Queen of Clubs (Desert Sons MC Book 2) (2 page)

BOOK: Queen of Clubs (Desert Sons MC Book 2)
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For the next three days Brett and Cheryl scoured their contacts as they looked for a buyer. Their theft made national news and was reported on all the major news networks, the Sunday evening news of national networks, and all four local stations. The cars were so hot that even at rock bottom prices nobody would even touch them. Then the show promoter offered a $100,000 reward for the return of the cars and information leading to the capture of the person or persons responsible. 


As much as Jack tried to hide it, Tina could see the worry in his face and eyes. She suggested again they dump the cars into a lake, but he couldn’t bring himself to destroy the near priceless cars.


Five days after the theft, and after consulting with Marshall and Seth, Jack rented six storage buildings in six different locations around Albuquerque. Using the Sons’ enclosed trailer and a borrowed truck he relocated the cars in three trips. Only Seth, Marshall, and Jack knew the location of the cars in an effort to reduce the number of potential leaks. They also sped the delivery of the Jag and BMW stored in the warehouse and suspended any additional business until the heat cooled. 


A full week after the theft they were no longer the
news story, but were still in the news and the pressure on the Albuquerque police was intense. The police
drop it. This wasn’t like the theft of a Honda or Toyota, or even a $100,000 Mercedes… this is a
deal. If they failed to solve the case they would have egg on their collective faces and heads would roll.


They continued to make love but Jack's moods swung wildly. Some nights he was subdued, loving, and tender... other nights he was wild, the sex aggressive and full of fiery passion as he took her over and over until they were both sweaty, panting, and exhausted.


Monday, while they prepared lunch, the little light in the family area blinked to announce that someone had stepped through the invisible beam across the walk to the main door. They weren't expecting anyone and looked at each other.


“You want me to see who it is?” Tina asked.


Jack shrugged. “I'll get it.”


Tina finished slicing the apple, then wiped her hands before she followed Jack into the warehouse. As she walked up behind him she could see the black uniform of Albuquerque’s finest. Her first thought was to turn and walk away, but she forced herself to stand behind Jack to avoid raising any suspicion.


“This is just a routine investigation,” the officer said. “We had a report of a lot of activity in the area. With the recent theft I'm sure you have heard about, we are just following up on all leads.”


“I understand,” Jack said, so cool Tina thought she might get frostbite. “How can I help?”


“May I take a look around the warehouse?”


“Do you have a warrant?”


“No, sir. As I said, this is just a routine check.”


“Would you like to use my phone to call for a warrant?” Jack asked.


The officer smiled. “No. That won't be necessary, sir. As I said, we are just following up on leads. It was reported that there is a lot of activity involving cars and motorcycles at this location.”


“I understand, officer. This unit belongs to my friends and me. We use it to store and work on our cars and motorcycles. You bring a warrant and I will be happy to let you look around. I have nothing to hide… but you have rules.”


“I understand, sir,” the officer said. “Thank you for your time.” He smiled and a nodded before he turned and retreated to his car.


“You think they know anything?” Tina asked nervously as the officer backed the prowler out of the parking space.


Jack shut and relocked the door. “I doubt it. If they suspected anything they would have shown up with more than just one cop and they would have brought a warrant.”


“Why didn't you let him look around? There is nothing here for him to find.”


“Because if they want to search they have procedures they have to follow. I intend for them to follow them,” he said as they returned to his apartment located in the back of the warehouse.


“Don’t you think that will make them more suspicious?”


“So what if it does? There still isn't anything for them to find in here. Let 'em search. But I don't have to make easy for them.” As they ate lunch, Jack made some calls and encouraged the Sons with motorcycles stored in the clubhouse to come get them… “Just in case.”


Within two hours of Jack's calls, only Jack's two bikes, along with his Audi and the enclosed car trailer, remained. A good thing, too. Less than an hour after the last hog left, the officer that had originally asked to search the warehouse, along with two others, returned with a warrant. “Babe,” Jack said, intentionally not calling her by name as he looked over the warrant, “Go back to the apartment and shut the door. This warrant gives them the right to search the warehouse for stolen cars. Do not allow them into the apartment. If they want to search that, they need another warrant. Understand?”


She nodded, her stomach full of butterflies, but she did as he said.


“Right this way, officers,” Jack said as he opened the door wide.


The search didn't take long since they were standing in what amounted to a big hollow box. When Jack produced the license, registration, and proof of insurance for the two hogs and the Audi, the three officers thanked him for his cooperation and left.


“You think they know?” Tina asked when Jack came through the door to the apartment.


“No. I think they are fishing. Somebody probably saw us with cars in here sometime in the past and reported it to the cops… trying to help them out. They knew as soon as they stepped in here the cars weren't here, but they had to do something.”


“And the apartment?”


“The law says they can only search for what they came looking for. The warrant said they were looking for stolen cars. Since there was no way to get a car into my apartment, they had no right to search there. That was mostly for their benefit… so they would know I knew what they could and couldn’t do. And to have an excuse to get you out of sight.”


“What are you… some kind of lawyer, too?” Tina asked, impressed.


“No… But in this line of work, it pays to know your rights.”


“They’re closing in, aren’t they?” she asked, worried.


“Maybe. It’s too early to panic. Now that they have searched here, they probably won’t be back. There is nothing to tie us to the theft. I think we’re okay.”


“We should go.”


“Go where, Tina?”


“Anywhere! Somewhere where they won’t find us.”


He could see the worry in her eyes. “You can leave if you want,” he said as gently as possible.


“Come with me! Please, Jack!”


“I can’t leave. Not yet.”


“Why?” she cried in frustration.


“This is my home. I can’t just leave until I have no choice. But I understand if you want to leave.”


Tina wanted to scream in frustration, torn between her desire to run and her desire to stay with Jack. Running was like an old friend… it was how she handled every problem in her life and the need to escape called to her. But she was tired of running and being alone.


“You’re such an asshole!” she finally snarled before falling into his embrace. “If you won’t come with me, I’m staying,” she said into his chest, holding him tight.


They stood in the embrace for a moment, his cheek resting on her head, until she felt him move. She looked up and their lips met almost by instinct. The kiss started out slow, gentle, and sweet, but she needed to feel his touch, needed to renew that tenuous connection that was forming between them. As the kiss deepened she pressed in tight and molded her body to his as her passion and desire sprung to life.


Jack could feel his need for her tugging at him as their tongues began to slash at each other while his hands slid under her top so he could feel her skin. He pulled back from the kiss and read the desire in her eyes—the same desire he felt in his own. She plucked at his collar with her fingers as they stared into each other’s eyes while their lips touched in quick, gossamer-light touches before he lifted her into his arms and carried her to their bedroom.


“What?” she whispered at Jack’s ghost of a smile.


“Nothing,” he replied just as softly as his smile grew slightly broader.


“Tell me…” she begged as he laid her gently on the bed and following her down to kiss her neck under her ear.


“It just struck me that I thought of this as
bed,” he said as he continued to explore her neck with his lips.


It took a moment for what he said to sink in, but when it did, she smiled and her smoldering desire became a roaring inferno. She didn’t know what was happening, or why, but something was changing in their relationship. For the first time in her adult life, she felt...


Tina’s sudden change in mood as she went from slightly passive to very aggressive caught Jack off guard and she began tearing at his clothes as she kissed him furiously. He tried to rise to her level of passion, but that seemed to only to increase her ardor even more.


Her hands shook slightly in pent up desire as she worked at the buttons of Jack’s shirt, desperate to feel the touch of his flesh on hers. As he responded to her kiss she could feel her desires spiraling ever higher until she finally gave up on the buttons, tugged hard at his shirt, and pulled it over his head. The moment the shirt was free she twisted hard, forcing him to roll to his back. She followed his roll and came to rest astride of him, a leg on either side of his hips. She settled her weight onto him and felt his hardness even through his pants and her own. They were barely still from their roll when she grasped her top, pulled it over her head, and tossed it away. His hands were already massaging her breasts as she reached behind her and unfastened her bra. She slapped his hands away from her, fell to his chest, and brought her lips to his in another torrid kiss. As they devoured each other she pumped her hips hard into him as her need for him consumed her.


Their lovemaking had been all over the place the past week… but never had Tina been so out of control.
Each time he tried to take control, she wrestled it back from him. Finally, Jack broke the scorching
kiss and tossed her off of him. Before she even stopped bouncing she was working furiously at her pants to remove the last of her clothing. He did the same but she was quicker. As he tossed his pants away she was already mounting him—taking his hardness into her hand and steering it into her.


Her anxiety, coupled with Jack’s words of acceptance, made her burn with a need she had never felt. She slammed him deep into her and issued a primal gasp as his cock slid through her wetness in the most primitive of pleasures. Three nights ago he made her scream in ecstasy as he worked off his frustrations and tensions in the most delightful way imaginable. She stared deep into his eyes and smiled. Today… it was her turn to make him scream.


He watched her lips as they curled into a small smile just as she began to move. She thrust herself on him as she planted her hands on his chest and stared into his eyes while her face twisted in pleasure. As she bounced, he took her breasts in hand once more and softly pinched and rolled the nipples between his fingers. He smiled as she shuddered slightly and her eyes closed in pleasure before they reopened and stared into his once more. He would let her wear herself out on him, then he would take control of their love making and fuck her brains out.


“Oh… shit… fuck...” she gasped. She stopped thrusting as she tucked her chin hard into her chest and squeezed her eyes tightly closed in pleasure as her orgasm burned through her. It wasn’t an earth-shattering climax, the kind that made her writhe and quiver in pleasure, but it was hard enough and made her want more… so much more.


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