Racetrack Romance BOX SET (Books 1-3) (65 page)

BOOK: Racetrack Romance BOX SET (Books 1-3)
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She pressed a rein against the left side of Ghost’s neck, turning him neatly on his haunches. “Show off,” he called, secretly impressed she was such a quick study. He could tell she’d always need a challenge, something to keep her stimulated, and although skiing was out, riding might be an option. With her grandfather’s backing, she could train and compete in any discipline she chose.

“There’s an English saddle in the tack room,” he said. “It‘s bigger than the exercise saddles. Tomorrow you can try that. But you’re a naturally relaxed rider, so you might prefer western.”

She tilted her head, as though giving it serious thought. “Well, let’s see. What clothes would be more fun? The flashy western shirt and silver buckle, or the black velvet helmet and skin-tight breeches?”

“I vote for the breeches,” he said, staring up at her, high and saucy on his horse. And completely out of reach. She wore a striped shirt, and purple lines banded her breasts. He’d always admired her body, but now that he knew what was underneath, it was increasingly difficult to keep his hands in his pockets. “Time to dismount,” he added, his voice gruff. “You can loosen the saddle here and lead him back. That way we can pop him in the stall and get to my place.”

“In a hurry, boss?” She flashed him an innocent smile.

I’ll let you find that out for yourself, he thought.




Traffic crawled, but it gave Mark time to finish his never-ending paperwork. He’d shoved a pen and notebook in Jessica’s hand, bribing her with thirty minutes in his Jacuzzi if she updated while he drove. Since he intended to join her in the tub, he considered it an excellent arrangement.

“Sixty days at the farm. Okay, Doc.” He reached out and adjusted the car speaker. “What about the stifle x-ray? The owner wants to sell and is calling every hour.”

He listened intently then cut the connection and glanced at Jessica. “Got that? Sixty days’ farm rest for Bridge Token. X-rays not ready yet on the Smart Strike colt.”

She nodded. “And you want to call the farrier about glue-on shoes for the new two-year-old and check with the racing secretary about changing the conditions on Friday’s race.” Her voice lowered as she flipped through his scribble of notes. “Plus, call Emma Rae.”

“I met with Emma Rae and her agent last night, along with Steve,” he said. “So the jockeys are taken care of.”

He didn’t know what he’d done to deserve such a beautiful smile, but she seemed relieved, happy about something. And he liked to see her happy, didn’t like the loneliness that clouded her face when the other workers rushed off to their apartments or thoughtlessly excluded her with their Spanish.

However, she simply didn’t fit. She was a penniless groom sleeping in a stall but walked and talked like an owner. Her sheer class made people uneasy. Maria, bless her heart, had smoothed Jessica’s way, but there would always be a chasm—an even deeper one if people guessed she was sleeping with him. And God help them, he wanted her too much to care.

He turned in his driveway and switched off the ignition. Heard her stomach growl. “Damn, I’m sorry, Jess. I should have stopped and grabbed you something to eat.” He and Dino always met for a big meal in the morning, but the grooms were far too busy.

“Maybe we could make a couple peanut butter and jam sandwiches?”

Her hopeful expression made him feel like a jerk. He hadn’t given her time to run to the kitchen, and she’d probably only eaten a donut or two. Tomorrow he’d bring Egg McMuffins, enough for everybody so no one would guess who he was really trying to feed.

His jaw hardened as his annoyance at Boone spiked. The man was utterly callous, dropping his granddaughter into the backstretch. Setting her up to quit in despair. Instead, she’d coolly handled everything thrown at her and developed into a pretty good groom.

He grabbed his briefcase, locked the car and followed her up the steps. The noon sun was warm, and she’d removed her jacket. Her jeans molded to her curves and when she slung the jacket over her shoulder, her shirt lifted, revealing the soft skin on the small of her back.

God, he was horny. Since he’d had to keep his hands off her all morning, he indulged in a quick grope of her rear while he inserted the door key. She twisted in surprise.

“Just brushing off Ghost’s hair,” he said, reluctant to admit how turned on he was. He followed her inside and kicked the door shut with a thud. Passed her the bootjack then tugged off his boots and caught up with her in three quick strides. Slid a hand around her hip and nuzzled her neck.

“You’re going to have to feed me first if you expect top performance,” she protested. “At least a sandwich.”

“Okay, but one kiss first,” he murmured, inhaling her fresh smell.

“No, I’m not falling for that—”

Silencing her with his mouth, he teased the corners, exploring the curve of her lips until her mouth parted. He slipped his tongue in, gentle at first then more persuasive, until she fused to him in a way that left him breathless. “I expect more stamina today,” he managed, sliding a hand over her breast, hiding his need with some flippancy of his own.

“And I expect lunch,” she added, but her voice had turned husky, and he knew he was getting to her. He slipped his hand beneath her hair, holding her in place, deepening his kiss until her mouth turned soft and pliant. He dawdled with her breasts then drifted lower. Ran his palm up the inside of her leg and cupped her, until her fingers gripped his shoulders and she arched against his erection.

“Unbuckle my belt, Jess,” he said, needing to know she shared his desire—the hell with food.

She yanked the buckle open, fumbled endlessly with his zipper, but at last her warm hand held him, stroked him, until he couldn’t think of anything except this maddening woman who was tilting his world. He fumbled in his back pocket for his wallet and extracted a condom. She snatched it from him and kneeled down, teasing him with her mouth as she tugged it on. Teasing him even more.

“Uncle,” he finally croaked. Her eyes held his as he flipped her onto the floor and tugged her jeans off. Spread her legs and thrust. Heard his groan, knew he was rushing but couldn’t slow. She was slick and wet, and he felt like he hadn’t had sex in a year.

He felt her telltale quivers and grabbed the back of her thighs, spreading them further so he could ram deeper. Felt his own release coming, shuddered and collapsed with her.

It was almost impossible to move, but he mustered the energy to shift to his side, pulling her to him, keeping her close. She burrowed into his chest. He pressed his lips against the top of her silky head but didn’t say a word, couldn’t, just twined his fingers around the back of her neck and held her.

They both must have dozed. When a horn tooted outside, she stiffened and tried to pull away.

“Lots of time yet,” he murmured, pressing the sensitive spot on her lower back that he’d already learned made her arch into his chest. “Let’s move to the bedroom.”

She blew out a teasing sigh. “The Labor Board isn’t going to like this. What about the Jacuzzi and sandwich?”

“You can have anything you want. Afterwards. Now please, just run along to bed.”

“Anything? Like a hamburger or something?”

“Oh, babe, you drive a hard bargain.” He probably would have given her Assets to groom if she’d asked right now. Which was the reason it was never smart to sleep with employees. It clouded judgment and pissed everyone else off. Right now, he didn’t give a damn about pissing off anyone, including Boone or Dino or the rest of his staff.

But she’d already risen and sauntered down the hall, bare legs flashing, and he caught a peek of her beautiful ass. He hadn’t even got her T-shirt off and she acted like they were finished, passing his bedroom and disappearing into the kitchen. He wanted her again but this time he’d have more control, slow down and linger. He just needed more time.

He found his jeans beneath the coffee table and pulled out his phone. Checked the time. Damn. Already three-thirty. If he did manage to coax her back to bed, there definitely wouldn’t be time for a bath and a meal. Not unless he found someone to look after her two horses and Dino supervised night feeding.

But she’d been working hard. Deserved a little break. He dragged his hand over his jaw and made an impulsive decision. Called Dino but felt torn as he made the request.

She was rummaging in the fridge when he walked in. “Find anything good?” he asked as she added thick slices of cheddar cheese to a huge plate of crackers.

“Here.” She shoved the plate across the counter. “Quickest I could do, but it still leaves me twenty minutes for the Jacuzzi. I’m taking a rain check on the other ten minutes and,” she shot him a defiant look, “I’m taking any leftover cheese and crackers home.”

He had a sinking feeling in his chest as he looked at the mound of cheese, and forgot about telling her that she had the night off. Payday was a week away, but she’d already been given an advance. However she was clearly worried about food. Had been crushed when Steve fell off and wasted her bet.

“You need money?” he asked.

“No, I’m fine,” she said quickly. Too quickly. “And I’m sorting my tickets. There’s bound to be something there.”

“You’re broke. You should have told me.” He picked up a cracker, twisting it between his fingers. She rubbed a second horse now. Maybe he could justify a raise. Still, she was already close to what Maria and the other grooms were being paid, and they had three horses. He snapped the cracker in two, realizing this was exactly the mess his father had created with his womanizing.

Her lips were slightly puffy from their lovemaking; he watched as she popped a piece of cheese in her mouth. “I know I’m a problem for you.” Her intelligent eyes were so empathetic, he felt lighter even though she quite definitely
a problem. “Guess your Three-F rule makes sense,” she added. “Dino filled me in a little when he was drunk.” Her voice softened. “Tell me about your dad.”

He turned and snagged two beer from the fridge. “Not much to tell. He’s dead now, died in a car accident, but he was a charmer and the girls loved him, including Radcliffe’s wife. I doubt Dad ever said no. Always lots of activity in his barn—grooms, hot walkers, riders. Even owners.”

He tried not to flinch, remembering his guilt at facing his mom, fresh with the knowledge of how his father really spent afternoons at the track. It had been difficult to hide the disgust he felt for his father, difficult to shield her from the truth. He’d always agonized, wondering if he should tell her. But, she’d found out on her own soon enough.

“Racing is hell on marriages,” he added. “Hours are long, and sex in the afternoon is tempting. It’s a good stress reliever.”

“So I’m a stress reliever?”

“More of a stress creator, I think,” he said bleakly.

“And do you have other stress relievers…on the go?”

“God, no.” He rose and turned his back, uncomfortable with the way she leveled those big eyes on him. “You’re more than enough for any man,” he added.

“Good.” She swept her beer off the counter. “Because I refuse to be a groupie, and I notice you have condoms all over the place.”

“Which will be required if you continue flashing those bare legs.”

She rolled her eyes and headed down the hall. “I’m going to the Jacuzzi before you renege on our agreement. Can’t waste any more time talking.”

“Of course not.” He hooked his beer and followed. “But that hot water tap has been tricky. You’re going to need my help.”




Jessica woke from a deep nap and glanced at the clock, seven fifteen p.m. She stretched contentedly against Mark’s chest, soothed by the beat of his heart, loving how his arms tightened possessively.

“Thank you,” she whispered, pressing a grateful kiss against his chest, not sure if he was even awake. However, she felt delightfully languid after the hot Jacuzzi, the lavish steak dinner and the surprise night off as well as his exceedingly generous lovemaking. He certainly knew his way around a woman’s body. Already his drowsy hand stroked her breast, touching her the way she liked. The way he knew aroused her and countless other women.

She tried not to move, but the thought of other women made her stiffen. “How can you feel like more?” she muttered.

“Tired, babe?” His voice was husky with sleep. He probably couldn’t remember her name, she thought sourly, always calling her
when they were in bed. She wanted to twist away from his confident hand, but it had already moved to massage her lower back. She often had a knot there; she closed her eyes and sighed, automatically arching until her breasts flattened against his chest. He worked his fingers over her back, releasing every spot of tension, rubbing until her angst eased along with her aches.

He tilted her head and brushed her mouth with a gentle kiss. “Why don’t you sleep here tonight? I’ll find a way to sneak you past everyone tomorrow.”

“How do you usually do that?”

“Don’t know,” he said. “Never had an employee stay overnight before.”

“Good.” She didn’t intend to say the word aloud, but a bubble of happiness dragged it from her mouth.

Didn’t matter though since he no longer seemed to be listening. His hand had wandered between her legs and she automatically rose to meet him. His bold mouth explored her chest, moving lower, turning her compliant with practiced skill.

She saw his satisfaction as he brought her to a shuddering climax but didn’t care, didn’t mind when he flipped her over and entered from behind, grasping her hips and holding her in position until he collapsed with a sigh.

“So, you’ll stay,” he said a few minutes later, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. He was breathing hard but obviously wasn’t as incapacitated as she. Her bones felt soft as butter, her mind like mush and it was incredibly tempting to sink back into the comfortable bed and sleep—or not—beside him.

But it was possible the boy hadn’t run away, and she’d been fretting about him as the night deepened. Had he fled or was he wandering around the backside, even now watching the kitchen? Needing food? Needing her?

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