| 10. Weld, Vacation Tour, 288.
 | 11. Green, "Urban Industry, Black Resistance," 314; Robert, Tobacco Kingdom, chap. 10.
 | 12. Virginia Central Railroad Company, Annual Report, Nov. 1853, VHS.
 | 13. Bureau of Census, Population, 1840-60; Richmond, Personal Property Taxes, 1840-60, LVA; Berry, "The Rise of Flour Milling," 387-408; Green, "Urban Industry, Black Resistance," 395.
 | 14. Richmond, City Council Minutes, 1849; Bureau of Census, Slave Schedules, 1860, LVA.
 | 15. Goldin, Urban Slavery, chap. 5; Green, "Urban Industry, Black Resistance," 257-59; Richmond Daily Whig, Jan. 17, 1843; Daily Dispatch, July 3, 4, Sept. 12, 1854.
 | 16. Daily Dispatch, Jan. 3, 1853.
 | 17. Ibid., 1840-60; Hustings Suit Papers, 1840-60; Hill Papers, HL; Goldin, Urban Slavery, 72-74.
 | 18. Richmond Directory, Register, and Almanac, 1819; Ellyson's Richmond Directory, 1845; Richmond, Petersburg, Norfolk, and Portsmouth Business Directory, 1859-1860.
 | 19. "Employment of Slaves in Cotton Factories," De Bow's Review 8 (Jan. 1850): 75-76.
 | 20. "Excessive Slave Population: The Remedy," ibid., 12 (Feb. 1852): 182-85.
 | 21. "Slave Power on the Railroads" ibid., 11 (Dec. 1851): 638-39.
 | 22. North, Economic Growth of the United States, 189-90, 212.