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Chapter 11


ani really needs
to stop being so stubborn. I
I hurt her, I’m sure she came here to get some kind of revenge, but I can see her breaking. I can tell her opinion of me is wavering. She can see I’ve changed - how can she not? I’ll continue to play along for a while longer but if she doesn’t give in soon, I’m going to have to play a little dirty.

I know physically she wants me,
she can’t hide. If she wants to deny it, fine, but I’ll break her. I have to. I can’t walk on eggshells every day. I need her. I want her. I’m going to have her. I’m very sure once she gets a taste of me, she won’t be able to resist.

Chapter 12


can’t concentrate
on anything for the rest of the night. I’m glad I don’t have much to do before I leave to go home. I stop and pick up a ready made dinner from the store on my way home. I had no desire to cook for myself tonight and didn’t want to join the staff for dinner.

Thoughts of Puck and our conversation keep playing in my mind. He really got to me tonight. Hearing him speak to Steven - insisting that I lead the culinary team for the most important night of the year for him, it truly means so much to me. It would mean a lot coming from anyone, but more so from Puck. Deep down, I feel like I want to forgive him and move on. I think he really might be a different person - but I feel like I’m cheating myself by believing that.

I also can’t stop picturing him standing there half naked. I can’t deny the physical attraction - it’s always been there. I thought the intense hate I’ve had for him would somehow make him look less attractive. But maybe I don’t hate him as much as I thought since I keep thinking about him sexually - and it’s getting even worse.

Puck looks more incredible than he did when we were in high school. Since the first time I saw him again, I felt a slight chemical attraction, but easily turned it off when I reminded myself of the past. But once I saw him shirtless, I couldn’t help undress him in my mind and haven’t been able to erase that vision. I want him. The more I think about it, the more I know it’s true, and the more I hate myself for giving in like that.

I can’t let him know. I can’t let him see me getting soft - not yet anyway. I need to be sure of how I feel and who he really is and not let my body lead the way. This job is becoming more difficult every day. ________________

Puck as much as possible over the next week. Things around the house are getting busier each day in preparation for the fundraiser. There are constant deliveries and shuffling about. Everyone is trying to get as much done as possible before hand. Steven is running full steam ahead on coffee and energy drinks, trying to pull everything together as it gets closer.

We have gone over the menu several times and I think he is comfortable with everything I’ve chosen at this point. He still has to get the final okay from Puck, but I’m sure he will be happy with what we’ve come up with.

In addition to my daily duties, I’ve been dealing with the linen company, food purveyors, and catering staff. There is a buzz of excitement around the house and it’s hard not to get caught up in it. It seems everyone is playing a part and is excited to have something special to do and be a part of.

Puck’s schedule is packed with practices in addition to the pre season games they’ve been playing. It’s been easy to avoid him because he hasn’t been around much which is why I was surprised to get a text from Steven that Puck needed to schedule some time with me to go over the final menu plans.

I reply back that I am free whenever he needs me. I’m in his house so it makes meeting pretty easy. Steven lets me know that he can’t make it but Puck is free tomorrow night. I can make dinner for the staff and then him and I can eat and discuss the plans. It sounds great but also like a pseudo date - or maybe that’s just in my head. I’m sure he doesn’t have anything in mind other than his fundraiser at this point.

I’m immediately nervous. I’ve barely seen Puck since our conversation on the patio last week - which has made it very easy for me to avoid my feelings. Now I’m going to be alone with him and I’m a little worried about what will transpire. I have to keep my cool. I have to act like nothing has changed, and technically, it hasn’t.

I go about my business, trying to keep busy and keep my mind off tomorrow night. I just have to play it off and remain in ‘work mode’. It’s going to be difficult now that I’ve grown a soft spot for Puck. I don’t want to let my guard down completely, but I also don’t want to be a total bitch.


I’m a ball of nerves the entire day at the house. I dropped an entire bowl of pasta on the floor when I was setting out the staff lunch today. I had to sweep up all the pieces and remake an entire meal. I haven’t eaten much and at this point, I’m on my third or fourth cup of coffee which isn’t helping.

I’m trying to be more careful while preparing dinner, paying close attention to each task so I don’t make a huge mistake like earlier in the day. I’m making a hearty chicken dish for the staff and a roast chicken dinner for Puck and I. I want to make it seem as casual as possible so I’m not going all out and just keeping it simple.

After I wash the dishes from the staff dinner, I go into the bathroom and freshen up. I don’t want to look like I’m trying too hard when Puck gets here, but I also don’t want to smell like a kitchen and look like I’ve been making a mess all day - which I have.

I wash my face and wet my hair a bit, rearranging and teasing to give it a little extra body. I put on some lipstick and new mascara which gives me a fresh look, but natural enough that no one will detect that I’ve gone to any trouble. I don’t need the rest of the staff thinking I have a thing for the boss.

I change into a similar outfit to what I normally wear so hopefully no one will notice that I even changed. I put on clean black pants that look like my normal work pants, but these hug my legs and butt a little tighter. I also switch into a clean, white fitted top that accents my curves.

I take a look in the mirror. I look pretty good for someone who’s been working hard all day. I put a new chef coat on over my outfit and smile at myself, trying to give my ego a little boost of confidence before going back into the main area of the house. Puck will be back any minute. I need to be on top of my game and self assured. This is just a meeting, I can’t think of it as anything more or I’m going to blow my cover.

I go back into the kitchen and busy myself with the finishing touches on our meal. I set the table and take out the printed menu and ingredient lists I prepared for the fundraiser. I also gather the invoices and paperwork for the catering staff, linens, and the rest of the party rentals Steven and I have put together. I’m sure Puck has seen all of it but the more I have to talk about, the less personal conversation there will be.

I’m getting antsy and trying to decide if I should put the food in the warming oven or not when I hear Puck come in and greet Marla, the housekeeper. She is leaving to go home which means it’s just the two of us in the house now. I take a big sip of my water and make myself busy putting the food on plates so I’m not just standing here when Puck walks in. I drop my tongs and they clang on the floor.

“Shit,” I swear, bending down to pick them up.

“Well. Isn’t that a sight for sore eyes,” I hear Puck say from behind me, “I haven’t seen you in a week and before you even say hello, you give me a full booty shot.”

My face reddens and I slowly stand up and turn around, “seriously? That’s the first thing you’re going to say to me?”

“Oh. I’m sorry,” he teases, “I thought you were doing that just for me.”

I smirk at him, unable to think of something witty to say. Puck puts his bag down near my kitchen office and takes a bottle of wine out of the wine cooler, “would you like a glass?” he asks.

I’m not sure where Puck came from but he looks incredibly sexy. He’s wearing a well fitted navy blue suit, a white collared button down shirt, and a tie with a blue and gray design. With his sandy hair combed into a pompadour, he looks like he could be on the cover of a magazine. When he reaches into the refrigerator I get a good look at his backside. It’s very toned and muscular from all the hockey - at least that’s what I assume.

“I’m on the clock,” I reply, walking to the sink to wash off my tongs. I’m really just looking for something to do so I can keep my eyes off of him.

“I’m sure your boss won’t mind. I hear he’s a pretty cool guy,” he answers. Puck takes two glasses from the bar and uncorks the bottle. He fills each glass, giving each a little twirl and brings one over to me.

“Cheers, Dani. Here’s to the future,” he says with a wink, taking a long swig. I take a long sip also. I think a little alcohol is just what I need right now. He’s only been here a few minutes and I’m already having a hard time thinking about business. Before I realize it, I’ve swallowed half the glass.

“Hungry?” I ask, turning back to the stove.

“Sure,” Puck replies.

When I turn around to carry the plates to the table, Puck has just taken off his suit jacket and loosened his tie. He unbuttons the first two buttons of his shirt, exposing his tan chest underneath.

I tighten my grip on the dishes I’m holding and pay close attention to each step as I stride over to the kitchen table.

“Let me help you with that,” he says softly, looking directly at me as he takes the plates from my hands. He places them down on the table and pulls out my chair. I take a deep breath and sit down. He sure is making this feel more like a date than a business meeting.

Puck takes a seat across from me. I casually take off my chef coat and hang it on the chair next to me. I catch Puck staring at me, not that he’s trying to hide it. The table in the kitchen is smaller than the dining room table and even though there is a space between us, I feel terribly close suddenly.

“This looks delicious, Dani. You really know what you’re doing in the kitchen. It’s pretty impressive,” he complements me before putting a forkful in his mouth.

I take another long swig of my wine and almost drain the glass. Since I’ve really only had coffee today, I feel a slight buzz already which is relaxing me somewhat.

“Thanks,” I reply, tasting a small bite and swallowing before I continue, “I always liked cooking. It’s become such a passion of mine.” My sentence sounds forced and formal, like I’m on a job interview. I need to loosen up.

Puck picks his head up and looks right into my eyes, “passion can be an amazing thing.”

I grin sheepishly and take the last sip of my wine. This meal seems to be taking a turn, or maybe I’m misreading him.

Puck wipes his hands on his napkin and gets up, “let me refill that for you,” he offers, getting up to grab the bottle from the counter. When he comes back to the table, Puck leans over my shoulder, his broad chest hovering over my head as he refills my glass.

“I’ve imagined something like this for a long time,” he says softly just above my ear, letting me feel his breath across my cheek before he straightens up and sits down again on his side of the table.

I’m frozen. I like how Puck is making me feel, but it is so wrong. I don’t fully trust him yet. I take another sip from my glass.

“I thought this was a business meeting?” I ask. I hear a hint of huskiness in my voice and try to discretely clear my throat.

“Well let’s get down to business then,” he replies with a sly grin.

I rifle through the papers I had pulled out earlier and left at the table. I can’t even look at Puck right now so I’m happy for the diversion. I take out the printed menus and hand him a copy. I hold mine up and stare at it intently even though I know it by heart. He pores over it, looking like he is reading thoroughly but I suspect he already knows what’s on it.

“Everything looks fantastic,” he finally comments, looking up at me, “I think everyone is going to be blown away, Dani, I can’t wait for them all to see how talented you are.”

I blush again but the wine has luckily given me back the confidence I had earlier. “You sound like my father,” I say with a chuckle.

“That’s the last person I want to sound like right now,” Puck replies very seriously.

My smile fades. He means business in a very non business way. Surprising myself, I boldly ask, “what do you want to sound like right now?”

“Like a guy you might think about fucking,” he answers casually.

I gulp audibly. That reply was completely unexpected and I have no response. Puck looks directly at me, delighting in my discomfort. He grins as he takes a drink from his glass.

“So are we fully staffed?” he asks, getting back to the task at hand.

I can’t keep up with him. Puck is so open and easy going, he has no problem blurting out whatever is on his mind like it’s no big deal. Meanwhile, I’m still floored from his comment. It takes me a few moments to get myself back on the topic of the fundraiser.

“Um, yes, I think so,” I stammer.

“You ‘think so’ or you know so?” he replies in his business tone again.

“We are. I’m ready. I mean, we’re all set,” I sound like an idiot. This is the exact opposite of how I wanted this dinner to go.

I can see that Puck’s eyes are lit up. He is finding so much enjoyment in my awkwardness. I do not have the upper hand anymore. I wonder if I ever did?

Puck stands up, “Dani, this dinner was excellent.”

I look down and realize his plate is almost clear. I’ve barely touched my food. He sees me glance around at the table and walks the short distance over to my side. He steps behind me but I don’t turn around. Before I have a chance to think about what he might be doing, I feel Puck lean his head over my shoulder.

“My appetite for good food is as voracious as my appetite for a beautiful woman,” he says into my ear.

His warm breath in my ear sends a chill down my spine. My head involuntarily tilts to the side. I’m frozen. I don’t know what to say or do but I don’t even have time to think about it. Puck gently sweeps my hair over, exposing my neck, and kisses me softly.

His warm, damp lips on my neck feel way too good right now. If this continues, I won’t be able to make any rational decisions - I don’t even know if I want to.

With little effort, Puck turns my chair around so I’m no longer facing the table. I’ve lost the only physical barrier I had, now it’s up to me. He leans over, placing his hands on either side of my chair, holding his face only a few inches from mine.

“Puck,” I whisper, “don’t,”

“Don’t what?” he teases.

He knows, but he wants me to say it. I don’t know if I can. I want him.

“Just,” I close my eyes. I can’t look at him, “just don’t.”

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