Quinn II (Undaunted Men #2) (14 page)

BOOK: Quinn II (Undaunted Men #2)
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I feel too happy on the inside at the moment to be mad about what he just said. I don't know what injectable drug he used to relax me, nor do I know the type of pills he had me swallow, but I can only presume it was a form of ecstasy. I’m sure my having an empty stomach has only expedited the delivery of the drugs’ effects through my body.

He uses the pad of his thumb to draw lazy circles on the inside of my wrist, and my eyes flutter closed. The simple touch is to die for. “Does that feel good, Lexi?” I smile with my eyes closed and nod my head. “Do you want more?” he asks in a knowing tone, and I can hear the smile in his voice. My belly flutters in anticipation.

“Yeah,” I whisper.

“Give me one sec,” he says, and then his body weight shifts and he’s gone. Immediately, I open my eyes, confused and missing the human contact. He winks at me, wearing a jovial grin. “Give me one minute. I promise I’ll be right back, okay?”

I nod my head, grinning back at him like a damn fool. After he slips out of the room, I look around as if discovering life for the first time. I’m freaking mesmerized with colors, shapes, and all the things surrounding me. Every color has been enhanced beyond my wildest imagination.

I don’t know how long I’ve been lost in this sea of wonder until Vince comes back, but I don’t notice him until he speaks, “Hey, Sweetheart.”

I turn my head toward him, and my heart skips a beat from the mere sight of him. His shirt is off, and he’s fucking beautiful. He’s so gorgeous I can’t stop myself from staring at him. He leans down over me, his hands resting on either side of my head, caging me in with his thick biceps. My eyes can’t stay still. I find I need to soak in every detail of this handsome man. His closeness is doing funny things to my senses.

“Why do I feel this way, Vince?” I ask, perplexed. “My eyes can’t stop roaming all over your body. It’s like I need to soak you in.”

He gives me a sexy grin then runs his nose along my jawline. I breathe in the light scent of his cologne, and my stomach flutters and swirls with a desire I don’t care to question. He whispers over my skin, “It feels amazing, doesn’t it?”

“Yeah, it does.” Actually, the word ‘amazing’ doesn’t even begin to cover what I’m feeling.

“It’s called Blyss.”

“It is bliss.”

He chuckles at me, then lifts his head to look into my eyes with mirth. “No, the injection I gave you is called Blyss.”

“Mmm,” I hum. “I’ve never heard of that one before, but it’s not like I know a lot about drugs, since I don’t do them.”

He strokes my cheek with his thumb in a gentle, tender, loving manner. My body purrs with warmth and excitement. “It's the most potent aphrodisiac in the world, and it's going to make me millions.”

By the look in his eyes, he believes it. “Millions, huh?”

“Yes,” he says tapping me on the end of the nose. He then lays down beside me, and pulls me into his strong arms. His lips dangerously close to mine as he continues in a soft tone, “I’ve had a little setback so it’s going to take me awhile to get my feet back on the ground.”

“What kind of set back?”

“Bennett was my middle-man. He worked between me and my supplier in Georgia. I could always trust Bennett to have my back, you know?”

“Connor always has your back too,” I remind him.

“Yeah, he does, but I don’t think he’s cut out for the things I want to do.”

“So who’s your go-between now?”

He shakes his head as he chews on the inside of his cheek. “No one is my runner anymore, and even if I had one, it would be best if you didn’t know. But I’m having to start fresh with everything. It took me months to track down Bennett’s contact, and by the time I finally found his contact information, he had disappeared. So, now I’m forced to improvise.”

“What does that mean? Improvise what?” I ask curiously.

“I have enough Blyss to start my own enterprise. I’m in the midst of finding a scientist who is genius enough to figure out all the ingredients and then replicate it.”

“Ingredients? You make it sound like a recipe.”

He grins at me, a hint of his boyish charm showing through. “It kind of is. It will be a masterpiece, and once I do find the right person to break it down, I will be able to provide for you in ways you never thought possible.”

“You know I’m not an extravagant person.”

“You are when it comes to horses.”

Knowing he’s right, I dreamily smile at him as I wrap my arms around his neck, criss-crossing my wrists behind his head to keep him close. “I want a farm full of horses.”

“You like to dream big, don’t you? You know I get jealous of your time.”

“Mmm,” I pause, thinking for a moment. “Then just a few more Arabians will do.”

“I’ll think about it. Maybe if you’re a good girl.”

I give him a false pout, because I can feel nothing but playful at the moment. “I’m always a good girl.”

“Why don’t you prove that theory then, Lex? How about we play a little game?” he asks, his tone light and playful.

“Like what?” I lift my chin, meeting his brilliant brown eyes. He sinks his teeth into his lower lip as he runs a feather light touch, from my shoulder, down my arm, and back up again using his index finger.

“I know you’re dying to be touched, and if you answer correctly, I will give you everything you need and more.”

He’s right; I would spill my darkest secrets right now in order to feel the warm touch of a virile man against my skin. My lips twitch in humor, because this game is far too simple. “Sure,” I agree.

Satisfied, he reaches beside the nightstand and turns on some music, but keeps the volume on low. A beautiful instrumental immediately fills the room, filling me with more feel-good

I watch his toned body move with self-assurance, mesmerizing me with his every motion as he gets up to straddle my hips. He taunts me with his touch, brushing his fingers along the hem of the oversized shirt he put me in. A devious grin plays on his lips, totally understanding what he’s doing to me.

“Vince…” I exhale on a breathy, wanton whisper. “I need more.”

“I didn’t ask a question yet.”

“I figured that was the answer.”

He tilts his head back and softly laughs, and I smile broadly, loving the sound.

When he looks back to me, he runs both his hands underneath my shirt, sliding across my stomach and stopping short of my breasts. His touch has lit an inferno within me. “Oh, God, that feels good.”

“My touch is your reward. I’ve got more where that came from.”

I’m desperate for him not to stop, so I run my hands over his chest, and I’m taken aback at how damn good he feels. He hisses when I rub my thumbs over his nipples.

“I’ve got to feel you pressed against me.” He lifts my shirt over my head, and then unclasps my bra. The coolness of the room flows over my nipples, causing me to shiver. Every little experience is being heightened to new levels. I groan aloud when the warmth of his bare chest lays against the fullness of my breasts.

His fingers thread through my hair as he leans in for the most sensual kiss of my life. He opens my lips with his tongue, slipping inside with confidence, dancing eagerly with mine. My heart speeds, relishing the feel of his tongue stroking against mine, causing me to whimper. Tingles spread over my entire body, making me feel higher than I’ve ever been before. I chase the tip of his tongue with my own almost frantically, unable to get enough.

He nips my lower lip, breaking the kiss, then rests his forehead against mine, breathing heavily. “Do you remember how good we once were, Lexi?” He sounds a little sad over the time lost between us, and for some reason, my empathy factor kicks in a hundred-fold. I’m vaguely aware that whatever he drugged me with is making me feel things I definitely shouldn’t, but damn if I can conjure a single fuck to care.

I cradle his cheek in my hand, wanting him to feel the same happiness I do. “Of course I remember, Vince. We had great times together.” He pulls his head back and looks at me in an auspicious way, as if what I just said pleased him. I smile in response. He breathes out a sigh of relief, shaking his head. “What’s wrong?” I gently ask.

“Nothing, Baby. Everything is just perfect.”

“Does that mean I get more kisses?” I ask hopefully, biting my lip.

“Oh, girl, you can have all the kisses you want from me. I want to kiss you all over,” he confesses. I shiver, imagining his lips running all over my body. “Would you like that, Lex?”

“Yeah,” I breathe out, becoming desperate, needing more of everything from him. In a flash, he has my panties off. When his lips touch down low on my stomach, I exhale a sigh of relief. “Your game is too easy.”

“I’m glad you think so. Would you like me to up the stakes?” he asks, mumbling over my sensitive skin.

“No,” I half-laugh, but I’m really serious, I don’t want him to make this game more difficult.

“I didn’t think so.” He lifts his weight off me momentarily to unbuckle his belt, the metal pieces clanging together as he does. He unzips his pants, and then slowly slips them down over his hips while staring at me heatedly. When his cock springs free, my eyes flick to the movement, and I swear, I’ve never seen a more beautiful male form.

“The way you’re looking at me, Lexi…I never thought I’d see that look again.”

I blink my eyes, forcing myself to remove my stare from his steely length. I meet his heated gaze, not understanding. “Why would you say that? You’re beautiful,” I say in an appreciative voice. I scan the length of his body. All of his muscles are so well defined; even his stomach muscles make a perfectly sculpted six-pack. I uninhibitedly run my fingers between the dips and curves of his abs in full admiration.

He holds still as I trail my fingertips in a pattern over the warmth of his skin. I begin to dance them over his ridges, keeping in tempo with the soft music in the background. Funny how I’m not focused on his erection any longer. I’m in this odd state of mind, contented to play just like this. He lets me touch him however I wish. When the song ends, he’s pulled from his trance, as if the temporary silence between the songs brought him to his senses.

He leans over me, reaching for something on the nightstand. I turn my head, curious to watch his every move. He opens a drawer and grabs a square foil from inside. I watch, hypnotized as he rolls a condom over his swollen cock. I reach out to touch him with rapt fascination and wonder.

“Oh damn, Lex. You’re killin’ me.” His abs tighten as I stroke him, my hand gliding over the smooth latex of the condom. “Fuck,” he hisses, his eyes blazing with heat and lust.

“Why are you wearing this?” I ask, perplexed. He’d never worn one before with me.

“Don’t let it bother you, Sweetheart. It’s simply precaution.” As the drugs take full effect, I don’t think anything could disturb me at this point. I’m incredibly happy; nothing could bring me down.

“You’re so beautiful.” I know I keep saying this, but it’s what I feel. His beauty has been amplified. I run my hands over the dips in his hips, appreciating every inch of him underneath my fingertips.

“Hold that thought,” his deep voice strains with desire from my light caresses. He then picks up a small black remote and clicks a few buttons before setting it back down.

“What is that?”

“Nothing important. Now, where were we?” he asks on a grin, returning every bit of his attention to me.

He rests his weight back on top of me, his hips sliding against mine in a sensual rhythm, matching that of the music, and I have the compulsion to follow suit. When I do, he groans. “Do you want more of my kisses, beautiful?”

“Yes, you know I do.”

He nudges my legs, spreading them open so he can settle his swollen member between the lips of my silky sex, and I whimper.

“Did you miss me, baby?”

“Vince…” I don’t want to talk. I want to kiss; I want to feel. I’m on this high, and I don’t want the spell to be broken. He pulls his hips away from mine and stops caressing me. It dawns on me then—the game he’s wanting to play—and he’s now implementing the consequences of me giving him the wrong response. His touch for my answer…the right answers. “Yes, Vince,” I blurt out, unashamed of my actions. I would say anything right now just to get what my body needs. I am that starved for his affections, desiring to feel and experience all the heightened sensations I can. I’m immediately rewarded with a tender kiss.

“I missed you too.”

He rolls his pelvis into mine as he pinches my nipple, and I come undone.

“Oh,” I moan. “More…please.” A part of me knows this is the touch of the devil, but there's no way in hell I'm able to rationalize the truth with myself. I can't even hate myself for what we’re doing; it’s literally impossible.

“I could kiss you all day long…just like this…for hours,” I admit.

“That can be arranged,” he murmurs over my lips. “You're so damn beautiful.” I feel as if I am having an overwhelming, all-over body high. “The desire is insane, isn’t it?” he asks as if he knows first-hand what I’m feeling on these drugs.

“Yes,” is all I can breathe, but I’ve realized the word is all he wants anyway. It’s the winning answer to all the questions in his little game. I don’t care, though. All I know is I don’t want these euphoric feelings to stop.

He slips his hand between our bodies then begins to stroke me between my folds with enough pressure that it sends me spiraling out of control. His fingers slip easily past my entrance, and I’m surprised at how wet I am.

“You’re so turned on, aren’t you?”

“You have no idea,” I respond as I thread my fingers through his hair, pulling him in for a kiss. I begin to make little noises, breathing heavily and feeling as if I’m having an orgasm, but I’m not.
Or am I?
He thrusts his fingers deep into me, stroking my inner walls with precision. I can’t believe how I’m getting off from so little effort.

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