Primal Scream (Box Set #1, Taboo Sex + AFF) (39 page)

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Authors: Jess C Scott

Tags: #family, #literary, #family relations, #anthology, #literature, #erotic romance, #erotic literature, #contemporary fiction, #taboo, #taboo sex, #contemporary romance, #fiction, #sex, #contemporary, #stories, #cougar, #adult romance, #romance, #erotic fiction, #literary erotic fiction, #short stories

BOOK: Primal Scream (Box Set #1, Taboo Sex + AFF)
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I think I would.”

They were silent for a few moments.

Never mind,” said Aisyah, putting her hand on Chantal’s arm, with a loving impulse. “Whatever happens, we have each other. We’ll look out for each other.”

Aisyah and Chantal got off the bus, and signed in with the guard stationed at the gate of Hacienda Grove.

They were at the bottom of the staircase of the building with Brett’s unit, when they suddenly hugged each other and shared a hard, fierce kiss of passion. They were from an all-girls school where the moral code was to put friendship first, over grades, rules, boys—especially boys. Maybe these two boys would enable them to have a newfound respect for boys. Or maybe not. They’d take their chances.

If we all become…friends,” Chantal said, piecing it together, “who give each other exactly what each person wants, as much as they want, for as long as they can stand it…it’d be better than a religious experience. Imagine the possibilities...”

Remember—Catholic school girls rule. What we want, we get. What we do, we do better than everyone.”

Good friends were closer than family. There was less judgment, less obligations.

After all:


A friend loveth at all times.

-- Proverbs 17:17


* * *


Chapter 5


Brett had always wanted a private pool, so that he could swim naked in it, whenever he pleased. He’d aim for that, some time in the future. For now, he could hang out at the new condo unit his parents had just bought at Hacienda Grove.

Marc opened the door. “Hello.”

Brett was in his home clothes—the rest were in their school uniforms.

Everyone seemed a little edgy, though there seemed to be some kind of acknowledged common connection, between the two separate pairings.

There was Aisyah and Chantal, versus Brett and Marc—and Aisyah and Marc, versus Brett and Chantal.

The girls were guarded against the boys threatening the sanctity of their close friendship, and vice versa, for Brett and Marc.

Yet, Marc and Aisyah seemed drawn to each other, just as Brett and Chantal were attracted to each other. Marc and Aisyah had a lighter and more playful kind of approach to sex, whereas Chantal and Brett approached sex with more ferocity and intensity, like it was a shared way to rebel against their religious upbringing and background. Marc and Aisyah were both genderqueers who enjoyed amazing conversations, while Brett and Chantal wanted each other to satiate their bodies’ lusty appetites, lusty appetites that religion seemed to always want to quell.

It was a good thing all four of them had never really identified as strongly heterosexual. It allowed for more adaptability and flexibility in interacting with each other.

We thought it’d be better meeting face to face, than talking online,” Brett said, standing next to Marc. “It’s more…real.”

And it’d be easier to get down to business, too.

A slight wave of tension came between the two couples in the room—Brett and Marc on one side, and Chantal and Aisyah a few paces away—like an invisible wall, when Marc sat beside Brett. Brett and Marc were into both guys and girls—both Aisyah and Chantal’s internal “gaydars” told them so, the same way that the boys knew Aisyah and Chantal were more than just gal pals. Brett and Marc didn’t have the complicated affections shared by two guys in a bromance (a passionate friendship between two men that had all the earmarks of a marriage without the sexual component).

Aisyah was the first to get straight to the point.

What do you want?” she asked, slightly coquettishly, with a hint of aggression in her tone, warning the boys not to mess with them. One of her favourite exercises was kickboxing, and she had the lean muscle mass to show for it.

Brett and Marc looked at each other—Brett was slightly taller, and had an “older brother” kind of vibe with Marc, at the moment. Marc was slightly fidgety—he was actually interested in continuing the conversation on “vampires and Christianity,” but Aisyah was looking out for Chantal, more so than her own self.

Chantal looked around the condo unit, wondering whether Brett owned the place, or if he had any brothers and sisters, or if he stayed with his parents. She and Aisyah were seated on a black leather couch, in front of a widescreen LCD TV, while Brett had pulled a chair over to where Marc was seated, on a single-seat sofa over to one side of the leather couch. Chantal took a peek at the kitchen over to her left, at the shiny silver and solid wood surfaces of the equipment and décor inside. It was a warm home, and a posh pad.

I have a cousin who’s studying in the U.K.,” Brett said in a cool, level voice. “She stays with her ex and her new boyfriend, in one apartment. And they’re all best friends.”

And sex friends, I suppose?” replied Aisyah.

Brett nodded. “So Marc and I were a little inspired…to try and find something like that.”

Everyone looked at everyone else. Chantal felt a strange sense of calmness—it seemed like a dream, that everything was going to fall into place. She remembered a Bible quote:


Everything is possible for him who believes.

-- (Mark 9:23)


She believed it would all work out, whether or not they decided to have group sex. She could no longer say ‘no’ to experiences. She believed she could no longer ignore or suppress the sexual being in her.

Though we didn’t want to share one girl between us—as is the case with my cousin,” Brett added, still cool and calm, like a professor discussing a case study.

Aisyah nodded, glancing over at dreamy-eyed Chantal for a moment.

And you happened to find us on KinkstersFB,” Aisyah said to Brett and Marc.

Mm-hmm—Marc and I have met many Catholic school girls…but they weren’t really what we were looking for.”

And we are?”

Marc nodded with a bright smile—happy to let Brett and Aisyah do the talking, as he eagerly waited for the girls’ response.

We’ve been scouting around for the right couple to explore a foursome with,” Brett went on. Chantal thought a pair of striking nerdy-but-hip black plastic glasses would amp up Brett’s sex appeal, right then. “We’re kind of looking for something polyamorous…some of the girls we meet—we know they don’t like men. Marc and I, we swing both ways—”

Aisyah and Chantal both sat up a little straighter. They were both into gay porn.

so you know, we’ve been trying to find a couple of girls who also swing both ways. It’d be easier, more in sync, more fun...”

Chantal watched the expression on Brett’s face, intense and focused like when he’d been talking about Bertrand Russell and the Bible, at the canal. She loved it.

Marc and I don’t want to be used, so that a female can watch us get jealous and fight over her—we’re not into all that drama…but we know HIGH girls have some very tight friendships with each other…which is pretty cool too.”

Catholic school girls rule…
Aisyah thought to herself in a singsong voice.

Uhm…” Chantal put a hand up. “What’s polyamorous?”

Brett looked at her, at the soft innocence on her face, which contrasted with her killer curves below the neck. “Having more than one intimate relationship at a time, with the knowledge and consent of everyone involved. Something built on trust, loyalty, negotiation…and a rejection of jealousy, possessiveness, and restrictive cultural standards. We’re all consenting adults. Honestly, who we love, where we love, how we love is none of society’s business.”

Everyone looked at each other again—because everyone in the room did indeed, want it all. That was all there was to it. And Brett was able to verbalize their desires.

We’re looking to build long term relationships with more than one other person on mutually agreeable grounds…with sex being just one aspect of the relationship. Do we have a deal?”

Good God, just like the guy said in the dream,
Chantal remembered.

Have you two made out before?” Brett asked the girls.

Aisyah and Chantal nodded their heads.

Some people don’t even count lesbian sex as sex,” Chantal said absent-mindedly.

Their sex life must be really boring if it’s all about penetration…” Brett replied.

How about you two?” Aisyah asked the boys, to deflect the focus onto them, since they were the ones who had initiated contact anyway. “You’ve made out many times, I suppose?”

Of course…we’ll do it right now—if you two get it on too.”

Aisyah and Chantal looked at each other. Neither of them said no.

Okay—but we’ll watch y’all first,” Aisyah said, kicking back her heels, and snuggling against the leather backseat. She was still protective of Chantal, like she knew Chantal was happy to be strung along, whether or not she knew what she was really getting into.


Brett went over to his laptop in one corner of the room, and a heart-pumping beat suddenly came on: Daft Punk’s Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger.

Oh, my God,” Aisyah stared at them with her mouth open.

They know the dance steps!” Chantal shrieked.

A YouTube video by two French brothers had gone viral a few months ago, where they’d stripped down to their black boxer briefs and done their own coordinated “robot dance” style moves to the electronica song.

Brett and Marc started stripping—slowly—Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger!—the song reminded them of their moves.

Chantal eyed their bodies, upon the advice of a quote she remembered:


Stand still and consider the wondrous works of God.

-- (Job 37:14)


They tossed their dark pants and shorts onto the seats to the side, during the introduction of the song. Marc slowly unbuttoned his white shirt, while Brett removed his plain black T-shirt, tossing it over to Chantal. She automatically bent over, leaning over to catch a whiff of his scent on the shirt on her lap—
more than enough to get her in the mood, even if he wasn’t already half-naked in front of her.

They got to the halfway mark of the song, before Brett started mouthing Marc…forgetting the two girls were in the room. Aisyah reached over to the laptop, and slowly turned the volume down. The heavy breathing was like a lascivious trip into the land of lust, desire and pleasure—dirty sex. The kind that would get neighbors vexed.

The girls sought to do this later, too. Their sexuality was just as potent, and wouldn’t be outdone by the two males demonstrating their affections for each other.

The boys were up against the wall, locked in a masculine embrace. Chantal eyed their smooth, sleek bodies—different from a female’s body, but still nice to look at.

The guys were tasting each other’s warm sweet tongues as their hands sought out and encased each other’s dicks. Marc went down on Brett first, putting his wide jaws and mouth to good use, as Brett held on to his best friend’s hair, caressing his scalp, in the same rhythm and speed of the movement of Marc’s head, as Marc slid his mouth up and down Brett’s man meat, gratuitously.

C’mon,” Brett suddenly squeezed the back of Marc’s neck, and Marc followed him over to a low chair by the side of the couch that Aisyah and Chantal were seated on. He got Marc to sit on the chair, legs wide apart, as Brett got down, looking at the girls and maintaining eye contact with them as he flicked his tongue over Marc’s pleasure spots—balls, frenulum—alternating with long, languid sucks, licking with both the flat part and the tip of his tongue, straight strokes and featherlight kisses that seemed to shock Marc even further into his submission.

They flipped over again, Brett on his hands and knees this time, over Marc on the floor, 69-ing faster and faster, sweating their guts out.

Chantal was a little caught by surprise. She was expecting Brett to be ramming his cock up Marc’s ass, Marc offering his ass like a gay twink, and thought they were top/bottom, respectively. She kept quiet again (
Even fools are thought wise when they keep silent; with their mouths shut, they seem intelligent
). She realized her mind was calcified by ignorance and narrow-mindedness.

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