Rebel on the Run (2 page)

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Authors: Jayne Rylon

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Rebel on the Run
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“Stop talking.” Here she was, in the arms of another bastard who’d lied to her.

For her own good.

She must have growled against his neck—which smelled amazing, damn him.

When he chuckled, rumbling against her ear, she balled her fists and thumped them against his chest. A waste of effort. The ineffective blows rained over him without denting his resilient muscles. “Okay. Whatever it takes. Settle down.” 

She tried, but her newly honed survival instincts screamed at her to run.

He held her tighter. “I get that you’re pissed. I didn’t mean to laugh. But you always were adorable when you got mad. Some things never change, I guess.”

Before she could lash out again, he shocked her by dropping a light kiss on her forehead.

“I missed you, Kae,” he murmured. “Every fucking day.”

“Could have fooled me.” She would have crossed her arms over her chest if she’d been standing on her own. Both to protect herself from his charm and to hold in the jagged pieces of her soul. “You knew how to find me. And didn’t.”

“It’s not that simple.” He at least had the dignity to look away when he dug himself deeper into a nest of falsehoods. Concentrating on his steps, he toted her to his truck and shifted her to one side when he put his hand on the door handle.

“Why did you go? Your father knew? And mine?”

When he sighed but didn’t deny it, she sagged.

“Why did they cover it up? Were they embarrassed you’d decided to work for a living? I think that’s kind of…cool. You always loved tinkering with your car.” She shook her head, hating to admit it. “Is everyone dishonest? How stupid have I been to believe them?”

Before Bryce could answer, a riot of yips boomed from the truck’s cabin.

They would have knocked her on her butt if she’d approached on her own. Good thing Bryce cradled her as if he’d never drop her. Too bad she knew better than to believe in fairy tales like that anymore. She cringed, hating that it seemed she curled into his embrace instead of shrinking from the latest threat.

“Don’t let that pup fool you. He’s harmless. Annoyed ’cause I wouldn’t let him run around like a maniac in these weeds.” Bryce laughed again, deeper and more fully this time. Despite her anger and confusion and…
…the sound filled her with joy. Relief that her universe still held that lyrical resonance, and the man who made it, snowed her.

Though he’d betrayed their friendship and the bond she’d thought they had, it brought tears to her eyes to know that he was here. Happy. That he’d escaped from the world of politics and inhibitions they’d grown up in. Combined with the rest of the recent drama in her life, it was too much. She wilted, completely devoid of energy. She had nothing left to give. Wrung out and exhausted, she allowed Bryce to shoo his dog then set her on the seat of his massive truck.

The adorable mutt wagged his tail hard enough that he might have knocked himself over if he hadn’t clambered into her lap and licked her face like it was some canine lollipop. His black and white markings, pointy ears and big brown eyes made her think of the Boston terrier Mrs. Winthorpe loved to bring along on equestrian outings.

“Smart dog.” Bryce groaned. “Kae, this is Buster McHightops. Give me five minutes and I’ll have us on our way.”

Kaelyn couldn’t help herself. She cracked a smile at the puppy’s unconditional love. The animal, at least, was innocent. She patted his head and scratched behind his perky ears. Within minutes, he’d curled up in her lap, accepting her repetitive stroking, which helped to calm her mind as well.

In the side mirror, she admired Bryce’s easy strength and sure movements as he went about his business. This was familiar territory for him. Comfortable in his impressive body, and at this job, he nearly had her drooling like Buster McHightops while she spied on him. Shaking her head to clear the desire fogging her righteous indignation, terror and—okay, fine—relief, she closed her eyes to block the sight.

Before he could return and ruin the first sliver of peace she’d managed to find since her world had imploded, she succumbed to the pretense of security. Even if it was false, she needed a break. A chance to regroup.

Because finding out yet another fact about her apparent life of unwitting lies might break her. The first few had cracked her. The man she glimpsed in the rearview mirror—sexy, strong and alluring—had the power to shatter her beyond repair.

He always had.

Chapter Two

Bryce couldn’t believe the way life worked sometimes. Almost as if masterminded by a freaking sadist. 

He’d finally gotten his shit together. Buried his past. Dedicated himself to moving on as a self-invented man. Everything he had, he’d earned. The group of guys he’d grown up with and ran a prosperous business with—the Hot Rods—were building something he thought he could be satisfied with for the long haul. Professionally

A miracle in and of itself.

Business was booming. They’d been slammed the whole damn summer and had a mile-long waitlist for restomods. It grew each day thanks to Nola’s new graphic proposals. Kaige’s girlfriend had shaken things up. Advanced them. Evolved the whole shop. Both at the garage and on the home front.

The addition of Nova’s lady brought a new layer to their already complex relationship, which had cemented some with Eli, Alanso and Sally’s wedding. In a group of people who’d lived transient childhoods, the stability itself was welcome. Attractive.

And that was before he tallied how much being included in that sphere of love counted toward easing the knots that had been tied in his guts for years. Since he’d left Kaelyn.

The sexual sharing the seven guys and two women had done recently filled a void in Bryce, one he had long ago resigned himself to living with. At least once he’d realized no woman would replace in his heart the one he’d had to sacrifice more than a decade ago. He might not be part of a soul-mate pairing—like Eli, Alanso and Sally or Kaige and Nola—but those in their group who were made it clear that he and the rest of the unattached guys hadn’t been left in their dust. In addition to the Hot Rods’ friendship, which had lasted since Bryce had leeched Tom London’s hospitality and moved in above the garage, he now had something…

They’d begun to explore the connection they’d formed, expanding their relationships beyond partners to lovers, forming a web of intersecting bonds that were complex and deceptively strong. Durable. A natural marvel. 

Bryce had taken pleasure in delighting Mustang Sally or Nola with the knowledge he was giving to his fellow Hot Rods—their guys—in the process. Hell, he’d even started to look forward to messing around with Holden or Carver or whichever of his garagemates might be impatient to play when the ladies were otherwise occupied. Meep gave damn fine blowjobs. Enjoyed doing it too.

Who was Bryce to reject an offer like that?

Group sessions in their living room had become a regular occurrence. Something he anticipated. It helped ground him. Made him feel almost whole. Settled.

The Hot Rods’ open-minded arrangement had been a lifesaving compromise, which he’d never dreamed possible. It allowed him to feel as if he hadn’t betrayed the memory of the girl he’d pledged his soul to while granting himself some comfort. Non-traditional intimacy filled the emptiness within him. Dark loneliness had been eating him alive, rotting him from the inside out.

Finally, he had battled back.

Shit, these days he even had a dog. Sure, Buster McHightops was a tiny runt of a thing, not much to look at yet. But he was fierce. A survivor. He loved unconditionally. Like the rest of the gang. Speaking of the pup, he trailed hot on Bryce’s heels, whining as if he could possibly be as concerned about the lady Bryce held as Bryce was himself.

Carrying Kaelyn DuChamp up the open-backed metal stairway to his home, he couldn’t help but wonder how her presence would alter his future. Rock the foundation of his newly expanded happiness. There wasn’t a question of if she would shift his course. No, it was more like
how much
she would bend his trajectory through this new life he’d created.

Because the woman he held was even more amazing than the girl he’d left behind.

Stunning. A fighter, yet vulnerable. He attempted to work the ache out of his jaw—both from clenching the damn thing and from where she’d bopped him—as he studied her lax features. Gorgeous. Though he wondered about the puffy redness of her face. Had she been crying? What had brought her out this way if she really hadn’t known he was here? And why hadn’t she had anyone to call for help when that damn tire blew?

He’d checked it quickly while loading the car on the flat bed. They were the same fucking set he’d put on the car himself, far too long ago for them to be road worthy.

He had to know more about the fear he’d glimpsed in Kae’s eyes before shock had paralyzed her. It hadn’t been entirely a product of seeing a man she’d thought long vanished that had derailed her from her usual patrician serenity. At least he didn’t think so. His blood boiled at the thought of someone trying to hurt her. Fuck, hadn’t he given up everything to keep her safe?

Like hell would someone threaten her now.

Maybe there was such a thing as fate after all.

In one morning, two worlds had collided. Bryce had yet to see through the glare to determine the damage that had been done. Even once they untangled the snarl of deceptions he’d perpetrated, how would she react if she found out about his new lifestyle?

Too many unanswered questions clogged his mind. The safe haven that grew closer with each step attracted him like a bug to a flickering neon light. With the help of the Hot Rods, they could fix this. He trusted the gang to make things right again. It was what they specialized in. Alanso, Sally and Kaige had each had recent run-ins with their pasts. Bryce refused to break their winning streak. He’d conquer his demons too. He hoped. The alternative was unacceptable. Raining danger on his pseudo-family wouldn’t be tolerated.

Tom, the guys, Sally and Nola… People who cared would rally around him. Extending that same protection to Kaelyn would be second nature. Grateful as ever, he hoped that what they would learn about him today wouldn’t change that fundamental tenant of his life.
Please don’t let them kick me out.

He couldn’t survive without them. Maybe Kaelyn couldn’t either, given her panic over going home.

For her, he’d come clean.

As he approached, the door to the apartment over the garage opened. Holden ushered him inside, peeking at Bryce’s precious cargo.

“You brought me a present?” The smartass raised his brows. “She’s a mega-hottie. Thanks.”

But when the guy reached out, Bryce couldn’t believe the overprotective instincts that roared to life. They had him turning away from his partner. “She’s mine.”

Hot Rods didn’t do possessive.

At least, not after a primary claim had been staked. Shock flashed across Holden’s face before he stood back and held the door wider. “Got it. Bring in
girl. Everyone’s here. Except Tom. We thought we should wait and see what was up before calling him over.”

Swinger—nicknamed for the car he drove, like the rest of the Hot Rods—spoke loud and clear enough to transmit the message to the entire gang. Though they loved their surrogate dad, Eli’s genetic father, they could tell by Bryce’s earlier vanishing act that something was haywire. A sketchy guy had come into the shop today and described a stranded damsel so uniquely amazing, Bryce had immediately known who’d crash-landed in his backyard.

He’d hightailed it out of the garage to rescue her.


It didn’t take a genius to figure out she was a part of his past. One he didn’t discuss with anyone, not even his mechanic family.

He tried not to meet their worried gazes as he came inside. Instead, he concentrated on depositing Kaelyn gently on the couch. Then he knelt on the floor beside her. Buster McHightops hopped onto the leather sectional and curled against her torso. When Bryce attempted to shoo the pup, he emitted a rare growl.

“Whoa.” Bryce withdrew his hand in a hurry before his fingers got nipped by baby teeth capable of shredding a pair of thick leather work gloves in less time than it took to go zero to sixty in his Rebel AMC.

“Guess Buster thinks she’s
.” Holden clapped Bryce on the shoulder before taking a seat on the sofa, around the bend in the couch. “Maybe you should have peed on her. Marked your territory or some shit.”

“Fuck you, Swinger.” Bryce stared at his dog, not too upset since he liked the idea of Kaelyn having an ally. God knew she wouldn’t count him as one once she realized how much of the history she thought she’d lived through had to be rewritten to be accurate.

Everyone gathered around gave him courage. He took a breath, prepared for her to despise him, then shook her shoulder gently. “Kae?”

“Bryce?” She fisted her hand.

“Yeah, it’s me. And you already clocked me once when you realized I wasn’t gallivanting around Europe, so you don’t have to do it again.” He grinned, since his jaw hadn’t suffered much from her ineffectual punch.

Instead of hitting him, she rubbed her knuckles into her eyes, then blinked and took a second look. He figured it was a good sign when her gaze lingered on his mouth. “This isn’t a dream? It wasn’t a nightmare.”

Her head flopped onto the throw pillow as she went limp again.

?” Eli—the garage’s owner, their King Cobra—shuffled closer, speaking at the same time. “What’s that about? Why would she think that?”

Bryce shook his head. “It’s a load of bullshit my father told her. Kae and I knew each other when we were kids.”

Damn if he hadn’t done a helluva lot of growing up those last few years he’d spent with her. Too bad she’d been too young then. Too innocent for the thoughts he’d had of her. The desire. And too dependent to run rebel with him. Otherwise, life could have been so much better…

He swallowed hard, then looked at Kaelyn directly. “That boy is as good as dead. I’m not that person anymore. So if you came looking for him, I’m sorry. You’re not gonna find him.”

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