Rage (11 page)

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Authors: Kaylee Song

BOOK: Rage
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“Honestly? Not that much, maybe fifteen pounds a month.” Fifteen pounds was a shitload, but it certainly wasn’t enough to sell to the entire territory the Hound’s Breath claimed to cover.


“And tab.  They sold both.  How much are your guys prepared to take on?”

The River Serpents’ dealer spoke up.  “At least double that, at first.  If it proves to be good shit, we can certainly see upping the order a good bit.  You got means to increase that load?”

Marty nodded.  “Got one lab working full-time.  The other ain’t doing much now, but we can fire them both up, if that’s what you need.”

It was like a damn complex.  How many more trailers did he have on it? How had the feds not come to find this place? I mean, fuck, he was telling us his entire operation.  I’d be freaking the fuck out.  No, no way he was sampling his own shit.  He’d’ve been caught by now.

All of this… It was too damn open. 

Marty was going on still.  “- Plus anything more we got.  We ain’t prepared to share.  But we can make it work.”

Fuck.  What were we all getting into?

The guy on the left, spoke up.  “Yinz want a beer? I got the ol’ lady and her girls in there reddin’ up the place, but if yinz want one, I can holler for ‘em.”

Bones nodded.  “I’ll take a beer.”

We all nodded or raised our hands, as well.

“Cindy, get your pretty little ass out here with them girls and bring these boys a beer, you got that?” The burly fellow didn’t move, didn’t go get them, just yelled into the trailer as he said it, grunting and waiting for his old lady to holler back.

I leaned against the railing and looked around.  Other than being a damn drug lab, it was a pretty nice property.  Open, rural, beautiful.  Nothing at all like the city.

Nothing like Braddock, where the potholes and the concrete threatened to strangle you at every turn.  Yeah, a man could breathe out here.

“Shit, we’re coming.” A woman popped out then, a couple of beers in her hand, the ladies behind her trailing out.

One of them looked directly at me and smiled, her two front teeth stained yellow from a damn meth pipe, but even so she was still pretty enough.

And was willing enough.  Her body language as she handed me the beer made it clear she’d be happy to do just about anything I wanted. 

“Here you go, hun.” She grinned, then sat down next to me.  “You’re a pretty one.  Ain’t all burly and hairy like I’d thought yinz would be.  Most of them guys around here are like that.  Ain’t so handsome to look at.” She drawled some of her words a bit, like they had flavor she had to pull out of them.  Coming on real strong.

I took a sip of beer but kept my eyes fixed forward.  I felt nothing, no surge of blood, no interest.  Nothing at all.  If anything, her nearness reminded me of where I would rather be.  In Layla’s arms, my nose against her warm skin. 

Back in the day, Layla used to shiver when I kissed her.  For a while I’d though it was my lips, until her body had taught me that it was the contrast of cool breath and hot tongue that drove her wild.  Flushed her cheeks.  Raised that light sweat along her breasts and throat.  Moistening her…

A woman’s hand touched my shoulder and I nearly jumped out of my skin.

Shit! I flinched away from the woman beside me.  Several of the men smirked at us, but I didn’t care.  I glanced at Snake and grimaced, then to Bones. 

Bones was too wrapped up in his own shit to give a damn about mine.

“What about me?” the old goat asked, laughing as he eyed the pretty piece up.  “Ain’t I perdy?” He had an ol’ lady at home and two on the side, but that didn’t matter.  Bones was content to get some wherever he could, even if that someone was a tweaking junkie.

The girl’s lips spread wide, baring an eager grin.  She wanted someone to play with.  She'd found one.  “Oh, hun, you know you are, but I wanted to give this pup some attention first.  You game for a little ride?”

When Marty nodded, she giggled and then grabbed Bone’s hand, pulling him inside of the trailer.

I went back to my beer.

We all knew what was going to happen next.  Just had to wait till he was done.  Back to Braddock, where shit made sense, and all of this faded away.

Banging one of the girls during a deal? Sometimes I swore Bones was too fucking dumb to be President of the MC.  But I shook that thought off quickly and tried to push it aside.  It wasn’t smart to question the Prez.  It was dangerous to even think shit like that.

That was how people got killed.

The last person who questioned him—hell, I couldn’t even remember who it was, but it wasn’t good.  It never ended well.  Few broken teeth, a blacked out tat, or worse.

I wasn’t going to go down that road.  I’d seen the consequences of it, and it was enough to scare even me.

“So, you wanna see the stash, check it, make sure it is what you are looking for?” Marty asked, looking at Snake.

“Yeah, me and Tiger’ll go have a look.  The rest of yinz stay here.”

Snake had better things to do than put up with Bones.  But his MC, we had to sit around and wait.  Stay close, find something to do.  We were like a pack of restless wolves.

A few of the others, mostly recruits itching for some action, followed the girls inside. 

Thrash had drifted over to the edge of the porch, getting as far away as he could.  God only knew what the man was thinking, staring out across the field at the tree-line.

I was the only one who didn’t have anything to do.  My blood was hot, thinking about a woman who was far away, and letting my mind drift didn’t offer me any relief.

Slinging back the last of my drink, I held my hand out for another.  Spat in the dirt, and tried to get comfortable.  I was bored and there was something about having to listen to our President get his that made me want to ride away.  Made me want to stop sitting around and go do something for myself.  Anything but sit here, waiting around like some kind of lackey.

But what I wanted wasn’t inside that broke-down trailer. 

It wasn’t just Layla either.  It was more.  Something I couldn’t put my finger on.  A half formed idea, hanging off my need for Layla.  It bobbed around like a children’s balloon, funny and frustrating, just out of reach.

What did I want? Revenge.  Yes, revenge.  But what else? Layla…

If I wanted just her, I could have had her the other night.  Her heat had risen for me like it always did, ready just for me.  I didn’t just want to fuck her though.  I wanted all of her.  I wanted to trust her, damn it, and I knew better.  She had a good heart, but she wouldn’t stay.  She wanted to leave this place, and I knew she would the moment she could. 

I belonged to the MC.  It was in my blood.  It was in hers too, but she would run from it.  She was too smart, too independent.  She’d been born to leave us behind.  To me behind. 

I was starting to think the pain would be worth it.  But I’d have cut off my right arm to keep her.  If keeping her could have made her happy…

Drunk and acting the fool, Bones howled from inside the trailer.  All of us still on the porch winced. 

So much for a serene retreat.


There was a violent pounding in my head.  I was tangled in the sheets, still half caught in a dream that didn’t matter.  Squirming in the covers let the cool air slip in, chilling my legs and waking me up.  That’s when he pounded on the door again, and I jumped up, my heart racing as the door shook on its hinges.

“What the hell?” I called.

“Let me in, Lala.  I need to see you.”

It was Cullen.  His voice held a mixture of anger and fear and something else that caught my breath.

I didn’t think twice.  I didn’t want to.  I just padded over to the door and I opened it, looking at that tousled man in the eyes.  He leaned against the jam and stared down at me.  I could tell by the looseness in his limbs that he had probably been drinking.  That wasn’t a bad thing.  The way his eyes slid over my body made my tongue heavy.  Made me want to run it over the palm of his hand, along his fingers.

I had put on one of my brother’s overlarge t-shirts to sleep in.  I didn’t like to sleep in clothing at all, but I figured since I was in a place that wasn’t home, a shirt couldn’t hurt.

At least I was wearing something.

“Layla, do you know how hot you look in that? Where the hell did you get my shirt?”

“I thought it was -” My mouth clamped shut.  Well, I’d thought it was Sean’s shirt anyhow. 

A grin spread across his face then, so sudden.  When he laughed, his eyes lit up like sparklers, glistening in the shadows.  The sound was rough and male, and it came so easily for me then.  It broke down any walls that I had left. 

“Fuck, I’ve missed you, Lala,” he said.  As the humor waned, the intensity in his eyes grew. 

God! Those eyes…

I shivered.

“You cold?” he asked, his voice roughened by his need.

I shook my head and took a step back from the door.  But only one step.  We were anchored, he and I.  Chained together by the desire to see what new secrets our bodies could discover.  And as I looked back up at him, we both knew that I wasn’t going to shut him out.  Not tonight.  Not anymore.

Cullen had never been the sort to overthink an open invitation.  He had been careful when we were kids, but once I’d let him close, he hadn’t hesitated.  He’d always known what he wanted. 

Tonight was no different.  Without a word, he closed the gap between us and pulled me into him.  I shut out the worries and the practical fears.  Shut everything out but him.  He kissed my neck and slipped his hands inside my shirt.  As I gripped him closer, grinding myself against his thigh.  his slid those thick fingers over my hips and dragged me closer. 

A soft moan escaped our lips, and he pulled away, breathing hard. 

He was so fucking hot, his skin burning against my body.  He pulled me from the room, scooping me up and shoving the door open with his shoulder.

One last worry danced through my head as he set me down. 
Could we do this without any consequences?
that little voice inside me wondered. 

I shook it away.

Fuck, ‘consequences’ were already happening, anyways.  Might as well get what I wanted out of it.

Might as well get what
wanted.  What I needed.

I growled as he kissed me again, our mouths devouring one another with the passion that we had been trying so desperately to hold back, trying and failing.  This time, I didn’t care.  I let him feel all of me.  My passion, my want, my need.  I let him take it and give back his own.

It was better than I ever thought it could be.

“Fuck,” I moaned into his mouth as we broke apart.  “

“Baby girl, you have no idea what fucking is,” he ground out, promise in his eyes.  “Not yet..” Excitement thrilled through me. 

It had been a long time since we were last together.  A lifetime.  I wanted to explore all the ways he had grown, changed. 

Did he still bite to keep from releasing too soon? Those hands were stronger now, bigger.  They had pinned me so easily at the clubhouse that day.  What would it feel like to strain against them? To truly use all my strength to take even as he took?

I wanted know everything.  Feel everything.

Grabbing his collar, I tugged him forward.

His room was spartan.  Nothing to distract us.  Nothing to trip over. 

The big, king-sized bed beckoned us and I went gladly.  This was where he slept, and as he laid me down in it, I breathed the smell of him from the soft sheets.

Suddenly, I felt light.  Almost shy. 

I took a deep breath and looked up at him, my eyes wide with delight and fear as he crawled over me, tracing kisses up my body.  Those hands roamed under my shirt, pressing as they travelled, as if he was making sure I was real.

“Damn, Layla.  You have no idea how often I have fantasized about this.  You.  The one who got away.” He pulled off his cut and his shirt and threw them on the floor in his haste, bending down again and kissing my throat.  His tongue licked and I bucked, so eager. 

I was hungry for him, grasping every inch of that hard body in my hands until he caught them, drew them over my head and pinned me down.  Breathless and aching for him, I waited for him. 

“We are going to go slow and enjoy ourselves.  I want the full experience.  Everything I’ve missed.  … If I only get this once, I want it to last,” he whispered into my ear as he slipped his hand up my thigh, tracing his fingers across my juicy center.  Gently, lightly. 

I was soaking wet and my pussy was pounding with need, but he didn’t care.  He ghosted over it, affording me the sensation of touch without any of the satisfaction.


I was gasping for air, mouthing and arching my back.

He was tormenting me.  There was nothing I could do to stop it. 

My blood was singing inside me.  Out in the world, in the MC, he was the boss.  He controlled the bike.  He was the one the men listened to without questioning.  I knew it in my bones that he would be President of the club one day.  If he survived.

The thought was sobering and I buried my hand in his hair to shut it out.  Out there, the world had its way.  But here, in this bed, our bed, I had just a much power.  I was just as determined.  And I knew what I wanted.

I wanted him to make me beg for it.  And I was going to make him work for it.

Arching my back, I pressed my aching pussy against the length of him.  He was still trapped in his pants, so thick and long it was impossible not to feel though the denim.  I paused, made my aching pussy still against his throbbing cock.  It was trapped.  Dying to be let out.

He had buried his face against my throat, biting the arch of my shoulder.  That tongue had been wandering and I could feel the cool air against the moisture.  Feel the way it contrasted with the heat of his breath. 

He was so focused on not losing control that it was easy to slip a wrist free of his grip.  Utterly unafraid, I let my fingers trace over the bulge of his cock.  I gripped the button and pulled it free, letting my knuckles brush over the tight muscles of his stomach.  It was damp and I growled in satisfaction.

The damn nearly burst.

He snarled, suddenly grabbing me by my hair, his eyes wild.  I couldn’t push him much further or the tension would break.  I wanted to laugh in delight, but I couldn’t breathe.

Exhilarated, I savored the smile that spread over my features.  It had been years since I had felt so free.  So powerful.  So willing to trust.

This was my man.  My man.  Powerful.  Strong.  Willing.  And ready. 

It was time to give back the power.  I knew without asking that it would be a pleasure to do so.

Relaxing, I whispered into his ear, “Fuck me, Cullen.” I purred, my tongue clicking lightly in the back of my throat.  “
fuck me.”

“Fuck,” he growled, his grip on my wrist suddenly heavy.

He loomed over me, a beautiful specimen of a man.  Strong and tall.  A glorious threat.  He’d let me have mine.  Now I wanted nothing more than to be his..

One more time.  I was going to be his.

He backed away from me, this time with purpose, playing the game against me.

His lip curled, half wicked boy, half powerful man, and he told me, “You are going to cum when I tell you to cum, Lala.  You are going to shake and writhe for me, and you are going to do it over and over tonight.” His tone made it clear that he was going to enjoy this as much as I would, “And when you are done, you’re gonna beg me for more.”


He left my shirt on as he pulled it up, just a little, just enough to expose my pussy to the air.  He wanted to see me shiver, and I bit my lip lightly with a groan, letting the cool air do its work.

“Spread your legs, Layla.  I want to see you.”

I did as I was told. 

I spread my legs for him, as those bright green eyes looked me over, claiming every inch of me for himself.  They lingered on the soft pearl of flesh between my nether-lips and bared his teeth into a grin. 

Slowly, he bent down, watching me watch him, and then he kissed me.  Right there.  Right on that little nub.  The wet, firm heat of his tongue sent shocks through me.

A breathless, heavy groan escaped my lips, the begging of an animal.  Real and shameless.  But he wanted to hear me say it.

“Who’s going to beg?” he said, hardening his voice to control it.

“Me,” I gasped. 

“Please, Cul.  Please.  Kiss me again.” I gasped the words, shuddering around the last three.

“Only when you give me everything I want, Lala.”

“I promise.  I promise.” I tried to rise.  I was ready to obey, but he pushed me back down again.  Bit lightly on the flesh of my thigh. 

“When I say so.”

I was reduced to whimpering, but he bent down again and kissed me, flicking his tongue over my clit as he did so, letting me feel exactly what I wanted.

It shook me, rocked me so hard.  I could feel each and every one of his breaths as he hesitated. 

“Please.” I managed.  I didn’t want him to stop.  I wanted more.  I needed him.  More of him.  All of him. 

Abandoning words, I licked the air, my eyelids heavy as I looked down into those determined eyes.  I cooed, writhing for more.

Satisfied, he dove in.

That hot, wet mouth came down on me, licking and caressing me as he snaked a finger into my pussy, my juices coating him as he started stroking me in a come-hither motion.

Damn, it felt so fucking good.

“Oh! Ughhhh!” I cried out. 

My groans became little moans as he increased the pace, licking and thrusting into me until my whole body was trembling.  Until I was grinding against him for more.

His fingers weren’t enough.  I needed his cock inside me.  The walls of my pussy clenched tight, telling him what I was too breathless to say. 

“Fuck me, Cullen,” I begged.  “Fuck me. 

Those eyes told me he was going to. 

But not yet.

He was right.  I was going to cum.  And then beg for it again and again.

I didn’t need his voice to push me over the edge, but he knew me too well.  As I was ready to cascade, he moaned into my pussy.

And my body erupted.  All the walls I’d built over the years crashed down in the orgasm.  Wave after wave of pleasure slamming into me.

It felt so damn good that I screamed - literally screamed his name.

And he held on for the ride, licking and stroking me inside until I couldn’t take it any more.  Until it was too much.  I cried out silently, then aloud, as the pleasure tumbled through my body, shuddering through my arms and arching my back. 

“Cullen!” I gasped, my nails clumsy with spent desire.

“Get up,” he said.

I groaned.  I felt so loose.

He had the power now, but where I had taunted him with mine, he didn’t need games or words or sadism to command.  His focus and strength were that of a man who would become great. 

Without a word, he pulled me up to straddle his thigh and I let him, gladly obedient. 

But then, he did something I wasn’t expecting.

He kissed me.  Gently.  Restraining himself. 

The sudden change shocked me. 

Still throbbing from his touch, I came again, the juice slicking the taunt muscles of his leg, as I bit my lip.  I clung to him, my tongue desperate for his.  He had to calm me down, silently reminding me to savor it. 

It was so hard.  I could taste myself on him.  I kissed him and licked him and let his tongue invade my mouth until his scent and mine were mingled and completely confused.  It felt so fucking good, I almost had another orgasm without even being touched.

All this, just from a kiss.  Well, kisses. 

Kisses.  I laughed throatily.  Cullen was a man with many talents.

“Beg me to make you cum again, Layla,” he half commanded, half pled.  His voice a whisper, rippling through my veins.  “
Beg me

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