| 5. Daily Dispatch, Jan. 2, 1860.
 | 6. Chesson, Richmond after the War, 7.
 | 7. Board of Health, Minutes, 1849, VHS.
 | 8. Rabinowitz, Race Relations in the Urban South, 114; Goldfield, Cotton Fields and Skyscrapers, 40.
 | 9. Board of Health, Minutes, 1849, VHS.
 | 10. Chambers, Things As They Are, 271-72; Dickens, "Where Slavery Was," quoted in Duke and Jordan, Richmond Reader, 80.
 | 11. Rabinowitz, Race Relations in the Urban South, 98.
 | 12. Borchert, Alley Life in Washington.
 | 13. Chesson, Richmond after the War, 139.
 | 14. Board of Health, Minutes, 1849, VHS.
 | 15. Daily Dispatch, May 6, 1853.
 | 16. Tyler-McGraw, At the Falls, pt. 4.
 | 17. Bureau of Census, Population, 1850 and 1860; Wade, Slavery in the Cities, 330.