Read PS01 - Tall, Dark & Lonely Online

Authors: R.L. Mathewson

Tags: #funny, #Romance, #pyte, #vampire, #vampire romance, #paranormal, #mathewson, #witty

PS01 - Tall, Dark & Lonely (9 page)

BOOK: PS01 - Tall, Dark & Lonely
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“No,” Madison snapped. Grandma hurried past them to open the back door of her car. She didn’t see Jill’s arm arch back and

certainly didn’t expect the powerful half slap-half punch that slammed into her mouth. She felt the bite of metal in her lip. Damn

Jill and her gaudy costume jewelry.

Jill stumbled away and made a mad dash towards the front door. Oh no you don’t, Madison thought as she ran after her tackling

her to the ground.

“Oh my god, are you insane? Get off me now, you bitch!” Jill screamed.

Madison climbed off her sister as she pulled Jill’s arm behind her back. “Ow, ow! Stop!” She twisted it more. “Fine I’ll go!”

Jill snapped. Madison did not ease up on her hold. For some odd reason she just didn’t trust her little sister at the moment.

“Ow! Madison! Stop!” Jill pleaded.

Candy ran out of the house and jumped in front of them. “Madison, let her go!”

“Get. Out. Of. My. Way,” she bit out each word.

“But…” Candy looked nervously from Madison to Jill. Whatever she saw on Jill’s face made her act in self-preservation. She

inhaled deeply and looked down her nose at Jill. “I told you not to bring drugs into the house again.” Jill and Madison’s mouth

dropped open at the same moment.

“I’m sorry, Jill, perhaps I didn’t do you any favors by letting it slide last time, but,” she nodded to herself, “this is for the best I

think.” With that she stalked back to the house, leaving everyone stunned. Not for one second did anyone believe Candy hadn’t

given her the drugs.

A sob broke from Jill that had nothing to do with the Madison’s hold. “I-I did pot last week and I-I tried ecstasy a week ago as

well…..” she choked. “I’m sorry….I…..I didn’t think….I just wanted Candy to li-like m-me.”

Madison released her hold and pulled Jill into a fierce hug. “Shh, it’s okay.” She was going to slap Candy one of these days.

Madison swore inwardly, she knew that was the major reason Jill had been acting like this the past weeks. She wanted Candy

to like her.

“I won’t do it again. You don’t have to worry,” Jill said bitterly. Madison sighed. It finally happened. Jill realized in that

moment their mother didn’t love them or care about them. It took her fifteen years to do it and Madison felt like someone

stabbed her in the heart. She never wanted her sister to feel this pain. It hurt more than anything. She knew that better than

anyone. Her eyes wondered over to Joshua who was watching them with bored interest. He already knew.

She forced herself from that knowledge and pushed Jill towards the car. “What? I told you what I did and won’t do it again.”

“I know,” Madison said softly. “But I wouldn’t be doing my job if I took your word. I don’t want you to end up making

mistakes that you can’t take back.”

Jill’s eyes watered up. “Too late,” she mumbled. Silent tears streamed down her young face as she walked to the car on her

own and climbed in. Grandma closed the door and threw a sympathetic look in Madison’s direction before driving away.

Madison forced herself to smile as she turned to look at her brother. “You feel like going car shopping with me?” she asked


Joshua’s little face lit up. “Heck yeah!” His little face scrunched up, looking thoughtful. “You should wash your face first.”


“You’re bleeding,” he said casually.

Her fingers went to her lips and found hot moisture. She pulled her fingers away and frowned. Damn that girl can hit. “Give me

ten minutes and then we’re off.”


Ephraim walked into his room and froze. He inhaled deeply and then again. Blood.
Her blood
. He closed his eyes and

followed the scent into the bathroom. His eyes darted to her door, making sure it was closed. He walked over and locked it

before looking for the source. After a moment he found it, tissues.

His hands shook as he reached into the wastebasket to pick up one of the many bloody tissues. He snatched up all of them,

afraid they would disappear. In less than a second his eyes were closed and he inhaled deeply. The scent of her blood was

overwhelming. His fangs dropped in his mouth aching for a taste.

He licked his lips, imagining what it would be like to taste her blood. In a moment he would know. It was fresh. All he had to

do was squeeze a drop from the discarded tissues and he would have his taste. His head dropped back as he held the tissues

over his waiting mouth. He opened his eyes, making sure that he didn’t miss a drop. His hand began squeezing the tissues

together with inhuman strength, forcing the red liquid to separate from the material.

His tongue darted out, prepared to catch the drops he saw forming. So close…so close…He caught his reflection in the mirror

and froze. His eyes were glowing red while his fangs glistened. His features were harsh and he’d never look more like a

monster in his entire life.

Slowly he lowered his gaze. After a moment he could no longer look at himself. He threw the tissues into the toilet out of

disgust and flushed. He looked at his hand and coiled at the thought that hit him, lick it. His hand was smeared with blood.

He’d never been more disgusted with himself than he was at that moment.

For years he hated himself, hated what he was and hated what he wasn’t. None of those moments could compare to this. He

was a monster. A blood thirsty monster who was preying on an innocent woman. How he hated himself. The need to lick his

hand increased.

“No!” he growled. He would not give in to it. He dropped to his knees and opened the cabinet. A moment later he held his hand

over the sink while he poured bleach over it.

Pain shot through his arm while the skin on his hand began to dissolve. He ground his teeth as he continued to pour the entire

gallon over his hand. This would remind him that he was nothing more than a monster. He was nothing, just an unwanted

accident and everyone would be better off if he remembered that.


Ephraim took a deep breath and bent over. “Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up,” he mumbled to himself. He really needed to take a

piss and she was still in the shower. If she didn’t get the hell out of there soon he was going to be forced to piss out the


He stopped himself from knocking and asking how long she was going to be. For the past month and a half he hadn’t said a

word to her. He hadn’t let his presence be known. It was safer that way. He was afraid of what he would do if she spoke to


He was drinking two extra pints a day, hoping it would be enough to take away the temptation. It wasn’t. He found that out the

hard way. Even with a stomach uncomfortably full of blood didn’t stop the reaction she created. He discovered that every time

he caught her scent. This was hell. This was worse than anything Nichols put him through.

He groaned. He was too old to piss his pants, but that’s exactly what he was going to do if he didn’t get to a bathroom now.

That was it. He was going to break down the door. He raised his fist and froze when he heard knocking from her side.

The water shut off. “Yes?”

Jill’s voice answered, “You told me to tell you when it was five.”

Ephraim’s eyes shot to his watch. Well, her sister was a prompt little thing. It was five on the dot. “Oh, darn it, I’m coming.”

He closed his eyes and listened to her every movement. She wrapped a towel around her, unlocked his side of the door,

scooped up her dirty clothes and went into her room, closing the bathroom door behind her.

“Shit!” He was really about to piss himself. He hurried into the bathroom, careful to lock her door on the way to the toilet. No

need for either woman to see a man piss blood. It would probably send them screaming or fainting. He flushed the toilet all the

while listening to what was going on in the next room. Ephraim moved around purposely making noise, no need for them to

think he was creepy or anything.

Madison could hear Ephraim walking around in the bathroom. She sighed, thinking he was probably getting ready for one of his

extra long showers. She hadn’t seen him in over a month since the day she walked home. It was almost as if he was avoiding

her which was strange. He seemed very friendly that day. Of course she was being ridiculous. He was a police detective, a

very busy man. It only seemed like he was avoiding her.

She put the hair drier down and spritzed hair gel through her hair as she watched Jill lounge on her bed with a magazine. “I

really like your outfit, Jill.”

Jill’s face lit up. “Really?”

She wore a very cute understated blouse and skirt. Her boyfriend of two weeks was coming over tonight. Seth was a straight

"A" student and a down to earth guy and Jill was madly in love with him. When she dressed like a slut he avoided her so she

tried another angle, being herself.

Madison made a bet with her. She challenged Jill to dress like she used to before Candy showed up and forget everything

Candy taught her about men. Reluctantly she tried it and three days later Seth showed up for dinner. He was a nice kid and

Madison thought he was a god for getting her sister back in line. A feat she thought would take a year and a convent to do.

Candy did not take the change well. She pouted around the house for days. She let Jill know that she was so upset with her and

went as far as refusing to eat with "the boy who wrecked her daughter." Yet she was willing to get drunk with a thirty-five year

old man moments after he took her fifteen year old daughter’s virginity. Go figure.

It took a few days but soon Candy happily ignored Jill’s presence the same way she ignored Joshua. She also quit working for

Grandma and found work in the next town over. She still lived here, but only until she had enough to move out which was soon.

Candy wouldn’t admit it to Grandma, but everyone knew that she was working as a bartender at a strip club. She took a fit the

night she was hired. They told her she was too old to strip or wait tables. Money helped her get over that. The patrons always

tipped her well to keep them in drinks.

“I can’t believe after a week we finally get to meet prince charming,” Jill said teasingly.

She laughed. “Stop calling him that! His name is David!”

Jill giggled. “Okay, I'll call him David to his face then.”

“Thank you.”

Jill went back to her magazine while she dressed. She decided on a dress, something casual. She looked up to find Jill

watching her with interest.


“So, are you going to tell me what he looks like or do you want it to be a surprise?”

Madison rolled her eyes. “I’m surprised you don’t know. The three times we went out you were waiting by the window.”

Jill sighed. “We tried, but we couldn’t see anything. The way this house is setup is so inconvenient. The only thing I know is

that he drives a black car.”

“Then you know enough.”

Jill jumped off the bed. “That’s not fair! Come on, please!” She placed her hands together in a praying gesture and jumped up

and down.

“Oh all right, sit down before you pass out from excitement.”

“Sure thing!” Jill crawled back on the bed. “Well?”

“Don’t rush me. What do you want to know?”

“Is he a good kisser?”

They heard something crash in the bathroom followed by a curse. They ignored it. “He’s okay I guess.”

“Is he handsome?” Jill nibbled on her lip.


Jill looked up at the ceiling deep in thought. She wasn’t happy with the answer and needed a comparison. “Is he better looking

than Ephraim?”

She wanted to lie, but Jill would see for herself in less than twenty minutes. “No, he’s not as handsome as Ephraim.” She

continued quickly. “He’s really nice. He’s an expert on British history and he’s a perfect gentleman.”

“He sounds dull,” Jill said.

“He is not!”

“Do you think…that you know he’ll be the one that you let…you know?”

She did know. Being a twenty-three year old virgin was starting to grate on her. She wasn’t saving herself for marriage or

anything. “I don’t know. I can think of worse men to take a chance on. If I did I think he would be gentle and respectful.”

“So, you think you might with him?”

“Yes, I think so. If things continue the way they are.”

“Do you love him?”

“I think I like him,” she hedged. She just met the guy, but couldn't say that because Jill would think she was putting down her

relationship with Seth.

Jill nodded. “Just don’t rush into it. I know I messed up and I regret it. I wish I hadn’t. I wished it had been with a nice guy.

Just….just be sure, okay?” She looked sad.

Madison hated seeing her sad. She knew Jill cried at night over what happened. She really wanted to slap Candy upside the

head for this. Instead she threw a balled up pair of socks at Jill. “Hey come on, no crying. You don’t want that boyfriend of

yours to think that you cry over him.”

That got her attention. She jumped up and ran to the mirror, pushing Madison over to check her lip gloss. She looked very

pretty and very fifteen.

She smoothed down her dress. “We should go downstairs. They’ll be here any minute.”

“I can’t wait!” Jill giggled.

They walked downstairs, talking and laughing. Grandma met them in the foyer and smiled. “One of my favorite guys is in the

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