Purge: Book Three: Last Days Trilogy (9 page)

BOOK: Purge: Book Three: Last Days Trilogy
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“So you’re just gonna avoid Michael.”

“Aside from fighting with him.”

Marcus chuckled.

“Stop that. Be serious.”

“I am. But you need to think about this with a clear head. After today, the dream, you can’t. Get some rest, then think about what you’re saying. Okay?” Marcus laid his hands on her arms and whispered into her ear. “If I could take it away, I would. But I can’t.” He kissed her on the cheek. “Come on, I’ll walk you back to the... I guess I don’t have to.” He looked up. Michael was moving toward them.

“Don’t let me go with him. Don’t let me be alone with him.”

“He’s not going to hurt you.”

“Not intentionally.” She ran her hand across her face.

Michael drew near, apprehensive. “Reggie. I feel... I feel bad. You are troubled.”

“Reggie had a bad dream,” said Marcus.

Reggie spun out of Marcus’ hold. “I can’t believe you told him that.”

“What?” Marcus tossed up his hands. “He needs to know why you were so shaken.”

“Reggie.” Michael took a breath and moved closer. “Let me help you. If you do not want to dream, I will protect your mind.” He held out his hand.

Marcus saw Reggie looking away. “Hey,” he whispered. “He’s a guardian angel, he’s not kidding. Go get some sleep.”

Reggie nodded and kissed Marcus on the cheek. But she didn’t take Michael’s hand, or look at him; she just walked away.




Another day has passed.

I watched the sun rise from atop a heap of cars. I felt more like an extra in a B-class zombie flick than a watch guard. To me, it just isn’t real yet. Michael, in his nonchalant way, explained that these “walking dead” were nothing compared to what could come. But for some strange reason, I’m not fazed. After a few hours’ sleep, maybe it all will hit me. Right now, though, my heart and mind are fully consumed with Reggie.


I stopped to see her after my watch. Michael was outside the door, instead of inside the room. That didn’t surprise me. The dream threw her, and no amount of explanation from me was going to help. Truth be known, the details of her dream, the sour kiss from Michael, they threw me too. But I can’t tell her that.

She finally slept. But I could tell she wasn’t sleeping in peace. I whispered a good night, kissed her and left the room.

Seth was being a bed hog again. My slumber buddy, I call him. I could have moved him over; instead, I grabbed a book. But the words refused to make a dent. I thought of Reggie, our zombie-like intruders, and then, when my eyes started to droop, I heard the sounds of early training.

Buzz and his men are charged. There’s no doubt in my mind, they train with intensity. I’m a little apprehensive about joining them in the afternoon. I’m no fighter. But in the scheme of things, in the grand spectrum of what we are going to battle, are any of us?

And there aren’t that many. Forty, maybe. That’s nothing. I know our first battle is one to free would-be soldiers from their imprisonment so they can join us. But will it be enough? Can we gain the skills? Will we even know what to do? The first fight is only two days away. Two days. Faith would be a precious gift at this point.



Kyle didn’t have to be told anything. Reggie never showed for breakfast, and that said more than words. Something was wrong. The dynamic duo weren’t together. Michael sulked all through his meal. Kyle was a father who tended to his daughter’s business, and he made no exception this time. With a cup of coffee in his hand, he sought her out.

He found her in her room, gathering up her clothes.

“Doing laundry?” Kyle asked. “Some advice: if you wait until the clothes are actually dirty, there’s a lot less work.”

Reggie chuckled. “I wish it were that simple.”

Kyle neared the bed, extending the coffee to her. “What’s going on?”

Reggie took the cup. “Nothing. I’m just moving out of this room with Michael. It doesn’t feel right. I want to be with Marcus.”

“Did something happen?” Kyle asked.

“Nope. I just want to be with Marcus. I feel safer with him.”

Kyle snickered.

Reggie looked at him. “What?”

“I just think it’s funny that you feel safer with Marcus than with Michael the Archangel.”

“I do,” said Reggie. “Marcus makes me feel safer.”

A loud gasp flowed into the room, followed by Michael. “You jest, in a Reggie way.”

“Excuse me,” Reggie snapped. “I’m speaking to my father. While I pack to leave this room.”

“You do not like this room?” Michael asked. “Are we moving to another?”

“I am. Not you,” Reggie answered. “I’m not staying here with you anymore.”

“I do not understand.” Michael shook his head.

“Then allow me,” Kyle said. “Reggie wants to be with Marcus.”

“And,” Reggie added. “He asked that I be with him again. So I am.”

“But Reggie, we are to be as one. You are not to leave my side.”

“And in battle, I won’t.”

Kyle watched the two, his head going back and forth as if he were watching a tennis match.

“But I thought we moved beyond battle partners.” Michael reached out his hand. Reggie stepped back. “What has happened? You shun me.”

“And I will. No more. Okay? No touching me.”

“Can I ask why?” Michael asked softly.

“Because I don’t want you to,” Reggie snapped. “Never, I mean never, touch me again.” Snatching up her coffee, Reggie turned and stormed out.

Kyle stood there as speechless and silent as Michael. The snippy attitude, irrational rambling, that wasn’t his daughter. Something was wrong, and she wasn’t saying what. The look on Michael’s face all but said how lost and confused he was. Kyle had to admit that he was too.



Mark Twain National Forest, Missouri


Devante and his deviant apostles were packing the vans again. The campsite that had been their safe haven from the changeling was dismantled, and workers moved about like drones.

There was something different about General George Adman. Known as Devante’s silent “left-hand” man, George was more silent than usual. He stood by the lead van, his head moving automatically, left, forward, right, as he watched the other vans.

Leonard walked with Devante, but kept looking back at George. “You were saying, about the base camps?”

“Yes,” Devante answered. “A place for our soldiers to know my whereabouts. A place that, if needed, will be our ground for the final battle.”

“How long do we have until that?” Leonard questioned.

“Could be days, weeks, even years. Our army grows, and many lives have been lost since the exchange.”

“You’ll let us know.”

“I won’t have to. You will...” Devante paused when he caught a glimpse of Lillian standing by a car. “Why is she alone?”

Leonard shrugged. “Let’s ask her.” He led the way. “Where’s Todd? Aren’t you two supposed to be ready to go?”

Smugly, Lillian folded her arms. “He doesn’t want to go to Seville.”

Devante nodded once. “Todd’s hands are my eyes to what I cannot see. He must be creating one more masterpiece for me.”

Lillian shook her head. “He’s not drawing. He’s staring at his work.”

“Old work or new?” Devante asked.

Lillian raised her eyes. “I never look at his work.”

Devante took a step toward her. “You are fortunate your presence is needed, or else the tone you take with me would no longer be tolerated.” He inched back. “Leonard, instruct her. I will find Todd.” Glaring at Lillian, Devante walked off.


Though his tent was gone, Todd was not. He sat on an art case, where his portable home once stood. His head lowered, and he stared at the ground.

Devante made his approach. “Todd, it is imperative that you leave for Seville. The transportation awaits.”

Todd said nothing.

“Lillian said you are engrossed with art.”

Todd whispered, “Something is wrong.”

“What?” Devante asked.

“I can’t draw. Look at my hand.” Todd lifted his right palm; it trembled out of control.

Devante stepped forward and grasped Todd’s hand. “When did this happen?”

“This morning. I drew a sketch, then…”

“Let me see the sketch.”

Todd reached down for the sheet of paper and, without turning around, handed it to Devante. “The first one.”

It was a picture of two swords. But they were set within a distorted and ripped heart. “Todd.” Devante smiled. “This message is clear. I am pleased. My plan is working. The Holy Team separates.”

“That’s what I thought. Until I drew another. Only, I felt more out of control. I couldn’t stop. And after I completed it, I heard this laugh, the picture dropped from my hand, and I haven’t stopped shaking.”

“Where is the picture?”

Todd closed his eyes and handed it to him.

Devante bellowed out, and dropped the sketch to the ground.

Todd sprang up. “Dude, what… what…”

“The man they call James,” Devante whispered. He added, in a gravelly voice, “He interferes. How dare he.”

“With what?” Todd asked.

“Our plan. Our movement. My eyes through you. His puny obstruction challenges my power. This shows he underestimates my ability.”

Todd blinked. “I didn’t think anyone could interfere with you. The angel can’t...”

“He is not the angel.”

“Well then, who is he?” Todd asked.

Devante brought his foot down upon the sketch. The sketch burst into flames. “The son of God.”



Seville, Ohio


With a heavy clank, the sword flew from Marcus’ hold and fell to the ground. He shook his hand. “Geez, Reg.”

“Come on Marcus,” Reggie spoke, aggravated. “Keep a grip.”

“Why don’t
get a grip, Reg?”

Reggie huffed. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“You’re fighting like you have something to prove.”

“Pick up your sword.”

“Is that it?” Marcus asked. “Are you mad because you didn’t pull a heavenly sword today?”

Reggie glared at him. “Pick up your sword.”

Marcus bent down apprehensively. “I’m not the one to be practicing with.”

“Nonsense.” Reggie lifted her sword high. “Everyone’s paired off.”

“But it’s not productive if you kick my ass. You’re not supposed to be practicing with me.”

“Marcus,” Reggie said. “Who am I supposed to practice with?”

“Me.” Michael appeared behind her.

Reggie closed her eyes and turned around. “No thank you. I’d rather not. Not right now.”

“Then later, perhaps,” Michael suggested.

“I don’t think so.”

“Reg,” Marcus intervened. “Enough with the attitude.”

“Oh, fuck you, Marcus. OK?”

“Whoa.” Marcus raised his hands. “Don’t jump down my throat. You don’t get in bad moods, Reg. What’s up with that?”

“If you don’t know, then I’m not telling you.”

Marcus snickered. “What are you talking about?”

Grunting, Reggie shook her head. “Forget it. I’m out of here.” She turned to go.

“Reggie.” Michael stepped forward and grabbed her arm. “You and I should train. If you don’t feel like it now, perhaps before the sun sets we will make time.”

Reggie swatted at his hand. “Don’t you get it? God, Michael. Leave me alone, all right? I don’t want you touching me. I told you that this morning. I mean it. You make my skin crawl.” Reggie tossed her sword into the ground and stormed off.

Marcus saw the hurt in Michael’s face. “I’ll... I’ll go talk to her. Excuse me.”

He tilted his head as he watched Marcus pursue Reggie.

“She doesn’t mean it,” said a voice from behind Michael.

Michael’s eyes lifted. Turning around, his mouth opened to speak.

“Don’t,” said the man. “The people in this place, they call me James.” He walked to Michael, one hand in the front pocket of his jeans. “She doesn’t mean it.”

“The plan. I thought my instructions were clear. I thought we were following them,” Michael said.

“You are.”

“She said I make her skin crawl. She said she wants to be with Marcus.”

“She’s lying.”

“She has lied to me?” Michael was aghast. “Why?”

James chuckled. “She’s scared. She’s afraid that if you touch her, she will be damned.”

Michael looked over his shoulder. “Is that true? Will she be damned?”

“No,” he answered, with a grin.

“I make no attempt to cover the fact that I am lost and confused on what I should do now.”

James softened his voice. “It’s a process, you have to take it. You are gaining very necessary feelings. You are searching and you don’t know it. Searching for what you need.” He stepped closer. “The true reason to fight this battle.”

“You are speaking in riddles.”

“It’s more fun that way.”

“Everything has turned into a riddle. She turns from me now when yesterday she welcomed me.”

“Yesterday was different, Michael. When you kissed her…” James winked. “She walked away and found the blood of a dervan demon on her lips. You know how that smells.”

“How… how is that possible?” Michael asked. “She was in the protected compound.”

“But her mind is not safe. Not when you aren’t around her. Devante may not slip into these gates, but he can slip into her mind. And her mind will produce the physical manifestation. Last night, Devante took advantage of your absence and went into her dream. That’s when he frightened her from you.”

“He snuck into her dream?” Michael gasped. “That... that sucks.”

“Good word usage.”

“Thank you.” Michael paused. “Her dreams are not safe then.”

“Not when you aren’t near her. No.” James shook his head. “I’ll send a guardian for her mind… for when you can’t be around.”

“Another angel? Who?” Michael asked, worried.


“No. No. No.” Michael shook his head. “Absolutely not. No. He resents me as it is for being selected for this battle. He... he tells tales. He will enter her dreams and who knows what he will say to her?”

James laughed. “That’s funny. But what choice do we have? He’s the strongest one we’ve got.”

“What about Steven? He is good.”

“He’s not Gabriel.”

Michael whined. “But you will instruct him not to take over. When I return, he leaves.”

“Pretty much. But Michael... you have the dark side to fight, no petty stuff with Gabe.”

“None.” Michael shook his head.

“Your word?”

Michael sighed. “My word. But for now, what do I do about Reggie? How can I make her see what has happened to her?”

“Tell her.”

“Tell her, yes.” Michael’s eyes brightened. “Now?”

“Yeah, if you want to get things back on track. It may not be easy. It may not happen right away. But you have to start combating what Devante has done, and… unfortunately, may continue to do.”

“I will do so. Thank you.” Michael bowed his head and backed away. “You’ll come again?”

James winked. “You know it.”

“Thank you.”

“Oh, and Michael.” He waited until Michael looked again. “Don’t take no for an answer.” He clenched his fist. “It’s all right to be forceful with her. Pick her up, charge off. Don’t listen to her hard words. Scoff at them. Don’t be afraid to show her you are the one who is right.”

“Will she not get mad?”

“No. Be insistent. Show her who’s boss. And hurry. Do it now.”

“Yes. Yes I will. I will follow your instruction... James. Thank you.”

James smiled as he watched Michael pick up speed. In the midst of his snickering, he peered to the heavens with raised hands. “I know, I know.” He returned to chuckling as he watched Michael charge ahead.

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