PUSH: Ultra Alpha MMA Badboy Mafia Romance (Southside Brotherhood Book 2) (19 page)

BOOK: PUSH: Ultra Alpha MMA Badboy Mafia Romance (Southside Brotherhood Book 2)
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Flynn’s hand came up and lightly wrapped itself around her throat, claiming her with the velvet collar of his touch.

“Don’t do that.” Flynn said softly.

I should be scared; why am I not scared?

“Don’t you let them in here right now. You said you trusted me, well, that means everything. Do you really think I got you out here to just fuck you then throw you back to the damn wolves? Fuck no. I got you here, right? No one saw you come, and no one is going to see you go back. And, before long, we’re both going to be done playing this bullshit hide and seek game. I’m not good at fucking waiting for what’s mine, and you are mine. If you didn’t get that already, listen very close.” His finger’s loosened, and he angled her chin to look in his face as his body moved over hers. “You. Are. Mine.”

His lips came down, and Lilly felt her body clench. Her hands went to his forearm, which felt like forged steel. The veins raised over the arrows of muscle as he kissed her.

“I get it, Lilly. You’re strong. But, you need someone stronger. Not like all the others who took from you and didn’t give back.” The hand on her chin lowered to cup the swell of her breast as she took a shaking breath. “I know you. I know what you need. I’m strong enough to give it to you.”

She watched his eyes trace down to where his fingers played with the rising peak of pink flesh as he toyed and caressed until Lilly pressed her legs together to fight off the growing vibrations that mixed with the low throb of discomfort.

“It’s more than that.” Lilly needed him to understand. “I’m here, doing all of this for one reason. You know that. Colin holds that power over me. He could send me back tomorrow, and my mother will never have a chance.”

“A chance? Do you really think I’d leave this all up to chance?” His eyes darkened, and his brow came together. “Were you not here like five minutes ago? Did you black out? Because, what just happened there, that’s called sealing the fucking deal between us, my little princess. Don’t you try to tell me for one damn second you don’t think what this is between us is bigger than anything in our lives before. I’m going to take care of you, and that means everything that is important to you. You think I’m some fucking pussy who would just fuck up and leave your mom to rot?”

“No, I didn’t mean it like that.” Her heart started like an engine in the red. “I just mean, there is so much at stake for me. I—”

“Yeah, there’s a lot at fucking stake. Now listen.”

Lilly gasped as he pinched then dug his fingers into her soft flesh. It made her legs pull up and she felt a rush of heat.

“I’ve got you. Like no one in your life has ever. You need to commit that to memory and understand exactly what it means to me. I figured something out. I’ve saved up everything good about me, every possibility for happiness. It’s been locked up for twenty-seven fucking years, and you—” He lowered his head, sucking her lip into his mouth before biting down and sending a fire into her belly. “You, my little cherub, have opened up Pandora’s Box, and you just need to hold on because this little ride is just beginning.”

His kiss shook her until her heart felt like it was coming up and out of her throat. As he shifted, he worked one leg between hers and through the pain, her body still gushed.

When the first deep groan came vibrating from his chest, Lilly was already arching into him. His fingertips grazed her flesh, leaving her chest, flowing over her hip and back up until she felt the first tingle of another climax growing as he pushed his leg into her open folds, rocking her back and forth, his mouth taking her lush moans and whimpers.

I hope you’re right. God, I’ll try to trust you, but it’s so hard. I’m not really sure how. I’m the only one I could count on for so long. But, I feel something with you, something I don’t know if I can handle. Something that scares me in a way I’ve never been scared before. Something I’m afraid of losing, and that makes me vulnerable. Weak. God, please, I’m trying. Let me trust him, don’t let him be like the others. Please.

Her internal prayer cut short when Flynn descended, the onslaught of his mouth sending her hips upward, her fingers into the golden glow of candlelight on his hair and she called out into the wind as it filled the rafters and muffled her moans.





Chapter Sixteen


If Flynn had his way, he would keep Lilly locked away here, under his tongue for the rest of his days.

She took him inside her, and he was not the same person.

Someone new was born who understood the depth of his responsibility, what it felt like to want her happiness before his own. A spinning darkness swirled around with a new light inside, and a force of will rose up and he knew an entirely new world was just created for them.

Now, her body rose, pressing herself against his face as he went as deep as he could, fucking her with his tongue. He knew she would be sore and taking her again would require her to be very well fucking primed.

Flynn gorged on her sweet taste as she flowed silk in his mouth. His head swam, and his cock could cut glass as she moaned, her hips burying his face in her slick folds.

God fuck yes, take it, take what’s yours. She’s going to be a hellion. She’s right here with me, no holding back. I’m happy to spend a good lifetime right here, eating at this altar of fuck-yes.

“God —

Her hips came off the sheets, and Flynn cupped her round ass cheeks in each hand, pushing her harder into his gorging mouth until she took off like a rocket. He had to lock his arms around her thighs to keep her bucking ass against him.

Not yet, babe, I’m not fucking done, I’m sending you right into orbit.

“Oh, wait,
oh my god
, stop — it’s too much —” Her whimper only lasted another second before she took off again and ran like a faucet into his mouth. Flynn drank her in, sucking and tongue fucking her until her sweet pussy was swollen and ripe.

“Oh my god, how do you do that?
? I mean, you’re so interested in…making me —
you know
— so much.” Pink rose in her cheeks as she spoke.

Flynn looked up at her beauty as her body went slack back onto the bed.

“I do that because it’s what you need. I do that because tasting you is like drinking in everything good in the world, everything I never realized existed before you. Watching you cum is like finally understanding the word beautiful.”

He smiled as he watched her thighs quiver, and her hands pressed down on her belly trying to hold onto herself.

“I could do that for hours. But, right now, I need you right fucking here.” Flynn dismounted the bed, kicking a pillow onto the floor in front of him. “My cock has your name written all over it, but I know you’re sore as hell, so on your knees. Come here. Right now.” His voice left no room for question.

“I—” She brushed her hair back, holding it over her shoulder in a long tail as she sat up.

“I’m here. If you’re scared, you just need to tell me. Tell me what you’re thinking, babe. I want to know it all. I’m a dominant fuck, but you have a voice.”

“I want to. I want to know how you taste too. How to make you feel as good as you make me.”

A drop of precum made its debut as his eyes took in her every lush curve as she moved. She crawled to the side of the bed before slowly moving in front of him.

Oh Jesus, so fucking beautiful. How’d I get so damn lucky, this angel fell right out of the damn sky just for me.

As she wiggled her amazing ass onto the backs of her heels, Flynn could see her eyes flutter as she glanced at the formidable length that stood tall and already dripping in front of her.

“Babe, talk to me, ‘cause in a second your lips are going to be otherwise occupied. I won’t hurt you; you don’t have to take it all.”

Her hands raised and when their warmth gathered around his shaft, Flynn felt his heart forget its next beat.

“It’s not that,” Lilly said. “I don’t think you’ll hurt me. I just have never done it before. I don’t want to do anything wrong. I’m embarrassed, but I really don’t want to hurt you or something.”

“Babe, you won’t hurt me. Lips, tongue, suck. I’ll show you. Just start with your tongue, get me slick and wet. Then, take me inside, slow and easy — just as far as you can and we’ll go from there. Trust me, okay? The damn fact that you want me is the best part.”

The first flick of her tongue felt like he took a gut punch, and he almost lost his footing.

She didn’t just give him some little tentative flick, she dove in with everything she had, licking him like an ice cream cone melting on the damn Fourth of July.

“Oh, Jesus, fuck, yes — God, yes, babe. More, just like that…”

Her tentative fear didn’t last long.

She turned her eyes upward as her hands began to pump in time with her tongue learning his every texture. Her slick spit and the heat from her mouth engulfed him in a long deep suck that sent his balls high and tight.

Flynn tangled his fingers in her hair, his teeth tight, and he gave her a few short thrusts. He’d never been one to be a slow, sweet love maker, although with Lilly he could see the joy in that for once.

But, something inside him turned. Sure, he wanted to protect her like a father, but he also wanted to teach her, to train her and show her that she didn’t need to be in control.

He’d never thought of himself as someone else’s keeper before, but an ember was sparked, and something grew inside him that told him his position over her would be something he never thought of before.

“Good girl, suck. Let me see you work my cock.”

Flynn watched her eyes ignite with his words. She looked up at him, wide eyes watering and her cheeks hollowed with her effort. He knew he wouldn’t last, not today, not like this. The tingle began in the back of his legs, and Lilly’s eyes locked on his.

“That’s it — fuck, yes. God I’m so close, don’t stop.”

Flynn’s words put a torch to her, and she sucked him in a few more inches until he heard her gag and her hand moved with a fury. She pumped him, milking his cum to rise, and in her eyes he could see how much she wanted to please him.

His cock’s head swelled, cutting off her breath for a moment. Flynn held her head steady as he fed his length into her lips, fucking her mouth for a few strokes. He took a breath as the tension shot up his back, over his shoulders and every muscle in his body went into lockdown.

“Fuck, yes — take it, take me babe.” Flynn’s voice fell two octaves as the first gush of white hot cum spread over her waiting tongue.

He pulled back, popping out of her tight lips as her hands worked to milk every drop from him.

Lilly opened her lips, her tongue waiting as he shot four, five more jets, hitting her lips, her cheeks and her mouth before he felt himself able to take a breath.

“Jesus Christ.” He panted as he looked down to see her with a wicked, crooked smile on those glorious lips.

“Swallow, babe. Clean me off and swallow it all.”

He let her work until she smiled up at him again.

“So, I guess that was alright?”

— come here.” Flynn took her hands, lifting her, scooping both arms around her waist and spinning her back onto the bed. “Yeah, that was right. There’s a lot more I want to teach you. Are you ready for all of this? Cause, there’s about a billion other ways I want to fuck you, so I hope your calendar is pretty clear for the next 100 years or so.”

He grabbed the comforter, nestling her in front of him, curling her body into his as he took a bite on the back of her neck.

Lilly’s hand shot up to where he marked her.

“Shhh. We’ve only got another hour, and I want you against me until the last possible second. I promise you, it’s all going to be okay. Do you hear me? I’m going to get you out of here and take care of you. And by you, I mean everything that is important to you.”

“How? I mean,
? My mom — I have to finish the work. If I don’t marry your dad, he won’t bring her, won’t pay for what she needs. I want to trust, but I just don’t see the way out — especially now. God, if your father ever finds out… This could be so bad.”

Flynn’s teeth ground as he spun her onto her back, his face right in hers.

“You’re not a very good listener. Didn’t I tell you I would take care of it? Now, stop. That’s it. You just keep doing your work. That’s all they fucking care about. The damn money. I’ll figure the rest out.
, on the other hand, need to do as you’re told sometimes. Like now. I don't want to hear another damn word about how you don’t see the way out. You may just figure out pretty fast you are not too big for me to put over my knee.” Flynn gave her a playful smack on the side of her ass.

Fuck, I’ve never thought about shit like that before. But, this one, Jesus, she’s got me riding the crazy horse around in my head. I want her to push back, I want to turn her over my knee and show her it’s not her damn job anymore to worry about all the monsters and shadows in her life. That’s on me now. I’ve got the balls, and that means I’m taking care of her shit.

“You’ve got to be kidding. You may be some big fighter, but I’d like to see you try that. I may not look it, but I’m scrappy.”

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