Prisoner of Darkhaven (13 page)

Read Prisoner of Darkhaven Online

Authors: EMMA PAUL

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm, #Historical, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Prisoner of Darkhaven
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Fear settled over his hideous face. Good he should be afraid.

"Now that I have your attention, I'm only going to ask once

Boggart. Release. Elise. Now."

Damien punctuated each word. His voice laced with lethal

promise. However, to his complete surprise, DeMumart threw his

head back and laughed. Apparently, he had regained his perceived


"Ha! You can't touch me! I cursed you! No matter what I do you

are helpless to keep me from doing it!"

Grand Duke DeMumart squealed in fear as Damien approached

him. He shrank to the floor and skittered across the stone tiles like a

scared rabbit.

Just as DeMumart scrambled back to his feet, Damien reached him

and grabbed him by the neck. The demon gurgled. He applied more

pressure threatening to crush its throat.

The Duke dangled by his neck in Damien's vice like grip. He

would kill the vile Boggart slowly and as painfully as possible. Fuck

his curse. Killing DeMumart would mean no chance of ever breaking

it. Elise was worth it!

"Is there anything you wish to say before I snap your neck?"

Damien tightened his grip. DeMumart's eyes bulged from their

sockets, he tried to speak, yet couldn't.

Damien smiled evilly.

Just before he applied the final pressure to snap the demon Duke's

neck, Elise's scream ripped through his concentration. Damien turned

sharply and looked up. Pain sliced through his heart like a knife.

Gone was the birdcage.

Instead, Elise dangled from chains shackled at the wrists. A

hideous winged Goblin hovered to her right holding a twelve inch

jagged knife to her throat. Goblins and Boggarts often worked as

pairs, he should have anticipated that DeMumart would have one.


A gurgled laugh forced him to look back at the devious demon,

which he currently held by the throat. Damien snarled and loosened

his grip.

"Release her!"

DeMumart had the audacity to smirk, "Release me first!"

Damien knew better then to trust him. However, he didn't want to

take the chance. The Boggart wouldn't hesitate to have the Goblin

slice Elise's throat. He squeezed tightly once again to test his theory.

The sharp blade started to nick her pale skin, Elise screamed.

Damien let go immediately.

DeMumart slithered to the floor and quickly crawled away from

Damien. He stumbled to his feet and fixed his disheveled appearance,

taking a deep breath, before eyeing Damien with that queer arrogant


"Now that's better."

Damien sneered at him and clenched his fists. "Let her go!"

His adversary paced once then turned to him, a calculating gleam in

his eye.

"Is she worth that much to you?"

He waited for Damien to answer. Damien remained silent, eyeing

him with deadly intentions. "She is! I can see it in your face. I tell

you what, take her place and she will go free."

He couldn't trust him. He glanced up at Elise. Her body shook

with terror and the look on her face betrayed her willingness to

sacrifice herself for him. She would rather die than see him enslaved

to a worthless demon.

He read it in eyes, and knew what he had to do. DeMumart turned

his head to glance up at Elise.

She shrank back from his evil gaze seeing the intent carved across

his face.

The Goblin tightened his grip on her hair, pulling her head back,

making her wince. Damien's muscles tensed. DeMumart was right,

as long as the curse was in effect, the beast did have an advantage

over him.



His blood sizzled with ire. He wanted so badly to get his hands on

the sniveling bug, twist his skinny neck, pop the head off and suck out

his innards. At least the thought gave him a tiny bit of solace. He was

stuck at the moment.

"What do you want then?"

DeMumart folded his arms across his bony chest. In an instant, he

was walking a circle around Damien.

He glared arrogantly at Damien. "Admit your defeat to me and," he

stepped closer to Damien, fanning hot fishy breath in his face, "Swear

an eternal bond to me as my minion."

"Damien NO!"

Both men turned to look up at Elise. The strained look of concern

over his wellbeing shook him to the core. He wouldn't let her suffer.

The Goblin wiggled his long cone shaped tongue against her cheek,

emphasizing the point.

DeMumart snarled, "Shut up bitch!"

Damien growled, "Watch it Boggart!"

"Or what Guardian? Hahahhaha!"

The bastard laughed gleefully in Damien's face. He clenched his

fists, bared his teeth and his eyes flared red. However, DeMumart had

him in this.

Damien turned to look at Elise one last time. Her eyes met his.

They held him immobile. She spoke to him without words. Her love

for him flowed from the depths of those beautiful green irises. It

blanketed him, holding him in its strength.

She slowly shook her head, her face pleading, begging. Offering

him her sacrifice.

I would do anything for you, even give you my soul.

Her words echoed clearly in his head. He nodded once, and his

love for her overflowed in his heart, when he saw her relieved


He turned to face DeMumart's impatient grimace. A wide wicked

smile spread Damien's face just before his body fell in a heap at

DeMumart's feet.

The Boggart demon kicked Damien's lifeless body.


"Get up! You fucking son-of-a-bitch! What, what is this?"

DeMumart cursed and jumped up and down like a child denied his

favorite plaything.

Then it dawned on him. DeMumart whipped around and lifted his

face towards Elise. Her body started to convulse violently. The

chains holding her snapped, startling the goblin. One hand grabbed

hold of the goblin's wing, twisting it before flinging the creature

against the far wall. The goblin stuck the stonewall with bone

crunching force, bouncing once before crashing to the floor in a heap

of mangled flesh and bone.

DeMumart watched with morbid interest as Elise's body twitched

twice before her head slowly came up. Her eyes glowed red. An evil

smile spread across her now inhuman face.

DeMumart's eyes widened with realization. "N-no!"

He spoke barely above a whisper.

Elise floated to the ground, and pegging him with a paralyzing

stare, she began to recite an ancient spell, with a voice not her own.

He staggered back as though hit by some invisible force...

Elise raised her arms and her demonic voiced shook the walls.

"Thrice I name thee demon, Rumpelstiltskin, Rumpelstiltskin!"

She captured DeMumart's pain ridden expression, smiling










Elise collapsed to the floor. A black mist rose from her limp form.

DeMumart reeled from the power that now held him cowering on the

cold stone ground. He watched in dreadfulness as the dark mist

swirled into a funnel and drilled itself back into Damien's body

breathing life back into it once again.

Damien slowly stood. He flexed his arms feeling the full strength

of his power rush back into his body. All at once, every sense he

possessed became sharper, deadlier. He arched back, unfurled his

wings and released a roar so loud that it shook the very rafters.

He looked to his right. Elise's form lay sprawled on the ground.

He felt for her heartbeat and was relieved when he heard its melodic

thump. Now for a little revenge.

Rumpelstiltskin, the former Grand Duke DeMumart, withered into

a whimpering pile of soon to be dead Boggart demon. He curled

himself into a ball at Damien's feet begging for mercy.

Damien bent down, grabbed the now small, pale, wrinkled creature

by the back of the neck, and held it up so that its ugly face was nose to

nose with his.

"Mercy is for God's angels!"

A swirling black void appeared before them. Rumpelstiltskin

looked up and cried.

"No! Don't send me back! They'll torture me for eternity!"

Damien chuckled, enjoying himself immensely as he prepared to

toss Rumpelstiltskin back to hell where his father waited for the

Boggart demon.

"I sincerely hope so. In fact I will be stopping in from time to time

to make sure of it!"

He laughed the moment he threw the hapless demon into the void,

taking great pleasure watching RUMPLESTILTSKIN' S terror filled

expression as the void sucked him in. His father would deal with the

little bastard and his pathetic attempt to overthrow Hell.


The void closed and Damien turned towards Elise. She lay

sprawled on the cold stone floor. Warmth filled his chest,

remembering how she had sacrificed herself for him.

A part of him now lived within her. He walked over to her and

knelt down. Lifting her off the ground, he held her close to his heart.

An instant later, they were in his bedroom.

Damien laid her down gently on the satin comforter. He brushed

the hair from her eyes as she came to.

"D-Damien..." His name was whisper on her lips. She smiled at

him and reached up to wrap her arms around his neck so she could

pull him to her.

Their lips touched.

A sweet gentle kiss.

Damien pulled back.

"Now that you offered me your soul, we need a bargain to seal this


Elise chuckled. She had given her soul to The Guardian Demon of

Darkhaven. Nothing could have ever prepared her for such a thing,

yet she could only feel pure joy knowing that her dark lord would be

forever bound to her.

"Well let's see ... ah I know! In exchange for my soul, I wish only

for an eternity of blissful, wicked fulfillment! And for you never to be

alone again."

She stared deep into his eyes and Damien knew he could never

deny her anything. He flipped over onto his back, taking Elise with

him so that she now straddled him. With a snap of his fingers, they

were naked.

Elise smiled, just before she reached behind her and lifted her ass

up to position his cock at the entrance of her sex.

She settled herself on him and sank his inches into her clenching

sheath. She began a slow torturous rhythm with her hips. The rolling

movement brought such sweet friction to his cock. Damien savored

this slow gentle lovemaking, driving them both higher with each deep

measured stroke.


Within minutes, Elise moaned and whimpered with uninhibited

passion. Damien thrust his hips up in time with her rapidly increasing

thrusts. Soon Elise was clawing his muscled chest and bouncing her

body like a famished whore on his solid length.

She cried her delirium.

"More ... more! Damien!"

He gave her more. Changing to his natural form, Damien's cock

grew another two inches making Elise cry out and dig her nails deeper

into his flesh drawing blood. He growled. She screamed. They both

pounded against each other like two beings bent on consuming one

another. Branding each other. Claiming. Dominating.

Thrust, thrust, deeper, deeper, harder, faster ... until their shouts of

ecstasy filled the bedchamber. Elise collapsed on top of Damien. He

wrapped his arms tightly around her, loving her with every ounce of

his being.

"Elise, I think I'm going to like this bargain."



Emma Paul lives in her own little fantasy world ... well at least

when she is creating the fantastical tales that seem to manifest every

second of every day within the confines of her mind. She is happily

married with children, and loves to write and share her imagination

with anyone willing to read or listen. Her wild, imaginative, and sexy

tales will take you away too far off places where anything is possible












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