| Tobacco:
 | employees in manufacturing, 2, 11, 82, 86, 89, 91;
 | laws pertaining to, 10;
 | manufacture of, 11, 24, 85;
 | number of processing plants, 11, 80, 90;
 | warehouses, 10-11;
 | wartime decline of, 133-34
 | Tredegar Iron Works, 5, 74, 81-84, 91, 95, 113, 126, 128, 130
 | Triplett, Daniel, 24
 | Tuckahoe, Va., 63
 | Tucker, John Randolph, 139, 142
 | Turner, Nat, 65-66, 69, 104, 105
 | Turpin and Yarbrough, 135