Quirkology (43 page)

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Authors: Richard Wiseman

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and caring communities
German sense of humor
honking car horns in
pace of life in
superstition between two world wars
Ghosts and ghostly phenomena
Global shrinkage.
Shrinking world
Gloves, mystery of the vanishing
“Gloves as Vanishing Personal ‘Stuff’: An Informal Look” (Trinkaus)
Glynn, Laura
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
Gold Shield Coffee Company
Golden Bough, The
Goldwater, Barry
Goldwyn, Samuel
Gone With the Wind
Good Samaritans
Goon Show, The
(radio show)
Gore, Al
Gorillas using sign language to lie
Gosall, Gurpal
“Grand Inquisitor.”
Day, Robin
Grant, Cary
Greenfield, Susan
Greening, Emma
Greeting cards, psychology of
Gregor, Thomas
Grove, Lefty
Guangzhou, China, pace of life in
Guinness World Record
Gundlach, Jim
Gutierrez, Debi
Hague, William
Hair, psychological importance of
Hamilton, Margaret
Hampton Court (London)
Handel, George Frideric
Handwriting analysis
Hanft, Lucas
Hannin, Harry
happy eaters are bigger tippers
and smiling
Harker, Lee Anne
Harlem Globetrotters
Harris, Peter
Harrison, Albert
Hartman, Arthur
Harvard, John
Harvard University
Ghosts and ghostly phenomena
benefits of laughter
and numbers
Heart rate and physical attraction
Heaven, people’s chances of going to
Height, psychological importance of
estimated based on status of person
in politics
Height of Your Life, The
Hellard, Margaret
Help, provision of
and caring communities
giving aid only to those with similar views
helpful cities
measuring willingness to help
to those with similar birth dates
treatment of abandoned used car
by various religious groups
Herrmann, Alexander
Heussenstamm, Frances
Hidden messages
Higham, Philip
Highfield, Roger
High-frequency sound waves
Hingis, Martina
Hinsz, Verlin
Hira, Kenji
Hitler, Adolf
Hoffman, Dustin
Hollywood movies
effects of watching different kinds
gender taste in
influence of Hollywood on stereotyping
Holmes, Sherlock (joke about)
See also
Deception; Lying
amount of hair a factor in determining
evaluating priests and used-car dealers
judging Nixon’s during the presidential debate
study of reactions to overpayment
Hong Kong
Hooligans and Trivial Pursuit
Hospitals, superstitions and
Hotel Meurice (Paris)
Hound of the Baskervilles, The
(Conan Doyle)
Houran, James “Jim”
Houston, Texas (level of helpfulness in)
See also
Jokes; Laughter
brain scans showing physical impact of
comedy potential of letter “K”
creating sense of superiority
Freud on humor
incongruity as a basis for
national differences in
Hunt for Red October, The
Hurley, Jesse
Huxley, T. H.
“I,” use of when lying
I Told You I Was Ill
(TV show)
Ice House (comedy club in Pasadena)
Imagination and belief in strange phenomena
Impatience and honking car horns
Incongruity as basis for humor
Independence Day
people born around
presidents dying on
“Individualism” and caring
and caring communities
pace of life in
Low-frequency sound waves
Ingersoll, Robert Green
Initials spelling out words
Institute of Psychiatry
International Herald Tribune
and sending greeting cards
Investments and astrology
pace of life in
superstition about hospital stays
Italy, honking car horns in
It’s a Wonderful Life
Jack (family member named)
Jahoda, Gustav
Janus, Samuel
Japan, pace of life in
Japanese superstition
lucky and unlucky days
year of the Fire-Horse
Jastrow, Joseph
Jefferson, Thomas
Jenkins, Rob
Jerusalem, Israel, superstition and stress in
Jesus, birth date of
Jesus of Montreal
Jet lag
Jews rating jokes
Joel, Woolf
John Fig, Inc. (company)
Johnson, Andrew
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Johnson, Samuel
See also
Humor; Laughter
age groups and joke appeal
brain scans showing physical impact of
creating sense of superiority
gender differences
incongruity as a basis for
sample jokes
self-disparaging jokes
Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious
Jones, Steve
Jones, Terry
Jorgenson, Dale
Journal of Applied Psychology
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Journal of the Society for Psychical Research
Judge, Timothy
Juries and facial sterotyping
“K,” comedy potential of
Kaku, Kanae
Kaspar (black cat)
Kassarjian, Harold
Keating, David
Kellar, Harry
Keltner, Dacher
Kennedy, John
Ketchup as favorite food
Key, bending of
Keyes, Ralph
Kim, David
King, Carole
King, Richard
Knees, shining a light on
Knippenberg, Ad van
Koko (gorilla)
Kopczuk, Wojciech
Kraut, Robert
Kroto, Harry
Krusty the Clown
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), level of helpfulness in
Kupcinet, Irv
Labeling effecting self-image
Labour Party
Landis, Carney
Language of lying
LaPierre, Richard
Large numbers, law of
Larson, Gary
Las Vegas casinos

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