Quest for the Sun Orb (28 page)

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Authors: Laura Jo Phillips

Tags: #Paranormal, #Literature & Fiction, #Fantasy, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban, #Romance

BOOK: Quest for the Sun Orb
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“Tomas!” she yelled, feeding more energy into the Ti-Ank as she ran toward Zakiel.  She heard a low oath, then running footsteps.  A moment later Tomas passed her, his bow in one hand as he reached for an arrow from the quiver on his back with the other.  Karma stopped running and aimed the Ti-Ank, taking out the harpy that was highest of the three.  It was the only one she could destroy without risk of hitting Zakiel.  The thing’s horrific scream cut off with satisfying suddenness and she began running again, her eyes on Zakiel and the two remaining harpies. 

One swooped in behind Zakiel, it’s filthy claws extended toward his back while the other one attacked him from the front at the same time.  Karma screamed a warning, knowing there was nothing she could do.  If she tried to hit either of the things with a beam from the Ti-Ank, she could easily hit Zakiel as well.  They were all too close together.  

Suddenly, the wide open mouth of the harpy attacking from behind Zakiel sprouted an arrow.  A second later another arrow was sticking out of the thing’s left eye.  It fell to the ground with a thud just as Zakiel’s sword parted the final demon’s head from its neck.

Karma kept running, shoving her way through the Hunters gathered around Zakiel’s diplo in a near panic to reach him.  When he saw her coming he leapt to the ground just in time to catch her as she threw herself into his arms.  She dropped the Ti-Ank to the ground and wrapped her arms around his neck, squeezing tightly as she tried to calm her racing heart.

It was long moments before she realized that Zakiel was murmuring soothing words in her ear as he rubbed her back lightly.  She wasn’t sure why he was doing that at first.  Then she realized that the sobs she’d been hearing as though from a distance were coming from her.  She concentrated on stopping them, forcing herself to take deep breaths.  She had just managed to quiet herself when she closed her eyes and saw the image of Zakiel sitting atop his diplo, orange and black stripes across his face, sharp white fangs bared, roaring his fury as three harpies attacked him at once.  Her entire body jerked with horror.

“It’s all right,
,” Zakiel said.  “I’m fine, you’re fine, everyone is fine.  We’re all safe now.”

Karma nodded, but she wasn’t yet ready to release him.  She buried her face in his neck and took a deep, shuddering breath.  That had been the second most horrifying sight she’d ever witnessed, the first being his dead body after the battle with the
.  It had brought home to her how very quickly Zakiel could be taken from her.  As big and strong as he was, even though he was both Tigren and Vatra, he was no more immune to death than anyone else. 

What if he had died not knowing her secret?  She shuddered again and Zakiel’s arms tightened around her.  She raised her head, looked into his worried blue eyes, and made a new decision.

“Today is all we have,” she said, her voice hoarse from her tears.  “I know that.  Everyone knows that.  But I know it more right now than I did an hour ago.”

Zakiel nodded slowly, though his eyes looked confused.  Well, she didn’t blame him.  She was acting oddly, after all.

“Tomorrow is not promised to any of us,” she continued.  “So rather than wait another day I will tell you now that we are going to have a child.”


Chapter Sixteen


“Child?” Zakiel asked blankly. 

“Yes, a child,” Karma said.

“How is that possible?” he asked.  “We’ve not been married a full month.

“How long do you think it takes?” Karma asked, her eyes beginning to narrow.

“Well...I never thought about that,” he replied, realizing that he was not reacting the way Karma expected.  He scrambled through the shocked haze in his mind for the appropriate response to news of this sort.

“How do you know?” he asked.  Karma withdrew her arms and stepped back.  He probably shouldn’t have used quite that tone of voice, he decided.

“I don’t know how I know,” she said, her voice cool.  “I just know.”  With that she spun on her heel, bent to retrieve the Ti-Ank from where she’d dropped it, and began walking back to her diplo, her feet hitting the ground with just a bit more force than necessary. 

Zakiel watched for a moment before realizing that if he let her get too far, she might never forgive him.  He raced after her, calling her name, but she ignored him and kept walking.  That wasn’t good, he thought.  Nope, not good at all.  He ran up behind her and scooped her into his arms.

“I am sorry,
,” he said.  “I am only shocked.  Give me a moment, please.” 

Karma lay stiffly in his arms.  “To have a child with you, my
, will be the most beautiful of events.  I cannot think of anything I want more for us.”

Karma’s gaze softened.  “But I cannot lie to you, nor do I want to.”  Her eyes narrowed again.  “It frightens me,” he admitted.  “I would have you safe in the palace, looked after by the best physicians, where there is every comfort and no danger.  Knowing that you, the most precious person in my world, are in danger all of the time is difficult enough.  Now it is not only you, but our child who I will fear for each and every minute of each and every day.  Please understand that.”

Karma’s body relaxed and she put her arms around his neck once more.  “I do understand, Zakiel,” she said.  “That is why I had decided not to tell you.  So that you wouldn’t worry.  But I couldn’t live with myself if something happened to you, and you never got to know that you will be a father.”

“I thank you for telling me,” he said.  “I am thrilled with the news, truly I am.  I cannot help that I am also terrified by it.”

“Look at it this way,” she said.  “Without modern medicine, women generally aren’t sure of these things until they are a few months along.  By then, the quest will be over.”

“Yes, you are correct,” Zakiel said.  “Unfortunately, that doesn’t make me feel any better.”  He pulled her closer against him and rested his cheek against the top of her head.  “I now hold in my arms the answer to all of my hopes, dreams, and desires.  I beg you, my
, do not let anything harm yourself or our child.  I could not live without you.”

“I will do my best,” she promised, tears clogging her throat at the raw emotion in his voice.  Perhaps she should not have told him.  But no, he had a right to know. 

Zakiel squeezed her gently, then lowered her to her feet.  “Shall we continue or do you want to stop for the day?”

“No, we should continue,” she said.  “We cannot afford to lose a half day’s travel.  The sooner we reach our destination, the better.  Besides, I want out of this forest where we have no chance of seeing an attack until it’s upon us.”

“Agreed,” he said.  He walked with her to her diplo, suddenly realizing that everyone else was already mounted and ready to ride on.  No one had the bad manners to be looking in their direction, but Zakiel felt their curiosity.

“Perhaps we should tell only a few people as yet,” he said in a low voice.  “There is no need to risk making you more of a target to the demons.”

“There is no need to open the door of speculation, either,” Karma said shrewdly.  “I want to tell the women, but that’s all.  Few will understand that I am able to discern my own pregnancy after only one day.  I don’t even understand it.”

“One day?” Zakiel asked, wonder in his voice.  “So we began this child last night?”

“Yes,” Karma replied.  Zakiel smiled, finally giving Karma the reaction she had hoped for.  When she looked into his eyes, her heart melted at the sight of his joy. 

“Let me help you into the saddle,” he said.

Karma shrugged and nodded.  She’d been mounting Dippy by herself for weeks now, but if he wanted to help her, she would not deny him.

Once she was settled he turned and hurried back to his own diplo, his mind racing.  A few moments after giving the signal to walk on, he gestured to Garundel to join him.  Once the tall, grizzled knight was riding beside him, he checked to be sure they were too far from the rest of the riders to be overheard. 

“Were there any casualties?” he asked.

“Two Hunters and one drover injured, but nothing serious,” Garundel replied.  “The warning was timely.”

“Excellent,” Zakiel replied.  “Garundel, I must confide in you.”

“I am honored, Highness,” Garundel said at once.  “Anything you say is safe with me, of course.”

“As you are aware, Lady Techu has unique powers,” Zakiel began.  He waited for Garundel to nod.  “One of her abilities is an increased knowledge of her own physical condition.”  Again he waited for Garundel to absorb his words and nod.  It was very important that he word this exactly right so that there was no doubt, no cause for vicious rumors later.  When Garundel nodded again, Zakiel stared at him until the Knight met his eyes directly.  “This unique ability has allowed her to determine that she is one day with child.”

Garundel’s eyes widened in surprise, then he grinned.  “Congratulations, Highness,” he said.

“Thank you, Garundel,” Zakiel replied.  He waited.  It took only a moment.  Garundel was sharp.   

“I see the problem,” he said, straight forward as ever.  “This may cause raised brows from those who do not know Lady Techu, or are unfamiliar with her powers.”

“In the beginning, yes,” Zakiel said.  “The baby will not arrive for nine months though, which should help.  I do think it best that we wait at least two to three months before making this general knowledge, though.”

“Agreed, Highness,” Garundel said.  “That would be wisest.”

“In the meantime, I know the truth, and so do you,” Zakiel said.  “Your future Queen, Royal Princess Karma
-Baraka Feenis, is carrying my heir, the future King, or Queen, of Isiben.  Neither of them can be risked.”  This was the first time Zakiel had ever referred to Karma with her royal titles, and Garundel instantly understood the significance.

“What would you have me do, Highness?” Garundel asked.  “I am at your disposal, as always.”

“Choose four men,” Zakiel said.  “Once we agree on the four, we shall tell them this secret that will be known only to us, Sir Tomas, and the women.  From that moment on their first and last duty will be Princess Karma’s safety in any and all situations.  No matter what, she and the babe she carries are to be kept safe, and free from harm.”

“You honor me with the trust you are placing in me, Highness,” Garundel said.  “I know that it should be Bredon in my place right now, and I am sorry that he is not here.  Please know that I shall endeavor to be worthy of your confidence until the time when Bredon may rejoin us.”

Zakiel took a moment to consider the words Garundel had spoken, and their meaning.  Once again he looked around to be certain they were alone.  Garundel stiffened slightly.  He never missed anything.

“Princess Kapia has discovered a way to communicate with Bredon through the Moon Orb,” he said to Garundel.  “It takes a physical toll on her, so she is able to speak with him only once every third day, but it is enough.  Bredon will reach the outskirts of Darkly Fen soon.”  He went on to tell Garundel what they knew about Marene and Bredon so far.  When he was finished Garundel remained quiet for a time as they rode side by side.

“Darkly Fen is an ill-omened place, Highness,” he said finally.  “I wish that I could ride to join Sir Bredon, and fight by his side in this trial he now faces, or at the least, send trusted men to him.”

“As do I, old friend,” Zakiel said.  “Unfortunately, we cannot.  We have no choice but to continue on as we are, as he has no choice but to continue as he is.”

“Yes, Highness, this I know,” Garundel said.  “I will send prayers each night to the Sky Warriors for his success, and safe return to us.  And I will remain here, where my Prince, and his most honored and courageous family, need me most.”

“I thank you, Sir Garundel,” Zakiel said solemnly.

Garundel turned to face Zakiel and smiled again, an expression that melted years from him.  “Once again, congratulations, Highness, to you and your bride,” he said.  “Do not worry.  None shall harm Princess Karma, or your child, while I draw breath.”

“Your assurance, and your loyalty are, as always, greatly appreciated,” Zakiel said.  “When you go back, will you ask Sir Tomas to join me please?”

“Certainly, Highness,” Garundel said before turning his diplo and trotting away.  A minute later Tomas joined him.

“Tomas,” Zakiel greeted with a smile, suddenly realizing just how much his cousin had changed of late.  And how happy he was to have him to trust and confide in.  “I have news to share with you.”

“From the expression on your face I assume it is good news?” Tomas asked.

“It is,” Zakiel replied.  “Karma has just informed me that we are to be parents.”

“Truly?” Tomas asked, stunned.  “When?”

“In about nine months,” Zakiel replied.  “Karma knew it almost from the moment it happened.”

“I am happy for you, Zakiel,” Tomas said warmly.  “You and Karma deserve all the happiness that will surely be yours.  Congratulations to you both.”

“Thank you, Tomas,” Zakiel said.  “That is very kind of you.”

“If I may say so, Cousin, you also appear to be...worried,” Tomas said carefully, deciding at the last moment not to use the word

“I am worried, Tomas,” Zakiel admitted.  “More than that, I am now even more afraid that something bad will happen to Karma than I was before this news.  I’ve asked Garundel to select four men to act as her personal guards, but there is little more I can do to protect her that has not already been done.”

“Zakiel,” Tomas said, “in case you hadn’t noticed, there is not a single man in this caravan who would not lay down his life for Karma.  She has saved our lives so many times, and shown such courage and spirit each moment of every day, that no one can help but love her.  Her feelings for you are so strong and pure, so bright and shining, that I have seen Hunters blink away tears just to see the way she looks at you sometimes.  The sound of her laughter never fails to bring a smile to all who hear it.”  Tomas smiled and shook his head.  “You needn’t assign more guards to her, Cousin.  Every Hunter, drover, and servant on this quest already guards her each and every single day.  I could
feel pity for the fool who tries to harm our future Queen.” 

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