The Boy Next Door

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Authors: Katy Baker

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Coming of Age, #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #New Adult & College

BOOK: The Boy Next Door
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The Boy Next Door


The Complete Collection


By Katy Baker


Copyright © 2013 Katy Baker



Tasting The Boy Next Door

ut I don't need anyone’s help!” Melissa Smyth yelled. “I’m nineteen years old and damn sure I can cope alone for one measly month!” She sounded like a spoiled brat but was beyond caring. Righteous indignation made her blood boil.

Her father, Richard Smyth, spread his hands and sighed. “How many times must we go through this, Melissa? Rory is just going to help around the house and garden while we’re away. What’s so bad about that?”

Although he spoke in a calm, soothing manner, his words only made Melissa angrier. She stamped her foot in exasperation. Her parents might like to dress this up as doing her a favor but Melissa knew what it really meant. They didn’t trust her. Thought she needed a babysitter.

And to make matters worse who had they asked to help? Rory Thompson. Freckly, bespectacled, goody-two-shoes Rory Thompson, the geekiest boy in her class. Melissa had spent most of her childhood trying to escape him as he trailed after her all doe-eyed. But as he was the son of their next-door neighbor, she'd been hard-pressed to avoid him. Thankfully he’d been traveling the last three years so she'd not had to see his dopey face. But he’d come home last week and been recruited by Melissa's father to keep things ticking over whilst he and Melissa's mother, Claire, were on a business trip in Dubai.

Did her father think her a complete idiot? How difficult was it to mow a lawn or run a vacuum cleaner over the carpet? When would he stop treating her like a baby?

“Look, daddy, I'm perfectly capable—”

“Melissa!” he cut in, frowning so his black hair fell over his forehead. “It's decided. Rory will be here in a minute and I expect you to play nicely. Clear?”

Melissa recognized that tone. It meant he wouldn't be argued with any more. She crossed her arms over her chest and threw herself onto the couch. “Fine!”

Her father seemed about to say something else but the doorbell rang and he marched into the hallway.

“Rory! Good to see you!”

“Hi, Mr. Smyth. Ready for the off?”

“I was packed hours ago but I'm afraid my wife is still upstairs doing those mysterious last minute things only women seem to understand.”

Indulgent laughter carried into the living room, making Melissa seethe. So her parents thought she needed a nursemaid did they? Rory Thompson thought he could waltz in here like a knight in shining armor did he? Well she’d show the lot of them! Oh she’d let Rory Thompson help her all right. She’d have him running around like a slave by the end of this month! He wouldn't know what hit him. A wicked grin stole over Melissa's face at the thought.

“Melissa, come and say hi to Rory,” her father called.

Pleased with herself, Melissa plastered on a sweet smile—one she knew would reduce Rory Thompson to a gibbering wreck—then sauntered from the living room, being sure to swing her hips in a most alluring fashion.

But as she entered the hallway she halted in sudden confusion. A tall, tanned young man stood with her father. Soft brown waves fell onto his broad shoulders and the fabric of his t-shirt was pulled tight over his muscular chest in a way that made Melissa's mouth go dry. After a moment, the stranger turned large brown eyes on her and smiled, his full lips pulling back over perfect white teeth.

“Hi, Melissa.”

She paused, flustered. Who was this? Surely not geeky, annoying Rory Thompson? This guy was toned, tanned and totally hot! Could three years in Thailand turn him into this?

She worked her jaw a few times before croaking, “Rory?”

He laughed, a deep, clear sound that sent goose bumps riding up Melissa's skin. “Don't you recognize me? I shouldn’t be surprised — mom reckons I've turned into a hippie beach bum while I’ve been away.”

Beach bum? Melissa thought. Hardly. The way his shirt hugged his rippling frame made him look more like some bronzed Adonis from Greek legend. Not that she was going to let him know that, of course. He was still the enemy after all.

She took a deep breath, tilted her chin, and said curtly, “It's good of you to agree to help out.”

If he noticed the frostiness in her tone he didn't show it. In fact his grin grew even wider. “My pleasure. I’m looking forward to catching up.”

He stepped close and folded her into an embrace. She stiffened, unsure how to react. His arms were smooth and strong around her, his muscles hard. And his smell! A heady mix of sweat and something Melissa couldn’t quite put her finger on - something that conjured up images of beaches and palm fringed oceans. It enveloped Melissa, swept her away. She sucked a breath through her nostrils and circled her arms around his back, pulling him close and sweeping her palms over the solid muscles beneath his shirt.

Something tingled deep within her groin and her nipples began to tighten. Good God! Rory Thompson was turning her on!

She stepped back quickly, putting an arm's length between them and doing her best to arrange her features into a detached, lofty expression. Something dark glinted in Rory’s eyes as he watched her. Desire?

The tingling in her pussy deepened as she thought about what that could mean. How would it feel to have those strong hands caressing her skin? That toned, tanned, gorgeous body on top of her, tight buttocks pounding between her legs?

Stop it!
she told herself.
That’s Rory Thompson you're getting horny about! Get a grip!

She was saved from further embarrassment by the slamming of a door upstairs. After a moment, Melissa’s mother, Claire, came staggering down the stairs laden with enough bags to sink a small ship.

Passing the luggage to Melissa's father, she clapped her hands and exclaimed, “That's not Rory is it? How you've grown!”

She pulled him into a hug and fawned over how handsome he’d got. Melissa rolled her eyes and bit back a retort. No doubt Rory was enjoying every minute of this. He’d always been a goody-goody who knew how to sweet talk her mother.

After releasing Rory, she gave Melissa an admonishment about not having any parties, her father kissed her on the cheek, then her parents picked up their suitcases and hurried out the front door. And that was it. They were gone. Melissa was left alone with Rory.

Neither moved. Melissa lifted her chin, turning a haughty expression on him. Rory watched her, brown eyes seeming deep enough to fall into. Her body came alive with arousal as he watched her, deepening the ache between her legs and turning her pussy hot with longing.

“So my father is paying you to look after things, right?” she said, determined to take control of the situation. “Well there's a pile of my dirty washing in the laundry. You can start with that.”

She marched off in the direction of the kitchen expecting him to follow her like he did when they were kids. But after five paces she halted and turned to see him standing in the same spot. “What are you waiting for? I told you to do my washing!”

“No can do,” he replied, shaking his head and making his brown waves bounce. He pulled a piece of paper from his pocket and unfolded it. “Your father was very specific about the jobs I'm to do. What was the warning he gave me? ‘Don't let my daughter manipulate you because she'll have you running around after her like an idiot given half the chance’.”

And with that he sauntered past her into the kitchen, leaving Melissa spluttering with fury. Turning to watch him go, Melissa put her hands on her hips and stared.

What the hell? The Rory Thompson she remembered would do whatever Melissa asked. As long as it didn't get him into trouble with the teachers, of course. He was too much of a kiss-ass for that. But this Rory Thompson seemed to think he was in charge! The cheek of it!

Pursing her lips in annoyance, Melissa charged through the kitchen and out the back door, poised to give him a tongue-lashing but skidded to a stop at the sight that greeted her. Rory had taken his top off and now stood in only his shorts on the pool edge, fishing out leaves with a net. The afternoon sun burning above had turned the day sultry and a thin sheen of sweat beaded on Rory’s chest.

Melissa gulped. Her eyes roamed over his hard, well-defined pectorals, down his six-pack to his narrow hips then beyond to the bulge in the front of his shorts and his small, tight buttocks that pulled the fabric tight as he bent over. Her pulse quickened, a small gasp escaping her lips. Frowning, she clamped down on her arousal, marched over and pointed a finger at him.

“I don't know who you think you are, Rory Thompson, but my father left me in charge, not you. And seeing as he's the one paying your wages I suggest you do what I ask!”

He straightened, shrugged. “What would you like me to do, Melissa?”

The look he focused on her was deep and penetrating and suggested he wasn’t talking about housework.

Loads of things
, she thought.
Starting by bending me over, spreading my legs…

She cleared her throat, tried to gather her scattered thoughts. “Well you can start by cleaning the bathroom.”

Rory slowly took out the piece of paper again and made a big show of reading it. Finally he shook his head. “Sorry. It's not on the list.”

Melissa squealed in frustration. She'd wipe that smug expression right off his handsome face! She lunged forward and pushed him with all her strength. With a startled yelp Rory overbalanced and began to topple backward.

As he fell toward the water a surge of triumph flashed through Melissa. That would show him! But at the last moment Rory’s hand shot out and grabbed her wrist, pulling her into the pool with him. Melissa had time for a strangled scream before she hit the water.

It enveloped her like an icy blanket, stealing the breath from her lungs. She came up coughing and spluttering, water cascading from her in diamond droplets. She stood, gasping, and pushed the hair from her eyes. Rory stood less than an arm’s length away, hair slicked to his head, rivulets of water pouring down his torso.

Melissa opened her mouth to scream at him but the look on his face stopped her. His full lips were parted slightly, his bare chest heaving. And his eyes had gone dark. Lust, Melissa realized. Rory wanted her.

Melissa’s nipples stiffened, pressing against the clinging fabric of her wet t-shirt. Her heart thumped in her chest as hot pulses of desire radiated outward from between her legs.

Slowly Rory reached out and ran his dripping finger along her jaw line. Melissa shivered as waves of delicious anticipation rode up her arms. Rory stepped closer, never glancing away, and brought his face close to hers. Melissa held herself very still, tingling at the nearness of him, feeling his warm breath against her cheek, listening to the sound of the water dripping off his hair.

Cupping her chin in one hand, Rory kissed her, sending a jolt of rapture through Melissa’s system. His lips pressing against her felt so warm and insistent that she moaned softly as Rory’s mouth moved against hers. After a moment his tongue forced her lips apart and snaked inside, massaging her tongue in a firm rhythm. With a groan Melissa opened her mouth wider, caressing his tongue with her own. Her arms slid around his neck and pulled him close, kissing him hungrily as passion took hold. Rory’s strong hands glided down to her buttocks, squeezing the soft flesh.

But then he suddenly broke off their kiss and stepped back. A frown pinched the skin between his eyebrows.

Puzzled, Melissa asked, “What is it?”

He shook his head. “I’m not sure this was on your father’s list either.”

He waded to the edge of the pool and climbed up the ladder, water gushing off his semi-naked form.

Melissa watched him go, incredulous. What was he doing? She’d just let him kiss her and now he was walking away? Who did he think he was?

She narrowed her eyes as a thought struck her. There was more than one way to prove who was in charge. She made her way over to the pool's edge and climbed out. Rory had his back to Melissa and had bent over to begin clearing the pool once more. From this position she got a great view of his ass.

Careful to be as quiet as possible, she crept up behind him and laid her hands on his buttocks. She was rewarded by Rory's jump of surprise. As Melissa gently squeezed, Rory straightened but didn't turn around. He didn't move away either. Perfect. Melissa shifted her hands around to Rory's front, softly caressing the hard muscles of his stomach. With a smile she moved further down, hand sliding beneath the waistband of his shorts.

Rory gasped as Melissa’s fingers closed around his cock. It had grown hard and her eyes widened slightly as she realized how big he was. Huge. Melissa’s pussy ached as she wondered how it would feel to have him inside her, driving hard. What heights of pleasure could that massive cock take her to? It stood out like a thick iron bar, warm and eager under her touch.

With a shock, she realized she wanted Rory Thompson to fuck her. How the hell had that happened? How had geeky, annoying Rory Thompson become someone she was desperate to screw? Melissa wanted that rock-hard cock inside her. Now.

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