Prisoner of Darkhaven (6 page)

Read Prisoner of Darkhaven Online

Authors: EMMA PAUL

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm, #Historical, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Prisoner of Darkhaven
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barren wasteland that had once been used by mages and witches as a

place of worship. Now it lay lifeless and full of old wives tales that

had been passed down to every generation by the local townsfolk.

However, it wasn't the stories of curses, ghosts or evil that lurked

here, which frightened Elise. It was the enormous piles of stones

covering nearly every inch of the circular cavern.

Each pile had crates of golden straw, she recognized from the first

trial. She was to weave baskets with the straw and miraculously

transform every stone in to rubies, diamonds and sapphires.

Elise got up and walked to the entrance to watch the king's men row

away from the isle. Once they were far enough away, she ducked

back in and stood in the middle of the cave.

Taking a deep breath, Elise grasped the pendant around her neck

and prayed for a miracle. The moment her palm touched it, the

pendant began to hum. She lowered her hand and opened her eyes.

Elise gasped and took a step back. Like before, the tiny gargoyle

creatures appeared before her. One after the other they flashed into

the cave, seemingly from thin air.

One of them wrapped its long bony-clawed fingers around her

wrist. Elise looked down to see the tiny beast smile up at her with a

serrated toothy grin. If he didn't look so devilish, she would have

actually considered him somewhat cute. For some reason, the little

gargoyle's touch seemed to comfort her. She found herself smiling

back at him.

Two of his companions joined him and grabbed hold of her arms,

lifting her off the ground. They flew her to the far corner of the cave

and settled her down gently, taking great with her comfort was That

done, the three little gargoyles joined twelve more in the center the

cave. A second later, they dove at the bails of golden straw and piles

of stone.

Like tiny silver flashes of light, they swarmed over her task. Elise

could not believe how fast the tiny creatures worked. Soon hundreds

of golden baskets littered the cave's dirt floor. The stones incredible

transformed into glittering heaps of diamonds, rubies, emeralds and



Elise had no idea how the tiny creatures could create jewels from

stone. She witnessed a few of them simply spit fire at the stones,

engulfing the piles in blue white fire. Once the fire receded, jewels

lay before them.

Her thoughts turned to Damien and his incredible power. Sudden

warmth filled her and she clasped the pendant, holding it close to her

heart. She wondered what the lord was doing now. Closing her eyes,

she tried to imagine the handsome Lord of Darkhaven.

Her body tingled with titillating vibrations. Elise could see him in

her mind's eye, lying on his bed, legs spread apart. His hand firmly

stroked that gloriously large male part. She shuddered remembering

the feeling of his cock plunging in and out of her sex. How the

thickness and length filled her walls, rubbing the most sensitive parts

of her body.

A look of tortured pleasure twisted Damien's features. His chest

heaved up and down, in harmony with his stroking.

Ahhhh Elissee

The deep whispered voice surrounded her. It was so close that she

could almost feel the hot breath on her neck. A strange sensation

vibrated through her body. She no longer sat on the dirt floor of a

cave. Standing up, Elise looked around. The walls looked familiar.

She knew instantly it was Darkhaven castle.

The hallway she found herself in was long and dimly lit. The

sconces lining the wall gave just enough light, for her to make out a

door at the far end.

An inexplicable urge to open the door and see what was on the

other side pulled her down the hall. She didn't feel any fear, only a

strange curiosity and powerful need to move forward. The tugging in

her gut fluttered lower, rolling along the walls of her cunt and causing

tiny spasms of arousal to flow like a river between her thighs.

The closer she got to the door, the heavier her arousal became.

Heat coursed through her body. By the time she reached the door,

Elise felt the sure signs of pending orgasm just out of reach. God she

needed Damien.


Steading her breath, Elise grabbed the doorknob and opened the

door. She stepped into the largest library she had ever seen. Three

walls of the room were lined with shelves that reached at least twelve

feet high and were packed with books, extending the enter length of


In the center was a simple maple wood desk. A smaller bookshelf

stood directly behind the desk, next to a tall armoire.

Damien sat at the desk. He had his head bent forward as though

concentrating intently on something. Some type of scroll sat spread

on his desk. His hair fell over his face and shoulders in a tangled

mass, and his shirt lay open all the way to his abdomen, exposing a

delicious expanse of muscled torso. Books and crumpled paper

littered the floor around his feet.

Elise licked her lips and her pulse quickened. Damien slowly lifted

his head. A look of utter despair took her by surprise. For the first

time since she met him, Damien, the dark Lord of Darkhaven, looked

defeated. She wondered what could cause such a powerful being to

appear so hapless and lost.

Her heart ached at the sight. The need to comfort him

overwhelmed Elise.

Damien pushed away from the desk. His expression immediately

changed to the usual dark, brooding grimace she was more accustom

to. However, his sudden countenance did not reach his eyes.

She saw something else in those deep penetrating dark orbs,

something that gave her the strength to move her legs and walk to


Damien's lips parted. He watched her movement with a mixture of

wonder and predatory interest. When she reached him, he held his

arms open. The look on his face told her what she wanted to know,

what they both wanted. Boldly, she lifted her skirts and straddled his

lap, falling into his embrace.

The wet flesh of her throbbing pussy pressed against the hard

growing bulge below his waist.

"Ahhhh, Elise, Elise..."

Placing two fingers to his lips, Elise shushed him. "My Lord."


Her breathless words seemed to come from somewhere else other

than her own lips. She tilted her head up and captured his lips with a

sizzling kiss. Her small tongue swept along his, savoring him like she

had never tasted anything sweeter.

Damien slid his hands up her outer thighs, until he reached her ass.

Giving it a hard squeeze, he lifted her at the same time.

Elise gasped and broke their kiss to look in his face. It was then

she realized they were naked.

Once again, Damien's ability to wield magic so effortlessly

astonished her. Their clothing lay in a heap on the floor around the

chair and she hadn't even felt it fall from her body. Her belly

clenched with more arousal.

No barrier lay between her wet pulsing cunt and his throbbing rock

hard cock. Elise let her head fall back. She lifted her hips and began

to rub herself against his ridged flesh. Up and down, humping against

him with a need so fierce it bordered on pain.

Damien growled low. He lifted her high, positioning her on the tip

of his cock. Elise's chest heaved with gasping breaths. She balanced

herself with her hands on his shoulders. He bared his teeth and with a

possessive grunt, slammed her down.

Elise cried out. Before she knew what was happening, Damien

lifted her and laid her on the desk. He grabbed her knees and raised

them high, spreading her so far apart that she feared he would split her

in two.

The position nearly bent her in half, putting her cock-stuffed pussy

at a perfect angle for Damien to plunge painfully deep. The fullness

in her cunt felt wonderful. Ripples of sweet pre-orgasmic spasms

rolled up and then down with each pounding stroke.

Elise reveled in the animalistic possessiveness of Damien's fucking.

Her pussy gushed with creamy juices, coating his stabbing cock and

making it easier for him to burrow even deeper. Her womb

contracted, sending even more pleasure though her, centering in the

area of their joining.

Damien tensed. His face twisted with ecstasy. He drilled into Elise

faster, almost erratically, straining to control the beast within.


Elise gave back as much as she took. She dug her nails into

Damien's muscled chest. The tension built and built. Her pussy

clenched and released around his thick stalk. She thrust her hips up as

far as the weight of his body allowed.

In seconds, she burst into a million tiny jolts of sensation. Wave

after wave of splendor consumed her completely. She screamed so

loud, it drove Damien into a frenzy.

He bucked forward, groaned low and after two more hard thrusts,

released a sea of hot cum straight into Elise's womb. Damien

collapsed holding her against him, so tightly she swore he would

become a part of her.

Elise stroked his head, enjoying the innocence of the moment.

Damien lifted his head and stared into her eyes.

"Elise ... there are things you should know."

He lifted off her and helped her to her feet. He turned to the scrolls

on the desk, a bit damp from their mutual juices.



When Elise opened her eyes, she was back in the cave. Around her

were countless golden baskets, filled with beautiful shimmering

jewels. She still gripped Damien's Pendant. Had it been a dream?

The soreness between her thighs told her otherwise. She had little

time to reflect on it. A thin tall shadow crept through the entrance of

the cave.

Grand Duke DeMumart stepped into the cave and stopped short.

His face darkened to an evil grimace. The temperature in the cave

dropped several degrees.

The duke walked slowly towards her until he was only inches away

from her face. He peered down. Elise sensed an immense power that

seemed to permeate the air around the duke. Death. He smelt of

death and impiety

He sneered, "So little maiden, I see you've completed your task."

He walked a slow circle around Elise. "Well done".

He smiled, but it did little to comfort her. She forced herself to

ignore his disapproving scowl and curtsied, "Thank you M-My Lord."

DeMumart glared for a moment before turning to his men.

"Guards! Help the little lady into the boat, the King awaits our


Elise did not miss the disgust in DeMumart's voice. Surely, he

suspected something. Unconsciously, she stroked the pendant around

her neck and immediate felt a warm comfort.

* * * *

The King's castle was just as grand as she would have imagined.

Solid gold sconces lit smoothed, shiny marbled corridors. It was

magnificent. For a brief moment, Elise actually felt honored to have

been selected as the King's bride. The opportunity to live in such a

glorious home, an actual royal castle, was every little girls dream

come true.

For Elise however, it felt more like a prison.
. He was

forever in her thoughts. That was where she needed to be, wanted to


be. She wished that their meeting could have been under different


How had this happened? How had she fallen in love with a Demon?

She knew now that was what he was. Somehow, she had known from

the very first day they met.

Yet, it didn't matter. She loved Damien Dontaleone, Lord of

Darkhaven and it burned her very soul to know she would most likely

never see him again once the king claimed her as his Queen.

They entered an extravagantly decorated throne room. King

Horace sat at the far end of a long red-carpeted walkway. Knight's

armor in various battle poses lined the entire length of the room. The

walls shimmered with etched gold and silver latticework..

A single table, elegantly carved from marble, with golden legs and

trim sat next to the dais. An exquisitely designed oil lamp graced its

center. The dais had three chairs positioned side-by-side King Horace

sat in the enormous center chair. He looked more like a young child

sitting, cross-legged on the plush red cushions Gold and purple lace

roped decoratively around the arms and legs of the chair.

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