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Authors: Lizbeth Dusseau

Reckless (3 page)

BOOK: Reckless
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Pink Flamingo Publications
Chapter Three



Well, how do I look?" Kelly asked as she marched from her bedroom dressed in a tiny midriff T-shirt and cutoff jean shorts slung low at the waist to show her belly button. Tad sat on her sofa thumbing through an old Architectural Digest. Hearing the question, he tossed the magazine back on her coffee table and looked up.

He nodded. "Not bad. But you gotta ditch the bra."

"No," she replied, shaking her head.

He stood up and walked to her side, his hand feeling behind her back for the clasp of her bra. In spite of herself, she wiggled out of it when it was loose, drawing the straps through her sleeves and finally letting it drop to the couch.

"There, that's better," he said, looking at her breasts as they pushed against the fabric, her nipples poking through.

"Yeah, sure," she said looking down.

"Girls that work in joints like this like to flaunt it, Kel. Like it or not, you gotta land the job before you can make any contacts."

She took a deep breath, knowing exactly what he meant, even if she didn’t like it. "You think this wig's going to work?" she asked, as she tucked her blond hair into the short black wig.

"You don't look anything like yourself. And the make-up's great," he assured her as he looked at her boldly shadowed eyelids and bright red lips.

"I suppose you like me better this way anyway?" she said with a little sarcasm.

"Honey, I like you just the way you are."

They hadn't had sex since the night in her office. But it was obvious that they hadn’t forgotten that wild moment. There’d been a lot of unspoken messages and eye contact that regularly reminded them of the lust and that night, and the inevitable second go around. Sex wouldn't be a bad way to start the afternoon, but she had too much on her mind.

Kelly was used to being provocative with her dress. But topless? That had never been in her plans. But regardless of her reservations she was turned on. Maybe it was just Tad getting more personal than she was used to. Or maybe it was the clothes. Or maybe it was the slut she suspected was underneath the proper business exterior she presented to the world.

"Hey, look at the bright side," Tad added. "Those tips can be pretty generous. Might even pay for that next vacation to Hawaii." He held back his mirth.

"Watch it, Stone. I'm one step shy of ditching the whole plan. If Sam knew what I was doing, he'd have my head."

"Sam wants the headlines, babe. We'll give them to him, and he'll be happy. What he doesn't know is not going to hurt him."

"And if his City editor is found flaunting her naked tits for customers in some local dive, it could turn sour."

"But that's not going to happen. Just for a few nights, Kel, nothing more."

She wished she had Tad's confidence, that some of his cockiness would rub off.

Tad dropped her off three blocks from the Blue Lady, so she had to walk the rest of the way to the nightclub. She wasn’t used to looking like a whore waiting for a john. And even if it gave her a perverse thrill, she breathed a sign of relief when she entered the club.

"You need something?" a burly, scruffy faced man asked. He was huge, must have been the bouncer. Rubbing his big belly, he leered at her breasts as they bounced underneath the tight T-shirt.

"I'm here about the job?”

"Yeah, sure, you need Jake. He's in the back."

The lights were on in the place, giving what was suppose to be smoky and erotic, an almost sterile look. Certainly there was no charisma or magic in the daytime. The place was just worn down and worn out, even if it was thriving. Maybe all the decay lent to the atmosphere a seedy sexual quality, though Kelly wasn’t quite sure. She wandered between tables to the back of the empty room, and then down a short hall she found Jake’s office.

“You Jake,” she asked a man leaning over a desk piled high with papers and accounting books.

“Yeah, I’m Jake, what do you want?” He didn’t bother to look up.

"I'm here about the waitress job," she said.

"How'd you know about it?" he asked, he finally peering up at her over the top of his glasses.

"Larry," she said. It was the name Tad had told her to use.

"Larry, huh? You his latest girl?

"No, we're just friends."

"Yeah, sure. Like Larry has friends." He drew a cigarette from the pack in front of him and lit it with a match. "What's your name?"

"Trish," she said.

"Good bar name. Suppose it's not real."

"It's real enough," she replied and he accepted that.

"You dance?" he asked.

"No, just waitress."

"You got the body for dancing," he suggested, his eyes moving from her breasts to her well shaped legs.

"Thanks. But I'd like to stay off the stage. I need to make some money, but I don't need a lot of attention."

"We'll you're gonna get it anyway, honey. That's what happens in this joint."

"Then I suppose I'll handle it."

"I always need dancers. But I need a good steady waitress too. Someone who'll show up," he said dryly. "The last waitress I had was here two weeks, started getting laid by one of the guys that comes in here all the time. The two decided to fly off to Florida. Here one day, gone the next. Never told anyone she was going, just didn't show."

Kelly nodded, listening to his speech. "Don't worry, I'll be here. I need the money."

He sat back in his chair and inspected her carefully. "So, let's just see what you have to offer," he said. "Take off the top and show me your tits.

"Here? Now?"

"Sooner or later, babe. Since I'm the boss, I get first peek." He smiled, satisfied that he had the power to make that statement.

"Larry said I wouldn't have to fuck to get hired," Kelly said, hoping Tad hadn't misunderstood his friend.

"He's right, but I get to look. Now take off the top."

She hesitated, but there seemed little choice. After all, she'd be doing it every night if she got the job. Might as well start now. Reaching for the bottom of her tiny T-shirt, Kelly drew it over her breasts, then over her head. Unveiled, she stood nervously waiting for Jake to speak.

He nodded, pleased. "They'll get lots of attention," he said, taking a puff of his cigarette, "So what size are you down below?" While she was answering, he was fishing through a cabinet behind him.

"Eight in shorts and skirts."

"Hey, perfect. I just happen to have one left." Turning back, he tossed her a pair of pink satin shorts. "Try them on."

Kelly hesitated while Jake waited, puffing his cigarette until a long ash hung down about to drop to the desk.

"You haven't done this before, am I right?" he asked.

"No, I’ve never waitressed topless."

"Well, babe, if you work around here, you'd better get used to it. I see girls in their birthday suits parading around all night long. And if you don't want to show it off, hon, you're in the wrong place.

"No, I want the job, I'm just not used . . ."

She gave up explanations, realizing that they were pointless. Taking a deep breath, she pushed her jean shorts over her hips, taking her panties with them. Exchanging them for the pink satin, she quickly put on the shorts, though Jake still got a perfect shot of her naked crotch. She was damp between her legs, so she could even smell the musty odor. Her arousal had been climbing all day long since she awakened in the morning and remembered what she'd be doing later.

"Looks good," Jake said, as she did a 360 degree in front of him. "Got a collar and cuffs for your wrists," he added, pulling a baggy from his drawer. "Costume looks real sweet don't you think? I designed it myself. You know, sort of after the playboy bunny ones, except you might as well see the jiggling flesh as have it all cramped up inside some tiny suit.”

Kelly looked down at herself, unable to fully appreciate the look. But she knew enough to know that the shorts were specifically designed to catch the eye but keep the Blue Lady legal in the eyes of the law. "Yeah, I like it," she finally answered the question.

Truth was, it wasn't really bad at all. Riding high on her thighs, low at her waist and so tight they got caught in her crack of her rear, she could both see and feel the beauty of them. They rubbed against her crotch so much, she was afraid her female juice would show through. Did the other girls have that problem too? She could just imagine Tad leering at her like a sailor just back from six months at sea.

"You'll do," he said. "Just turn on the charm." Admiring her for a few seconds more, he finally opened a desk drawer and pulled out a paper for her to sign. "Couple of rules … don't let me see you doing drugs, show up on time, and keep your costume clean. That's all I ask. You get minimum wage and the tips are yours. Show up tonight about eight. Things don't get going around here much before then. I’ll have Cass show you around."

"Thanks," she said. Leaning over the desk to sign the paper, Jake’s eyes were glued to the quivering shape of her breasts dangled down before his eyes.

"Well, now, you gotta go," he announced abruptly, when she handed him the paper. "I got some calls to make."

He lit another cigarette, and shooed her off with a wave of his hand. Kelly, deciding that he didn't want to wait for her to get dressed, grabbed her street clothes and walked out. In the hallway outside the door, she quickly donned her T-shirt and the jean shorts right over the satin pants. Out the front door a second later, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Her body was raw, pent-up. She would have rubbed herself off if she'd been home. Now just walking she could feel her thighs rub together, the action of the satin pants beneath her shorts stimulating her flushed skin. A block up the street, Tad's old 70's convertible pulled up beside her.

"Where the hell are you going?" he asked. "I was waiting for you down the street."

Disoriented, she'd completely forgotten in what direction she was headed – like being drunk, though she hadn't had had any booze, or being stoned, but there'd been no joint. As if just being in the Blue Lady was intoxicating her head swam and she was finding it difficult to make sense of surroundings.

"Sorry," she said, giving Tad an embarrassed smile.

"You get the job?" he asked, leaning over to push open the door.

"Yeah," she replied, as she hopped inside and he drove off.

Kelly remained quiet for awhile, thinking about the bar and going topless and how there'd be dozens of men staring at her breasts which she'd expose for them to see. She wasn't just doing this for work, for a story of mobsters, and pimps, and drugs, and crooked politicians. She was doing it for herself, for the woman that didn't like ordinary things—-not in sex, or in men, or anywhere in her life. Going topless was liberating, taking her out of a mold she often hated. Feeling the throbbing between her legs, she turned to Tad. “How about we fuck right now?"

Seeing the glint in her eyes, that softness and allure of a woman when she’s turned on, he enjoyed the feel of Kelly letting go as much as she was loving it. "You're hot, aren't you?" he said.

"Yes, but don't you dare rub it in, Tad Stone, just fuck me.”

"Honey, I'd never turn down your pussy,” he replied. With a sudden jerk of the wheel, he peeled rubber turning into an alley, then slowed to a crawl. It was an old manufacturing district. Most of the buildings were empty, waiting for bulldozers to tear them down for future development. Stopping the car, they climbed and took the back service entrance stairs of an abandoned factory, finding the once locked door pushed open without much effort.

Kelly had been thinking his bed or hers, but maybe this was just as well, the fuck just being physical.

"Want it here, or a few floors up?" he asked.

"Anywhere," she replied, aimlessly, still feeling drunk.

Tad took her by the hand, leading her into the interior of the building, to what had been the center of the old factory floor. A crumbling brick wall became the backdrop, and pushed against its scratchy surface every touch, every movement, everything rough sensation just added to her sexual urge. Tad removed her T-shirt in seconds, the shorts fell to the floor beside it, and the satin pants, with just enough stretch to the fabric, were pushed aside, so she was afraid he'd tear them.

"Don't you want them off?" she asked.

"No," he replied. "I like it this way."

He shoved his dick between her thighs, high inside her cunt. Raising her legs so they wrapped around his waist, his body crushed her into the brick and they fucked. She was hammered hard. And deep, because Tad was sizable enough to go deep in that position. And long, because he wanted to take his time. He figured that she needed that.

"Oh, gawd," she moaned softly. "Fuck me harder."

He banged her until she was delirious and her body ached from the pounding.

"You ever tie a girl up?" she whispered to him, when he paused long enough to hear her. Having spied some rope strewn on the cement floor her imagination didn’t let her rest until she asked for what she wanted.

"You want to be tied?" He smirked delight. "Yeah I bet you do want to be tied. An uptight newslady. So perfectly professional, so in command. You want to be subdued and taken advantage of. That right? Tired of being a priss? Always being in charge. Time to let someone else take control. Is that what you need?"

"Do it, Tad," she murmured, not listening to his monologue. "God gawd, just do me, do me now."

Tad dropped her to the floor as he pulled out of her. And while Kelly tore away the satin pants, he picked up the dusty rope. A pocketknife in his hand, he cut lengths that went around her wrists and ankles, one for her waist and one he'd run up through her crotch. The ropes and a discarded wooden saw horse a few feet away was he all he needed to immobilize her.

The feisty blonde was a pretty picture tied over the long beam. Her feet secured to one end, her arms secured to the other, her breasts where forced to either side of the wood, while her ass end hung off the end so he could have access to any place he wanted. He bound her around the waist securing her to the top bar, and then drew one end of the rope up the middle of her behind, so it was on the inside of her labia, but not covering the main hole where he'd finally take her.

BOOK: Reckless
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