Racetrack Romance BOX SET (Books 1-3) (118 page)

BOOK: Racetrack Romance BOX SET (Books 1-3)
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When he finally lifted his head, she was breathing hard and couldn’t squash her gasp of regret.

“Come on,” he said thickly, “before you drive me nuts.”

He stuck the file under his arm and tugged her toward the barn. She followed, a glow warming the center of her chest. She drove him nuts? Dino, the man who could have his pick of so many beautiful women.

“I want to show you the cameras.” He looped his arm around her waist when they entered the barn.

“Have you seen Slim again today?” she asked, barely recognizing her voice and its odd sultry sound.

“Nope. I’ll let the asshole sober up first.”

The muscles in his arm tightened and he dropped his hand. She immediately regretted mentioning Slim. “Who can see the monitors?” she asked, peering at the ceiling.

“The entrances and aisle can be seen on the computer in the barn office, my computer, and eventually in the house Slim’s living in. The third can only be monitored from my laptop.” He stopped her in the center of the aisle. “The last camera is hidden but look around. Tell me if you see it.”

She studied the ceiling around the lights and smoke detector but saw nothing, only the two silver cams at the ends of the aisle. Lyric poked her head over the stall and she absently scratched the mare’s jaw, still checking the ceiling, the sides of the walls, any place a camera could be hidden. “I don’t see a thing,” she finally said.

“Good. Then it’s well hidden.” His eyes narrowed on Lyric. “That mare sure likes you. Able to clean her feet yet?”

“Yes,” she said, with a ring of pride. “And I don’t have to tie her up either.”

“That’s my girl,” he said, his easy familiarity making her heart skip. He stared at her for a moment and his voice roughened. “Let’s go home.”

He grabbed her hand and guided her from the barn, clearly in a hurry to reach his house. It wasn’t a dark night but even so, she stumbled. He immediately shortened his steps to match hers, but his urgency pulsed in waves.

The back door stuck. He pushed it back with his boot and tossed Slim’s file on the side table, without releasing her hand. “Are you hungry? I have pizza and Chinese food.”


“I didn’t know what you wanted,” he admitted with a boyish grin. He passed the bootjack and helped tug off her boots. “You’re turning into a real cowgirl. When we first met, you wore white running shoes with really thick soles.”

“Nurse’s shoes.” She smiled, secretly shocked he remembered. “And I still have those. They’re quiet in Martha’s house.”

“Is quiet what she needs?”

“No.” Becky sighed. “Actually she needs something to make her care. And the horses are all I can think of. That’s why it’s important Echo wins on Friday.”

“It’s important to me too. A win there and my bonus kicks in.”

Becky tossed her boots aside, uncomfortable with his candor. He made no secret he was racing for himself. Not Conrad Stables. Not Martha. “I guess we both want the same thing then,” she said slowly.

He didn’t notice her hesitation. Had already crossed the room. “Want to see Lyric on the cam?”

He motioned her over and flipped open his laptop. Touched some keys. The barn aisle appeared with Echo, pulling at her hay net, and Lyric, nosing her door. “We can see Echo, along with the stalls on each side,” he said. “It’s all taped too, so everything’s on record.”

Lyric quit trying to open her door and leaned over, stealing a bite of Echo’s hay. Movement flashed at the bottom of the screen, and a mouse scurried along the floor then disappeared in the crack beneath Lyric’s door. “That’s so cute.” She laughed. “The picture is clear too.”

“Clear and uneventful. Exactly what we want.” He touched her shoulder. “I’ll heat up the food.”

“Did I tell you what I wanted?” she asked, still studying the aisle, hoping the little mouse would reappear.

“I’m hoping everything.”

The husky undertone in his voice pulled her around. He’d paused in front of the kitchen island, looking so damn gorgeous, she could only gulp. “I want pizza,” she said, unable to look away. “And I thought…maybe I’d stay the night.”

He crossed the room in three long strides. “Then we’ll eat after.” He scooped her up with easy strength and carried her into his bedroom.

She clung to his shoulders, slightly awkward. She’d already decided to do this, but it would be easier if he’d turn out the light. The brightness didn’t seem to bother him though and he laid her on the bed, eyes dark with purpose as he slowly unbuttoned her shirt.

“Please turn out the light,” she whispered.

He studied her for a moment, then without a word, rose and snapped it off. Darkness cloaked the room, pitch black except for two stars twinkling through the window. The bed moved when he rejoined her. He’d seemed in a hurry earlier so she was surprised when he wrapped her in his arms and gently kissed her forehead.

“There’s nobody in here taking pictures, honey. It’s just you and me.” He rubbed the knot at the base of her neck.

Slowly she relaxed, savoring his familiar smell, her sense of security whenever he was around. She felt the release of her bra, then the pressure of his fingers as he massaged her back. She arched into him, liking his touch. His arousal was obvious but it seemed so right, so natural, her self-consciousness eased.

His hands moved to her breasts, molding them to his palms, and when he stroked her nipples she quivered with awareness, wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed closer. And it didn’t matter anymore that he might forget her in a month, a week, a day.

She’d expected her relationship with her boyfriend to last, but that had burst when Jared left, along with her lifelong dream for a real family. Dino, at least, was honest. When she was with him, he made her feel like she was the only girl in the world. And that was enough. Transition sex was a wonderful thing.

She quit thinking as his tongue explored her mouth, sending tingles along her spine. He undid the last of her buttons, and then his clever fingers were everywhere. She slid her hand beneath his shirt, feeling his heat, his ridges, and a contented sound escaped from deep in her throat.

He eased her back as his mouth closed over her nipple. Ripples of pleasure shot to her toes. He tugged off his shirt but continued sucking, until the throbbing between her legs ached. She heard the clink of his belt, the unzipping of her pants, a lift and a tug, then air chilled her bare skin. He could be a nurse, she thought inanely, with his obvious skill at clothes removal. She automatically closed her legs, but he didn’t seem concerned. His warm mouth rasped over her chest, honing again on her nipples, pleasure and pain at the same time, and she didn’t want it to stop.

She’d never known her breasts were so sensitive, so connected to the ache pooling between her legs. An insistent knee pushed her thighs apart. She tensed but his hand slipped lower, sweeping her with startling pleasure and her legs parted as though possessing a mind of their own.

Her groan startled her, raw, impatient, needy. This was definitely not the kind of foreplay she’d had with Jared. This hit a whole new level. She pulled at his shoulders, not wanting him to move his head from her breasts, but his hand was driving her crazy and she wanted more. Much more.

She writhed against him, realized her breath was coming in pants. He lifted his head, covering her mouth in a deep kiss that seemed to stroke her soul.

She felt his hardness and rose against him, welcoming the intrusion. But he was big and she hadn’t had sex in five years and couldn’t help but stiffen. His mouth returned to her nipple and his bold hand stroked her until she yanked at his shoulders, urging him closer.

Slowly he pushed in, filling her with his maleness. He lifted her legs, hooked them around his hips and drove deeper, heating her body with long, even strokes. She gripped his back, eyes clenched. God, it was incredibly good. She didn’t care now if lights were on, didn’t even care if cameras flashed. Obviously he was a professional lover and if having lots of girlfriends resulted in this brain-blowing sex, she didn’t begrudge him the practice.

“Don’t ever stop,” she whispered fiercely, stupidly. Of course he’d have to stop sometime, but rising waves of pleasure overrode rational thought.

His strokes grew harder, faster. She buried her head in his shoulder, crying out as her body spasmed around him. He gave a final thrust, his grip tightening and his big body relaxed.

He rolled to the side, pulling her to him. “You okay?” he murmured.

She pressed against his damp chest, glad it was too dark to see. She was way more than okay. And now it was clear why all the women chased him. It wasn’t his looks at all. Not his good humor. Not his kindness.

She didn’t have a lot of experience with sex but if she were to rank her two men, Jared would be a two and Dino a ten. Actually she had better drop Jared to a one and Dino to a nine and a half. Martha said it was always wise to leave room for improvement.

Her ragged breathing threaded with unease. Maybe he ranked his lovers too? Maybe he’d just given her a one.

“You okay?” he repeated. There was no mistaking the concern in his voice.

“Wonderful,” she said quickly.

“You are wonderful.” His hand slid beneath her hair, stroking the base of her neck. The gruffness in his tone chased away her insecurities. He sounded sincere. And of course, Martha was right. Sex was never bad for a guy. Yes, he was the perfect man to help with her naked phobia. Shouldn’t take more than a month or so.

He moved.

Light flooded the room and she flailed in panic, yanking the sheet to her neck. “Turn it off,” she yelped.

“It’s just us, honey. No worries.” He disposed of his condom then calmly wrapped the sheet around them both and pulled her to him, holding her close, saying nothing. Just being there.

Slowly her heart stopped its panicked hammering.

His hand traced her cheek. “How many times did that cockroach take pictures?”

“Whenever his wife was gone, he’d grab his camera and look for someone. We’d try to hide. Make ourselves invisible.” Her voice sounded rusty. “But when he locked the basement door and brightened the lights, we were terrified.” She shrugged helplessly. “I’m sorry.”

He tilted her chin, his face calm and reassuring. “It’s okay. He’s been out of your life awhile. Come on. I know what you need.” He scooped her up, ignoring her protests, totally relaxed with nakedness. And no wonder. He was beautiful. Dark hair shadowed his chest, running in a line down his muscled stomach. She tried to peek lower, but her head was tucked too close to his shoulder.

She gave a little squeal but even to her, the protest sounded feeble. After all, it was just the two of them. And she felt safe, liked the feel of his rough palms on her skin, his easy assurance as he carried her effortlessly down the hall and into the bathroom.

“In you go.” He deposited her in the shower and slid the door shut. Turned on the water, adjusted the shower head and picked up a bar of soap.

His confident hands on her back, combined with the warm soapy water, soothed her lingering inhibitions. It was quite delightful. The pulsing water, the perfect temperature, the tang of masculine soap. Her shoulders lowered, and she closed her eyes in trust.

“Turn around, honey,” he said. So she did. His hands slid over her slick breasts, then returned to linger and the rasp of his calloused palm made her nipples tingle all over again. She cracked open her eyes, staring at him beneath the sluicing water. He looked like a Greek god, a slightly disreputable one, his eyes dark and heavy lidded as he admired her body. And she didn’t feel a bit dirty. She felt beautiful. Bold and beautiful.

“Let me.” She slid the soap from his hand. Dragged the bar over the front of his rippled chest, along his flat stomach, following the trail of dark hair. Heard his sharp intake of breath as she moved lower. Exploring. Lingering.

The soap slid from her hand as she cupped him. She watched, fascinated, when he thickened in her hand. She kneeled and tentatively ran her tongue over the bulbous tip. He was fresh and clean and wonderful. Slowly she took him in her mouth.

The muscles in his thighs strained under her hand. He reached out and flattened his palms against the wall but otherwise didn’t move, didn’t push or force her mouth deeper, not like Jared had done. Simply waited as she explored him beneath the pulsing water.

And now he was so huge he really did look like a Greek god. She looked up, unable to hide a mischievous grin.

He abruptly turned, jammed open the shower door and fumbled in a drawer. Ripped open a condom and rolled it on. She wasn’t sure how he was going to manage sex in the slippery shower, but clearly he was comfortable with the procedure. And then he picked her up, braced her against the wall and it wasn’t difficult at all.

Her legs wrapped around his hips and he entered her fast and hard, making her gasp from the intrusion. He slowed but only to yank her legs higher.

“Sorry,” he muttered, his voice hoarse. “Next time I’ll make it better for you.”

The cords in his neck bulged, his eyes half closed, but he found her breast and when his urgent mouth closed around her nipple, waves of pleasure jolted her. She jerked in response but couldn’t move, her back pressed against the wall, legs spread wide as he drove deeper, and it was all so primal she whimpered with need.

She clenched the straining muscles in his back, wanting more, needing more, but when his teeth skimmed over her nipple, coiling waves swept her. She jerked against him, her muscles quivering from the unexpected climax.

He shuddered over her in a last powerful thrust, his body shaking. It was surprising he had enough strength to stand. She was boneless, limp to her toes, yet he was still buried. She should have felt vulnerable, her legs splayed around his back, no clothes in sight, but the only thing she felt was damn good.

And he’d said he would make the next time better.
Oh, wow
. She kissed his shoulder in complete gratitude.

“Wow, indeed,” he said and she realized she’d spoken out loud. He was looking at her, his face relaxed, almost boyish, and it was then she realized how much stress he carried. He tilted her chin and kissed her. “You’re wonderful, sweetie.”

BOOK: Racetrack Romance BOX SET (Books 1-3)
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