Pucked Over (Pucked #3) (12 page)

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Authors: Helena Hunting

BOOK: Pucked Over (Pucked #3)
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“What the hell?” She smacks the wall until she finds the light switch, blinding us both. “Was that necessary?”

“You said Sunny might come looking for you. I’m solving problems. You’d think you’d be grateful, but you gotta go and bite the shit out of my hand.” I hold my hand up so she can see the teeth marks she’s left behind. I’m smiling, though, even if I sound annoyed.

I’m not gonna lie. I think it’s kinda hot. I’ve got a serious hard-on right now.

Her cheeks flush and she ducks her head. It takes all of three seconds for her feistiness to come back. “What’s with you and always turning off lights?”

I hit them again and lift her onto the vanity. “It sets the mood.”

“And here I thought it was so you could pretend I was a supermodel while we make out,” she replies.

I flip the lights back on.

She puts her hands up to cover her eyes. “Knock it off!”

I pry them away from her face. “Look at me.” I don’t mean for it to come out sounding more like an order than a request, but I want Lily to know, with absolute certainty, that I’m seriously stoked about what’s going down here.

“I was just j—”

“You were just what?” I edge my way between her knees.

“Joking.” She’s barely audible.

“I should hope so.” I release her hands and cup the back of her head. “You’re fucking gorgeous, Lily.”

She blinks like she’s been tasered. I lean in and put my mouth on hers. For once it’s not a full-on war of the tongues the second our lips connect. Her soft, warm fingers clamp around my wrists, and she makes a small, plaintive noise when I nip at her bottom lip. We make out like that—kissing, me rubbing up on her—for a long while. Every so often I open my eyes and look at our reflection in the mirror.

Lily’s dark hair is cut in a bob, so I can see the nape of her slender neck and the arch of her shoulder blades highlighted by the deep V at the back of her dress. It’s so low I don’t think she can possibly be wearing a bra.

She puts a hand on my chest and pushes, breaking our mouths apart. “You kiss with your eyes open!”

“No, I don’t.”

“You just were.”

“Well, doesn’t that mean you kiss with your eyes open, too?”

“You seemed distracted. I was checking to make sure you weren’t bored or something.”


“Well, I don’t know!” She waves her hand around. “Now I’m self-conscious knowing you’re watching me while we’re kissing.”

I laugh. “I wasn’t watching you. Well, not your face.” I gesture to the mirror behind us.

She glances over her shoulder. “You were watching yourself? Nice ego.”

“Actually,” I trail a finger from the nape of her neck down the ridges of her spine to the zipper. “I was thinking there can’t possibly be a bra under this dress.”


“And I’d really like to find out if I’m right.” She sits up straight as I drag the zipper down and shivers as my fingertips brush her skin. “Looks like I am.” I kiss the sensitive spot at the base of her neck, pulling the wide strap over her shoulder. Lily’s skin pebbles, and I feel the warmth of her exhale on my cheek. She tilts her head to the side, so I close my mouth over the warm skin and add a little suction. Not enough to leave a mark, but enough that she knows I could.

I kiss across her collarbone to the opposite side, repeating the same action, sliding her dress down her arms. Her breasts pop out. I’m about to get excited, because I love nipples. Especially nice ones. I guess it’s different for every guy. Some guys like huge tits, some guys don’t. Some guys care more about legs, or asses, or other body parts. I like the entire package, and I like things proportional. If Lily had huge boobs, she wouldn’t look right. And hers aren’t bee stings or anything. She’s definitely a woman; they stand up on their own. We’re talking a solid B cup. I’m good with that.

And just like every other part of her, Lily’s nipples are delicate. Except right now they’re covered with Band-Aids. “Uh

“Oh, shit!” She covers her boobs.

I pull her hands away and watch her cheeks turn pink. “What’s going on here?”

“I didn’t want to have obvious nip-ons.”

I quirk a brow, and she raises one back.

“Nipple hard-ons.”

“Right. I must have missed that lesson in sex ed.”

“I’m pretty sure you didn’t need any of those lessons,” she mutters and picks at the edge of a Band-Aid.

“Want some help with that?”

“I got it.” She presses her palm above her chest and tears the Band-Aid off.

I cringe. “Go easy on those.”

“It’s fine.” She pinches her nipple. “See?”

“Don’t be so rough. I’m having sympathy pains.” I push her hand out of the way and cup her breast, whispering, “Don’t worry. I’ll keep you safe.”

Lily barks out a laugh. “You’re ridiculous.”

Her laugh turns into a groan when I cover her nipple with my mouth and give a good hard suck. Her hands go to my hair, and she pulls the tie, setting it free. I lick and nibble, then use my teeth on the very tip.

Her fingers tighten in my hair. “Don’t you dare!”

I glance up and put the tiniest bit of pressure on her very hard, very pert nipple.

“Randy.” It sounds like a warning, but also like maybe she wants me to bite her.

I don’t. I kiss the tip and give my attention to the other still-bandage-covered nipple. I’m careful as I peel the adhesive off. Then I go ahead and suck on that one, too. I peek up to check on Lily. Her eyes have that soft, glazed look about them. Her plush lips are parted, and her knees press hard against my sides. I bet if I move in a little closer she’ll start rubbing on me.

I lick around her nipple, then do that almost-bite thing again. Her jaw snaps shut, and she shifts her hips.

“We’re gonna have so much fucking fun tonight, Lily. You don’t even know.”

“Oh, I think I might.”

I cover her mouth with mine, rolling her nipples between my fingers. I give a little pinch. She shrieks and grips my wrists.

I pull her closer, my lips on her neck, by her ear. “You don’t like that?” I bite the lobe and grind my hips against hers.

Any kind of protest dies. Lily latches her legs around my back and does exactly what I expect her to: she starts rubbing on me, all sinew and heat. She takes my face in her hands and pulls me down. My teeth hit her lip, and I taste salt and copper.

“You okay?”

She makes a noise and pushes on my chest, looking around the pristine space. “Seriously. Why do we
end up in bathrooms?”

“I have no idea. Let’s go get naked on the bed, since that’s the reason we left the other bathroom.”

“Way better plan.”

I open the door and hit the light. Lily turns it back on, so I turn it off again. “We’re trying to be incognito here, aren’t we?”

“But I can’t see anything.”

“Your eyes will adjust.” I lace our fingers and take a few steps toward the bed. At the sound of voices in the hallway I pause; it’s Lance and Tash. He sounds pissed.

“Is someone fighting?” Lily whispers. She doesn’t seem too concerned and starts unbuttoning my dress shirt.

“It’s Tash and Lance. Apparently they’re banging each other,” I whisper back. A door slams, followed by the heavy tread of feet moving away.

“The hot chick who was feeling up your face earlier? The one with the rack?” She’s on the fourth button.

“Tash doesn’t have a rack.”

“Everyone has a rack compared to me.”

I palm her tits. “See this?”

She glances down. “They were so impressive when I was twelve.”

Her nipples peek out between my index and middle fingers. “Your boobs are awesome. You don’t have to wear a bra, and there isn’t even any silicone keeping them up.”

“That’s because there’s nothing to keep up.”

I lean in until our lips are almost touching. “Take a fucking compliment, Lily.”

All the bravado drops, and she looks almost innocent. “Sorry. I’m not used to hearing nice things about my boobs. Benji used to make fun of my lack of chest.”

“That guy is a fucking idiot.” I’m way out of my usual zone. Bunnies aren’t self-conscious. I get now why Miller was so adamant about being careful. That ex-boyfriend of hers has done some damage. My job now is to undo what I can without getting too involved.

As it stands, I’m happy to be Lily’s rebound. We can have some fun times before she finds a guy who will give her what she needs, which is more than a good dose of cock.

She unfastens the last button on my shirt and pushes it over my shoulders. Her teeth press into her lip as I pull the cuffs free and let it drop to the floor. She sighs and runs her palms over my abs to my chest, following a path to my shoulders and then down my arms, lingering on the one with the ink.

“I work out.”

“Really? I couldn’t tell. Your boobs are almost as big as mine.”

I grab a pec. “Are you calling these man boobs?”

She cups her own bare breasts and bounces them, then does the same to my chest. “Almost the same.”

“That’s it. I’ve had enough of that mouth.” I launch us onto the bed, straddle her legs, and run my hands up her sides.

She shrieks and laughs when I find a ticklish spot at her ribs.

I put my mouth next to her ear. “Shh! Someone’s gonna hear you and ruin our good time.”

She presses her face against my chest, stifling her giggles. I ease her legs apart with my knee and settle between them, my hard-on right where I want it. The easy mood grows heavy, then hot as I smooth my hand up the outside of her thigh, her skirt bunching.

I slide a hand under her ass, feeling satiny fabric. Lily skims my arms with her fingertips, then threads them through my hair, pushing it back so it doesn’t tickle her cheeks when I kiss her. We grind up on each other until I’m tired of too many clothes in the way of all the good parts.

I fold back on my knees and Lily sits up, going straight for my belt. I don’t stop her. I planned to lose my pants anyway, so there’s no harm in her helping out. She gets the buckle undone, pops the button, and unzips me. Before she can stick her hand in my boxers, I back up and step off the bed.

“Where’re you going?” Her hands go immediately to her breasts, covering them.

It bugs me that she does that. “Stop hiding your body from me.”

Her eyes go wide, and she bites her lip, but she eases her hands away from her chest and tucks them under her legs. “Sorry. It’s a habit.”

“Because of the ex?” She doesn’t have to say anything; the way her eyes dart away tells me what I need to know. “If I ever see that guy again I’m going to beat his goddamn dick off with my hockey stick.”

Lily gives a sharp laugh.

Pulling my wallet out, I flip it open and toss a couple of condoms to her.

She catches them and reads the label. “Seriously?”

“Seriously what?” I kick my pants off and lose my socks. I hate sex with socks on.

“Aren’t these the big ones?”

“You’ve had your hand on my dick before, that shouldn’t be a surprise.”

“Feeling and seeing aren’t the same thing.”

“You don’t think so?” I jump on the mattress before Lily can think about turning on one of the bedside lamps. The blinds let in enough illumination that I can see her without having to fumble around.

“’Kay, I’m ready.” I get on top of her and start humping, because I’m stupid like that sometimes. And it’s funny.

“What’re you doing?” She’s giggling again. I like that sound a lot.

“Shh. Not so loud.”

I roll us to the top of the bed, so we’re stuck in the pillows, push the covers halfway down and roll us back, shimmying around until we can slide under them. I make it so Lily’s on top, straddling my hips. The top of her dress hangs loose around her waist, and the skirt rides high on her thighs. I sit up, find the zipper and tug it the rest of the way down.

“Lift your arms, gorgeous.”

She raises them over her head, and I pull the dress up, purposely brushing her nipples on the way. I’m extra careful; seems like the dress might be fragile, so I don’t want to wreck it.

I’m right about the panties; they’re definitely satin, or something like it. There’s a delicate lace band around all the edges, and they’re pale. Pretty. Soft. Exactly like Lily.

I skim her sides, appreciating the narrow lines and fine curves. She’s lean and strong. She’s got a four-pack going on under that dress. I stick a finger in the waistband of her panties, pulling them back so I can peek inside. It’s dark, though, and I can’t see much of anything, so I go in a little farther.

“What are you checking for? You’ve had your fingers in my panties before; you know what’s in there.”

I glance up, taking in the smug look on her radiant face. “I’ve had a whole lot more than my fingers in there.” I turn my palm to her stomach and slide my hand over smooth, wet, hot skin. “Feels like you visited your waxer.”

“Were you hoping for the natural look?”

She’s all snark until I rub her clit. Then her jaw drops, and she drags in a gasping breath. I push her back so she’s lying on the pile of covers between my legs with her head near my feet. The elastic and lace of her panties stretch, and a faint tearing sound makes her grab my wrist.

“Don’t ruin my underwear! I just bought them!”

Withdrawing my hand carefully, I lean forward and kiss her stomach. “Did you get them for me?”

“No. I needed new ones.”

“I don’t think I believe you.” I suck on her skin as I go lower.

“That’s because your ego is as big as your dick.” The words come out a little breathless.

you admit I’ve got a big dick?”

“I’d be stupid not to stroke your massive ego with your face where it is.”

I laugh and kiss my way down to the lace, then shift her body away from mine so I can stay where I am and her pussy is right in my face. I slide my hands under her ass, forcing her to lift her hips. I lick a slow path along where her panties meet the juncture of her thigh.

Lily clutches my shins through the blankets. If not for the covering of fabric, I guarantee her nails would be cutting into skin. She lifts her hips higher, seeking my mouth.

I slip a finger under the material and circle her clit with my knuckle. She turns her head toward her shoulder and stifles a moan. I keep circling, kissing the inside of her thigh and sucking like I would if my mouth was where my knuckle is.

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