” Brett replied, stretching his arms behind him. “If all the homosexuals are going to hell, I wanna be there.”

He leaned forward, his face an inch away from Chantal’s. “Look at that couple over there.”

Chantal turned her head a little, to where Brett was pointing. A young woman was having dinner with a man, who Chantal presumed to be her husband. The woman had a cross pendant around her neck, which Chantal presumed meant she was Christian.

Yes? What about the couple?” she whispered.

Brett spoke in a low voice. “Let’s say the woman is a university professor, treating the man to dinner. See her gold and pearl pendant?”


If they’re Christians, they’re violating several biblical prohibitions. All women are forbidden to teach men (
Timothy 2:12—
Chantal recalled), wear gold or pearls (
I Timothy 2:9
) or dress in clothing that ‘pertains to a man’ (
Deuteronomy 22:5
). And if by any chance she’s a virgin and he rapes her, she shall be his wife…because he humbled her (
Deuteronomy 22:28-29

Chantal nodded with a pretty grin. She turned when the man looked in their direction.

They can have a good time, because they wouldn’t worry about rules that seem absurd, outdated, or unrealistic. Yet millions of people still lean on the Bible to justify their own anti-gay attitudes.”

How do you know so much?”

I read a lot. Deb Price,
And Say Hi To Joyce
—it’s a good book.”

It was close to 9.30pm. They’d have to head home soon.

The Catholic Church was established thousands of years ago.” Brett spoke with all the air, intellect, compassion, and confidence of a learned pastor. “Its history includes countless slayings and massive oppression. If one has any…empathy with the theory of duality, this church will be seen as a necessary balance…for the softer and liberal paganism which appears to have always been with humankind. Now, without the ability to indulge in kink, what would we have to pacify us for, at some stage in our lives, having belonged to the Catholic Church? Let us glorify the indulgences of the flesh, as they pleasure the mind.”

They shared a decadent kiss, as Marc and Aisyah returned from their walk around the mall, all four looking forward to Sunday, the day of worship.


# # # # #

Author Q&A



A short chat with author/artist/non-conformist, Jess C Scott. Originally posted @
Erotica For All (UK)


1) How did you start writing erotic fiction?


A friend dared me to write one when we were 18. So I did (of something masturbatory and exhibitionistic). It’s a story titled
, which appears in
Black Velvet
, the first story of my erotic short story collection,


2) What’s your favourite published work of yours and why?


I’m normally looking forward to the projects I’ll publish in future ;)


3) Where do you draw your inspiration from?


Books, art, music, photos, TV shows, real life and/or imagined encounters, the air…


4) Do you have any unusual writing rituals?


I keep a lot of my scrap notes (digital or hardcopy). I like viewing the whole evolution of a project, from its conception to completion.


5) Who is your favourite character from one of your stories and why?


Creating Lucius was fun (an incubus in my paranormal erotic romance novella,
The Devilin Fey
). I also like the debonair charm of Nin (the Elven rogue/leader in my upcoming cyberpunk book). They’re both cultured and sophisticated creatures.


Quote from Nin: “That’s sad. How plastic and artificial life has become. It gets harder and harder to find something…real. Real love, real friends, real body parts…”


6) How do you get yourself in the mood to write?


I’m always in the mood…


7) Which author, erotic or otherwise would you love to meet and why?


Oh, so many. Oscar Wilde, Nabokov, Edgar Allan Poe (top 3). It’d be a riot!


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About The Author:

Jess writes edgy/contemporary fiction, and is an English/Business graduate of Adams State College.


Primal Scream,
she says, “My aim is always to concentrate on ‘erotic fiction > porn’ (on the storyline amidst the sextivity)—I aim to continue to develop this focus in my future projects.”


Jess would like to expand on her numerous and diverse writing projects, over the first half of 2011. She is currently working on a “seven deadly sins” series, an incubus-themed anthology, and is outlining a teacher-student piece. She enjoys the speed and efficiency of indie publishing, and thanks you for your support of indie authors/artistes/rockstars.


Other titles by Jess C Scott:
EyeLeash: A Blog Novel (teenage memoir)
4:Play (erotic short stories)
New Order (GLBT)
Porcelain (portfolio of written + illustrative work)
Business Plan.01 (building brand identity)
Business Plan.02 (on positive thinking)
1: The Intern (Book 1 [Lust] in the Sins07 Series)
Trouble (poetry)
The Devilin Fey | Sven
(upcoming incubus-themed anthology)
The Other Side of Life
(urban fantasy series feat. Cyberpunk elves)
And more in 2011 on jessINK.

Connect with Jess Online:









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P.S. And feel free to let me see your thoughts/opinions/suggestions via a review, or by email.


[email protected]


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