Racetrack Romance BOX SET (Books 1-3) (119 page)

BOOK: Racetrack Romance BOX SET (Books 1-3)
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He slid out, lowering her feet to the shower floor. She abruptly felt bereft. He’d already turned to adjust the shower head, already moved on to the washing procedure with quick, efficient strokes. The water sprayed over them, washing away the smell of passion and sex. Washing away the intimacy.

Her throat tightened; she blinked away the tightness behind her eyes. It shouldn’t bother her that he was used to showering with company, that he kept a supply of condoms in the bathroom. After all, she was using him to get over a few tiny issues of her own.

She’d already made considerable progress too—standing naked in the shower, lights on, not a bit uptight. She hadn’t even thought about Craig, although she probably needed a lot more practice, needed to ensure this new comfort level was totally ingrained.

Dino slid open the shower door, grabbed an oversized blue towel and wrapped it around her. “Need anything else?”

“No. I think I was well provided for.”

He smiled and slid a kiss across her mouth. “I mean shampoo, conditioner. There’s stuff beneath the sink.”

She managed to keep smiling even thought that pesky lump filled her throat. He had lots of women—she knew that—but now a traitorous jealousy gnawed at her insides, an emotion it would be folly to reveal.

“Thanks. I’ll just be a couple more minutes.” She turned away, pretending to adjust the towel.

She waited until the bathroom door shut then stepped from the shower and peeked beneath the sink. Her heart sank. It was worse than expected. Fancy containers jammed the storage space—high-end stuff too, not many drug store products. She scanned the labels: conditioners, shampoo, three types of tampons, two hair dryers, and a wrinkled magazine featuring a tanned Jennifer Aniston on the cover. January issue.

Greta had been here in January. Maybe some of this stuff was hers. Some might be Stephanie’s, although maybe a container or two belonged to that dark-haired girl who’d mauled Dino at the kitchen. Or some could belong to the beautiful but bitchy reporter.

Or it could be any number of unknown women.

She quietly closed the cupboard door. She didn’t care. After all, she wanted the same thing. This relationship was about sex, and that was perfect. Absolutely perfect.

She clamped her mouth and toweled herself dry, then wrapped it around her chest, sarong style. Generally she used moisturizer after a shower, but tonight she’d skip that step. She glared at the cupboard. No way was she going to use any of that stuff. Who even knew what kind of order it was in? It wouldn’t do to mix January’s with June.

Impulsively, she bent back down and rearranged the containers in alphabetical order. She even hummed when she emerged from the bathroom.

Dino’s lingering appraisal made her heart thump. “Pizza or Chinese?” he asked. “I heated both.”

He appeared naked behind the counter, and it was hard to drag her eyes off his impressive chest. However, she made a concerted effort to study the pizza. Looked pretty good. Lots of cheese. Her gaze darted back. He had a small scar on the side of his ribs that she hadn’t noticed earlier. She craned over the counter, trying to see if he really was naked, or if he had a towel wrapped around those lean hips.


“Um, yes, please.” She dragged her gaze back to the pizza.

“You look hungry.” He tossed two slices on a plate and slid it across the counter. “Beer, wine?”

A case of beer sat on the counter. On the far side of the kitchen, a compact wine rack squatted next to the liquor cabinet. Only fifteen feet away, and there was an unobstructed view.

“Red wine, please,” she said primly.

He walked toward the wine rack, and she blew out her disappointment. He wore sweat pants. Gray, low on his hips, although he definitely had a beautiful back. She’d felt it, of course, but seeing the hard contours, the ripples, even the contrasting color of his skin, made her insides melt.

“Okay?” He was holding up a bottle and obviously had asked a question. She nodded blankly but he walked around the counter, wine and corkscrew in his hand, his concerned eyes on her face. “You comfortable, honey? You seem distracted. Want a bathrobe?”

She smiled, relieved he had no idea how much she enjoyed looking at him, thought she was worried about clothes. Yet oddly, she was comfortable wearing the towel, at least around him. And it almost reached her knees, probably covered as much as a bathrobe. Besides his robe would be so big, she’d trip in it.

Unless he had others.

Her smile faded. “Do you have one that would fit?”

“There’s some in the spare bedroom,” he said. “They’d fit.”

She pretended absorption in the corkscrew as he deftly opened the bottle. “Girls sure leave a lot of stuff here,” she said, keeping her voice casual.

“A lot of it was here when I came,” he said, his attention on the wine. “Comes in handy though. There’s a pair of leather riding boots in the closet you can try.” He passed her the wine glass and checked her bare feet. “Size six, right?”

She nodded, glad her toenails gleamed from the recent pedicure, but reluctant to borrow an old girlfriend’s boots. If they were left by a past trainer, that was different. She didn’t know why it mattered—after all, she was just using him for sex—but it did.

She twirled the stem of her glass, trying to imagine his social life. “How long were you married?” she blurted.

“Eight years. Two were happy.” He pulled up a chair and grabbed a piece of pizza, totally at ease. “It wasn’t all Laura’s fault. Training is demanding, and it made her miserable. I’ll never marry again.”

“Don’t you want children?” She nibbled on a slice of pizza, pretending to concentrate on the cheese as it stretched in a thin line. “I mean, not now, but sometime down the road?”

“Never felt the urge. Horses fill that hole.”

He didn’t return her questions. She’d already noticed that if he didn’t care, he didn’t ask. A relief, really. His face would have blanched if she admitted she wanted a husband, three kids, and a yellow Lab to chase sticks in their backyard.

But of course, she didn’t want that now. And as Martha had said, she needed to get out, have fun, gain a little confidence. He was only a stepping stone. The fact that she was so comfortable with him was a bonus. In fact, she realized, adjusting the knot in her towel, she was as comfortable with him as she was with Martha.

“Another slice?” His voice was husky, his eyes lowering to watch her hands.

“No, thanks. I’m full.”

“I, on the other hand,” he stepped closer, “can’t seem to get enough.” He tilted her head with a finger. His warm lips skimmed over her collarbone. She steadied her hand on the counter, trying not to move as that slow mouth drifted along her shoulder, leaving her breathless.

He wasn’t even touching her, except with his mouth, but already she swayed on the stool. And now he toyed with an earlobe.

She slid off the stool and leaned into him. A flick of his finger and the towel dropped to the floor, settling over her pink toes.

“We’re doing pretty good working on this clothes hang-up.” His thumb brushed the bottom of her breast. “But there’s a couple more things I should show you.”

“Is this something best shown in the bedroom?” she murmured, standing on her tiptoes and pressing her lips against his cheek.


“Good,” she said.



Chapter Twenty-Five



Dino pried his eyes open and checked the bedside clock, surprised it was already five a.m. Years of waking at four had left him with an ingrained habit. He never overslept. Except today. He raised his arms and stretched, not tired, just completely and utterly satisfied.

Rarely had he had a better lover. Or a more generous one. Becky certainly didn’t worry about hiding that sexy body anymore. He reached over, feeling for her, but already sensed he was alone. He rose, pulled on a pair of jeans and padded from the bedroom.

Light filtered from the living room. She was curled in the armchair, staring intently at his computer screen. Unfortunately, she was dressed.

He touched her shoulder. She reached back and squeezed his hand. “They’re feeding breakfast,” she said. “Gosh, Lyric’s a fast eater. She’s already finished her grain.”

“We’re supposed to be watching Echo,” he said dryly. “The mare that’s racing tomorrow.”

Her laugh was quick and infectious, but she kept her attention on the screen. “I’m watching them both. But Lyric is much more entertaining.”

He didn’t realize he still held her hand until she tugged it away and pointed at the screen. “Look at her trying to sneak out the door when the groom checks the water.”

“Fascinating,” he drawled, watching her face. She hadn’t really looked at him yet, had given no hint they’d just shared a very special night. Maybe she didn’t realize how good it had been. He was positive he’d made her come three or four times. In fact, he was getting hard just remembering her throaty whimpers.

“Are you leaving for the track now?” She finally turned and glanced up. Her lower lip was slightly swollen, hair rumpled, not a trace of makeup. She looked beautiful.

“I’m not sure.” He dragged a hand over his jaw. He’d intended to drive up to Lone Star but was now reluctant to rush off. “It’s kind of late. Shane can probably handle it. What time does Martha wake?”

“About seven.”

“So we have a few hours. I don’t have much breakfast food, but I can make coffee.” Picking up his phone, he moved into the kitchen and called Shane. “You’re in charge today. I’m staying at Conrad’s.”

“Sure, boss.” Shane sounded surprised but delighted.

“Remember to put blinkers on the Barkeeper colt,” Dino said as he one-handed the coffee tin from the cupboard, “and the new filly needs a shadow roll. She should jog three laps.”

“Okay,” Shane said. “And that hot-assed reporter called again. Wanted some news on the Conrad filly. Said you promised her an update. She sounded pissed.”

“I’ll look after her.”

“And if you see Becky, say hi,” Shane added. “Is she coming to the races tomorrow?”

Dino stiffened, his gaze drifting to Becky. He had the juvenile urge to tell Shane she was right beside him, fresh from his bed. “Yes. She’ll be driving down with me when I bring Echo. And driving back with me as well,” he added, his voice clipped.

“Slim’s not hauling?”

“Nope.” Dino tossed a spoon in the sink, mentally ticking off his morning. Feed Becky, oversee new exercise rider, pick up broken leather, fire Slim. Find his replacement as quickly as possible. It was unfortunate Stephanie was gone. She knew the animals, and Slim wouldn’t be as missed if she were around.

Or maybe Shane could move to Conrad’s and help out for a few weeks. He’d be the ideal person since he already knew the horses. But the thought made him scowl. “I’ll call you at noon.” He cut the connection and walked back into the living room.

Becky was still watching the screen, smiling at something Lyric did. He bent over and gave her a possessive kiss. Usually women were the ones who wanted to talk relationships, but she hadn’t said a word last night, not even when she cuddled in his arms, sweet and sated.

He’d been relieved; he didn’t do relationships and that direction of talk generally made him sweat. But the sex had been damn good. Too good for them not to continue for a while.

“So we’re still on for dinner tonight, right?” He stared at the computer screen, pretending interest as one of the stable hands plunked a blue wheelbarrow in front of Lyric’s stall.

She glanced up in surprise. “You’re going to stay here? Until we haul out tomorrow?”

It did sound odd, and he crossed his arms, slightly defensive. “Echo’s race is important. I have to win for my bonus to kick in. So I
to stick around.”

“Right.” She nodded and looked back at the screen. “Of course, the race is important to Martha too.”

“Of course.” He shrugged. “Anyway I need to stay here. I got a new girl coming by to fill in for Stephanie. She’s ridden for me before but unfortunately never galloped Echo. So I’ll need to watch her. Got a bunch of other stuff to do here too.”

“You sound busy so I’ll clear out now.” She smiled but didn’t look away from the computer screen. “I appreciate how you helped me, you know, be more…comfortable. It was a lot of fun.”

“Fun?” He stared at the top of her head, thoughts of Slim and Echo sliding right out of his mind. She thought their lovemaking had been fun? Of course, she’d only slept with one other guy before. Maybe she didn’t realize how good the sex was. “I’m not sure if
is the best description,” he said cautiously.

“Well, I thought it was.” She unfolded her legs and rose from the chair. “You were most impressive and certainly justify all the shampoo. Thanks for everything.” She stood on her tiptoes, brushed his cheek with a cool kiss and headed toward the door.

The reference to shampoo was confusing but it was clear she intended to leave, and since he had a lot to do, that was probably a good thing. But he didn’t want her to go, not yet. The knowledge left him irritated. “But I just made a pot of coffee. Stay and help me drink it.”

She smiled over her shoulder. “But you don’t have any food.”

“I have pizza. It’s delicious cold. And Chinese food, which I can heat.”

She wrinkled her nose, gave a little wave, and walked out. Probably in a hurry to see Martha. Understandable, of course, but he didn’t like to be abandoned. He scooped his boots off the mat and rushed after her.

The sun hadn’t poked over the ridge yet, the vehicles were only a dark shape in the gloom, but a car door clicked. Christ, she was fast. He’d only hauled one boot on, and she was pretty much gone.

He stopped hopping on one leg, yanked the boot off and tossed it aside with a clunk. “If you want to go on a trail ride,” he yelled, “be at the barn by ten.”

“You have time to ride with me?” He caught an indistinct blur of movement as she called out the window, and the delight in her voice was obvious.

“Of course I do.” He grinned foolishly.

And then the car crunched over the gravel. Headlights panned the driveway as it wheeled around and whipped down the road. He propped his hip against the door, watching until it disappeared. She drove faster now, with more confidence. Yes, indeed. Quite a bit had changed about Martha’s meek little nurse.

BOOK: Racetrack Romance BOX SET (Books 1-3)
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