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“I did too. Then I realized you’re still the same old cocky son of a bitch you were in high school. I can’t believe anything you say. I won’t,” I add with less conviction than before. I place the bowl I forgot I was holding on the counter.

“Dani, I’m not lying. I haven’t lied to you once - not in this decade anyway,” he admits.

“This is exhausting,” I say with a sigh, “I can’t do this anymore. Why do you think I happily accepted an interview somewhere else?”

“If you don’t want to work here anymore, that’s fine,” he concedes, “but you and me,
, we belong together. I know you know that.”

I remain silent, thinking about what he’s saying. I’m torn. I don’t know who or what to believe anymore.

“Just think, Dani,” Puck says softly, taking advantage of my silence.

He walks toward me and stands directly in front of me, a musky aroma emanating from his body. I’m suddenly finding it hard to think. I have to close my eyes and remind myself that I hate this man - I mean, I think I hate him, right? Shit.

His hand is on my chin, “look at me, Dani.”

I slowly open my eyes, his face is only inches from mine. I have no choice but to look at him. Puck stares into my eyes.

“I want to be with you. There is no other woman in my life,” he begins, as if listing the answers to everything I’ve accused him of, “I fucking love you, Dani. What is it going to take for you to believe me - to
believe me? You have to trust me. I’m not going to let you go this time. I’m not giving up on you - on us.”

My eyes are filled with tears but I don’t want to cry. I don’t want him to win. In my heart, I want us to be together, but I’m just not ready to put my faith in him. He’s telling me everything I’ve ever wanted to hear from a man - from a lover - but I already know he can talk a good game.

Puck kisses me softly on the lips. He doesn’t try to do anything more, just leans his forehead against mine and sighs.

“Think about what I said,” he requests, “
think about it. I’m not going to beg - not yet anyway,” he adds with a smirk.

Puck releases the gentle grip he had on my cheek and backs away, “I’ll let you be today. I don’t want to make things worse. Take your time and decide what you want to believe.”

He looks into my eyes as he speaks as if to solidify his honesty. My heart melts as he walks away. I want to believe him, I do. I just want to make sure I’m doing it because he’s telling the truth, and not because I’ve fallen under his spell.

“Why don’t you go home for the day? Get out of here so you can have a clear head,” he suggests.

That’s a great idea. I look over at the bowl full of ingredients I had started working on. I’m not going to be able to concentrate on what I’m doing anyway. I decide to take him up on that offer.

“Amanda?” he asks, turning to face me once again with a puzzled look just before he exits the kitchen, “I don’t get it.” With that, Puck leaves.

How does he ‘not get it’? She’s made it very clear every time she’s come in contact with me that he belongs to her. There is definitely some miscommunication going on here.

I don’t know Amanda Adams well at all, but what I do know, is that I don’t like her. I can definitely see her ‘innocently’ starting trouble for her own benefit. For a man that claims to understand women so well, how could he not see through her bullshit? Unless it’s not in fact bullshit. Oh my God, he is going to make me crazy. This is how women get tangled up in these triangles in the first place. I’m not going to fall into the trap. I have to pick a side once and for all.

I empty the bowl into the trash. My new recipe is going to have to wait. I open the refrigerator and throw a quick lunch together. I wrap it and leave it there so the staff can grab what they want. Puck told me I can leave, so I guess he’ll figure something out for dinner later. He’s a big boy, he can work it out for one day.

Chapter 17


od dammit
. Why are women so difficult? Why on earth would Dani think Amanda and I have something going on between us? She’s a beautiful woman, but she works for the PR firm - for me.

That’s it! Dani must think that just because I think it’s okay to be involved with
that I don’t have any boundaries when it comes to business and pleasure. Dani should know she’s different. Our relationship is much more involved and complicated than a typical business acquaintance. I’ve never had any personal involvement with Amanda, nor would I want to. I don’t ever mix business and pleasure - well other than with Dani.

And working for Tom Maloney? Is she crazy? His reputation as a lawyer is outstanding, but as a human, it’s anything but. He treats people like shit in general and he’s a known womanizer. I’m sure Dani’s talent in the kitchen is only a small part of the reason he wants her on his payroll.

What a fucking mess. I finally had Dani. We were getting a fresh start on something that may be amazing together and now here we are, another fork in the road.

I need to talk to Amanda. I need to ask her directly what’s going on. Maybe she can shed some light on the situation. She may be considered top notch in her field, but if she’s fucking with my personal life, with Dani, I will make sure she regrets it.

Chapter 18


at the house later than usual. I don’t want to be here. I’m no better off than I was yesterday. My head is still a mess; I don’t know what to think. I want Puck, but I want him without all the bullshit and drama. No matter what I decide, I don’t think working here is the right thing to do.

I quickly get to work to make up for the time I lost this morning. I have some music playing quietly on the Bluetooth speaker to keep me moving and it isn’t long before I’m in the zone. Puck is in the house somewhere and I’m expecting him to appear at some point today to continue our conversation from yesterday.

The doorbell chimes and I hear Marla greeting someone. The hair on my neck stands up as I hear the sound of high heels headed this way. Although it can be anyone, I instinctively know it’s Amanda. She is the last person I want to see right now - or ever for that matter.

“Hey, hon,” she greets me with completely fake pleasantness, “is there any coffee made? Preston called me in for an impromptu meeting and I didn’t have time to stop for any on the way over.”

Is she trying to make herself sound important? I’m not buying it.

“Of course there’s coffee, but I’m not sure where Puck is,” I reply with just as much insincerity.

“That’s okay. The housekeeper is going to find him. Mug?” she asks, opening the cabinet closest to her to try and find one.

I don’t know who she thinks she is, but how dare she come in here and go through
kitchen. I know it’s technically not mine, but it’s my territory and she needs to understand that.

I open a cabinet door closer to me and take a mug out for her.

“Thanks, hon,” she says, helping herself to a cup of coffee, “I’m honestly surprised to even see you here.”

“I was thinking the same about you,” I reply snidely, “I work here, why would my presence surprise you?”

“I figured with an offer from Tom Maloney’s firm, you would be running out of here.”

“How do you know about that?” I ask, irritated that she knows my business.

“I know everything that happens in this town, hon, it’s my job,” she answers obnoxiously, “besides, how do you think he got your number?”

I’m taken aback.
gave MacKenzie my number?

“He was raving about your food at the party,” she begins, “and your ass,” she adds, looking me up and down, “I had already heard the firm was going to need a replacement, so I suggested he give you the opportunity.”


Both Amanda and I turn around at the sound of Puck’s voice.

“Why the fuck would you do something like that, Amanda?” Puck asks her angrily.

For the first time since we met, I see Amanda’s confidence waver, and I can’t say I’m the least bit upset about it.

“He is looking for someone to replace his current chef. I thought Dani would be a great fit,” she answers innocently.

“You work for me, Amanda. Why would you try and take someone from me and find them a job somewhere else?” he asks, “that doesn’t sound very ethical.”

Wow, I am thoroughly enjoying this right now. I’m not sure if I’m imagining it or not, but I think Amanda is actually shaking.

“I just figured it would be a better fit,” she answers sheepishly.

“Who the fuck are you to make that call, Amanda?” he demands.

I’m feeling awkward now, like this is not my place. I want to quietly slink away, but I also don’t want to miss any of this. This bitch has been fucking with me since I met her. It’s nice to watch her get what she deserves.

“Preston,” she pleads.

“It’s ‘Puck’,” he retorts quickly, “not even my mother calls me ‘Preston’.”

“Puck,” she begs, “I just didn't want Dani in the picture - especially here with you every day. You and I could really be something great together,” she explains with a stutter, “we were almost there, and then she came into the picture,” she nods her chin, indicating me.

“What are you talking about?” Puck asks heatedly, throwing his hands up, “are you fucking crazy? There has never been anything between us - and there never will be.”

“How could you say that? You have to have felt what I’ve been feeling,” Amanda says with tear filled eyes, “look at us, we would be great together.”

“Get the fuck out of my house,” he continues angrily, “and in case you’re crazy enough to think you still have a job here, you don’t.”

“But…” Amanda sputters.

“Actually, after the shit you pulled, I’m pretty sure you can kiss your career goodbye. I’ll be calling your office to let them know what happened here.”

She picks up her purse and looks up at him with puppy eyes. I actually feel bad for Amanda even though I shouldn’t. She’s the one that’s been playing games this whole time, but it seems like this one just came to an end.

Puck and I stand in silence with the soft music still playing in the background. We hear the front door open and close loudly, but still don’t exchange a word.

My mind is racing. I can’t believe what just happened. Puck was never playing me. He didn’t lie to me. He didn’t do anything at all. Suddenly, everything is clear.

“Well,” he says, breaking the silence, “that was unexpected.”

I let out a short laugh, “you can say that again.”

“At least now we both know for sure where all the miscommunication was coming from,” Puck states, running his hands back through his hair.

“I didn’t know,” I start hesitantly, “I knew she was a bitch, but I didn’t think she was making everything up.”

“It doesn’t matter now. She’s gone and she definitely will not be coming back,” he assures me. “Now that we both know everything, you can’t think I’m a player anymore, right?”

“I guess not,” I reply, feeling a new hope for us.

“So what happens now?” Puck asks playfully.

I look at him uncertainly, “I don’t know.”

Puck walks over to me. I instinctively back up into the counter. He places his hands on either side of me.

“I think you’re stuck with me now. You have no reason not to be,” he informs me with an impish grin.

“Do I need a reason?” I joke.

Puck leans in, placing his lips on mine. My body relaxes and I wrap my arms around his waist. He parts my lips with his tongue and we begin to kiss. Our lips pressed together, tasting each other with our tongues. For the first time, with Puck, I feel completely free. I wrap my arms tighter around him, pulling him closer to me.

Our kiss deepens, our tongues exploring one another as if for the first time. Puck’s body presses harder into mine and I feel how aroused he is, which heightens my own excitement. I’ve spent so much time being mad at Puck lately, I forgot how sexy he is.

“Jeez. What happened to…” Steven’s starts as he enters the kitchen, apparently before noticing what’s going on inside with Puck and I, “oh. Oh! I’m sorry…I’ll…” he stutters, walking back out.

We let out a chuckle at the same time.

“Looks like I’ll have some explaining to do,” Puck says.

“Yeah, that was a little awkward,” I reply.

“It could have been much worse,” he says, “why don’t we go somewhere a little more private?” Puck asks, looking around the kitchen.

“I’m supposed to be working. I have hungry people to feed,” I point out.

“They can wait. You have to satisfy
appetite first,” he quips with a wink.

I smile and roll my eyes at his corny joke, not able to come up with my own quick response.

Puck takes my hand and leads me out of the kitchen. We walk back through the main area of the house and up the staircase. I’ve never been up here since I started working at the house, but I’ve been curious. I look down over the balcony to the first floor and see Steven standing by one of the large windows, most likely on the phone.

He continues to guide me down the long hallway, I’m assuming toward his bedroom. As we walk passed a massive marble bathroom, I hear Marla humming. I look in through the doorway and see her wiping down the large mirror over one of the sinks. With my fellow employees lurking around the house, I begin to feel like this isn’t the best idea. She doesn’t acknowledge us, but I’m sure she sees us walking by.

We stop in front of a set of double doors. Puck pushes one open and my jaw drops. It’s the most amazing bedroom I’ve ever laid my eyes on. There are cathedral ceilings lined with dark wood stained beams. Two very large windows run from floor to ceiling and overlook the yard. Between them is a fireplace framed in stone that reaches all the way up the wall. The wall facing us is painted a dark stone gray with a giant, cozy looking bed resting against it.

“Pretty nice, right?” Puck says proudly.

“It’s amazing,” I reply, still looking around.

He turns his body and stands in front of me, taking my chin in his hand and tilting my face up to his.

“I’ve been dreaming of having you here since the first time you stepped foot in my house.”

Puck presses his lips against mine, and begins to kiss me.

I hear the sound of Marla’s humming again. As much as I want this, I don’t want it to happen this way. I take a small step back.

“Puck,” I say, trying to find the right words, “we’ve waited so long for this. Let’s do it right.”

“It feels pretty right to me,” he jokes, arching his hips into mine.

“Come on,” I sigh, “Marla’s outside the door, Steven is downstairs, I’m in my work clothes,” I trail off.

“But you look so cute like that, baby,” he says, “and I plan on taking them off anyway,” he winks, “besides, we’re both adults, we can do what we want regardless of who knows.”

“I know…but, it’s just weird. Yesterday I was cooking for you, now you’re trying to get me naked in your bedroom.”

“‘Trying’ is the key word here,” Puck replies.

“It would just mean a lot to me if we could have a real date - or something,” I admit, “or at least be alone in the house.”

He groans, “I understand. If that’s what you want, I’ll do it. I’ll do whatever makes you happy.”

I smile at his offer, “thank you.”

“Can I at least get a little tease before we go back downstairs? They’re going to talk about us anyway, we might as well make it worth it,” Puck asks without being pushy.

“Wha…” before I can finish his lips are back on mine. He’s gently pushing me so I’m walking back a few feet to the wall.

Puck takes my arms and pins them up over my head against the wall behind me, holding them there with one of his strong hands. He takes his lips off my mouth and moves them to my ear, sucking his way gently down to the front of my neck. My knees buckle slightly from the sensation and I feel his lips curl up with satisfaction against my skin.

He uses his free hand to unbutton my chef coat and I attempt to move my arms down to stop him, but I’m not trying very hard. In seconds, my coat is open. AllI have on is a tank top underneath. Puck moves his mouth down from my neck to my chest, gently biting my skin. He still has my arms in his grip but I’m not fighting him.

Puck pulls the front of my top down, exposing my breasts. He runs his tongue over my nipple, circling it, before moving to the other and doing the same. He raises his free hand up to the other and grips both of mine, entwining our fingers as he presses the weight of his body into mine.

We begin to kiss again, his tongue deep in my mouth, interweaving in a steady motion with mine. I can feel how hard he is even through all of our clothing. My fingers squeeze his hands in mine. I am so turned on right now, I can’t remember why I told him ‘no’ in the first place.

Slowly, he moves my hands down the wall with his and brings our kiss to an end. With our fingers still linked together, he kisses me softly on the lips.

“We should get back downstairs now,” he says, releasing his grip and pulling my top back up to cover my breasts.

I stare at him blankly, I have no response. I think I’ve changed my mind, but it’s too late.

Puck gives a short laugh, “come on, baby. You’re the one that said we should ‘do it right’, and I think that’s a great idea,” he says slyly, “besides, I want to make sure you
want me.”

“I really do,” I plead, but it’s too late. He’s backed away already and committed to my original suggestion.

“I’m sure you do, but now’s not the time.”

“You’re a tease,” I kid.

“Maybe,” he jokes.

He steps back toward me, only inches away again, and whispers into my ear, “I promise I will make it worth the wait.”

A shiver of anticipation courses through my body. I try to play it cool as I fumble to button my chef coat back up. For the first time ever, I think I need a cold shower.

Puck takes my hand and leads me back out of his bedroom. I take one last look around at the incredible room and hope to be back here again - soon. I’ve held out for so long and every time we touch, I feel like I have less strength. I don’t just want Puck anymore, I need him

We walk downstairs together. No one pays us any mind, but I’m sure we’ve been seen. At this point, I don’t care as much. Whatever happens between Puck and I will be meaningful, not just some cheap fling that I will have to be ashamed of.

Back in the kitchen, I pour us each a cup of coffee and Puck takes one of my home made protein snacks from the refrigerator.

“What happens now?” I ask, continuing our discussion from earlier.

“I have to leave for practice in a little while,” he says, “maybe we can do something tonight?”

“No,” I reply, “I mean, what happens with us - here?”

“You keep making me amazing food, we see what develops between us, and then decide how to proceed,” he proposes.

“I don’t think me working here and us trying to have a relationship is the best idea,” I answer, cradling a mug between both hands and taking a sip of coffee. “Look at today. It’s almost noon and I haven’t really done anything yet for the day.”

“I love having you in my kitchen, I’ve never felt better,” Puck admits, rubbing his toned stomach.

“I love being here, but business and pleasure don’t mix.”

“Well, what do you propose we do then?” he asks.

“I’m not sure,” I reply carefully, “I’d like to see what Maloney has to say tomorrow. It sounds like an incredible opportunity.”

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