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Chapter 22


couldn’t have planned better
if I tried. After all my wondering and worrying, Puck was right, things really just worked themselves out.

I applied for the few jobs that interested me and went on some interviews through a staffing agency, but nothing really panned out. I can’t say I’m that upset about it, I’ve really been enjoying my time working on Puck’s estate.

We sat down with Steven, Marla, and the rest of the house staff and explained what was going on between us. Everyone was so happy for us - maybe more so for Puck because they really admire him. Apparently everyone saw something between us long before I recognized it myself.

As we suspected, my father and Joanne couldn’t be happier. Joanne swears she knew we would wind up together - that it was our destiny. I don’t know if I believe all that, but I love her, so I play along. She’s always asking Puck when he’s going to propose, probably so she can start asking about grandchildren, but I’m content with the way things are now. I’m just thrilled that hockey season is coming to an end so we can spend some much needed time together.

I still work for Puck, but I don’t let him pay me the way he was initially. Although I know we’re in love, I still don’t want to feel like I’m being paid to be his girlfriend. I kept my own apartment, but I stay at the estate most nights. When he has a rare day off from practice or traveling, we try to spend it with each other. I’m thankful playoffs are starting next week. Puck promised when they’re over we could go on a nice vacation together.

This week, the team is in town getting ready for the playoffs. I’ll be going to the games which will be fun, but I’m still looking forward to some down time after. Puck has some intense practice sessions this week, but we will have a few evenings to enjoy each other’s company. I’ve been really strict with his meals and keeping him on track, so the whole house has been eating healthy. It will be nice to go out soon to enjoy a bottle of wine and have someone else do the cooking.

Chapter 23


have never been happier - ever
. Having Dani in my life has been amazing. Being with her is incredible - more than I ever could have hoped for. And my team making it to the playoffs? Unbelievable. Having Dani there to cheer me on only makes it that much more awesome. In the end we may not have won the cup, but the experience was priceless.

I’m even a little proud of myself for working out her surprise while everything else has been going on. I spent so much time trying to figure out how to show her what she means to me. I’m pretty sure I nailed it. I don’t think she’s expecting it - I hope she loves it.

I’ve put so much thought and time into everything…

She better say ‘yes’.

Chapter 24


I’m so excited for this much needed night out. I can’t imagine what Puck’s surprise is, although I have an idea. Playoffs are over and he’s planned a trip to Napa to celebrate. He’s taking me on a culinary tour around the vineyards so I can ‘get new ideas’. I’ve always wanted to go there and if there’s more of a reason to celebrate, I’ll know soon enough.

Puck is taking me to the Harvest Bistro for dinner. We went there on our first official date and it has become the one place we escape to when we can actually go out. This time, he’s using a car service so he can indulge in more than one glass of wine and gorge himself on a nice meal. He deserves it - it’s been a while.

I put on a long, casual sundress. It’s royal blue and perfect for the Spring evening. I add some flat, strappy sandals and put on some make up. I have a couple of minutes before the car gets here so I put on a small pair of earrings and a bracelet. I take a final look in the mirror, and even though I have butterflies in my stomach, I’m satisfied with what I look like. I’ve been driving myself crazy all day wondering what the surprise is.

I take my purse and head outside. I’m too anxious to stand around and wait. The black sedan pulls up as I step out of the building. Puck opens the back door and steps out. He’s wearing my favorite outfit - dark jeans and a collared button down. He looks delicious.

“Hello, beautiful,” he greets me.

“Hey, handsome.”

Puck kisses me gently on the lips and holds his arm out, gesturing for me to get in the car. I climb inside and he follows, sitting next to me. The driver takes off and we head to the restaurant.

“Why do you look so nervous?” Puck asks.

“Just anxious to see what the big surprise is,” I reply, twisting my hands together.

“I thought you like surprises?” he responds.

“I do! I love the anticipation, but it still makes me antsy,” I reply.

“You’ll find out soon enough,” he promises, “let’s just try to enjoy a stress free night together - finally.”

“You’re right. Although it won’t be stress free until I know what you have in store for me,” I say with an inflated smile, “maybe you should just tell me now.”

“Not gonna happen, babe,” he replies with a grin.

The car pulls up to the bistro and I can’t wait to get out. We thank the driver and walk inside.

James is there, as always, to greet us.

“Mr. Tanner, Ms. Quinn, so nice to see you out and about,” he notes.

“Are you ever going to call me ‘Dani’?” I ask kindly.

“Probably not,” he replies, “I saved your usual table. Hopefully now that the season is over you’ll be able to come in more often,” he adds as we follow him to the back of the dining room.

“Oh, you know we will,” Puck replies.

Puck pulls my chair out for me and I take a seat. James brings over a bottle of wine without us asking.

“I heard about your upcoming trip to Napa, so I chose a nice California red,” James explains as he uncorks the bottle.

“Oh, you heard?” I ask curiously. I didn’t know him and Puck spoke outside the restaurant.

“Yes,” he stumbles on his words as he answers, “Mr. Tanner mentioned it to me when he made the reservation.”

James pours us each a glass and leaves the table to attend to a couple waiting at the host stand.

“Telling everyone about our vacation, are you?” I ask with a smirk.

“I’m just excited about it,” Puck says, “we have a lot of celebrating to do.”

“Do we?” I ask, raising my eyebrows.

“We do.”

Puck raises his glass to toast, “here’s to the next chapter in our life.”

I touch my glass to his, but before taking a sip I have to ask, “what’s the next chapter?”

“You’re looking at it,” he replies.

“You?” I ask, “is that my surprise because I’m pretty sure I already knew you were mine,” I tease him.

He’s making me wait, for someone who doesn’t play games, he’s sure enjoying this one.

“No. Well, yes, me, but, no,” he’s fumbling with his words.

His nervousness makes me smile. I take a sip of my wine.

“Dani, since the day you came back into my life, I’ve been trying to think of a way to make you happy. I want to make your dreams come true - all of them.” Puck explains, “one day I will make an honest woman out of you,” he winks, “but first I just want to enjoy
. I know you want your own life along with the one you share with me. I know you want to achieve your own success, using your own talents, and I know how important that is to you.”

Puck takes my hands in his and gazes into my eyes as he continues, “I know you have the talent to do whatever you want, and you gave up a big opportunity to be with me - I will never forget that. But I want you to have this. I want you to have it all, baby. I love you.”

His words bring tears to my eyes, but I still don’t know what his surprise is.

“I love you too, Puck, so much,” I reply, “but I’m confused,” I chuckle.

“This is yours, Dani.”

He gestures around the dining room, indicating the restaurant.

“What?” I can’t believe what he’s saying.

“Come Monday, this place belongs to us - to you,” he beams at me.

“Shut up,” is the only response I have.

Puck laughs, “seriously, babe, it’s yours.”

I have no words. A restaurant? I was expecting a ring as my surprise, but this is a million times better. He really
know me well.

“Holy shit,” I say. I’m in complete shock.

“Crazy, right?” he replies, “James told me when we were leaving last month that the chef, who is also the owner, was going to be putting the place up for sale. He’s moving on to a new, bigger venture. So I jumped on it before he had a chance to list it,” Puck explains, “I hope you like it.”

“Are you kidding? I love it!” I jump out of my seat and run around the table. I wrap my arms around him and kiss him several times on his cheek.

“This is the most amazing, incredible,” I’m trying to find the right words, “I don’t know how to thank you, Puck. This is just… I never,” I trail off and gaze around the dining room.

James walks back over to the table, “I guess you told her?” he asks, getting a laugh from my child like excitement.

“You knew?” I ask, “of course you knew,” I answer my own question, putting all the pieces together.

“Yes, and Mr. Tanner promised I would still have my job if I kept the secret.”

“Of course!” I exclaim. I turn around and give James a hug too, “thank you so much.”

“Don’t thank me, Ms. Tanner, I didn’t do anything,” he replies.

“If you hadn’t said anything, this may have never been possible,” Puck chimes in.

I slowly walk around the dining room, as if noticing it for the first time.
My own restaurant.
I’m already envisioning all the things I’ll be doing here. I really can’t believe this is happening.

I make my way back to the table and sit back down. Puck is leaning back in his chair, enjoying my reaction.

“I’m glad you’re happy with your surprise. I’ve been second guessing myself the last few days,” he admits.

“‘Happy’ doesn’t even begin to describe how I feel,” I reply, looking around again.

“Seeing you like this,” he says, leaning in, “it means
to me.”

“I hope I can do the same for you some day,” I answer.

“You already have, baby,” he assures me, “and this is only the beginning.”

he end
… But are you ready for a little surprise? I’ve included a FREE copy of NAUGHTY, A Bad Boy Stepbrother Romance! Turn the page and I hope you enjoy it! Thanks for being so amazing…

Jessica Marx

A Bad Boy Stepbrother Romance

Copyright Jessica Marx 2016

This book is a work of fiction. All the characters in this book are fictitious and any similarity to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidence.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.


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hate this scene
. Crowds aren’t my thing—I think I’m tainted from the years I spent tending bar through college. I’ve been working as a server since high school and bartending since I turned eighteen. Fortunately, that means I can spot a player from a mile away. They may all look different on the outside, but the way they carry themselves and look at women is all the same. And right now, one of them is looking at me.

I stare right back. I have no time for games—that’s not my thing, either. I have no interest in a one-night stand or some guy who will make me feel like a queen until he makes me do the walk of shame. I’ve been down that road before and don’t care to visit it ever again.

He starts walking toward me through the crowd. The music is pulsing right through me and my skin is damp from the combination of body heat and humidity on this warm summer night. His body is defined and muscular and I can see the shape of his chiseled abs through his fitted, collared top.

And he knows it.

He has sandy brown, surfer-style hair in a perfect mess over his tan skin and hazel eyes. I catch sight of a tattoo on his forearm and follow it up into his shirt sleeve, wondering where it will lead. As he approaches I shake my yearning and catch my breath, bringing myself back to reality. I know the truth. He may be gorgeous, but he’s just a player like the rest of them.

This notion is solidified as he draws nearer and I see the way he struts—his dick leading the way, taking him in the direction of what he believes will be his conquest for the evening.

He gets dangerously close. It’s loud in here, but not loud enough to justify him speaking right into my ear. I keep my drink straw in my mouth and fidget with it, not knowing what else to do.

“You have gorgeous legs. I can’t wait to have them wrapped around my neck later.”

I choke on my drink. Is this guy kidding? His breath in my ear makes me feel a little weak in the knees, as much as I wish it didn’t.

“You don’t waste any time, huh? Obviously, you’re looking for a different kind of girl. The only one touching my legs tonight will be my boyfriend.”

Mentioning a boyfriend throws most guys off their game. But he just stands there, smirking. Who does this guy think he is?

“I’m not looking for a different kind of girl. I just don’t believe in games. You’re hot, I’m hot, and together we can have an amazing night, so why not just cut to the chase?”

I see my friend Rachel making her way back from the bathroom and I’m relieved. She is the perfect wing-woman. We’ve been friends since grade school and she’s like a sister to me. She has a gorgeous face and the body to match, but she’s also a no-nonsense kind of girl with a dry sense of humor. She’s just what I need to take this guy down a peg.

That’s what I want to do, right?

I don’t know why, but this cocky asshole is actually turning me on. Something about him is getting to me. I’ve always fallen for the wrong guys, especially the ones who ooze the bad-boy thing, but I’m happy now with Michael and our mundane routine. He’s different than any other man I’ve met, and I keep telling myself that’s a good thing.

Rachel is back and questioning if I’m okay with her eyes. Mr. Smooth extends his hand. I notice it’s just as tanned and strong as the rest of him. He must work with his hands. I start imagining my breasts cupped inside of them while he whispers all the dirty things he’s going to do to me into my ear.

Damn him. This isn’t fair.

“I’m Jayson. Your friend caught my eye from across the room.”

“Rachel,” she says in that clipped sort of way she does when she wants someone to get lost. “And I know Ashley isn’t interested. She has a boyfriend. So thanks, but no thanks.”

“So I heard. I don’t see him around, though. If Ashley was my girlfriend, I wouldn’t let her out of my sight—especially in a place like this,” Jayson answers.

Hearing my name roll off his tongue makes me weak in the knees. I don’t know why, but I feel the need to justify Michael’s whereabouts—as I had been doing more and more often lately.

“He has a presentation in the morning, so he couldn’t stay out,” I say with much more conviction than I actually feel. Where the fuck was he, anyway? He used to find a way to spend time with me no matter what. These days, it’s all late nights at work and no time for fun.

Still, I don’t have to explain myself to this guy. Some over-sexed jerk isn’t going to make me question the first healthy relationship I’ve ever had.

“Guess you’re the loyal type,” Jayson says, giving me another once-over and a knowing grin. “Damn. I hope your boyfriend knows how lucky he is.”

I can feel the weight of his stare pressing down on me, like he can undress me with the sheer power of his gaze, leaving me naked and on display.

“I’ll be sure to let him know,” I say and take another sip of my drink. I can’t believe how aroused I am by this guy. I shake my head. Total player, through and through.

I try to be a little cocky myself and reach out my hand. “Good luck tonight,” I say, hoping he’ll note the sarcasm in my tone, and smile as he holds my hand a little too long. The bulge in his jeans is unmistakable. My face flushes and a current of heat surges between my legs. If he spends one more minute here I might not be able to keep it together or sound like the cocky bitch I’m trying to be right now.

We hold hands for a few seconds longer before Rachel breaks it up.

“Great meeting you, Jayson. We’re gonna go enjoy the rest of the night. Without you,” Rachel says in her super-bitch tone. He turns and walks away, giving me one more look. I’m melting. The moisture on my skin has spread all over and I now notice how damp I am in all the right places. I give myself just a few more seconds to fantasize about him and then notice Rachel is talking to me and I have no idea what she’s been saying.

We finish our drinks and I find myself searching the bar for another look at Jayson. I know he’s an asshole who by now has undoubtedly latched on to another girl, but the few minutes I spent in his presence were electric. I wanted to rip his clothes off and tell him to fuck off all at the same time. I’ve never felt something so strong with a man, and I can’t help but start to fantasize about him again.

The feeling is fleeting, though, as I notice him way across the bar talking to a gorgeous blonde. She can’t keep her hands off him and he doesn’t seem to mind. By the look of things, he forgot about me the moment he walked away.

Rachel and I make our way through the crowd and toward the door. I take one more glance over to where I had spotted Jayson and see he’s on the receiving end of the bar slut version of a lap dance. Good thing I have Michael, or I might have been stupid enough to fall for this guy. Rachel sees me looking and rolls her eyes.

“Are you seriously looking at that douchebag? You’re way too good for a guy like that,” she reminds me.

We leave the bar and I decide I’m going to stop by Michael’s. I’m feeling a little worked up and wouldn’t mind a late-night booty call. I send him a text that I’m stopping by as Rachel and I say goodnight and get into separate cabs.

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