Quest for the Sun Orb (32 page)

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Authors: Laura Jo Phillips

Tags: #Paranormal, #Literature & Fiction, #Fantasy, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban, #Romance

BOOK: Quest for the Sun Orb
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Karma turned to Nikura, who sat motionlessly on the cushion, his ears cocked back slightly, eyes distant as though deep in thought.   

“Nikura?” she asked. 

“We have always believed that one may only be possessed by their own choice,”
Nikura said. 
“That was disproved when you, Lady Techu, were seeded by the demon tree.  Then again, when Marene took up residence within Bredon’s body and mind.  We assumed, since neither of you became
, that our original supposition stood.  Now, with this story of Saigar’s, we are once again proven wrong.”

“Yes, it seems there are ways to get around just about everything,” Karma said.

Nikura’s ears stood up straight as he thought about that. 
he said after a moment. 
“That may be all it is.  Different ways of getting around the rules, so to speak.”

“Or?” Karma asked.

Or we are wrong, and always have been,”
Nikura said. 
“If that is the case, how do we prevent the Djinn from making anyone cin-sahib at any time they choose?”

“If they were capable of doing that, there would be few humans left who were not
,” Samyi said.  “They’ve had a thousand years to convert people unchecked.”

“That is true,”
Nikura said with a slow nod. 
“The truth must lie somewhere in the middle.”

“That’s not something I want to think too hard or long on
Karma said.  “Not tonight anyway.  I’ve had enough for one evening.”

“Yes, I agree,” Samyi said.  “I thought it important enough to bring to your attention.”

“We thank you, Samyi,” Zakiel said.  “It is important, and we will keep it in mind.”

Samyi bowed and a moment later both she and Saigar were gone.  Karma sighed tiredly after she cut the thread of energy she’d been feeding into the Ti-Ank and retracted the staff. 

“Are you all right?” Zakiel asked, looking at her with worried eyes.

“I’m fine,” she replied.  “Just tired and frustrated.  It seems that with every step forward that we take, we get knocked back twice as far.  Too much more of this and I’m afraid I’ll go crazy.”

“That’s a frightening thought,”
Nikura said. 
“I thought you’d already made that trip.”

“Nikura, did you just make a joke?” Karma asked in surprise.

“Of course not,”
Nikura said. 
“I’m certain I heard someone say that Sphin do not have a sense of humor.  Now, if you will excuse me, I think I shall go find a rodent to chase.”

Karma’s eyes narrowed as she watched the Sphin stalk from the tent, his long tail straight up in the air.  Once he was gone she turned her gaze on Zakiel.  He was ready for her.

“I was telling Tomas about cats and rodents,” he said.  “I didn’t say anything to Nikura, but apparently he has very keen hearing.”

“You think?” Karma asked archly.  “With ears that big?  Surely not.”

“That is sarcasm, correct?”

Karma rose to her feet and headed for the bathing chamber.  Her bath probably wasn’t ready yet, but she decided not to let that stop her exit. 




Chapter Eighteen


“You are happy now,” Tiari said as she and Tomas walked hand in hand toward the large fire in the center of camp.

“I’m not sure that
is the right word,” Tomas said.  “I am relieved that Saigar was not evil.  I don’t think I will ever put such trust in another man again, though.”  They walked a few more steps before Tomas corrected himself.  “Other than Zakiel.  He is a man to be trusted, of that I can have no doubt.”

“Yes, I agree with that,” Tiari said.  “But I don’t agree that you aren’t happy.  You seem quite happy to me.  Your aura is even a little pink around the edges, a sure sign of happiness.”

“Oh,” Tomas said, stopping and pulling Tiari gently around to face him.  “I see what you mean.  I am, in fact, very happy, Tiari, but it is because of you, not Saigar.  I am not as happy as I could be, but I am happier than I’ve been since I was a child, before my parents passed to the beyond.”

“Why are you not as happy as you could be?” she asked.

“Do you think I should be happier than I am right now?”

“I think you should be as happy as it is possible for you to be,” she said.  “Tell me what is needed to make you perfectly happy.”

“Are you certain you wish to know?” he teased.

“Of course, else I would not have asked,” she replied. 

“The only thing that could make me perfectly happy would be for you to say yes when I ask you to marry me.”  Tomas finished the sentence in a low voice, his nerves ramping up us he said the words he’d been rehearsing in his mind for days.  When he saw her face light up he relaxed.  A little.

“I see,” she said with a mock frown.  “I am not sure if I would say yes, or no.  I think we must perform a test first.”

“Test?” he asked, beginning to feel nervous again.  “What sort of test?”

“You must kiss me,” Tiari said.  “After that, I will give you my answer.”

“I certainly have no objection to performing this test of yours,” he said, smiling.  “Under one condition.”

“Condition?” Tiari asked.

“Yes,” Tomas said.  “I would know the purpose of this test.  Just so that I know what type of kiss to give you.”

“Type of kiss?” Tiari asked.  “There are different types?”

“Oh yes,” Tomas said.  “There is the type of kiss you give to a child.  The type of kiss you give to a parent.  Then, there is the one you give to a friend, or relative.”

“But I am none of those things,” Tiari pointed out.

“No, you are not,” Tomas replied.  “You are the woman who holds my heart in her small and tender hands.”

“Is there a kiss for that?” Tiari asked, her voice falling to a whisper.

“Absolutely,” Tomas said.  “Several, in fact.  There is a kiss of love and tenderness.  One of passion.  One of joy.  There are others, but you get the idea.”

“Yes, I think I do,” Tiari said. 

“So you see the difficulty.  I must know which one you want for this test.”

“Yes, I understand now,” Tiari replied.  “Unfortunately, I don’t know the answer.  Karma said that when the right man kisses me, I will know it with my whole heart, mind, soul and body.  So, whichever kiss will do that is the right one.”

“That is a tall order to fill,” Tomas said. 

“So you will not perform the test?” Tiari asked archly.

“I most certainly will,” Tomas said, stepping closer so that they nearly touched.  “However, for this type of kiss, we require privacy.  Would you like to take a little walk with me?”

“Of course,” Tiari said, proud of how calm she sounded since her heart was suddenly pounding as loudly as a drum.  She felt Tomas take her hand and lead her gently across the camp and into the grove of trees.  They walked for a time, until she began to hear the sound of water running in the distance.

“Where are we going?” she asked.

“To the river,” he said.  “It’s not much further.  Do you mind?”

“No, not at all,” she replied.  A couple of minutes later she heard the sound of water more clearly, and tilted her head slightly as she breathed in the cool, clean air.  “I love the smell of water and grass.”

“I never noticed such things before,” Tomas said, stopping as they reached an area where he knew they would not be seen.  “When I’m with you, the world around me seems so much more beautiful than it was without you.” 

Her smile in the pale light of the moon took his breath away.  He lowered his head until his mouth was so close that when he spoke, his lips brushed hers.  “I love you, Tiari Zora, with all that I am, and all that I ever will be,” he said.  “With this kiss, I beg you to consent to be my wife, that we may be joined as one, forevermore.”  Then he pressed his lips to hers, moving slowly, savoring each detail of this very special moment as they kissed for the first time.

The feel of her soft, warm lips against his own was almost too much for him.  He stilled for a moment to collect himself.  It would not do to rush this. 

He cleared his mind and focused on Tiari.  Her lips against his, her gentle breath on his cheek, the feel of her slender shoulders beneath his hands reminding him how frail and delicate she was in spite of her inner strength and courage.  He ran his tongue lightly over her plump, silky lips, seeking entrance, and they parted in surprise.  He quickly took advantage, sliding his tongue into her mouth, stroking her tongue with his, this first taste of her sending his senses reeling.  He wanted more, so much more, but he didn’t want to push her or, worse, frighten her.  Reluctantly, he withdrew his tongue from her mouth, reminding himself forcefully of her innocence.

Then her tongue boldly followed his, her arms going around his neck as she attempted to hold him in place, and his good intentions flew away on the soft evening breeze.  When she stroked his tongue the way he’d stroked hers, his entire body shuddered.  Without thought, he took control of the kiss again, his tongue sweeping across hers, then waiting for her to return the caress which she did eagerly.  He groaned.  Her hands tightened around his neck in response.  He slid his hands down to the small of her back and pulled her body more tightly against his.  She moaned into his mouth and arched against him.  He thought the top of his head was going to explode at the feel of her soft heat pressed against his hardness. 

His sweet, innocent Tiari had unplumbed passions to equal his own.   Never had he imagined a woman like this.  Both sweet and hot.  Innocent and passionate.  Shy and, at the same time, bold.  In that moment he knew that if she refused his proposal, he would spend the remainder of his life trying to change her mind.  There could be no other woman for him.  He would go to his eternal sleep craving this woman.

A moment later he broke the kiss, knowing that if he didn’t, their combined desire and need would lead them to a place they could not yet go.  They stood for long moments, leaning against each other as they fought for breath.

 “Oh,” Tiari said, her shoulders trembling beneath his hands.

“Oh?” he asked.  Maybe he’d gotten too carried away.  Maybe he should have kept it lighter.  Maybe he shouldn’t have kissed her at all, and then he could go on pretending that one day she would love him, too.

“I’m afraid that Karma was wrong,” she said, still panting.  “Either that, or it wasn’t as wonderful and...intense...for her as it was for me.”

It took a moment for the meaning of her words to sink in.  When they did, Tomas let out a relieved whoosh of air and his heart began beating again.  “Minx,” he said.  “You frightened me.”

“I’m sorry,” she said, instantly contrite.  “I did not mean to.”

“I know you didn’t,” Tomas said.  “Don’t worry about it.  I can breathe now and that’s what matters.”

“Yes, I suppose that is important,” she said with a smile.  “Anyway, in answer to your question, yes, I will marry you, Tomas.  You are the only man I ever could marry, since you are the man I love.”

Tomas had to close his eyes for a moment as he tried to contain the enormous feelings of love, happiness, and relief that swamped his entire being at her words.  When he thought he could speak normally he opened them again. 

“Thank you, Tiari,” he said simply. 

“Why are you thanking me?” she asked, perplexed.

“For loving me, for agreeing to marry me, for being the answer to all of my dreams, including those I never even knew I had.”

Tiari blinked back tears.  She wasn’t sure how, or why, she’d gotten so lucky, but she had no intention of questioning it.  From the first moment Karma and Kapia had entered her tiny, dark hut she had decided to reach for everything life offered her, and enjoy each minute of it to the fullest.  And right now, life was offering her true love and happiness beyond her wildest imaginations.  Tomas loved her, as she loved him, and wanted her to be his wife. 

“How long before we can get married?” she asked.  “Is it a ceremony?  Or something we do ourselves?  Does it take a long time?  Do we have to do anything special?”

Tomas laughed.  “Slow down, Tiari-
.  I cannot keep up with you.”

“Sorry,” Tiari said, though she didn’t really feel sorry.  Now that he’d asked her to marry him, she wanted to do it.  Enough of her life had been wasted.  She wanted to start their lives together right now.

“No, you’re not one bit sorry,” Tomas said, chuckling.  “I would love to marry you right this very moment, but we cannot.”

“Why not?” she asked.  “I’m sorry if that is a dumb question, but I know nothing at all about such things.”

“No, it is not a dumb question,” Tomas said.  “Weddings do take a bit of planning, but that is not the reason.  The reason is that you are Maiden of the Sun.”

 “Oh, yes,” Tiari said.  “I’d forgotten about that.  I suppose there’s no getting around it.  But we will be able to marry after I claim it, right?”

“As far as I know, yes,” Tomas replied.  “I think we should ask Karma to check with Samyi though, just to be safe.”

“Why did you not ask her to do that tonight?” Tiari wondered.

“Because I had to ask you first,” Tomas replied.  “Now that you have said yes, we will work together to determine the best time for our wedding.”

“You are very thoughtful, Tomas,” Tiari said.  “I am a lucky woman.”

“I am the lucky one, Tiari-
,” Tomas said.  “Thank you so much for saying yes.  You have made me a very happy man.”

“What does that mean?  Tiari-
?” she asked.

“It means
Tiari mine
,” he said. 

“I like it when you say that,
Tiari mine,”
she said, smiling shyly. 

“I’ve only known you a few short weeks, but I have waited my whole life for the time when I could say that to you, Tiari mine,” he said.  “Now you are mine, and I will never get enough of saying so.  However, we should return to camp now, before people come looking for us.”

“We don’t want that,” Tiari agreed, letting Tomas take her hand and guide her back the way they’d come. 

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