Quirkology (44 page)

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Authors: Richard Wiseman

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Last names.
Last Supper and thirteen
Last Tango in Paris
Laugh tracks
See also
Humor; Jokes
health benefits of
and “K” words
laughter plague in Tanzania
Plato not a fan of
and religious fundamentalism
“Law of contagion”
Law of large numbers
Leacock, Stephen
Leaflets, sharing information via
Legal proceedings and facial stereotyping
Lehman, J. Arthur
Leigh, Vivien
Leno, Jay
Leo (astrological sign)
Leonardo da Vinci
Letterman, David
Letters, studies concerning forwarding or mailing of,
Lével, Leon
Levin, Mark
Levine, Robert
Liberal as a trait of Democrats
Liberal churches, helpfulness of
Libra (astrological sign)
Life decisions, surname effecting
Life expectancy.
See also
Longevity; Mortality
and a person’s initials
Light-pull, special powers of
Lights, impact on biological clock
Lilongwe (Malawi), level of helpfulness in
Lim, Megan
Lincoln, Abraham
Listening vs. looking to detect lies
Littlepage, Glenn
Livingstone, Margaret
Lodge, Oliver
Loftus, Elizabeth
London, pace of life in
London Entertains
(TV show)
London Zoo
Lonides, Basil
“Looking up to” someone
Looking vs. listening to detect lies
Lord, Richard
Los Alamos, New Mexico
Los Angeles
Lost letter test
Lotteries, choosing lucky numbers
Love at first sight
“Love is blind”
Low-frequency sound waves
ambient temperature and lucky people
choosing lucky numbers in lotteries
luck and “pass the parcel” studies
lucky day in Japan
lucky numbers
lucky people and birth date
optimism and
Thirteen Club (in New York)
Luke 6:21
“Lunacy” (Danzl)
See also
Deception; Fake smiles
gorillas using sign language to lie
listening vs. looking to detect lies
parents lying about child’s birthday
ways to detect lies
MacFarlane Burnet Institute for Medical Research (Melbourne)
“Mad Monk of Russia”
Madonna (singer)
Magic Circle (magic club)
Magic tricks
Magicians as honest deceivers
Maio, Gregory
Malinowski, Bronislaw
Marksmanship, improving with subliminal messages
Marriage, surname effecting choice of partner
“Mars Effect”
Martel, Leslie
Marx Brothers
Mason, Jackie
Massachusetts General Hospital
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
horoscopes of
wearing sweater of
Mayo, Jeff
Mayo School of Astrology
McKinley, William
Me, focus in personal ads
Mechanism of Human Facial Expression, The
(Duchenne de Boulogne)
Media, impact of violence in
Medical Center
(TV show)
Medical Research Associates
Mediums and séances
Mehinaku tribe
Memories, malleability of
Memory loss, jokes about
Memphis, Tennessee (level of helpfulness in)
Gender differences
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mexico, pace of life in
Michael (gorilla)
“Midas Touch: The Effects of Interpersonal Touch on Restaurant Tipping, The” (Crusco)
Milgram, Stanley
Miller, Michael
Milligan, Sile
Milligan, Spike
“mind over matter”
Mission Impossible
(TV show)
Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood
(TV show)
Mona Lisa
(Leonardo da Vinci)
Mondeville, Henri de
Monet, Claude
“Monogrammic Determinism?” (Morrison and Smith)
Monroe, James
Monroe, Marilyn
Month of birth.
See also
Birth dates
and sensation seekers
tax benefits of December birth
Monty Python’s Flying Circus
(TV show)
Moral decline in society
Morris, Maxine
Morrison, Stilian
See also
Death; Life expectancy; Longevity
Hollywood movies
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit
Mulroney, Brian
Murder and boxing matches
Murphy, Patricia
Muscles and smiling
Music effecting wine purchases
(TV show)
Naked Gun
Name of the Rose, The
and careers
first names
NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
Nashville, Tennessee (level of helpfulness in)
National Association of Broadcasters
National differences in humor
National lotteries, choosing lucky numbers
National Physical Laboratory
Natural disasters and low-frequency sound waves
Näyhä, Simo
Nazi Party, Friends of
Negative astrological signs
Neuroticism, characteristics of
New age, study on belief in
New Scientist
New Year’s Day, people born around
New York City
helpfulness in
pace of life in
treatment of abandoned used car
New York Post
New York Times Magazine
New Yorker
New Zealand
New Zealand Science Festival
Nicolay, Robert
Nielsen, Leslie
Nixon, Richard M.
“Nixon effect”
Northern Hemisphere study of luck
Numbers, law of large
Numbers, lucky
Numbers, unlucky
Nuns, psychological study of
Nurses, psychological study of
Nyman, Andy
Oakland Athletics
Obedience to Authority
“Obedience to Authority with an Authentic Victim” (Sheridan and King)
impact of height and choice of
surnames effecting choice of
Ocean’s Eleven
Odd numbers, choosing
O’Keeffe, Ciarán
Ola (chimpanzee)
Open-mindedness and caring as traits of Democrats
Orbicularis oculi muscle
Organ pipes and low-frequency sounds
Oshichi, Yaoya
Out of This World
(TV program)
“Outrageous Okona, The” (
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Overpayments, people’s reactions to
Owen, Adrian

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