PUSH: Ultra Alpha MMA Badboy Mafia Romance (Southside Brotherhood Book 2) (17 page)

BOOK: PUSH: Ultra Alpha MMA Badboy Mafia Romance (Southside Brotherhood Book 2)
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Everything about her throbbed inside him, making it almost painful to look. Still, he knew there was no possibility he could look away. A hint of her arousal rose on the air, and Flynn bit down on his lip until he tasted blood.

He met her lips as they opened, her eyes falling to half-mast as his tongue refused to be gentle. He ravaged her mouth as his hand roamed and reveled in the ivory goddess below him.

When he heard the falter in her breath, the low sweetness in a moan that came into his mouth, his gut tightened, the muscles in his legs gave a shudder and his mad-as-hell cock drew up and soaked the fabric with pre-cum where it pushed for freedom.

God damn, it’s like I’ve been living behind fucking cobwebs or in some half-lit room my whole fucking life. This — fuck — this is what it feels like to be alive. Her, it was her I’ve been waiting for. In my entire fucked up life, no dream has ever come close to this, right now. God, please, let me be the man she needs. For once, keep me in the light, for her.

Her hands rose, and Flynn felt one tangle into his hair. The other fell to move over his shoulders like a beacon that sent light radiating wherever she touched.

Down below, the beat of his heart pounded in the head of his dick like a damn jackhammer, and he knew he had to free the ol’ boy soon or his balls may just revolt and shoot off right inside his pants.

Flynn drew back, their breath coming fast and warm into each other. He wanted to taste her everywhere, fuck her and eat her and lavish her tits with kisses and bites. He was the kid in the candy store with that dollar in his hand, and he didn’t know where to start.

He brushed the trident of curls from her neck, looked to where he saw her heart pounding out its desperate beat and his lips fell warm and needy.

Her body rose, arching into him and Flynn thought his mind would truly be lost. He let his mouth fall below where her clothes would cover the evidence, and bit down harder than he intended, the animal inside barely restrained, claiming her with his mark.

For a moment, he held his breath, waiting for her to cry out, to show her reservation. Instead, she turned her head away, granting him ownership where he lay the first bite, already turning dark red.

Her skin tasted like it looked — cream and roses and candy — as his tongue traced a line from behind her ear down to where the gold Celtic symbol hung sideways on the chain at the base of her neck.

One hand worked the hardened peak on one breast, then moved to the other until his mouth watered, then lowered and he guided as much of her into his mouth as he could.

He listened to the most beautiful sound in the world as a shaking moan came from the beauty under him.

Her fingers yanked hard at his hair as he pulled his lips back and moved to lay a bite into her. Something in him wanted to own her, completely.

There were things he wanted to do to her, things that only came to him before in dreams, and now he knew why. There was a beast inside of him, a beast that never surfaced with anyone before her.

Time seemed to roll. All the days and nights and ways he would turn her into his baby girl and he into her steward.

His mouth wanted to be everywhere; he kissed and sucked from one side to the other until her peaks were bright red and standing tall.

Fuck, I have to get this boy out before he breaks into three pieces. I’ve never been this damn hard in my life. Diamonds couldn’t put a scratch in this shank right now. God damn, please, don’t let me hurt her too much. I promised her; now I gotta make good.

Flynn lifted his eyes from his place between her glorious tits to see her watching him, mouth gaped and eyes full of lust. He could barely hold a damn thought with that look on her face, but he knew tonight would be as slow as it ever would be, and she needed his time, not just his dick.

“What?” Lilly asked.

Flynn smiled at her, his tongue attached to her skin as he pulled himself up toward her cherub face, across her neck until he kissed her ear and whispered, “Take me out.”

He heard her breath stop and he saw that flicker of fear. He knew where that came from, that uncle – that fuck — and what he did to her. She knew too much about a man far before her time. If she stopped now, Flynn would have to jump off the damn roof, but it would be her call.

It was only a moment of doubt, but to Flynn it felt like a month of Sundays. Her hand fell from his hair and glided down his body.

He worked toward her lips, taking her mouth in a devious kiss. Flynn had never come close to losing his heart before. He was too well insulated, too hardened for that.

She worked the button on his jeans, and the zipper gave in on its own from the sheer pressure.

“Oh Jesus fuck—” Flynn broke their kiss, and his head fell to her shoulder as the first gentle touch of her fingers worked under the elastic of his boxers and met with the soaking tip of his crazed cock.

I’m gonna give it up right fucking here — get a grip, man, deep fucking breath. Give her a minute, don’t spray in her hand like a fucking thirteen-year old. With one fucking touch, the die is cast, my dick belongs to her from here on out.

The way she wrapped her fingers around and guided his length free set Flynn’s eyes rolling back. Any sensible thoughts he may have had evaporated and all he could think about was getting her around him in every conceivable way possible. Hands, mouth, pussy, tits — he wanted all of her this moment, all at once.

She started to stroke like he’d given her a damn master class, and he soaked her hand with a drops of pre-cum that only moved her gliding faster and easier until Flynn’s breath shook, and he shifted his hips back away from her.

“Wait, where are you going—” Her voice sounded like an angel’s song in his ear as he kissed her neck and tried to make peace with his dick for pulling him out of the glory that was her hand.

“I’ve got plans, and they include my mouth on that heat you’re radiating down there. It’s about you tonight, remember?”

“Then give me what I want. I want to feel you; maybe I want to know what you taste like, too.” Her words came out in little gaspy bursts, and Flynn felt his mind go blank.

“Did I not tell you… you needed to do what you’re told? You don’t have a very long memory, young lady.”

Flynn worked his mouth down over her quivering belly, his hands doing their best to take in every soft curve on his way down.

“Oh god.” Lilly’s entire body shook.

Flynn took in a deep breath as his mind wandered for one angry moment to the memory of Lilly recounting the acts of the subhuman who introduced his fingers to her most precious, holy place.

Shake that shit off, man. Don’t let that fucker in here right now. He’ll get his, I’m gonna figure out how to bury that fuck in some field under ten tons of Irish granite, but right now, be here, because that’s what she deserves.

Just months ago, they were strangers, but in this boathouse, they’d shared more secrets with each other than two lifelong-friends. Flynn knew he would be the first to taste her, to love her the way a man loves a woman, and it only made his utter devotion to making this the most beautiful night of her life heavier.

He reveled in her softness, the way her body curved under his fingers, his lips. She was nervous, her hands fluttered by her hips and finally came to rest, crossing over her in a gesture of protection as her legs pulled toward one another.

“Oh no, don’t do that.” Flynn’s fingertips dug into her knees as he stood full and tall, yanking her body down toward the edge of the bed, leaving a fire of ginger waves splayed up and around her shocked face. “Don’t ever do that around me. Don’t hide anything, cover anything. I want all of you. You make my fucking heart stop seeing you like this. Damn it, Lilly.” Flynn’s cock had never been so hard in his life, and it was more than he could stand, seeing that look of doubt in her eyes.

“I’m sorry, but — maybe we can blow out the candles? Make it a little darker in here — I’d feel…”

. No fucking way. Stop it.” Flynn drew his hand up and through his hair, deciding not to entertain her insecurity, but to show her how unnecessary it was.

In one swoop, both hands came down on her knees, he kicked off his jeans, pulling the briefs with them and he was back down in front of the altar of such pink beauty he felt like he took a shot to the head.

His ears were fucking ringing as he looked down, pulled her legs apart, let his eyes dance on her naked lower lips before he wrapped his arms around to hold her steady and took a long, deep draw on the air just above the glistening heat.

Holy fuck. I’m here, finally. Make her never regret this night, man. It’s all on you — don’t fuck up.

“Look at me,” Flynn commanded.

Lilly was staring straight up at the ceiling like she was in some damn doctor’s office. Every muscle in her body was on lock down, her fingers squeezing into and out of her palms like a heartbeat.

Sure, she was nervous, but he had to get her head right, or this wasn’t going to be the night he needed for her. The night he demanded he give her.


Her entire body jolted at the volume of his voice.

She raised her head, eyelids dancing up and down before she latched onto his.

As soon as he caught the moment when he felt her connect with him, he lowered, dancing just on her inner thigh with his lips.

Her skin began to shake as he took his time, worked lower, then jumped to the other side, gliding his tongue in that sensitive space where her legs became lips, and he felt it.

It wasn’t much, but she opened to him, her legs spread just another inch on her own, and he knew she was ready.

Her scent was magic and fire and desperation, and he couldn’t breathe in enough. The thought of his tongue glancing over the pink petals sent his cock into another orbit as his mouth came down and he pulled one side of her outer lip into his warmth.

Flynn became a riot of oversensitive nerves. He could feel her blood as it rushed under her skin, filling and heating wherever his mouth worked.

Basking in the glory of her taste, he knew it was time to quit teasing. Her body was shaking, and he could see the sweet, clear flood coming out of her already.

With one more deep breath, his eyes locked on hers, and he brought his mouth onto her holy place, his tongue opening her and discovering for the first time each crest and nuance.

Oh my fucking god, like tasting heaven itself. Hot and ginger sweet, my own sexual buffet. I’m never fucking going to want to leave.

He yanked her legs farther apart. Probably harder than he intended, but there was no more patience left in him. His desire twisted in his gut, running up and down each nerve from toes to eyes and creating in him a madman bent on her pleasure alone.

A gush of silken nectar ran over his tongue, and Flynn let out his own deep groan to match the crazed painful echoes filling the room as Lilly’s body jerked and shifted as he savaged her.

Lilly started bucking and let out a sweet little roar as her body clenched and a river flowed out of her. Flynn drank her in, taking every drop and holding her steady as she let out a scream and came on his face with the first wave of her bliss..

The wind outside picked up outside, capturing her scream and sending it out over the lake. Flynn kept her pinned tightly against his tongue as he sank it inside her as deep as he could reach. Feeling her resistance, his dick did a double take.

Her body clenched as he worked and raised another immediate round of beautiful music from her writhing body. If she was going to leave this room on her own power, Flynn needed to be sure her body was primed and ready for his overachieving dick. He couldn’t remember ever taking a virgin before, and any of the nameless who came before still had a hitch in their giddy-up after a round with his beast from below.

Flynn listened as her moans turned to whimpers. He felt her press herself into his mouth. A swell of pride filled him, knowing he was giving her every ounce of himself, everything in that moment had her name written on it and his own screaming, demanding dick would have to calm the fuck down for a bit longer.

She wants my face right here? I’m only more than fucking happy to oblige. Stay the damn course, captain, she’s right where we want her.

Lilly’s thighs shook in Flynn’s hands as her hips began to rock on his tongue, only making his mouth more furious. He sucked in her inner folds, mapping her every inch for future adventures as he dropped one hand and started gently swirling a finger where her body creamed and flowed like a mountain stream.

Her pussy’s heat and flavor were as intoxicating as any drug. Flynn’s head began to spin, and he felt the floor moving under his knees.

Nothing was ever so perfect as his mouth on this sweet heat as he pressed one finger inside, moving round and deeper, clamping down and sucking her clit into his mouth and her legs jerked and wrapped around his shoulders, her belly rose to the ceiling, and her head started to flip from side to side.

She screamed the damn roof down as a wild wave of bliss took her from him for a moment. The sounds stopped, and her body went from hurricane to glass as her eyes rolled back in her head and her legs went slack over his shoulders.

You should have let up, you greedy son-of-a-bitch — did she pass the fuck out? God damn overachiever.

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