| 31. Virginia General Assembly, Acts of the General Assembly, Jan. 28, 1843, LVA; Wall, "Medical Care of Ebenezer Pettigrew's Slaves," 450-70; Genovese, Roll Jordan, Roll, 223-29; Evey Jones v. Mrs. Taylor, March 1811, Hustings Suit Papers.
 | 32. The Estate of Doctor William Foushee Sr., Feb. 28, 1825, Hustings Wills; James Currie v. Peyton Randolph, Aug. 1809, Hustings Suit Papers.
 | 33. John Walker to Hill and Dabney, Jan. 1, 1839, Hill and Dabney Papers, HL; W. Wyatt (for James Martin) v. M. Sully and James Beale, July 1840, Hustings Suit Papers; Dr. Lewis Webb Chamberlayne, Account Book, 1835-36, VHS.
 | 34. Estate of Charles Starr, Jan. 3, 1833, Hustings Wills; James River and Kanawha Company, Fourth Annual Report, 1838, 331, VHS.
 | 35. Dr. William Foushee Jr., Records, LVA; Estate of Peter Copland, Dec.-Jan. 1832-33, Hustings Wills; "The Cholera," Virginia Historical Register and Literary Advertiser, 171-72, LVA.
 | 36. Philip Nelson to Messrs. Hill and Dabney, Aug. 15, 1839, Hill and Dabney Papers, HL.
 | 37. Frederick Winston v. James Brooks and Francis Markam, Aug. 1821, Hustings Suit Papers.
 | 38. Richmond Enquirer, Feb. 4, 1806, Oct. 17, 1806.
 | 39. Philip Nelson to Messrs. Hill and Dabney, Aug. 15, 1839, Edmund Taylor to Messrs. Hill and Dabney, Jan. 4, 1852, Hill and Dabney Papers, HL; Commonwealth v. Peter White, Oct. 1809, Commonwealth v. Nancy Read, Aug. 1823, Commonwealth v. Billy, July 1831, Hustings Suit Papers.
 | 40. Commonwealth v. Lucy, Nov. 1819, Hustings Suit Papers; Will of Dr. James McClurg, July 17, 1823, Hustings Wills.