Queen of Clubs (Desert Sons MC Book 2) (4 page)

BOOK: Queen of Clubs (Desert Sons MC Book 2)
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“What are we going to do until then?”


“As soon as there is some shade, I’m going to adjust the carb on the bike and see if I can’t fix that low speed stumble.”


“You have tools for that?”


“I carry a simple kit with me on the ‘39. It needs TLC every now and then,” he said with a grin.


“It’s not the only one,” Tina said as she pulled Jack down onto the bed.




Feeling safe for the moment, Tina and Jack smooched and snuggled, tickled and teased, while they squirmed and wrestled on the bed to burn off the stress of the morning. He finally got the best of her by holding her down on the bed with his right leg thrown over her left and his left hand holding her hands to the bed above her head. With her more or less immobilized, he kissed her passionately as his right hand slid into her pants and slowly stroked her to a moaning climax.


“That wasn’t very nice,” she scolded gently when she came out from under her orgasm and her eyes opened and focused on his.


“It looked like you were enjoying it,” he said as he tasted her lips again.


“It still wasn’t very nice,” she said as their lips parted. “Because now I want you inside of me.”


“Nope! Can’t do it!” he teased as he released her. “I have to work on the bike.”


“If you leave me hanging now you’re really going to get it tonight,” she warned.


“Like last night? I hope so.”


They stared at each other a moment before they burst into giggles as they kissed and touched playfully again.


Tina made a valiant attempt to return the favor on Jack, but she was unable to overcome his superior strength and she begged him to
make her come again—at least at the beginning—when he repinned her in the same position and once again slid his hand into her pants. After her second orgasm their play turned much gentler and they kissed slowly and deeply as they snuggled with each other until she drifted into sleep. He held her close, both of them still fully dressed if a bit disheveled, as she slept. God how he wanted her, but having fingered her to two orgasms as they tumbled on the bed was so much fun he didn’t really mind he had been left wanting.
Maybe I really will get it tonight… I hope,
he thought as his eyelids grew heavy and he stifled a reluctant yawn.




“What time is it?” Tina mumbled, her voice slurred and thick with sleep.


“Almost four,” Jack replied sleepily after looking at the bedside clock. While Tina slept deeply he had catnapped.


She stretched with a long groan. “I won’t sleep tonight.”


“Good,” he chuckled.


“You say that now...” she sighed before she became still again.


He disentangled himself from her. “Get up,” he commanded. “Let me adjust the carb on the bike, then we will go get something to eat. Then how about a dip in the pool?”


“We didn’t bring swimsuits.”




“So… we are in enough trouble without the police showing up for skinny dipping.”


Jack chuckled. “No, not that. You wear your underwear and I will do the same. There aren’t many guests and there isn’t that much difference between our underwear and swimsuits. If the pool is busy, we’ll just skip it.”


She yawned mightily as she sat up. “That might be fun. It might be even more fun if the place is completely deserted. If you like the shower, how about a pool?” she asked with a sly smile.


He had lost his erection as they slept, but the thought of taking her in the pool starts him hardening rapidly.


“Down boy,” she teased as she watched him swell, delighted in getting the rise out of him.


Jack chuckled as he adjusted himself. “You started it.”


“Yeah… but can you finish it?” she asked, her voice low and suggestive as she stared into his eyes.


He watched her a moment and then turned away and gave his head a small shake as he tried to focus on getting his bike fixed. She certainly knew how to push his buttons, but they needed the bike in top working order if they had to leave suddenly. Breaking down in the desert is never a good idea.


As he closed the door behind him she giggled in delight as she smoothed her clothes and found her hairbrush. There was something about Mr. Jack Carter that she just couldn’t get enough of.




After twenty minutes of fiddling Jack had the Knucklehead running almost as sweet ever. It still seems to have a soft spot just off idle, but it was much improved over the morning.


“You think you got it?” Tina asked from behind him. She had stepped out of their room and watched him nurse the bike back to health.


“Not sure. Something isn’t quite right, but it’s a lot better than it was. I don’t understand it. I just rebuilt this carb not that long ago.”


“Maybe it isn’t the carb,” she suggested.


“What then?”


“Beats me. Could it be something that happened on the road? We rode pretty hard coming down today and that bike is no spring chicken.”


Jack grimaced at the thought. “Don’t say that. If that is what happened, if it is something internal, we’ve got a big problem.”


“Let’s see how it does on the way to dinner. Maybe it’s nothing.”


“Let’s hope,” Jack said with mentally crossed his fingers as he went into their room to wash up.


It only took a moment before he reappeared. The Knucklehead was so immaculate he barely had to wash his hands. They mounted up and Jack kicked the bike to life. It started easily, and except for that slight stumble, ran sweetly.


They stopped at the manager’s office for recommendations on places to eat and based on her suggestion they rode off in search of dinner. The Knucklehead pulled strongly and Jack breathed a sigh of relief that a major problem had been averted.


They rumbled through town to find
Big D’s
where they
shared a parking space right in front. Inside they drooled over the menu before they ordered the Tomahawk burger for Jack and the Holy Guacamole burger for Tina. Because they were ahead of the dinner rush Jack was able to select a table that let him keep an eye on the bikes. They snickered to themselves while they waited for their food—almost everyone that walked past Jack’s bike stopped and admired its classic lines.


When their burgers arrived he took one look at it and grabbed his knife and fork. He didn’t even bother to try and pick it up. He didn’t bring enough clothes to risk soiling these by dumping that mess of a burger into his lap.


Tina didn’t realize how hungry she was until the first taste of the little patty of heaven on a bun nearly made her swoon. They had missed lunch as they tumbled on the bed and she felt it now. She tried, she really did, but she couldn’t finish all her burger... or her fries. She did save enough room, however, for them to share the Burnt Cream Custard with blueberries, though by the time they scraped the dessert dish clean she felt like she would waddle when she walked.


They sipped at their drinks as they prepared to leave when the local news appeared on the televisions. The lead story was the recovery of the Ferraris. She saw Jack suddenly focus on the television and she turned in her chair to watch. The sound was off, but the closed captioning allowed them to follow what was said.


As the camera panned over the cars the running text along the bottom described how the six Ferraris had been stolen from the
Cars as Art
exhibit just over a week ago and how the thieves nearly got away with the cars valued at more than one hundred million dollars. Cutting back to the news reader, the text went on to explain how a tip had led to the discovery of the cars. Then the news quickly cut to a distinguished looking man in a police uniform as he explained how they expected to have those responsible in custody very soon.


“How did they know?” Tina whispered when the anchorwoman began the next news item.


“As she said—someone tipped them.”


“But who? It had to be Seth or Marshall.”


“Don’t jump to conclusions,” Jack said, though he had to admit the evidence was against either one of them was compelling. “It could be as simple as someone saw me move one of the cars into the building. I won’t believe Seth or Marshall would sell me out.”


“Maybe,” she mumbled, unconvinced.


“Now that they have the cars, and know I’m involved, maybe I should turn myself in.”


“What?” she whispered harshly, trying to keep her voice low. “Why would you do that?”


“If I take the heat, if I tell them I acted alone, you and the rest of the Sons will be off the hook.”


Tina stared at him like he had grown another head. “Let’s go,” she said suddenly as she rose and walked away without a backward glance.


Jack tossed a couple of bills on the table for a tip, paying for the rest of the meal with cash—one of the three accepted forms of payments displayed on the register, along with Visa and MasterCard.


Outside he found Tina surrounded by three men. They men didn’t appear threatening and Tina was relaxed as she talked to them. As he walked up she introduced him as her husband, then they spent the next ten minutes discussing Harley Davidson motorcycles in general, and Jack’s 1939 Knucklehead in particular. Jack didn’t like the attention, but to brush them off would only make them remember them more if someone were to ask questions later.


Finally the men excused themselves and entered the restaurant. Without saying a word, Tina swung a leg over her bike, put on her helmet, then kicked it backwards out of the parking spot as she started it and rode away. Jack was puzzled by her strange behavior, but he kicked his bike to life and followed.


They got separated at a light so by the time he arrived at the motel her bike was parked and she is already in the room. “Tina… what’s wrong?”


‘You, Jack! You’re what’s wrong!” she barked.


“What? What are you talking about?”


“Turning yourself in, Jack. Why would you even think about doing that?”


“Is that what this is all about?”


“Yes, goddammit!”


“What are you being so pissy about? I would do it to protect my brothers. And to protect you.”


“Why? Why do you care what happens to them? Somebody in the Sons probably ratted you out for the reward. You don’t owe them


“We don’t know that. There could be a lot of reasons that the cops found the cars.”


“Yeah? Give me another reason that makes a much sense.”


“I told you. Someone may have seen the cars.”


“Did you look to see if anyone was around before you unloaded the cars? Did you see anyone around?”


“Yes, I checked… and no, I didn’t see anyone.” When she gave him a
there you go
motion with her hands he continued. “But that doesn’t mean someone didn’t see me.”


“Horseshit! Why won’t you admit someone, probably Seth or Marshall, sold you out?”


“Because they wouldn’t, okay?” he snapped. “We’ve been doing this for more than five years and we never had a leak before!”


“You’ve never had a hundred million dollars’ worth of cars, or the police breathing down your neck before, either, have you?”


“No,” he had to admit.


“So why do you think you owe them anything?”


“What about you?” he asked quietly.


“You don’t owe me shit! I knew what I was getting into! If I go back to prison because of this, it won’t be your fault!” she cried in frustration. “I’m just a fuck-up,” she added more quietly. “I guess I always will be.”


“That’s not how the Sons are,” he said quietly. “We watch out for each other. We help each other when we need to. You’re one of us now.”


“Thanks,” she said flatly, then softened. “Look, I know what you are doing. It’s okay. I don’t need you to take care of me. I can take care of myself.”

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