Quirkology (46 page)

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Authors: Richard Wiseman

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Speed dating
Speeding near a school
Spirituality in church and low-frequency sounds
Sporting success and birth date
Stack, Fritz
Stack, Steven
Star Trek: The Next Generation
(TV show)
Stars in Their Eyes
(TV show)
State of the World’s Cities
Stature and Stigma
(Martel and Biller)
Status and height
and criminals
effect of on behavior
and facial appearance
influence of Hollywood on stereotyping
national stereotypes
Stewart, John
Stockholm, Sweden (pace of life in)
Stop signs, failure to stop at
and laughter
and numbers
Student’s Guide to the Seashore
(Fish and Fish)
Study in Scarlet
Subliminal perception
and magicians
subliminal messages
Suedfield, Peter
Suggestion, power of
and false memories
comedians and
copycat suicides
and country music
Summer births and lucky people
Superiority as a basis for humor
Supermarkets, misuse of express lines
growth of in perilous times
and hospitals
Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman
and choice of residence
effecting choice of marriage partner
effecting choice of occupation
effecting choice of political candidates
with negative connotations
Susan (unlucky person)
Sweater, choosing to wear
Sweden and caring communities
and caring communities
pace of life in
Syria and caring communities
Tanzania, laughter plague in
Taurus (astrological sign)
tax benefits of December birth
tax liability influencing date of death
Tea, brewing
Teaspoons, mystery of the disappearing
Tel Aviv, Israel
superstition and stress in
Temperature, outside
at time of birth and impact of on luck
and time of death
Teresa, Mother
“Thank you” and tipping
of money from collection boxes
of teaspoons
Thermal conductivity and firewalking
“Third Reich joke courts”
Thirteen (the number)
Friday the thirteenth
Thirteen Club (in New York)
Tia (in investment study)
Tiberias, Israel, superstition and stress in
Time, passage of.
See also
judging passage of time
“Time twins” experiment
Times Square (New York City)
Tips for writing personal ads
To Tell the Truth
(TV show)
Todorov, Alexander
Tokyo, Japan (pace of life in)
Tomhave, Judith
Tomorrow’s World
(TV show)
Tonight Show with Jay Leno
(TV show)
Touching wood
Tour de France race
Traffic citations and bumper stickers
“Trait Humor and Longevity: Do Comics Have the Last Laugh” (Rotton)
Trinkaus, John
Trivial Pursuit (game)
Trobriand Islanders
Truman, Harry
Turner, John
Turner, Joseph Mallord William
“2Year-Old-Man” routine
“Two of us” in personal ads
Type A personality
Unethical behavior.
See also
Antisocial behavior; Deception; Lying
United Kingdom.
See also
Britain; England
United Nations (UN)
United States
American sense of humor
and caring communities
Université Catholique de Louvain
ambient temperature and unlucky people
black cat crossing your path
in Japan
luck and “pass the parcel” studies
unlucky numbers
unlucky people and birth date
Unusual first names, benefits of
Up the Down Staircase
Us, focus in personal ads
U.S. Air Force
U.S. News and World Report
Used car, treatment of
Used-car dealers, honesty of
Van drivers, women
Vanishing gloves mystery
Vicary, James
Vienna, Austria (pace of life in)
Violence in the media, impact of
Virgo (astrological sign)
Wade, Kimberley
Walk on fire
Walking down streets, measuring speed of
Walking under ladders
Wall Street Journal
Warsaw, Poland (pace of life in)
Washington Park Zoo (Indiana)
Water Music
Watson, Aeron
Watson, Dr. (joke about)
Watt, Caroline
“We Do What We’re Told (Milgram’s 37)” (Gabriel)
“Weasel chomping” jokes
Weather forecasts, accuracy of
Werther Effect
When Harry Met Sally
Who Was Who
Who’s Who
“Why did the chicken cross the road?”
“Why Susie Sells Seashells by the Seashore: Implicit Egotism and Major Life Decisions” (Pelham)
Wilberforce, Samuel
Williams, Robin
Williams, Steve
“willing self to live longer”
Wilson, Paul
Wilson, Woodrow
Wine purchases and music
Wing and a Prayer, A
Withdrawn personalities as unlucky people
Wittgenstein, Ludwig
Wolff, Harold
See also
Gender differences
women van drivers acting antisocially
Worcester, Massachusetts
Word of mouth, sharing information via
Words vs. actions
World in Action
(TV program)
World War II
World’s funniest joke
final result
WTTV (Indianapolis)
Yahoo Internet Yellow Pages
Year of the Fire-Horse
“Yes,” use of compared to other terms
You, focus in personal ads
Zaritsky, John
Zimbardo, Philip
Zodiac, signs of
Zweigenhaft, Richard
Zygomatic major muscle
Every effort has been made to obtain appropriate permission for the material reproduced in this book. Any omissions will be rectified at the earliest opportunity.
Copyright © 2007 by Richard Wiseman
All rights reserved. . No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For information, address Basic Books, 387 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10016-8810.
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