Quest for the Sun Orb (19 page)

Read Quest for the Sun Orb Online

Authors: Laura Jo Phillips

Tags: #Paranormal, #Literature & Fiction, #Fantasy, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban, #Romance

BOOK: Quest for the Sun Orb
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“Tomas,” Karma said before he had a chance to speak.  “I have asked Kapia to guard Tiari, but I think it wise that you aid her in that task.  Aside from our personal feelings for both women, we must also remember that they are Orb Maidens.  Rathira cannot afford to lose either of them.  If you agree, of course, Zakiel.”

“I do,” Zakiel said.  “Their safety is of the utmost importance.”

Tomas bowed, one hand on the sword at his hip, his bow already strung and hanging over his shoulder within easy reach.  “No harm shall come to either of them so long as I am alive.”

“You, too, are important, Cousin,” Zakiel said quietly.  “Guard yourself, as well.”

“I will not needlessly risk my own life,” Tomas said.  “But my life is as nothing compared to theirs.”

“Without you, Tomas, I am not altogether certain Tiari would long remain with us,” Karma said. 

Tomas’s eyes widened in surprise.  The expressions of hope, fear, and joy flashed across his face so quickly they were hard to follow.  Then his eyes narrowed with determination and his knuckles whitened around the hilt of his sword.  He bowed to Karma, holding it for a heartbeat longer than necessary.  When he straightened he nodded to Zakiel, then turned and strode off toward Kapia and Tiari.

“He cares for her,” Zakiel said softly as he watched Tomas.

“More than that, Husband,” Karma said.  “He loves her.”

Zakiel’s gaze met hers for a long moment.  “Tiari has been with us for barely three days.”

“How long did it take before you felt love for me?”

“About two minutes,” Zakiel said.  “I didn’t admit it to myself of course, but it was there.”  He watched Tomas as he spoke with Kapia.  “Is this a good thing?”

“Yes, Zakiel,” Karma replied.  “It is a very good thing, for both of them.  I’ve met few people in my life more in need of love than those two.  Providing neither of them is killed.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Tell me, Zakiel, how would you feel if I were killed?” Karma asked. 

Zakiel’s blue eyes became chips of ice.  “It would destroy me,
,” he said.  “But only after I destroyed those responsible for your death.”

“Exactly,” Karma said.  “Should Tiari be lost to us, the Orb Quest is over.  Should Tomas be lost to us, it would break Tiari’s soul.  Again, the Orb Quest would be over.  They do not realize it yet themselves.  Not fully.  But they will.”

“Then we must be sure that nothing happens to Tomas, either,” Zakiel said.  “Though how I’m going to do that without offending his warrior sensibilities may be a problem.”

Karma didn’t want to touch that one.  “Come, Husband, let’s join the Hunters and see what the Sphin drags in.”

“Drags in?” Zakiel asked in confusion.  “I thought that Nikura was attempting to identify our follower, not attack him. Or it.”

“He is,” she said with a laugh.  “It’s just an old expression concerning cats.”

,” Zakiel repeated thoughtfully as they began walking across the clearing side by side.  “That is the beast you once mistook Nikura for, is it not?”

“Yes, it is,” Karma said. 

“What is a
, anyway?” he asked. 

“A cat is a domesticated animal that is small enough to be easily carried or held on one’s lap,” Karma said.  “There are some that look exactly like Nikura, though they do come in different colors and fur lengths, and some are smaller or larger than others.”

“Are they all as intelligent as the Sphin?” Zakiel asked.

“They’re probably no more intelligent than a diplo,” Karma said.  “They’re commonly kept as house pets, and are generally quite efficient at hunting rodents.  Household pests.”

Zakiel grinned.  “No wonder you have yet to explain to Nikura what a

“Exactly,” Karma said.  “From what I can tell, Sphin have no sense of humor at all.”

“Agreed,” Zakiel said.  “I like the sound of these
though.  I suspect they would be useful around the palace.  Perhaps we should try to attain a few the next time the Welfare ship visits Ka-Teru.”

Karma laughed as they reached the center of the line of Hunters blocking the trail, attracting smiles from the men.  Karma didn’t notice them, but Zakiel did.  She had no idea of the power of her laughter, or how much she had come to be both respected and loved by the other men on the quest.  Hunters, Knights, drovers and servants alike. 

“Lady Techu,”
Nikura said.  She spun around, looking for him, even as she realized that his voice sounded distant.


“The follower is one known to us,”
he said. 
“It is the guard that went missing the night you were attacked by Saigar.  I do not know his name.  He is on foot.”

“Is he alone?” Karma asked.

“He is,”
Nikura replied. 
“I sense no dark magic on him, but I am suspicious.”

“How long before he reaches us?” Karma asked.

“Not long,”
Nikura replied
.  “I will continue to watch him.”

“Thanks, Nikura.”  Karma turned to Zakiel and told him all that Nikura had said.

Zakiel’s eyes went cold again.  “Marl,” he said, naming the missing guard.  He looked to Garundel, who nodded.  Karma felt all of the Hunters tense, though there was no movement or sound from them.

“Where is Nikura?” Zakiel asked.

“He’s watching from the trees,” Karma replied.  “Like the rest of us, he is suspicious.”

Zakiel nodded.  There was no more talk after that as they all waited for Marl.  It was not a long wait.  Twenty minutes later Marl rounded a bend in the road and came into sight.

He stopped walking when he saw the Hunters blocking the trail ahead of him.  The expression on his face was mixed.  Relieved, wary, happy, afraid.  He held his hands away from his body, palms out, then resumed walking.  When he was within ten paces of the Hunters he stopped again.

Zakiel walked toward him, gesturing to Karma to stay back.  As soon as he stepped through the line of Hunters, Nikura emerged from the trees behind Marl.  They both approached Marl, who remained motionless, his hands still out.

“Greetings, Hunter Marl,” Zakiel said, stopping a few feet from the man.  Marl did not look well.  He was thin, his clothing torn and dirty, face gaunt, eyes dull. 

“Greetings, Highness,” Marl replied, his voice raspy, his words slurred.  His bow was shaky and his hands trembled with fatigue.

“We have missed you these many days,” Zakiel said, studying Marl carefully.  “Where have you been?”

“I do not know,” Marl replied.  Zakiel saw the confusion on the man’s face, and the worry in his eyes.  “I awoke a few days ago...I am sorry, Highness, I do not remember how long it has been.  I was walking along a trail through a forest.  The signs indicated that you had passed, so I followed.”

“Nikura?” Zakiel asked.  Nikura stepped closer to Marl who showed no sign of concern at the Sphin’s approach.  He stood calmly while Nikura sniffed him.  Zakiel watched Marl carefully, but all he saw was a Hunter who was exhausted, starving, and confused.  Wherever he had been, he had been ill treated, which made Zakiel angry.

Nikura stepped back from Marl and sat down, curling his tail around his paws as he continued to stare at the Hunter. 

“Nikura?” Zakiel asked.

Nikura shifted his large blue eyes toward Zakiel, then shook his head.  He had found nothing to indicate demons or dark magic, but if Zakiel was reading him correctly, he too was confused.

“Marl,” Zakiel said, turning his attention to the Hunter.  “It is too early in the day for us to camp.  We will have lunch now.  After eating, do you think you can manage riding?”

“Of course, Highness,” Marl replied, his face showing none of the eagerness for food and rest that Zakiel knew he had to be feeling.  He felt a surge of pride in the man.

“Come,” he said.   He turned and gestured to Garundel who came forward.  “Please see that Hunter Marl has food and drink, and order a diplo saddled for him.”

“At once, Highness,” Garundel said.  He stared at Marl for a long moment, his sharp eyes missing nothing, then nodded to himself.  “Come, Marl,” he said, not unkindly, “let’s get you fed up a bit.”

Zakiel left Garundel in charge of Marl and returned to Karma, Nikura at his side.  He told Karma what he knew, which was very little.  By the time he was finished, Lashi had arrived with their lunch and a plate of food for Nikura.  Karma considered what Zakiel had told her while she ate.  She glanced toward Marl, then to Tiari, troubled.

“What is it that bothers you,
?” Zakiel asked.

“As I said to Tomas earlier, aside from my strong personal feelings for Kapia and Tiari, they are both as important to the quest as the orbs they claim.  Neither of them can be risked.”

“You think Marl is dangerous,” Zakiel said. 

“I don’t know if he’s dangerous, or not,” Karma said.  “But I think a degree of caution must be taken, just in case.”

“I agree,” Zakiel admitted.  “But he is an honored Hunter, Karma.  I cannot turn him away without cause.”

“Of course not,” Karma said.  “Nor would I ask that you do such a thing.  Nevertheless, we must take extra precautions with their safety.”

Zakiel nodded.  They finished their lunch and joined Tomas, Kapia and Tiari who had also just finished eating.  Zakiel filled them in on Marl, unsurprised to see Tomas’s tension increase after Karma’s revelation concerning his feelings for Tiari. 

“Karma suggests, and I agree, that we increase security for both Tiari and Kapia,” he said to Tomas.  “The women’s tent is currently set up side by side with ours, so that the side of their tent is against the side of ours, but I think that we need more.”

“I agree, Highness,” Tomas said.  “The idea of someone slicing through a tent wall...,” he paused and shuddered.  “What happened to Lady Techu cannot be allowed to happen again.”

“I suggest that you set your tent up on the other side of the women’s tent,” Zakiel said.  “We’ll add an entrance from your tent into the front chamber of the women’s tent on one side, and Lashi and Caral can sleep there.  You will sleep in the front section of the women’s tent, which we will connect to the front section of our tent on the other side.  This will put all of us together in connecting tents which I think is necessary for the safety of all of the women.  We will also boost security around the tents, and of course Nikura will be there as well.”

“It may cause tongues to wag,” Tomas said, glancing worriedly at Tiari. 

“This is too important for us to concern ourselves with wagging tongues,” Zakiel said.  “These women are our family and loved ones.  It is up to us to hold the inner circle.”

“Do not forget, Husband, that Kapia and I both have some skill with a staff,” Karma said.  “Not enough to fend off determined Hunters with steel for very long, but we aren’t entirely helpless.”

“I would never consider you to be entirely helpless,
,” Zakiel said as he put his arm around Karma and pulled her close against his side. 

“Thank you,” Karma said, stretching up on her toes to kiss Zakiel lightly on the jaw.  Zakiel’s eyes flared with heat, which he quickly stifled.  As much as he wanted to kiss his new wife more deeply, they were in mixed company.  He squeezed Karma gently once more, then released her. 

“It is time we get back on the trail,” he said.  “Cousin Tomas, I would appreciate it if you would ride closer to the women from now on.”

Karma frowned, as did Kapia.  Zakiel thought a moment, then smiled at Tomas.  “There are times when the women prefer to discuss secret feminine matters without male ears to hear them, so perhaps you should not ride too close.”

Zakiel’s comment took Tomas by surprise.  He’d noticed the frowns, but had misunderstood them completely.  He relaxed slightly and bowed toward the women.  “I will ride behind them so that I can see, but not hear, unless I am called.”

“Thank you, Tomas,” Karma said.  “That’s very considerate of you.”  She shifted her gaze to Tiari, then back to Tomas meaningfully.  “Of course, you should not stay back all of the time.  I’m certain that your company will be greatly missed if you do.”

Tomas followed Karma’s gaze to Tiari, who was currently staring at the ground, her cheeks pink.  “Thank you, Lady Techu,” he said.  He wasn’t sure why Tiari was embarrassed, but he hoped it was because she really did want to spend time with him.  It wasn’t something he could ask her though.

“If I may suggest, Cousin, perhaps it would be best if Garundel were to keep Marl close to him, near the front of the line,” Tomas said. 

“Good idea,” Zakiel said.  “It is far easier to watch someone who is in front of you.  Tomas, if you don’t mind, I ask that you take charge of the women’s security detail until Sir Bredon is returned to us.”

“Of course,” Tomas said calmly, only his eyes betraying his shock at this unexpected assignment.  It was an informal rank increase, but far more important to Tomas, it indicated a higher level of trust than he was used to.  It told Tomas that Zakiel trusted him with the most precious people in his life; his wife and his sister.  “I shall not fail you, Highness.”

“I know you won’t, Cousin,” Zakiel said.  Then he looked around for Garundel and gestured, signaling the end of lunch.




Chapter Eleven


Karma was relieved when Zakiel called a halt that evening.  She wasn’t sure why she felt so antsy.  She was accustomed to spending long days in the saddle, and with the addition of Tiari, and her endless curiosity and questions, the time passed more quickly than usual.  But there was something nagging at her.  Something she felt she should know, but didn’t.  She couldn’t even figure out what it was about, which was frustrating.  Did it have something to do with Marl?  Tomas?  Tiari?  Or was it about Bredon and Marene?  Or something Samyi had told her? 

Outwardly she chatted with Kapia and Tiari throughout the afternoon as she usually did, but inwardly she was growing more and more tense.  She nearly flung herself from the saddle when it was time to stop.  She wanted physical exercise, and was looking forward to sparring with Kapia again.  Her initial session with Tiari would go much better once she’d burned off a bit of steam.

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